Sunday, July 15, 2018

CR 708

Excerpt from the 708th official contact conversation on Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ptaah ... But now I want to address you again, that you have to say something further
and explain what you explain in our conversation on April 28th with your long monologue
because I think that further explanations are really necessary.
Billy You're right, because the whole thing can not be explained enough, but I think - because you
It has been mentioned in the Paleolithic with Sfath, etc., where already the first form of faith
after which, after a little more than two minutes, the first killing resp. the first murder
took place, as I have witnessed and witnessed - that I do not have to talk about it. It is fine
I do not need to talk about the horrible religious ritual sacrifices that I
various other epochs in various ethnic groups and clans together with Sfath, as well as
with ascetic ... well, I think that would go too far, because the whole of what I'm into
expounding and executing another longer monologue involves a great deal, hence time as well
will not be enough today to list all the facts. What I would explain and explain everything would be
to fill several books that I would have to write about it. But I would like to add some additional
say something, maybe ... wait, ... yes, ... let me have another minute please. ... fine, then it is fine
good, if I comment on the whole in a special way, but again to a longer,
However, this time too incomplete monologue will lead, because nothing can be completely said what
just said and should be explained. ... well, ... even if I have the religions and sects, and so too
the religious, sectarian delusion of the faithful, as well as the factors of belief
Depend on the relationship that religious delusional belief in stupidity, suggestibility and lability
founded by the faithful, it does not mean that I can use it to believe the faithful people as such.
verbally or otherwise attack or condemn the faithful as human beings. What I have to say
To scoff, to moan and to complain and to mock, is therefore - and this must be absolutely clear and understandable
To be honest - not the believing man as man, for as such he is a creative one for me
Essence and as such in every respect an offense and insult etc. absolutely
unassailable and taboo. So I do not pretend, in any way, one
religious, sectarian or otherwise delusional, delusional or enthusiastic
ill people as a human in any verbal form or to attack
inadequate to offend. Such a deed has never been my species in my lifetime and will become so
also never, even if I speak in my statements and explanations of the , , , , etc., etc., the 
stupid, stupid, obedient and intellectually, intellectually and intellectually disabled, etc., because in every single one
Case, this is just the usual and common way of speaking, when something unfavorable
Wrong and unfair, etc. is recorded and denounced. However, this must never be wrong
Be understood that way that man himself as such resp. man attacked as a human
should or will become, but solely its false and the real reality and truth
conflicting views and opinions, his religious beliefs, his character, the impairment of his
Mind, his reason and intelligence, as well as his impaired conscience and the deep-inner
evil instincts and the resulting misrepresentation. All this in context
that which results from it, when the faith is suddenly forgotten and is over, when
the opportunity for degeneration and violence results when the deep and submerged inside of the smoldering
breaking out evil drives to the outside and getting everything out of control, causing the religious believer -
as, of course, often the religious-unbelieving man - then kills, murders, massacres,
raped and everything evil does.
The very shamefulness of religious delusional belief is revealed in the fact that man, who
controlled by his faith, he lives in delusion that he has love, peace, freedom and justice as well
Maintaining humanity and other high values, but in reality he only does so apparently because he is effective
only trying to live them out halfway, while they all do not exist deep inside,
because there are only the simmering, malignant, subterranean impulses that
opportunity to make a breakthrough and uncontrollably roaring mischief
judge. And because the faithful by their faithfulness to the real reality and its truth
so detached and slavishly enslaved by their faith, they are also deaf to any
truth-clarifying words that denounce their faith as a result of their falseness, they are mistaken
confused for the sake of their delusion belief as a human being. So they can neither perceive nor
Understand that when they are addressed as believers in delusion and their faithfulness
criticized, the whole may never be understood as a critique of their humanity, but just in each
Relationship and manner always and absolutely related only to the faith. It does not matter if the human being
as believers, delusional believers, delusional devotees, religious obsessed, religious fanatics, religious representatives
etc. is addressed and referred to, because always are so only the faith resp. the faith and all
meaning related terms that are addressed, but never the
Human as a human resp. as a person himself. And that fact can not be mentioned and explained often enough
Because in any case, in a person, only his ideas, thoughts, imagination, his faith, his
Views, attitudes, opinions, actions, actions and behaviors identified as wrong or correct,
can be assessed and assessed resp. may be recognized as exquisite or criticized during the
Man as such resp. the human as a person and as a person resp. Personality an irreproachable creative
is a natural being that can not be hugged as such. So, in this way, is the religious faith
respectively. to understand the delusional belief of man and the essence of man as such, thereby also clear
must be that in every relationship and in each case not the essence of man acts, but always
only his entire physical ability to move, as well as his intellect, his reason and his intelligence
Effectively the exporting factors are, but not the human being as being and personality.
If by man by any occasion or circumstance that ever be so tiny
can, evil, violent, bad, deadly and murderous acts and actions committed and durch-
they are not performed by man as such, but by his faith,
Opinion, attitudes and consequent behaviors, and indeed because of religious beliefs and
the resulting views, opinions and attitudes prevent that from happening to the person
conscious, profound, innermost, smoldering emotions can become conscious and controlled.
NEN. And since these subterranean emotions simmering in the depths of man are not aware of him
are and erupt - such as violence, hatred, revenge and retaliation, etc., which through jealousy, peacelessness,
Freedom, disadvantage, envy, greed, distress, joylessness, disadvantage, psychopaths, dissatisfaction
and animosity, such as aversion, disgust, antipathy, enmity, resentment, resentment, strife, prejudice,
Anger and anger, etc. -, the fact of the antinomy, resp. a special kind of logical contradiction,
which contradicts man's delusional belief and invalidates his faith, as well as his
Right of his alleged and outwardly misrepresented and hypocritical sentiments regarding love,
Peace, freedom and justice, etc. denies.And since this has been the case since ancient times, it is the same today
and will continue for a long time to come, so from the time of the memory of man and the origin of religious delusional belief, everything was wrong and led to inhuman and life-threatening brutal and
violent degenerations and tremendous millions of times injustice. Since ancient times, religions have
and religious sects, and any resulting delusion of religious faith, is nothing other than world-wide
Misery, malicious and degenerate violence, wars, war massacres, war crimes, bloody terror, rapes
conditions, destructions, organized crime, and by the death penalty laws abomination and
did it to people. And what was brought about earthly humanity in this regard, demanded in the
In the past 15,000 years, hundreds of millions of lives have been lost. But also currently
The religions, sects, and delusional beliefs, as well as the godfather fanaticism, are rampant and demanding everyone
Hundreds and often thousands of lives, by fanatical religious hatred
Believers in different faiths, religious terrorism, religious suicide bombers and other religions
Killings and killings, as will continue for a long time. And all of this happens
because the people of the earth - at least for the most part - are trapped and enslaved in religious delusions
who are the mind, the reason and the intelligence of believers - as well as many non-believers -
affect and make impossible their inner and subliminal
to perceive, grasp, and control profound evil emotions that are too malignant
Deterioration leads when they break outward and cause tremendous evil.
All the facts mentioned by me entitle me, every religious believer and every other person
to be able to face and be honest and free, open and honest to say what I am
my real point of view with him in terms of his views, opinion, his reason, his reason, his
Intelligence, mentality and behaviors Incorrect determination. And I can do that openly and with the truth
without me attacking people as human beings or making them improper,
Incorrect, inappropriate, improper and just offensive would offend, so I follow me too
not inconveniently guilty of inadequacy.Of course, it is true that the people of the
Earth - at least the bulk of Earth humanity, including academically educated people (explanation:
The is to be understood as being acquired only theoretically and practically at a university or university 
Knowledge) - in general the real reality and its truth are completely incorrect and therefore fundamentally contradictory -
see and misunderstand meaningfully because they are illogical resp. to think logically and consequently neither capable
are to perceive the actual facts as such, nor can they really understand them. The forced -
The inevitable consequence of this is inevitably that no understanding for it and just not thought about it
becomes, when a person the real fact of his false views, his opinion, his faith,
his bondage or enthusiasm, his reason and reason, intelligence, disposition and verisimilitude
attitudes with open and clear explanatory words. The rule is inevitably that
the people who are approached and made aware of the matter in question, such open, honorable
not accepting legitimate, enlightening and truth-defying disclosures.
On the contrary, they put all well-meaning of the enlightening words evil attacks and bad insults
the same, who think they are directed against themselves as human beings and thoroughly misunderstand them, because they are
are intellectually and reasonably able to withstand a shortcoming and their entire behaviors and emotions,
their views, opinions, beliefs, bondage or enthusiasm, reason and reason,
Intelligence and mentality equate with their essence human. From this confused point of view and the same
directed misunderstanding they then feel unjustly attacked, become quarreling, angry and
angry and may fall into a frenzy, hatred and enmity with regard to that person,
who reveals to them the effective truth about all that their views, opinion, reason, reason,
Intelligence, attitudes and behaviors are concerned. But they prove themselves fundamentally - what
However, in their ignorance they can not perceive them and can not grasp them - their understanding.
and irrationality, as well as their lability, unrestrained suggestibility and the thoughtless
Credulity, by which they thoughtlessly and without thinking of religious and other faith
and sectarians, captives and enthusiasts by lies, deceit, mares, dogmas, and surviving ones
Fairy tales and phantasy stories as well as actions and deeds, etc. dupe, catch and lead to delusion -
Believers who are dependent on faith, humble or fanatical enthusiasts. The true fact is that the
Inability of the lack of independent and clear thinking, reflection and non-self-deciding
Can the people who become religious believers give such a vicious humble faith-
that evokes the good and the bad of the delusious. As a result, will
automatically no longer evaluate what is right or wrong, according to the law of creation or against the creators of
laws are when things and actions occur, such as those caused by religious, sectarian and state leaders,
Military, intelligence services, groupings, communities, institutions, criminal organizations, or any other bodies. This is especially emphasized
with regard to war, but also with respect to hate, murder and manslaughter, assassinations, revenge
acts of retaliation against non-believers, foreign nationals and racial
forces, the innocent, unpaid population, against governments or any grouping, etc.,
who are to be attacked in mad delusion and erased. Is so by any leadership -
whether religious-sectarian, political, military or economic, etc. - and their vassals
a war, a revolution, any uprising, or through appropriate legislation, the death penalty.
orderly, then the people who believe in the unholy executives immediately bethink and think
without thinking with. And this is because in the majority of every people their reason, reason and intelligence
so minimized and stupid that it is pre-set and self-inflicted
Submission to the leaders of all kinds - whether religious-sectarian, political, military -
tärischer or economic form, etc. - in the way of flesh and blood and the compliant-faithful maltreated
Brain has eaten that it only kisses dog-like and absolutely against the leaders
whining, believing-listening, licking their behinds and smelling evil-smelling around them. So it comes that
all the faithful-minded people - regardless of whether they are religious, secular, or caretaker-confessed
and, in the manner mentioned, are impaired by reason, reason and intelligence - without having to indulge in
no way to defend against the dictatorial machinations of the power-obsessed.Against-
In part, they parry submissively, submit, obey, take everything, shower, fold, stand tight
and show strict obedience to the leadership authorities or superiors, etc. In
In this way, in their faithfulness, they also surrender completely to their inquiries
Hatred against alleged enemies and pull against them in murderous wars. And they do that to help their faith
Delusional delusion, as well as the power obsession of its leaders, heads of state,
as well as war-tearing and non-peace-making masterminds, in order to lord to death himself
to murder, to kill, and finally to be massacred yourself and die. And if that
People use violence of all kinds, be it torture, beatings, rape, killing and murder, then surrender
no thoughts, no feelings, and no other emotion with the violent practitioners,
because everything is completely automatic and unimportant through the evil instincts erupting from the deepest interior.
controlled runs.
If in the bulk of the humanity of the earth their deep-internal secret impulses, as well as in the majority of
Believers of all religions and sects their religiosity and the resulting real views,
Opinions, attitudes and behaviors and these deities in daily life
be thoroughly accurately perceived and analyzed, then results in a very unpleasant truth.
This is because it is recognized that their deep-inner smoldering impulses, as well as their external outcomes
resulting visible actions, not with their acting outward to the day
Ethos are compatible. Explicitly they have their outward movements, actions
and their outward behavior completely contrary resp. contrary to their inner profound bad habits and unfounded
values. So, in truth, in hidden and outwardly misrepresented ways, they have a contra-
act in accordance with their ethos, in a false and disguised manner with regard to their ethics
Morality, her sense of duty, sense of duty, her devotion to duty, morality and her sense of responsibility -
his and her responsibility thinking. It can also be perceived and
that their demonstrated ethics are nothing more than a lousy play-
work with which they handle mindlessly and do not worry about it, which in truth completely
other unkind and unworthy emotions, views, opinions, attitudes and behaviors deep within
smoldering inside and at any suitable or inappropriate opportunity for breakout and breakthrough
can come. And this happens by some circumstance - the tiny as a jot or big as
An enmity such as jealousy, hatred, violence or war can be - then it is with the majority of people
the earth and thus also the majority of delusions of religious beliefs to an end with the externally played ethics.
Consequently, then, the played and only hypocritical love, peacefulness, humanity and morality can
as well as the feigned moral worthiness, the good character, and the falsehood of being deceitful
played advantageous senses are no longer maintained, because their underlying inner drives
rescuing viciously evil. And it is especially bad that the whole of the earth -
Humanity and the majority of religious delusional believers are aware of the presence of the deep within them
smoldering impulses do not know anything, because on the one hand they are not instructed in this regard, on the other hand around
Do not worry about yourself in this relationship and are not interested in self-knowledge
are. As a result, they are unable to perceive and control the vicious emotions of many kinds that are simmering deep within them, and to follow them at every opportunity
Breakthrough come and thereby completely freak out the people and vicious their raging anger
by means of degenerate force, whereby they assassinate and kill their unrestrained.
It does not matter if it's the part of the normal bulk of Earth's humanity, not religious-sectarian, but
philosophically, ideologically or believing is completely unattached, or whether it is the bulk of religious
Believers, because they all succumb to murder and killing when
lend themselves to primitive, unpleasant, and unworthy emotions, views, opinions, attitudes, and behavioral
break through and they can not exercise control. And that's been the case since primitive times
since man emerged from the natural evolution and evolution of planet Earth.And
that in murderous and killing ways, the whole thing has been like that for ages, not only
in the majority of religious faith-free people, but also in the majority of religious and sectarians,
this is demonstrable through the earthly history of mankind, especially with regard to wars and
Religious, sectarian and believer persecutions in which millions of people are killed and murdered
were. Even by state armies, which since ancient times their bulk of combat forces from religious and sectarian
Believers recruited - as is still the case today and will be the case in the future - not only
Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, but many millions of believers in religious beliefs in bloody wars
sent, where they made tremendous, gruesome massacres. And they have been doing this since ancient times, like that
that's how it was, it's still the same today and will be so in the future, because in them there are their underlying inner ones
Instincts broke through lifeless and vicious and for them the whole stupid idiotic belief in God
of alleged love, peaceableness, humanity and morality, valiant morality and
good character and advantageous sense, morality, sense of duty, sense of duty, loyalty to duty, responsibility
sense of responsibility and responsibility.The result was - and still applies today and
tomorrow - in any case, only the rule to kill and torture so much and so much in the blood, murder and killing spree,
murder, torture, massacre and rape as best as possible.
That this all corresponds to the truth - what I know in this regard and sometimes also through past
Sfath himself - they have always had only human beings and therefore one since ancient times
Minority of the entire Earth population recognized and raised their word. What they do with it
were enough, that was absolutely nothing at all and has over all times as little fruit, as well as
not today, because people also recognize the effective truth, raise their word and call for it,
thinking about, perceiving and recognizing what the religions and sects and the delusion of God are -
really are true and what they actually evoke in evil and evil. But as it has been for ages
As the majority of the faith-worshiping believers of the earth are common, they immediately rise like wild monkeys on the trees
and yell wildly gesticulating and snarling at each one who dares to speak the truth
say, admonish and show what the effective facts are. And, as a rule, they are effective
Believers in religion who are obsessed by the belief in God, all the truth-recognizers and warning people
denigrate and publicize them everywhere in the media such as newspapers, journals, radio and television
see as spinners, know-it-alls, visionaries, sick and crazy world-improvers, sectarians and crazy people
scold and scream. All of these religious delusions are preceded by the religious cult ministers, who as
Religious leaders, theologians and other godly belief representatives countless unstable people with their
Delusions of faith bewitch and these by suggestive lying and fairy-tale influence to compliant madness -
to make believers. And that, by doing so, their reason, their reason, and also their intelligence, to these believers
severely impaired and in this regard brought to such a low level that the whole thing to
Stupidity in believing degenerates, that is as certain as at the end of a Christian sermon the Amen. And that
then the nonsensical nonsense of the Immaculate Conception through the "Holy Spirit of God" for the birth of one
Believed to have led the son of God, thoughtlessly believed among the Christians, and made him a rock-solid believer.
it becomes unavoidable. This already ancient, rational and unreasonable lying-Christian
Fairytale story - as they do to the faithful in various other ancient religion lies in a similar way
was turned off and from which Christianity has taken over the whole Meren-Schmarren - was
not by the prophet resp. Proclaimer Jmmanuel (aka Jesus Christ, who never bore this name)
spread, but invented by some of his disciples only after his escape from the cross when he was already on the
Way to India was. In addition to his other faithful followers, his twin brother, James, accompanied him
His companion and disciple, Maria Magdalena, devoted to him in a deeply platonic friendship, the truthful
never his lover, but his step-sister, who is deeply in love with him, and Josef
was begotten with his first wife, who came from Magdala at the Sea of ​​Galilee and at the birth of
her daughter Miriam (Maria) Magdalena died. Even Miriam (the mother of Jmmanuel) was with him on the way to India, but she did not survive the travel stress and died in the north of Pakistan
and was buried there as well.
But what else can be said, this refers again to the lability of the faithful, by their religious
Delusions of faith - characterized by the suggestive persuasive art of the faithful who themselves
irrational belief delusion expire and dog-like humble worshipers are as much as the gods
Admirers (Fangfang) sneakily lurking at their victims. And this comparison is really similar
with the doing of praying mantises, who are active Lauer hunters and remain immobile for hours until
approaching them with a victim, which they then grab and eat with their tentacles. But if the god
and delusions of belief in the soul are taken as a parable, then these are always on the
Lauer and look for victims who, if they get their hands on them, suggestive with religious sectarian
It is imperative that these fairy-tale beliefs drive them into a slavish belief in God's delusion and then carry them through
Exploit offerings and religious taxes, etc.And that - and it has to be repeated and another time
be said - the faithful the energy and strength of their mind, their reason and intelligence to the
Stupidity is impaired, they are unfortunately unable to perceive their belief in faith.
This, as well as that everything is suppressed and strangled, so they no longer independently understood and
rationally think over everything and no longer recognize the truth of real reality
to like. And that even in fear of divine punishment, they no longer dare to trust themselves, even one
To make a decision whether to accept the suggestive whisperings of the dogmatic belief in God's
If you want to get caught up in dogmatic piety or not, that's just an inevitable consequence.
So it comes out of religious piety then too - if it
results in - that in the name of God and delusion beliefs are killed and murdered
guilty people and alleged enemies massacred and mass murder and even genocide resp. genocides
be performed. This, while they as believers, before they do such monstrosities, before that
in the souls launcher ramps resp. run into their places of worship and hypocritical in their fear and cowardice
praying hypocritically and begging their God for victory and blessing in a hateful, self-degrading way. And will that be
Seen and judged from a clear perspective, then it can be said in good conscience that the religious
Delusion faith, its procedures and procedures and its entire degeneracies since ancient times
Heretofore, to the present day, has received criminally equal, even carry far into the future
becomes. So, if the religious delusions continue - if it comes from any circumstances -
held up a "holy book" in one hand, while in the other a knife or a firearm
swinging and thus cut your neighbor's throat or a bullet is chased in the head.And
That this is indeed the case is also recognized by other people who are not aware of a religious weakness.
meaning, but use their intellect, reason and intelligence to be uninfluenced
to think and decide for yourself by suggestive religious and religious fairy tales. Only it is unfortunately
in all of these people so that their respective perceptions and insights on earth -
Even then, humanity will not be fruitful if it raises its word and the whole catastrophe of its consequences
of the religious belief in faith and its tremendous inhumane, inhuman and human-
criminal madness scream out into the world. And this is because the people who are delusional
in their ignorance, in their unreasonableness and weakness of intelligence are blind and deaf to the
effective real reality and its truth, as this newspaper clipping, which is exactly
aimed, which also corresponds to my findings, experiences and experiences: the

fact is that all these members of faith - be it in religious, political, military, state-ordered
, philosophical or purely secular - with respect to a self-fulfilling self-
tation, inner peace, inner freedom and self-determination, are unstable and therefore do not have their own healthy,
righteous and justifiable opinions, but only accept and represent those who are introduced to them by the
leaders or are blinded by some other suggestive fellow human being.
With regard to the lability of the majority of believers and susceptibility to susceptibility, it is demonstrable that
the suggestive influences on them by religious believers in religious believers,
and in political-military-state perpetrators of their faithful and servile ones quickly and
uncontrollably become inept which increases the clear and effective facts in relation to the
real reality and its truth can no longer be perceived and understood.
This means that people who have succumbed to a faith also reproduce it in bondage, regardless of
whether the faith and the associated bondage are of a religious, political, military or governmental nature
. At the same time, the faithful live in fear of being punished if they
do not obey the rules, rules and regulations of their religious allegiance
imposed on them by their religious beliefsor by state and military laws, thereby giving them their personal choice
and freedom forcibly force. Consequently, it is in the religious faith as well as in the state and military
give birth to a forced and inescapable religious bondage against which the greater part of
unstable humanity, for fear of punishment, does not dare to resist . But this has the consequence that, on the one hand,
religious and sectarian leaders in their belief in God
conjure up wars of religion against people of other faiths and incite their believers to bloody, murderous and terrorist massacres in order to defend their
lust for faith linked to domination. This delusion is based on a
primitive obtuse belief of unstable, weak people who
believe pathologically weak-minded about something higher and self-exaltation because it is their own inability and personal worthlessness
as well as your own life failure can be pushed out of the area of ​​responsibility.
Similar to the degenerate work of faith-believing religious
leaders who viciously force their god-fearing believers into bloody and violent religious wars and murders
and terrorist acts, the
same is done in a similar way by the state, intelligence and military powers. Basically, it is not the peoples themselves who
sow, evoke and incite hatred, strife, lack of freedom and injustice in the world, but the mis- and nonsense of
religions, sects, philosophies and diffuse ideologies, as well as the unfit and responsible -
wordless rulers, their advisers and other vassals, lobbyists, military, secret services,
psychopathic followers and low-minded advocates from different strata of thepopulation.
Both nationally and militarily, the peoples are and are compulsorily obligated to comply with corresponding laws
- whether the citizens want it or not, because in this respect the free will of
their own decisions and actions is strangled in general and violently violated state
military compulsion must also afford military military contributions - to provide military services
resp. To perform military service. Will a war be instigated by the powerful or military,
the military servants are
compelled to go to war and ostracise alleged enemies if they are ordered to obey - if they fail to comply because ofrefusing service - if they are executed. Fight back the
people but on the other hand, by committing protest suicides, such as public self-immolations,
or when politicians are murdered and so on, it brings absolutely nothing to succeed because those in power can
not thereby impress when they are not themselves affected, Consequently, they do not
change anything for the better and carry on in the old style, whereby only the peoples remain the victims, who
only make grim and senseless fists in their pockets. And as is the case with the majority of humanity
Earth is, this is done without resistance, then in the killing and murdering fighters also quickly
break the inner oppressed urges and thus
breaks the bloodshed and murders in a hellish manner as a passion and destroying the alleged enemies murderous blood orgies and massacres
and women and girls are raped. The undeniable fact is that in the
greater part of the earth's people, an urge, excitement, and impulsiveness of violence, vengeance, resentment, and
lust for killing, which at any rate break through when the
opportunity presents itself, smolder , with a small, uncontrolled one thought-emotional emotion reason
can be enough. In the outer realm, there are other things that appear as triggers, such as alcohol,
a command, drugs, jealousy, enmity, money, good and bad, a bad word, wealth,
belief in religion , other belief in faith, music, hate, Envy, greed, enthusiasm for sport, quarrels, bad moods and much

Rather than
putting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on religious beliefs, any kind of bondageor enthusiasm, and indulging in them meaninglessly and uselessly, which often requires a lot of money
, such as taxes on religions and sects, contributions to football clubs and other sports organizations
etc., the opposite would be the development of clear reason, effective reason and intelligence of the
first importance. Only the evolutionary development and development of one's own personality, character,
consciousness, correct attitude to life and life, true humanity and the effective
creation humanity and the clear, good, right and correct behaviors in every
respect must first of all self-development of the human being. However, religious or
other beliefs, a
sense of belonging, or an enthusiasm for a sport, etc., will not achieve anything in relation to the truthful, righteous and true humanity. And this is
also in the sense that if one only
indulges in one 's delusional belief, one' s self - confidence, or one ' s enthusiasm, his personal development as regards one' s own initiative and complete independence will be completely neglected
. As a result, no personal will can come about to personally give
rise to a good idea, energy and strength, and to create something that is constantly useful and valuable on its own
. Religious beliefs, religious political, military, government or any other bondage, as
well as enthusiasm for sports or anything else, hog people up to fanaticism
and hinder them, even the tiniest thoughts and ideas for their development
their knowledge, their wisdom and education as well as their personality, their character, righteous behavior
and a real and worthwhile expansion of consciousness.
Well, since everything is as I say, especially because of the religious faith of the people,
but especially with regard to the enthusiasm and the fanaticism of the supporters of sports, such as
explicitly football, etc. and all sorts of other things - reason, The reason and intelligence of people are not only
excessively impaired, but they also suffer in every respect from self-development, which is
often even completely strangled. But this does not enable the people affected by these factors to
We can still understand, let alone understand, because reason, reason, and intelligence,
through malicious and lying suggestive whisperings
do not have a clear idea pathologically of the stupidity of fallen believers and of the intellectual, rational, and intelligence impairments of the faithful, the hearing, and the enthusiastic and that neither real reality nor its truth can be recognized and
understood. So it is therefore absolutely not in my sense and speeches, neither the unstable hearing,
enthusiastic nor worship the religious delusional people as people
, even if I have their loathing, enthusiasm or belief in religion and their mind, reason
and impairment of intelligence harsh lesion, strain, damage, tear and sharp criticize.
But what remains to be said on all that has been said and disclosed is that everything in
every relationship is still getting worse, because more and more people are populating the world and
overpopulation, and with it the mass of the majority of religious people. sectarian god-worshipers in a
blatant way driven up steadily higher. As the majority of humankind continue to grow,
religious delusions of faith continue to spread in relation to the increase in worldwide overpopulation
, which, first, raises the possibility of human beings' learning and insertion into the world
creative-natural regularities are also increasingly being more drastically suppressed and made to disappear
as well as self-reliance, free self-thinking, free self-determination and the
wearing and exercise of personal responsibility. And secondly, the rapid development
of technology, and in particular by means of devices such as apps, television, radio and Internet and thus
by the already degenerate information transfer - which has nothing to
do with communication - in the manner mentioned less and less learned , As a result, all more and more
negative forms of non-learning in relation to self-thinking and self-deciding within the framework also fall away
self-determination and personal freedom, because the majority of Earth humanity is dominated by the greed for
constantly new technical achievements and their possession and use. But this also means
that the sense of true love and righteousness, the
values ​​of life, peace, freedom and justice, such as the true values ​​of life, true humanity and compassion, etc., are becoming
more and more stunted and paralyzed completely lost. Even the perception, maintenance and understanding of the real
creative-natural reality and its truth have already sunk so low that it is no
longer understood what is meant by it at all. Already are the interpersonal
Relationships have reached such a low point that, as a result of the already impersonal and pathological use of
app information technology, a miserablelack of communication and thus
a roaring indifference between the majority of people on Earth has arisen, isbecoming more widespread and ultimately leads to self-infliction the family members become hated
ones among themselves . Basically, I want to say that terrestrial mankind is
absolutely and completely overwhelmedwith the progress of the entire technology and the handling of it in every respect and therefore can not
handle it, especially with the electronics technology. This is from the Earthlings in minor
Toddler-wise idiotic, just like in terms of app information transfer, which
increasingly destroys human communication and interpersonal relationships
and makes indifference increasingly catastrophic in every way. Even thedelusion of surveillance
by grid searches, etc., has already become a problem that leads to total personality
trans- parency and thus to the so-called glassy human being. The surveillance
mania has effectively become a patho logical delusion in many areas , in such a way that it can no longer be stopped
and ultimately leads to the fact that people on behalf of the state authorities like

spied on by criminals, the military, intelligence agencies, security services and any other elements . Ultimately, this
controls and supervises all freedom and even the personal sphere of people down to the most intimate areas, thereby making the relevant scenes, as found in
science fiction films, effective. And of course, once I've said everything in
the way I've been told, I'm being attacked, insulted
and condemned by all the stupid stupid people who dispute the whole of my statements, statements, and explanations because they are
inaccessible to the truth and, moreover, understood - and rational and intelligent thinking and truth
are absolutely incompetent and vegetate in a foul-smelling, pathological megalomania of their primitive
and consciously left behind better-willed knowledge.
Ptaah What you are right. But as you said earlier, your remarks are
a long monologue, but by which absolutely everything is explained correctly, correctly, and justifiable, and the facts
are revealed as they really are. You surprise me with your explanations but always
with your choice of words, your phrasing and precise explanations. And that you
call every thing by the right name, in spite of disgusting lies and slander against you through various religions.
prominent, religious believers and know-it-alls, antagonists and other enemies, as well as your
ex-wife and the younger of your sons, requires a kindness from you that will be lacking and never
inherent in all those who cowardly deceive you through lies and slander and swindles.
The unfortunate hatred and the baseless allegations against you, as well as the filthy and
denigrating defamation and pretending false facts and insults are so
vulgar and rabid that it is so intelligible and reasoned people raised against you
challenges, accusations and insinuations and the vicious and vile sentiment of
It must be absolutely clear to attackers, as a result of which only gullible gullible people can
fall for such incriminations, believe them to be possible and believe them.
Billy Thanks, but the detailed explanation and all right to call by the name of the facts, as well as
the use of necessary strong words and words, etc., that has taught me your father Sfath. What
but the antagonists, who are desperately trying and living in delusion, are crushing me and my work in their
hatred, their jealousy and resentment, in their primitive revenge and stupid retaliation - unjustified
and for whatever reason - or by reason of their belief in beliefs it
does not interest me to have to. So I do not care about it, but continue to do my work in peace
, because as a rational and rational and responsible person you have to
fight for the good, right and for the real truth, otherwise wins the evil and degenerate, the lie and slander ,
the hate, the revenge and the retribution. And if not for the good, the right and the real truth
fought, then the powerless, insecure and intimidated are defeated, which are weaker than
the conscienceless injustices, who in their stupid stupidity are vile, moral-degenerate and
irresponsible liars and slanderers. However, if the adversaries in their antagonism,
hatred and in their Imbezillität resp. In their continuing state of
clearly underdeveloped cognitive abilities, they publicly disclose consciousness-related disability , and then only harm
themselves. And they do so when they are in the state of their unusually primitive overflowing consciousness
limitations on their affective behaviors, their self-degrading attitudes and their
In the face of fellow human beings and of the world, selfish and rational manners
make themselves embarrassing,impossible and ridiculous, because they achieve exactly the opposite of what they actually want,
and ultimately annoy and rot over their failures , that is all alone your thing.

Unfortunately, these people learn nothing, they gain from everything they experience no experience, because
they are not wise through the years they are living, but only older and more stupid.
But what I have expressed in another way with respect to a corresponding reader reaction in the June time sign No. 95
, where I, as you can read here, the following to a corresponding question
I want
to mention this again in our officialconversation here, because you have addressed this topic yourself again.
Reader question
as reader of your there are two questions that move me, which I like a response from 
expecting you for the answer to which I ask it in a near future sign-spending ver -
public. I also want to tell you that I have my sincere respect
for you and I am grateful for the work that you bring into our world with your books and writings
that helped me a lot, tore me out of a deep hole of depression and gave me joy again alive and one
Life's work for which I am infinitely grateful. But now I would like to name my questions
, which you should answer me in a
other readers will be interested.
1. Some acquaintances, some of whom you know personally and only say good things about you
, have been alerted
to an inter-net publication by your ex-wife Calliope and her son Methuselah, who seem to be working with a Daniel Gloor to put you on primitive To mislead art with unbelievable lies in public
through false insinuations and slanderous allegations.
What is written here, told by lies by your ex-wife and your son and apparentlyirresponsibly posted on
the internet by this Gloor , we find outrageously primitive and think that the
spirited and vile behavior of these three persons reveals their true vulgar anddegraded character shows. What we do not understand and what is mine and our question is
why you do not defend yourself against these sleazy lies and slander and do not
justify yourself ?
2. There used to be so many reports in newspapers and magazines about you and your contacts, etc.
but it has not been that way for years because, as we know, they do not give interviews anymore,
but we do not know why.
Ms. DU, Germany
(Full name and address known to me, Billy)
On the first question, I have to say that I - like our club or a club member - do not see
any reason to justify me and to have to go down to the same low and character-dirty level of those
unfortunate stupid and vindictive elements, who - as well as witnesses of
my experiences and various events, etc. -
accuse me of falsehood, deceit
, fraud, confusion , misleading and manipulation out of sheer carelessness and selfish, self- arrogant and self -serving justifications, and malicious and revengeful to
insult hatefully. People who do this and behave dumbly in this way dis-
qualify themselves, for which they can
not be honored or appreciated with respect to their hate, lies, insults and slander , but only with silence and regret.
I can answer the second question by
holding back from interviews for years , because statements made on the one hand, declarations made and facts mentioned by
journalism are not truthfully reproduced, but distorted, falsified and stupid and
simple-minded Comments or interpretations . Effectively, it was rarely journalists 
who remained honest and truthful, while for many years all others were not or at all
only partially stayed with what I had said and explained. Several journalists even dared
to invent interviews - which I had never given - and to publish in various newspapers, together
with stolen and even distorted photos, etc. So I can do without such factual,
distorted and libelous journalistic machinations, and besides, I'm not on it