Sunday, November 18, 2018

The following interview is based on TIME MARKET reader request Ptaah ... But to discuss this would be nonsensical, which is why I now, as I promised some time ago, I want to call you the predictions of my great-great-grandfather Hilak for earthly humanity and Earth, which he founded in 1446 BC Immanuel / Chr. wrote down and I have translated for you in the German language. Billy Of course, you always have to translate everything, even that of your father Sfath. Ptaah Of course, because all the records of my father and my grandfathers were written in our Plejaren language. But now listen: Prediction of great-great-grandfather Hilak, from the year 1446 BC Immanuel / Chr. The lives of the people of the world fall for millennia into the distant future of the modern age and a very long time later by delusional belief in deities and the like to a corrupted by faith miserable, unpleasant and depraved lives in false faith-slavery. The result is a serious imprisonment in a delusion that leads to millennia to strife and terrible wars and again in new ruin. Misconceptions, lies, and deceptions, mystifications, illusions, and pretensions of phantasmagoria will be part of the order of all times to come, and many thousands of times thousands of thousands of human lives will demand and again and again large parts of the world and their nature through wars, etc. destroy many lives as far as possible. And the origin of this calamity will begin in about 200 years with the emergence of the coming Ysrjr Confederation of Ptaah: the monotheistic folk tribe in Canaan, later Syria, the original source of Judaism) of the world's first delusion of wit, hatred, envy Retribution and lies and deception will be carried over thousands of years into the farthest future. This first delusion, which will be referred to in the distant future as the Creed, will bring much misery, misery, distress, suffering, delusional hatred, and destruction between all the peoples of the world for millennia. The real reason for the greatest religious delusions of the world will emerge from the delusion covenant created by the first, which is set in motion and set in motion (note ptaah: faith community, faith connection, religious association).Out of this origin, a further delusion covenant will emerge in another 700 years in the east of the world, through which bloodshed and hatred will be spread throughout the world over time. Another approximately 500 years later a proclaimer (Jmmanuel) of the ancient will emerge, but his doctrine will be falsified, abused, and a new world-wide libelous, pernicious, hate-spreading, dangerous, death-prone, and destructive new delusion faith derived , For over two millennia, this will lead to worldwide wars, atrocities, murders, hatred, persecutions and the immense destruction of innumerable human works, nature and their living beings. There will also be an immense amount of human beings who will multiply like locusts and devise and carry out machinations whose evil effects will destroy large parts of the planet and of nature, thereby destroying much of nature's life for all time. However, some 500 years after the advent of the , a new proclaimer (Note Ptaah: Muhammad) will come to life in the re-life of the same teaching to eradicate all that is wrong and objectionable, however, malicious and delusional and doctrine Misunderstanding slander made from the of the previous kinker. But even the doctrine of this new artist will be extremely viciously falsified, and over all the next millennia into wars, hatred, slander, and innumerable dead, as well as fear, horror, and grossly fatal acts of violence. (Ptaah: Tyranny , Despotism, dictatorship, reign of terror, totalitarian systems, absolutist rule and terrorism, which will bring about riots, riots, violence, riots, street fighting, riots, uprisings and assaults). Therefore, the people of the modern age have to understand their abysmal situation through clarity and reason, and to free themselves from their false beliefs, to find their way to themselves, to become themselves and consciously learn to bear their own responsibility. Therefore, it is said that the whole of humanity must leave their faith prison and their religious beliefs, because otherwise they will be led astray by their belief in God and mass tortured and murdered by millions of deceptive persecutions, when the Sun Cross (Ptaah : Sun Wheel, Swastika, Swastika) as a malignant sign announces the oncoming terrible time and the energy of the Tiny (Note Ptaah: Nuclear fission) released, abused and the devastating death messenger. And if it does, then it also announces that all the horrors will be more and more frequent in consecutive order, causing many sufferings and only a small part of the non-belief rational will be capable of knowing and understanding the truth alone, and only a few be smart enough to know their true happiness. Everything around the human being will collapse and disappear, and nothing of the achievements of civilization will endure, for the perversity of human beings will destroy everything, for it will shake the whole earth, and in the end, there will be no traces of the erroneous cults. The great mass of many billions of people will degenerate under the yoke of ignorance and godliness, and creatively become alien to real life and degenerate in every way imaginable. Even severe earthquakes as earth-mechanical natural phenomena, tremendous storms and unforeseen fires will change the face of the earthly world. But it will not hear the warnings, nor the old doctrine of the prophets, which the new proclaimer of the modern age will bring, and which will have the purpose of awakening and sensitizing the mind and reason of men to them to enable them to free themselves from their errors and the delusions of their religious faith and their follies, and from all their evil actions, deeds and crimes of all kinds. Nevertheless, they should be taught by the new announcer and understand that they alone are responsible for all their actions, actions and behaviors, as are other intelligent life forms in the universe. People should and must strive to be in harmony with the currents of nature and the universe, and thus with creation and all of its existence, and not refuse to go with the creative flow, so as not to miss the benefits of good conditions that are offered to them by the Creation commands, which can be developed higher and higher through the intelligence and power of man himself. But they must evolve the evolution of their consciousness so as not to be left behind in their minds and reason, so as not to have to wait millions of years until a foreign power gives them an ascending wave of reason and reason. FIGU TIMES, No. 106, November / 2 2018 5 The Earth and the entire solar system, as well as the universe as a whole, did not become a creature-natural, rather than a cheap and non-existent deity, but the only creation through an immense release of natural consistency Create impulses and bring them in a developing direction. These creative-natural impulses, which also work in human beings, are referred to as understanding in the human sense as love, but disregarded by innumerable people, regarded as sentimentality and, despite their great power, regarded as ridiculous. In fact, these impulses, which are called love, are, however, the greatest of all powers existing in man, alongside which money and power are nothing but worthless unworthiness, even if the people make them decisive for the course and preservation of their lives are dependent. But in the future people will have to be particularly flooded and served by love, otherwise their lives and their consciousness will be tortured and damaged by unimaginable suffering, difficulties and inhuman deeds and horrors, through which the mental order, the thoughts, the senses and costumes and their behavior become evil, criminal, criminal, outrageous, reprehensible, primitive, and proletarian. So then the terrible forms of the prophecies of the ancient prophets will be fulfilled, referring to the coming epoch, which will soon begin and be fulfilled, but continue in a vicious and frightening way from the sign of the sun-cross and move on into the future become. There will also be times of great floods over the world, and there will be water where the earth is, and there will be earth where water is. Hurricanes, giant fires, and earthquakes will prevail and sweep away everything that is unleashed by horror, wars, murders, revolutions, tyranny, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny, despotism, unrestricted violence, and crime. Horrible explosions will be heard in many places around the world as a result of explosions and terrorist attacks, which will cause fear, horror, fear and terror in many places and in many countries. And in many cases the false and mistaken belief in God will be guilty of it, and it will always be a delusion of people, but never an answer or a demand of a God invented by man. On the contrary, nature will demand vengeance for the crimes committed and perpetrated by the abundant humanity on earth and on earth. Man is advised to practice peace, to live in peace and to rule the world in peace before the time of suffering and terror comes, for it has been written from time immemorial that not a single hair of the righteous is bent becomes. Thus, just people may not be discouraged, but simply follow the path of learning to personal development of their consciousness, as taught by the ancient true prophets, and how in modern times the new preacher will teach and his doctrine will be carried out into the cosmos , People need to study their teachings and learn how the universe, and thus creation, works, because it is necessary for them to quickly understand the world and creation as nature and the universe, and in that way merge with it in knowledge. People are predestined to learn to live in a natural and creative way, just as each one of them is capable of striving and living the laws of creation.However, everyone has to form themselves like a new continent, and emerge like an island from the vast sea and spread in his love and in his knowledge to the best of his own ability. In modern times, the new proclaimer will be the founder of a new civilization (note ptaah: grouping, association), also called communion, and standing firm for the good and the right and for the ancient (note ptaah: ). It will spread the old in a new way and represent it to people all over the world. As a result, humanity will become a large family over time, eventually becoming like a large and extensive body. In the new civilization (note ptaah: grouping, community, association), love will manifest in a way that the presenter will exemplify in a simple and connecting manner. Unfortunately, the Earth will remain a planet of struggle, hardship, misery and misery, even though in modern times the teaching of the New Order is gradually being spread throughout the world by new modern possibilities and ways. The forces of evil and darkness will feel oppressed and slowly withdraw, but the earth and their humanity will never be finally liberated from them. Many of the followers of the kinner's teaching will follow a new, better and clearer path, a path of new life leading to the development of consciousness, to reason and reason, to inner peace, to inner freedom and joy of life and to true human being. But others, the unrighteous and the degenerate, will continue their life in their senseless pride and impudence, condemning everything of the creative and being unapproachable. In the end, however, they will have to understand that their old direction in their lives is completely wrong and incompatible with the new world created by the new doctrine and awakening from it a new culture and civilization. It will then be only a matter of time before the light of truth, good and justice will awaken and triumph. The religions will have to lose their power and give truth their proper place if the common basis of all belief systems of God collapses. As a result, bad people will slowly give up the intensity of their evil doctrine and turn to the peacefulness of truth and fellow human beings. But many of them will also hunt and hate the new proclaimer of modern times, and they will devise his doctrinal efforts with disapproving, hostile insults and false accusations, lies and fury evil slander viciously hurt in his honor. And shame on his call is made and sinister intrigues (Ptaah: injustices, assassinations, assaults) are perpetrated against him. Allso hateful faith supporters will also deliberately try to destroy with a lot of new tools of the modern age (note Ptaah: informational possibilities, internet, media, radio, television) his obligation and his work despicable and cunning. But all attackers will harm themselves with it, for their lives will be joyless, and they will once be hated even by fellow human beings because they will not accept the new life in terms of the ancient , hence they will already pass away in their lives become like rotten, harmful fruits. But it will also be on Earth that certain continents will perish and others will emerge, because not only people, but also the face of the world will change completely. And in the millennia to come, there will be many dangers that humanity is not yet aware of and that will bring them much suffering, hardship, misery, war, harm and destruction. Also, many people will continue to pursue for a long time to pursue dishonorable, unworthy, unreal, dangerous, and great dangers for all humanity, but they will ultimately be doomed to failure. And this will be so while the others, who respectfully learn and obey the teachings of the New Ornate of modern times, honorably deal with their lives and with all things. Thanks to the , the earth will one day become a blessed planet, but until then mankind will still be struck by much suffering, misery and distress and their consciousness will not yet be awakened. So it will take centuries and millennia for everything to be fulfilled in such a way that the becomes the true doctrine of life for all mankind. So she has to prepare for and master big and difficult exams because she can not avoid them and she has to learn to master them - whether she wants to or not, otherwise she will one day go under. Billy Gigantic. And that was predicted some 3500 years ago by your great-great-grandfather Hilak. He has looked far into the future. Ptaah He has been watching the future. Billy So no probability calculations, but futures. Ptaah Right.
Extract from the official 697th contact conversation from 17./18. December 2017 Ptaah ... But now listen to what my father explained to you on Saturday, February 17, 1945, and recorded everything, but the whole thing is wider than what your real questions relate to: Sfath Eduard, I have already explained to you several times the main reason why I am teaching you in this time of the shameful, bestial, gruesome, evil, completely destructive and fateful World War. But today I have a lot of important to teach you, on the one hand you align your life and your mind and have to learn a lot in this regard. On the other hand, I have much to tell you today about the future of this world and its humanity, as well as the coming events, but first of all I want to convey to you an instruction that will accompany you through your life and be part of your behavior. Eduard, you must be powerful in your life, but you must never misuse your power (note ptaah: misleading), as well as not otherwise abusive and not complacent, as well as never to rule over fellow human beings. On the contrary, you will - and it will be your duty - live your sense of responsibility, modest and only instructive in teaching, teaching, advising, helpful, honest, peaceful and discerning. You will use your power to fight for anything right and just in a peaceful, just, right way and with a clear mind and reason, to do a good job, even if you curse evil adversaries with the opposite slander against better judgment will become. Many of these adversaries will be believers in Christ, who will be of faith to stand above the creative reality and truth, because their obedient religious beliefs as well as their senses and costumes are grotesquely and strangely, strangely and ridiculously aimed at a God conceived by men of this world. The German-language designationcorresponds to multiple modifications, transformations and changes of the oldest term , which originates from the original language of the universal calky Nokodemion and means, in which the meaning is fundamental and anchored. The term It was brought to this world some 13,500 years ago, after which it has been modified, converted and used for a fantasized higher power over the millennia in many languages. As a result, the actual meaning of the word and word value experienced a complete change, resulting in people's original meaning respectively. and an entity has been devised who should be responsible for the creation of the world and of heaven. So the term became translated into a completely false meaning of a higher entity thanentered into the earthly languages. Although there are other forms of origin of the term However, when this was brought to this world from ancient times, it evolved from the very beginning - then in much later times - in various languages ​​of the people of this world modifications, abbreviations and changes. In the north of the world, for example, (Abbot Ptaah: Europe), acronym changes such as . and in other languages ​​and changes as well . . and as originally in other countries too . . . . . .and etc., with which various meanings were connected, but which always indicated a creating power, power, and essence, which personifies according to human misunderstanding and in another and final conceptual change called and finally as was conceived. But if in the understanding of the term In today's time in every language use thought back and this in its origin as . and thought, understood and used, then it can be used correctly in this sense, but in fact only in the understanding of this sense, but never in the form of a religious belief of a confused religious doctrine, by which in any case is always and always a creator god to be worshiped and godfather is meant. Even a human being can legitimately use the term when he possesses and maintains the predominant trait of love, and for him the welfare of the people is paramount. In this sense, a human being as Being able to signify means that his commitment to the other human beings and all living beings in every imaginable relationship (Ptaah: total nature, fauna, flora, and universe) must be the highest that he can accomplish in love.So his love can not be an emotional, but only a living and acting love that gives everything. The name for a man also requires self-sufficiency from him, and by his nature righteousness and moral equality, goodness and mercy, forbearance, understanding and all advantageous qualities must be given to the fellow human beings. Also, a human needs, when he is considered to be named, resourceful, inventive, industrious, resourceful, artistic, imaginative, helpful, beneficial, honest, compassionate, peaceful and successful, as well as productive, rich in consciousness, musical, intelligent, creative, talented, brilliant, witty, original , active, educative, talented, knowledgeable, constructive, effective, etc., and he must live righteously, as well as creatively and creatively, but in no way anything with a higher power of creation, nor with a creator goddaddy and not with the respectively and the has to do. The possibility of the existence of such a human being would be a state of the highest possible perfection, which may indeed be possible in the infinite ranges of the heavens in the case of very highly developed humanities in very isolated individuals, number 105, November / 1 2018 6 but in this world (note ptaah: earth) will not be the case for beyond imaginary times. Through the degenerations of the faith, people have fallen into thoughts, emotions, and degenerate behaviors that have persecuted, murdered, and even peoples warred if they were of a different faith than those who sought hatred and revenge. The otherness of the various groups of people also played a major role, as did the food they fought for. Out of all this unspeakably many evils were born, which formed as vice, imagination, ebullience, envy, excitement, hatred, greed, false expectation and hopeless hope, passion, rage and anger, intoxication, hysteria, exaggeration, restlessness and overstimulation of all kinds , Everything also created wild fantasies, illusions, illusions and confused delusions, which became more and more profound and ended in a morbid delusion of belief, which eventually formed religions.For many thousands of years, the delusions of the very small and varied religions have sworn to an unreal god invented by men, who only considered himself a phantom, animal, object, sun, man or moon, etc., but later God was supposed to sit on a heavenly throne and was raised by the God-believers of all times absurdly to a creator God. This non-existent and human-born God is credited by those believing in him for having created the universe and the stars and all things at all, love itself and indulgent and just, while at the same time demanding punishment and even death for committed mistakes and make people responsible for their weaknesses and imperfections, even though they are supposed to determine all actions and actions of the people themselves. The case, however, is different than the believers believe, for not a god has conceived and created man, but they have invented this god and devised the imaginative and illusory image that they worship and worship in their confusion. They have fallen into delusion and have lost themselves in this fantasy, which from the beginning was the reason that they - as I said - envy, vice, excitement, illusions, uprisings, hate, false expectations, greed, hopes, passions, Anger and anger, intoxication, hysteria, exaggeration, unrest and over-excitement have expired. This prevented them - and also prevents them today and in the future - from becoming independent and irreproachable, self-responsible, peaceful, self-sufficient, strong-tempered and irreproachable, etc., as well as becoming true human beings. And that is what the people of this world did because they made themselves - and still do - by their wickedness and viciousness - to govern themselves and to live without illusions and divine delusions. So they have delusionally created an unreal God and thus a Supreme Being that suits their needs. So they have the need create and believe in it. Any rational person makes a good face to the evil and mad game, while believers believe in their confusion that their fictitious God receive their prayers, signing acts and would help them in distress and misery. The truth, however, is that for every believer, his god of faith serves only as a pretext for the dumbest claims and for his guilty conscience. And so wars are started in his name and led to revolutions, murders committed and even punishable punishments with death. According to need, the devotees make what they want from their God and what he is useful to them. But the throne of this human-born God will be shaken, because in the coming times, many believers will fall away from him, because they will no longer desire to play a credulous role for a fictitious God, who will become more and more a funny character , The alleged power of God and thus the God-monarchy will be abolished in times to come by many people, and it will be those who one day strive for real peace and embody the strife and war, all evil, all the degenerate evils of men and the After all, God, invented by confused people, will no longer call and worship as the representative and supreme authority of all the powers of an obsolete delusional belief. There is much to be said concerning the power of the people in general, as well as what has been the greatest evil of man since ancient times, namely, that they selfishly and selfishly seek power and dominate others, rule over them and rule over all want to raise others. In doing so, they develop an obsession with power, an obsession with power that knows no bounds and leads to malignant, degenerate violence, to human bestiality, to wars, intrigues, murders, bloodlust, and all kinds of degeneration. And this has taken its origins for many reasons among men already at primitive times and has survived to the present day, whereby innumerable people were brutally murdered and human-created values ​​of many forms destroyed and irrevocably destroyed, as well as unspeakable suffering, misery and great Distress and ever-increasing hatred and vengeance against those who, for some confused reason, were considered enemies, have arisen.And this has been preserved to this day, and will continue to be driven into the distant future, with power-obsessed and vengeful individuals pushing themselves into the authorities and, once they have reached their desired power positions, exerting their greed for power. In doing so, they initiate wars, devise punishments and ordinances in order to spread death and destruction and to remove unpleasant adversaries from the world, as well as to oppress the populations with all sorts of inadmissible laws and exploit them by exorbitant taxes in order to enrich themselves on the one hand , or to slander the revenue pointless and still accumulate debts. For a power-hungry man, power is not a means to a good purpose, but a degenerate end in itself. Power is usually what makes it possible to create something of value. Therefore, mankind needs power in order to be able to effect something, but since time immemorial men have been abusing them for selfish, violent, destructive and deadly purposes, and for their untold misery and destruction Poverty and peoples extermination (note ptaah: genocide) are pending, as by the Nazi regime in the current ongoing third world war. The Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, too, is infested with unrestrained power obsession, and he exercises his criminal and inhuman power for the sake of power, which has already killed tens of millions of people, as well as murdering millions of innocent Jewish faithful as a result of hatred of the Jews. And such extermination mass murders regarding believers of other religions (note ptaah: religious genocide) and their splinter groups (Note Ptaah: sects) have been practiced since ancient times by wars and gruesome massacres, but this has continued to this day and is so continue to be so. In just a few decades, the same thing will happen again in a very bad way due to a religious degenerate frenzy brood (note Ptaah: terrorist organization IS, Islamist state), starting from Arabia and spreading worldwide. The power obsession of human beings is so degenerate in this world that countless are ready to do everything for their power, even over countless human lives to be murdered. So mankind must be careful that when one or the other obsession with power is recognized, Providence (Note Ptaah: precautionary measures) are taken, such power greedy to stop if possible.And this must always happen before the power-obsessed can gain authority and seize power and exercise their dictatorial-power-hungry tyranny, usually with the help of like-minded people and by bribing viciously afflicted and morally degenerate. Often, people in government agencies and in politics, who are well-intentioned because they are willing to do something good, also apply, but then, when they come to power, for many of them, power gradually becomes an end in itself Consequently, then break with them the lust for power. The inevitable consequence is that they develop a form of power for the attainment, preservation and control of people and peoples, in which they are entitled to every means - regardless of morality and law - in order to exercise their power and their intended goal of domination to reach. When people in an environment are perceived to be power-hungry, however, it is always necessary to think carefully and judge correctly whether there is real greed for power, because it is often the case with people to attribute to others greed for power that they are not Basically, I mean it well and work for the good of others, act and are ready for good things, as well as they accept responsibility and carry. Therefore, it must always be checked what are the concerns of the people at all. However, when people seek and exercise power for the sake of power and prestige, it is a dark and sinister power greed that brings violence, bloodshed, oppression and, as a rule, murder and manslaughter, rebellions, wars and destruction. Therefore, when people seek that kind of power and are willing to cheat for it, go to war, commit murder, killings and oppression, and conscientiously use other criminal means, that can be described as degeneration and lust for power. And this should not and should not be tolerated by humans in any other human being, but everyone and the whole human community would have to defend themselves with reason and reason using non-violent means. And in this way, everything should be brought to the public by fair means, explaining and acting in order to enlighteningly prevent power-hungry people from gaining authority and failing to realize their power aspirations. To have a sense of responsibility and exercise means for the person, always and always to achieve a good cause, to work for a good and right thing and to know that everything always and in every case in a good and peaceful manner and in a decent good accountability position. People must be able to assert themselves in a peaceful, just manner with clear reason and sound reason, without any power, even if they are in leading positions and have to lead and guide their fellow men. Everything must be good and tidy, and there must not be anything bad involved, because the sense must always be for a good cause, as well as the means must always be good and lawful and the people responsible - and all people - never over dead bodies should go, and not in the figurative sense. For the present, so far, but now to where I come from, because I have not told you yet, but you have found yourself that I am not earthbound, but that I am far from another world. It is very far away from Earth and also in another spaciousness (Note Ptaah: Dimension) outside of what you see in the sky with all the stars (Note Ptaah: Universe). And where I have already led you into the space of the sky for contemplation of the near worlds (Note Ptaah: SOL system planets) with my aircraft, only this sky (Note Ptaah: world space of this dimension), because the other spaciousness, where from I come, is present far beyond this heavenly space. You still can not grasp this, but by my teachings with other terms you will understand in a few days, with which I have stimulated you to think with my presentation. Also, you will learn more, as well as now, as I have to explain to you, that my home in the other spaciousness belongs to a structure of stars (Note Ptaah: star cluster), that of us but you'll have to keep that name out of the box as you begin your assignment in the next few years and begin to spread your first literary work of assignment (Ptaah: Written Missionary Work). And it will be very important that you keep silent about my origins as well as the origin of my aircraft. Your silence will be of great importance, for if you become known in the world by name and by dealing with me and all my followers, much lies, deceit, and slander will come through FIGU TIMES, No. 105, November / 1 2018 8 Malevolent, charlatans, and selfish individuals emerge, lying on the one hand lying as liaisons with me, my followers, or on the other hand with some fantastic ancestors from other worlds (note ptaah: extraterrestrials) who are cunningly invented by them. That's why you'll use our name over the next few decades not to mention, but in your speeches and written publications only the name may refer to the structure of stars in this sky spatiality (Note Ptaah: Universe), in which also the earth revolves around the sun. These are still young and inanimate star structures, which are also called Atlantides, Atlantiads, Seven Sisters, Seven Sisters and Gluckhenne on Earth (note Ptaah: M45) and are part of the galactic system of this sky spatiality, which call the Earth's inhabitants Milky Way , If you instead of from will speak and write, then liars, deceivers and defamers will unmask themselves, because their claims, with beings of the or to be in connection with other beings of other alien worlds, become untenable, although they are thoughtless by their adversaries as so-called be designated.But those who will lie, that they would be in direct or indirect connection with us Plejaren, will then be put to the lie by you, when my followers tell you to call at the given time our true origin, namely the star structures of according to which we ourselves too call. And our spaciousness exists far beyond of this current sky spatiality. The lies, scams, and slander of many malicious, charlatan, and selfish people around the world will emerge in seven (seven) years, and thus in 1952, if you have followed my instructions and written a letter with Pastor Carpenter in three years various media, military and government officials in the United States and the Soviet Union. I will write the letter in English myself, which you then have to hand over to Pastor Zimmerman, after which he will make a resignation himself (note: Ptaah: Depreciation) and necessary copies (Note Ptaah: Reproductions) and she - like me already commissioned - will send in larger numbers to the relevant recipients in the United States of America and the Soviet Union. He will find the necessary addresses at the appropriate time, but you and he are silenced in this matter. This will be to inform the important people of the authorities and the military forces of what they are and continue to do with all the unknown aircraft they have observed around the world, both earlier and during World War II are in the future (note Ptaah: from the future) and also come from foreign worlds, but will continue to appear in all future times. As early as 1952, in the United States of America, malevolence, charlatanism, and selfishness spread the first cunning lies, scams, and slander about alleged ties of earthlings with beings and planes from Venus and other alien worlds.And that will continue and remain so for many decades to the third millennium, and, conversely, your real connection with me and those following me will be shamefully abused by adversaries, and you will be accused of lying, deceit, and charlatanry around the world and also attacked physically and are expected to face attacks against your life. Even from your own ranks - because you will start a community with many employees - will become vicious or stupid, hatred, selfish, selfish, selfish, unfulfillable domineering, as well as self-glorification, carelessness and false trustworthiness through long-time confidants and even from your own family imprinted betrayals against you and your work. Hate-infested, envious, other evil-minded adversaries, religious perversions and the media will unleash a malicious, vile and slanderous debate and a dispute over you and your connection with me and my followers, including your spouse - the you never become a real partner - and one of your sons will unconsciously shake hands with them. And when I talk about it, I also associate your future, which will bring you much joy and suffering with female beings, but will strengthen you and make you fit for life. Even as a young man and as a grown man, you will be captivated and desired by many young and older women, which will, however, require much resistance to maintain and maintain your dignity and honor, to go your own way and to the moral order to keep. And in order to strengthen you in this way, I will teach you from the point of view of morals, virtues and morality, as will do after my departure a female person and then teach you this way. By doing so, you will also learn to be very respectful of relationships and how to deal with femininity, and to end a bond sooner, when a demand arises that exceeds comradely familiarity. Therefore, it will then be that you evade such a request and not will to will, but give up the relationship and go on alone again, if your nonsense (note Ptaah: non-sensual, platonic, non-physical) behavior is not understood. But you will also experience much suffering and grief when, as a young man in two foreign countries, you will each find a loving companion, because twice, happiness will never hold you long and hold you back from misfortune and death. After that, you will have a longer relationship in your homeland and travel together to some countries of Europe, but your companion will cheat you after a long time and do this again and again and finally go away, after which you will go your own way again. Then you will find another companion in a foreign land whom you will love in love, but even this short fortune will not be constant for you, because of your shameful human trafficking Plans will be destroyed and you will be alone again. However, for a number of years you will maintain a loving, non-sensual friendship with a young friendship companion in your home country that you will always find together when you return from your wanderings through the world Home returns. However, after many years, when you marry in a foreign country, you will lose sight of one another. Then it will be another time that you experience great suffering, when you find another loving companion in a foreign country, but you will also lose by death, after which it will still happen that you also in a foreign country hit by a bad misfortune and will forfeit your left arm. Then comes the time when you will trust and marry a young girl in another foreign country, but you will not be fortunate enough, but will experience much suffering, joylessness, strife, damage to your health, and enduring for many years Controversy, because this spouse is not a loving partner, but an inappropriate, burdened by domination and quarrelsome, as well as by ugliness and dishonesty person full of dissatisfaction and displeasure. Nevertheless, you will stand by her and witness with her a daughter and two sons, before she will openly betray yourselves and your work, and depart from you your own ways. But all of this must be done so that you also learn stamina and resistance to evil, myriad attacks, insults, lies and slander that you receive from hateful, malicious, underhanded, insidious, duplicitous, malicious, malicious, vile, devious, hypocritical, and malicious ones You will be exposed to adversaries all over the world if you begin your work in an open manner, practice it, and carry it out into the world. So you need a very strong resistance and will power, because you will be exposed to massive attacks against your honor, honesty and dignity, which will also bring attacks against your life. Therefore, you have much to learn, including as regards the development of a sensitive sensory perception, through which, in the event of danger, you will perceive warning internal impulses (Note: Ptaah: vibration impulses) and will be able to protect yourself from harm by appropriate behaviors. But you will also be exposed to many other factors during many years of your life, so you must learn to stand against everything and become strong and capable. And only when you learn everything, you will be able to fulfill your difficult task and parry all the malicious attacks in the form of nagging and disapproving critics. Furthermore you will learn by this, all coming to you and directed against you innumerable lying, untenable and slanderous allegations, hostilities, insults, hostility, precipitates and also all against your life, your honor, dignity, insolence, trustworthiness and decency arising attacks and To ignore hostilities (note ptaah: ignore). So you will also be instructed and taught by me to behave thoughtfully and correctly, with silence often being the best weapon against slanderous slander and slander, whereby you will also have to keep in the background in your work and not in one Public opinion (note ptaah: senses after public appearance) may show.Regarding everything that is often very serious, that you will experience and experience in your life, I have to prepare and instruct you for the next few years, so that you can actually develop your joie de vivre and your life's dignity, never lose it again and never despair will. And you will need those skills to be able to pass them on to many people who need your help because they lose their purpose, but with their help they can find him and their confidence in life again. But now I have further to explain what will happen later in your life, if you have long spread your work through Scripture and Word in many countries, for which I have to open to you, that after the divorce and departure of your love incompetent, but contentious wife,In the place where you will build a meeting place with like-minded people, you will unite in deep love with a loving young ally and confidant, and accept a son whom you will bring into the connection with you. This will definitely be your life's wife and real, very loving life companion in an unprecedented way. Even more than all that I have told you so far, and everything that I have to explain now and later on, I will only mention briefly today, for all the extensive connections of explanations to be named and yet to be stated regarding many things, Events and events, etc., that will come to you in your life and be far-reaching as well as very profound events, are so extensive,unusual and often tragic, that I have to explain it to you in more detail at a later date, because only through total explanations of all things can you really understand everything and be able to cope with it in every necessary way. In addition, I must explain that the eleven years of time you spend teaching with me in this present-day level will never be enough to learn everything, so that you can be prepared for whatever is needed in your life and for your great task. So we have to extend the time by years, which will also be in connection with my succession, which will take you after my departure into their care. But this can only be done by controlling and moving time (Note Ptaah: manipulate) and using itAs I have done with you since 1942 several times and you have different countries, much significant, interesting, instructive and also several theaters of war and events, etc. have watched and see. This will naturally make you older all the time - the years will be - but this will not affect your body very much, because despite your additional times, you will be in other levels of other heavenly spaces (note Ptaah: other dimensions or space-time structure ), but will preserve your youthfulness until your old age. Similarly, it will be like FIGU-TIME SIGNS, No. 105, November / 1 2018 10, if you continue your learning with the ones following me for longer or shorter times outside the present level in levels of past or future.And everything that has been done so far has been indispensable for your learning, personal development, and future hard work, which is much more diverse in terms of conditions, characteristics, issues, subject areas, circumstances, and relationships, etc. than this Usually a person of this world and in your age could learn, understand and also cope. Even for the very great mass of humankind on earth, it would be impossible to learn, experience, and process all of this, and not be mistaken about how to do it. But all this is inexorably necessary for you, which is why we must continue to use the times of the past and the future, because only in this way do we gain enough time (note Ptaah: more years) enough that we can use for your learning.So it must be that I lead you away from the present for more or less or longer times, which can be days, weeks or months, during which you have to learn strictly, then I bring you back to the same time at the same time I brought you away. In this way, you will not be missed by your parents and siblings, as well as anyone else, or even at school, because the control and delay of time will make it necessary for you to be in the Present level and always be present at the time prevailing here. And this must be so because only the eleven years in this present level would never be enough to teach you all that you have to learn. Of course, you will also age around the times,while you are learning outside of the present time prevailing in this world in other time periods, but it will be that you will still remain youthful to the age. With this I have given the first necessary explanations, but further I must teach you that in the coming times you must warn earthly humanity of further threatening and great dangers, even after the end of this war in the coming month of May the world and humanity threaten. The power and greed, the vindictiveness and abominable irresponsibility of the rulers and military rulers of the United States of America will completely ruin and devastate two large cities in Japan with new bombs of immense destructive and destructive power.Hundreds of thousands of people are killed, which will then be the end of this still raging world war even in the Far East. Even if you still do not understand what it is with such a bomb, which is also called Atomic Bomb next to other names, I will explain briefly what it is. Later I want to teach you about it, but I want to explain to you today that these bombs are based on a principle of nuclear fission. This means that the atom is split, which is called theLet me briefly explain what it is. Later I want to teach you about it, but I want to explain to you today that these bombs are based on a principle of nuclear fission. This means that the atom is split, which is called theLet me briefly explain what it is. Later I want to teach you about it, but I want to explain to you today that these bombs are based on a principle of nuclear fission. This means that the atom is split, which is called theAnd even as the tiniest particle is true, which can not be split, as has been misunderstood from time immemorial. In fact, however, this assumption does not correspond to reality because the atom is fissionable, under which another six particle levels are assigned to the natural levels. The process of atomic splitting is also called nuclear fission and is part of a process of nuclear physics, in which an atomic nucleus under a huge release of energy separated into two or more components resp. is decomposed. If an atomic bomb is ignited, an uncontrolled chain reaction takes place, with the number of nuclear fissions increasing rapidly and rapidly, causing unimaginable amounts of energy to explode in an explosion, killing, destroying and destroying everything.what falls into their blast area and destruction wave area. That's what I have to tell you about this dangerous bomb for the time being, and I'll let you watch the first of those dangerous and deadly events from my flight. But back to the still-lasting World War, which has been going on since 1939 and will come to a terrible end in Europe this month in May, while in the Far East, however, this will not be until August, after American nuclear bombs criminally kill two Japanese cities destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. This world war, and I have to explain that, is not the second globally led war, as is claimed, but the third, because the first one was already in the years 1756-1763.All of the great powers and many other countries of the twentieth century are involved in this world war, and this event represents the biggest military conflict in human history in the world so far. But the end of this war will not be the end of enmity. because it will continue to go on like this, even after this ruling war. After the collapse of the Nazi era, the United States of America, in its self-glorification in the world, will proclaim itself the sole victors and maintain its hostility to the Soviet Union. As a result, a very dangerous condition will arise asand this event represents the greatest military conflict in the history of humanity in the world to date. But the end of this war will not be the end of enmity, for it will continue as it has done since the still prevailing war. After the collapse of the Nazi era, the United States of America, in its self-glorification in the world, will proclaim itself the sole victors and maintain its hostility to the Soviet Union. As a result, a very dangerous condition will arise asand this event represents the greatest military conflict in the history of humanity in the world to date. But the end of this war will not be the end of enmity, for it will continue as it has done since the still prevailing war. After the collapse of the Nazi era, the United States of America, in its self-glorification in the world, will proclaim itself the sole victors and maintain its hostility to the Soviet Union. As a result, a very dangerous condition will arise asAfter the collapse of the Nazi era, the United States of America, in its self-glorification in the world, will proclaim itself the sole victors and maintain its hostility to the Soviet Union. As a result, a very dangerous condition will arise asAfter the collapse of the Nazi era, the United States of America, in its self-glorification in the world, will proclaim itself the sole victors and maintain its hostility to the Soviet Union. As a result, a very dangerous condition will arise aswhich will threaten for about 50 years constantly a new war of the great powers and a further use of atomic bombs, also by the Soviet Union, where as a result of espionage also nuclear weapons are developed, as later also in several other countries Case will be. Also, well into the third millennium around the world year after year, many dozens of uprisings, riots, revolutions, civil wars, wars of nations, hate and government crashes, etc., where - as always - to 80 percent always deceitful intrigues, machinations , Interference, intelligence and acts of violence in the United States of America. And as in ancient times, they will continue to be governed by self-government and self-reliance (Note: Ptaah:Sovereignty) of foreign countries, intervene unasked autocratically and power-obsessed in their affairs and also do not shy away from politically induced assassinations and evil force of arms. Thus, the future will be such that large parts of the world will increasingly be ruled by America's power, No. 105, November / 1 2018 11, and American hostility to the Soviet Union will be maintained, something that has always been characterized by a cowardly fear of the powerful of the United States of America, but also by their lust for power to bring the Soviet Union under American rule.And to promote hostility to the Soviet Union in the American people and pro-American countries - as will later be fought against the newly emerging Russia - the ruling rulers of the United States of America will do everything possible to bring about the arms industry advance. And this will be done in order then to supply the countries - which are fueled by American animosity propaganda against the Soviet Union and later against Russia - with large masses of ever more modern war weapons and other war material in the sense that they are against the Soviet Union and later against Russia - and speculative possibly against China - to be used,if a further world war provoked by the United States of America should be triggered. Thus, the American ruling elite already has early and very secret plan of provision for the future, if the ongoing world war will be ended by a gruesome killing and destruction scenario involving very dangerous bombing in Japan in the coming month of August much greater dangers of war, fear and horror among the entire world population are triggered than ever was the case. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and asThus, the American ruling elite already has early and very secret plan of provision for the future, if the ongoing world war will be ended by a gruesome killing and destruction scenario involving very dangerous bombing in Japan in the coming month of August much greater dangers of war, fear and horror among the entire world population are triggered than ever was the case. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and asThus, the American ruling elite already has early and very secret plan of provision for the future, if the ongoing world war will be ended by a gruesome killing and destruction scenario involving very dangerous bombing in Japan in the coming month of August much greater dangers of war, fear and horror among the entire world population are triggered than ever was the case. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and aswhich will be carried forward into the future if the ongoing World War will be ended by a gruesome killing and destruction scenario involving very dangerous bombing in Japan in the coming month of August, which, however, triggers much greater threats to the war, fear and terror of the whole world population than ever before. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and aswhich will be carried forward into the future if the ongoing World War will be ended by a gruesome killing and destruction scenario involving very dangerous bombing in Japan in the coming month of August, which, however, triggers much greater threats to the war, fear and terror of the whole world population than ever before. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and aswhich, however, triggers much greater dangers of war, fear and terror among the entire world population than ever before. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and aswhich, however, triggers much greater dangers of war, fear and terror among the entire world population than ever before. This will continue to be so and carry itself into the third millennium, if the Soviet Union in nearly 50 years loses its communist power and loses, then also in the economy as a whole sidelined and asthe Soviet Union into oneis transformed. And this danger and the fear and horror of all humanity in the face of another global war will be renewed in the third millennium due to the guilt of the United States of America, because they are also engaged in hostile propaganda against the new Russia and America-friendly countries for Russia's hostility incite and drive. On the other hand, this will also lead to hostilities against the United States of America in other countries, which are being harassed by American interference in some form and are therefore becoming dangerous archenemies. At the same time as the Soviet Union is coming to an end and a new Russia is emerging, a European Union dictatorship will take hold in Europe (note ptaah:European Union dictatorship) and bind many European countries, whose leaders and the populations are thoughtless, good-faith, foolish and trusting in the sneaky and lying peacefully, freely and peoples connecting and giving- but a real European Union dictatorship - and be exploited by it with large annual financial contributions. But after years, the truth will turn out to be that everything will only be lies and deception and break the true nature of the Union dictatorship and internal strife - if the dictatorship of the member states will also demand high taxes for nonsensical things, such as for the necessary use of plastics and all sorts of other materials, utensils and commodities, etc., to enrich the dictatorship - when the leaders and populations revolt and rebel against the subjugated machinations of the Union dictators, which then, in one case or another, exclude them to be considered from this dictatorship.And it is also by the unreasonableness of certain short-thinking, inexperienced, unwise, uncritical and unaware governing and regarding the assessment of facts of incapable parts of the Swiss population that this falls into the clutches of the Union dictatorship and this constantly and more and more repression and Switzerland forces itself to commit more and more to treaties in favor of the Union dictatorship. This will drive Switzerland more and more malignantly and with compulsory regulations ever closer under the domineering thumb of this dictatorship, which Switzerland will lose many people with their freedom, which will then be traded only in accordance with the laws, directives and contractual regulations of the Union dictatorship and ultimately neutrality will also be called into question.And it will be the case that responsible Swiss governments, who will negotiate with the rulers of this Union dictatorship, will irresponsibly bow to the non-free and dictatorial demands, and thus increasingly turn their own homeland and population into membership of the Union. Drive dictatorship. Furthermore, it will be that the member states of this dictatorship are exploited with huge financial dictatorship contributions unheard of, as in the course of time, Switzerland will be exploited financially. This is because of the stupidity, the irrationality and irresponsibility of leading and competent rulers - as well as that part of the people,who will live on in callousness and advocate the Union dictatorship - Switzerland will pay millions and billions to the Union dictatorship in order to maintain, promote and ensure the cohesion between the dictatorship and the individual member states (note ptaah: cohesion payments). As a result, Switzerland would become a dictatorship-indebted and burdened financial vassal state of the Union dictatorship. Further it will turn out, as explained that the member states of this dictatorship are exploited by huge financial contributions unheard of. The whole thing will apply to Switzerland if the repressive demands of the Union's dictatorship are supported by the ignorance, the irrationality and irresponsibility of leading responsible rulers and the inexperienced part of the people.As a result, Switzerland and its people are financially exploited and harassed by Union dictatorship laws and creeping and insidious, dictatorial rules, regulations and rules and are deprived of FIGU-ZEITZEICHEN, No. 105, November / 1 2018 12 of independence. And this will happen when uncontrolled or dictator-friendly negotiating country leaders and the inexperienced part of the people are blinded by the dictatorship and they submit by unfair decisions, unfair contracts and constraints the devious demands of the Union dictatorship against the will of the considered and reasonable Swiss population become. Only then,If the people of Switzerland can counteract this act of those responsible but irresponsible rulers by means of popular decrees that in their callousness can be deceived by the rulers of the dictatorship, it can be prevented that Switzerland will become a submissive vassal state of this Union dictatorship. But if the country leaders and the unreasonable part of the people are not attentive and deceived by the dictatorship despotism, then it will inevitably happen that, as in the whole world among many peoples will result from the work of America extremely peaceful situation between this European-wide dictatorship and Switzerland. And it would be, if Switzerland should bow to the dictatorship negligently and recklessly,that the neutrality of the country, as well as its peace and freedom would be as seriously damaged as it would be in the case of the population. If this were to happen, then, at the direction of the Union dictatorship, the freedom of information, opinion and the press would be restricted, just as the dictatorial machinations would undermine the order and laws of Switzerland and make them impervious to a vassal state. Moreover, the free information available, which will be guaranteed by law in the future, as well as the Swiss governmental information obligation would be so suppressed and suppressed that the population about certain acts, contracts and machinations, etc. in connection with the Union dictatorship no longer informed,but governmentally everything would be handled and controlled secretly. And this would be done in much the same way as will be the case early on in the administration of the Union dictatorship itself, which on the one hand is secretive and on the other deceives the countries and populations of their Union dictatorship and in every respect their direct power will bring. And if Switzerland were to be affected by this, discontent and dissatisfaction in the Swiss people would break loose and disturb peace and freedom in the country in such a way that a nationwide resistance could ensue and lead to civil war. And it would be like then,when a nationwide domestic crisis threatened in 1918, and the Federal Council used the machine-guned army of more than 100,000 troops to ruthlessly crack down on the striking population and put up with many deaths if the nationwide strike did not stop and the people could not have been forced to surrender with threats. But just as in the whole world, even in times to come, and also in the new millennium, there will be no real peace and freedom, but war threats and acts of war will intimidate and frighten humanity. Against all reason and reason, it will be in the old conventional delusion the power-obsessed and the mass of the on-going inexperienced people in the peoples are carried on.At the forefront, in the third millennium, as in ancient times, the danger of a warmongering will come especially from the United States of America, which will create strife and bondage worldwide and try to bring more and more countries under its absolute control , And it will then be further, that through the machinations of the Union dictatorship Switzerland will take damage to the neutrality and its population will increasingly fall into the strife and the bondage. The dictatorship will try harder and harder the more insidious, harder and more harassing, as well as slowly forcing Switzerland to its catches. And if the Swiss people and their responsible rulers are not vigilant enough to cheat themselves and be maneuvered into their catches by the EU dictatorship,then a creeping loss of sovereignty will take hold in Switzerland, as well as a growing dependency on the ever-enforcing Union dictatorship. However, the fact will be that their sense of power will spread very quickly throughout Europe and therefore also Switzerland will be included. Then there will also arise - if the country leaders and the reasonable part of the population do not reflect on freedom and peace, do not defend themselves against the dictatorial demands and measures of the dictatorship and do not refuse them - that over time they will increasingly totalitarian Union dictatorship will trickily trick Switzerland and its people into deceit and deception and integrate them into dictatorship. So again, predicting,that the whole thing will also apply to Switzerland if the repressive demands of the Union dictatorship are obeyed as a result of the ignorance, the irrationality and irresponsibility of leading and dictatorship-minded rulers and that inexperienced part of the people, who flatters thoughtlessly with the dictatorship should be. As a result, Switzerland and its people would be financially exploited and steadily harassed and deprived of independence through Union dictatorship laws, as well as their rules, ordinances and regulations. This is when the unmanaged negotiators and the inexperienced part of the people are blinded by the Union's dictatorship, and by anti-freedom decisions,unfair treaties and constraints would add to the insidious demands of the Union dictatorship against the will of the people. Only if the people of Switzerland counteract the actions of those responsible, but irresponsible and irresponsible with the dictatorship, by means of popular decrees can it be prevented in the next millennium that Switzerland will end as a vassal state of the Union dictatorship. Thus, as in the whole world-if Switzerland and its people do not act with reason and reason against the unfreedomful and subjugating demands and ambiguities of the Union dictatorship-an uneasy state will also be found between them in Switzerland Swiss population and the dictatorship. Everything will continue as we have done since ancient times and take much worse forms,because many people of the world are unstoppable and the longer the more horribly threatened, the more unrelated, indifferent and violent they become, which will inevitably be the result of the ever faster-growing world population, creating enormous problems of many kinds already at the time of the next Millennium change can no longer be controlled. It will also result in exile from the peoples with refugee flows, as well as brutality, unscrupulousness and widespread violence, murders and homicides, steadily growing crime and over-taking criminality, as well as strife, multiple murders and acts of violence in the families. Also, in the future, extremely vicious religious aberrations,which have been around since time immemorial and have led to fanatical religious wars, but in the coming times continue to break out and take such inhumane, brutal and murderous forms that will be worse than all brutality and inhumanity, like everything in this still ruling global war has emerged from the Nazi delusion. Once again, terrible racial hatred and vendetta will break out against people of other faiths, as has happened since ancient times, but in times to come, bloodthirsty and mostly religious and faith-based terrorist organizations worldwide will brutally torture and murder hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, as has been the case for millennia is donewhen these degenerations of belief in the faith and the resulting persecution of faith of others have arisen, and continue in the future. Every religion, as well as every deity, corresponds to a delusion of faith which is not from a god, but - like the latter - an irrational imitation invented by men, emerged or emerged through imagination, through a fantasy, desires and a need for something higher , However, every god and every religion does not conform to a guardian power that protects the good, but deities and religions are the protectors and preservers of evil who protect and constantly nurture all evils, nourish and all horrors, wars, deaths, demolitions and all Corruption continues to drive forward. Everything,what corresponds to deities and piety religions, and everything that springs from it, corresponds to basic aberrations that blind and confuse the mind and reason of men, make them delusional, and make them dependent on faith and dependent on it. In this way, every religion and every faith connected with it - and thus every belief in God - damages the clear mind of man, whereby his self-confidence, self-esteem and rational and self-determined self-determination become dulled, suppressed and finally annihilated and annihilated. But humans are not abstract beings who live outside the world, consequently they have to live with this and with all that exists in it,for the world and the natural system given to it, with all its varied plant kingdom and all the manifold walking, flying, creeping, creeping and floating forms of life, is its sphere of life. And this world is the true reality, as it was created by the creation, which was not or is not a man-devised God, but the Urewige, the entire infinity of heavenly space (note Ptaah: Universe). And this creation produced and produced no religion, no god and no faith, but only reality, truth, love and certainty, while in the man's mind a false understanding of creation, a belief in God and confused religions were created to the contrary because it was wrong and confused Have had and still have ways of thinking.Religion and belief in God are the general delusions of the people of this world, but also their general false consolation for their hardships, their misery and their sufferings, as well as their justification for all the evil and evil that they do, including wars Murder, killing, torturing, destroying and raping, total annihilation, extermination and all forms of any possible use of force. This, in truth, is the terrible, horrible, and terrible realization, conceived by men, of their self-created evil and their exhaustively degenerate nature, from which they can no longer recognize true reality and truth, and possess only reasonably reason and reason.because they do not recognize themselves as supreme beings and have abandoned themselves in the delirium of faith to a God invented and nonexistent by them. A struggle against every religion and its human-conceited fake god as well as against any delusional confusion of faith and belief in religion and faith has generally become impossible because of the confused orthodoxy of every god deluded man, because a fight as a god-believer is indirect against his faith to be self-directed, for his delusional belief and religion dominate him so much that he is unable to defend himself against it. Clear mind and conscious reason are so rotten with believers,that they can no longer perceive reality and its truth and can find no or hardly any other way to save what is left of delusional reason and clear reason. Basically, the believers are governed by FIGU-ZEITZEICHEN, No. 105, November / 1 2018 14 their religious devotion so that they are deaf, blind and dismissive in their belief in the effective real reality and therefore not to grasp the factual truth assets. Everything corresponds to a religious and godly misery in an expression of real misery, which acts in a way against reason and reason, that this evil misery of the faith in God and religion reaches ever deeper and deeper and drives the believers into ever degenerate depravity,making them increasingly poorer and harassed sighing creatures. Degenerate creatures who selfishly and selfishly see only themselves and their benefits, while the next one next to them becomes more and more an enemy who needs to be hugged and killed. Every religion and the associated belief in God is poison for the self-realization of the people, and also religion and faith foment an illusory, miserable happiness and a false security and contentment, which, however, are very far from any reality. But with all these degeneration will not be enough, because everything will be carried over the longer, the more increase, far into the 3rd millennium carried in and constantly malignant, because these degenerate,which are invented and executed degenerate as the offspring of all evil and evil of human senses, will bring humanity and the world to the brink of extinction and utter destruction. And this will become so, if it does not belong to it and will not be acted upon by what you teach by your work to mankind and proclaim it prophetic and predictive. And to the prevalence of all these and many more rectified terrestrial degeneracy will be added to the money and profit addiction, which will become completely uncontrollable. These will also include the applications of deadly poisons that are released into the natural system,to promote food growth and harvests and to kill plant pests and to inhibit or destroy weeds in growth, but in any case everything related to this will only be for profit. But many useful and even vital insects, as well as all sorts of mammals and other important for the function of the natural system and organisms are poisoned, killed and eradicated, as well as the people will get sick, suffer and die because of the toxins, because all the toxins released into the natural system will be deposited in the food crops, the soil, many living things, as well as in the waters, crops and also in those slaughter animals, which also serve humans as food. So far I have to explain to you today necessarybut I will continue to teach you several times in this regard, because many facts and events of the next and future future will be revealed to you
As regards the envisaged framework agreement with the European Union
was ptaah at a corresponding question to the Plejaren
on October 11, 2018 states the following:

With regard to the envisaged framework agreement with the European Union, a question to the Plejaren Ptaah on 11 October 2018 stated as follows: Billy Then I have this question: Can you tell me what your Plejarian facts are in relation to the pending framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU dictatorship, because you not only observe our terrestrial political affairs, but also assess and evaluate them. And yes, you do so only for observation and assessment reasons, without interfering in any such concerns of earthly states, as you are not allowed by your directives, but I think that it can be important for the earthlings, what you in In this respect everything learns and which judgments you gain from our terrestrial political machinations and so on. Ptaah That's right, because I am not allowed to interfere in the politics of Switzerland or other terrestrial states, by our directives, but I may reply to your question in such a way that I disclose my thoughts and declare that I personally the framework agreement between The EU dictatorship - and one of them is undoubtedly the same - and Switzerland recognized some time ago as an EU dictatorial viciousness that ultimately undermined Switzerland's democracy, dissolved it and finally integrated the country into the dictatorship of the EU. As has been the case since the first negotiations and treaties between Switzerland and the EU dictatorship, which I can not name otherwise, Switzerland's inexperienced negotiators and plenipotentiaries have committed their freedom in various relations to the EU's totalitarian system. This inevitably led to a certain vassalage of Switzerland for the EU dictatorship, in which the formerly freely available country, contrary to its constitution, has deliberately intervened against all reason and against the will of that part of the Swiss people who did not want to do so. So it turned out that those responsible inexperienced Swiss country representatives, who led the negotiations with the EU dictatorship and contracted, dumb-gullible and trusting did everything, so that Switzerland gradually into various orders, laws and desires, etc. The Confederation was dependent on this dictatorship, pressed into whose dictatorial regulations and was therefore unfree in various matters by corresponding contracts to the anti-freedom dictatorship rules of the EU. FIGU TIMES, No. 105, November / 1 2018 2 Billy Thanks, I too have something of a person with whom I have been in contact for several years and who is very interested in our cause of mission, as well as that , as you know, the case of the government official ... ... from ... ..., is in Germany, who always came when Guido was still alive and whose name I must at least remain silent for so long, as long as he still lives as was the case with Franz Josef Strauss. The contact is a bit weaker since Guido died, but he continues to be interested in and complies with the mission, even though he is actually a godly believer, but he says he does could integrate into his faith. But the person I just mentioned, well, you know, is a member of the 732 Members of the European Parliament (EP) and gives me some information here and there, not in the EU Parliament be publicly negotiated and kept secret. Although I should not speak openly, I was allowed - if I remain in the name of the person and the position in the secrecy and say nothing - to mention this and to disclose some of what I was told. This, however, only then and with the promise, if I do not name the person by name and also certain details of their work in the EU dictatorship remain unnamed, to which I have committed myself, of course, I can not say in our KG, who the person is and what their activity in the EU dictatorship is. So now I can say what she sent me four days ago, as you can see on the date here and that you can read for yourself, after which I have to destroy the whole thing.... ... (transcript: Ptaah That this person has been in contact with you for a couple of years and you've been silent about it, as well as about the two civil servants from Switzerland, that's well known to me, but you really have to be silent about their identities and this one too, this .. . destroy. Billy It's clear, but do not you think that we should not officially talk about it and therefore I should omit the said when retrieving the interview report? Ptaah This will not be necessary, because we did not mention any names or positions of ministries, and I also think that certain people should know and be concerned about you being equally well-disposed to government officials in Switzerland and Germany, as well as the person of the infoSekta in Zurich as well as the incumbent pastor ... in ... and the also officiating pastor ... of ..., who, however, have to hold each other back as well and keep them secret, that they maintain contact with you. Billy Something is obviously in the air that you speak so openly about these contacts. Do not you want to tell me what makes you talk about it? Ptaah I can tell you that, of course, but only in secrecy, because the reason that I address these things is based on ... ... ...