Sunday, September 16, 2018

CR 709

What the Plejaren have to say about sanctions and punitive tariffs
and what else was discussed at the 709th contact conversation
Excerpt from the 709th official contact conversation on 29th July 2018
Ptaah sanctions as a political weapon correspond to an equally insidious, despicable one
and degraded attitudes, as any kind of warfare. If I may use your words, then
I also want to say that political as well as other sanctions are stupid, primitive and feeble-minded
prove and prove that the authors of such machinations are despotic, irresponsible elements,
which are very horrendous in mind, reason and intelligence and therefore in a real, healthy and therefore
righteous way of governing. Also punitive tariffs as a political weapon against
Trade goods of foreign states, as these Trump impose for various states - the US presidential office
is incompetent and would have to be deposed - correspond to a primitive, mind-less, irrational
and low-intelligence action and reprehensible reprisals. It has been proven for ages that sinking
tions of all kinds, including punitive tariffs, etc., never means for settling any differences between them
different states were or even led to a good understanding and peace between them
have. On the contrary, the guilt of the irresponsible contracting and the
The megalomania of dilapidated rulers and rulers only increased rejection, strife, difficult
trade wars, as well as hate, revenge and ultimately insurgent arms, terrorist acts
and wars among the countries. However, these have not always had the fallible females or males
but the populations and armies, because through the power stroke and the
Irresponsibility of the power people and their self-aggrandizement wars
were sworn. And since the peoples and the armies never opposed the government criminal and
Completely irresponsible and criminal machinations of the rulers of every kind to defend
and did not refuse to take up arms and act as a war-killer, the whole thing has gotten into the
preserved today and will be continued in the same way. And as long as the people -
and armies of all countries do not refuse to engage in military action against alleged enemies,
but, to the contrary, the war-tirades and peace-preventions of the ruling power-obsessed followers
and advocate and perpetuate acts of war, as long as can be on the earth and among its entire
No real peace and no effective freedom arise. What is under at the present time
the majority of those inadequate, anti-peace and anti-immigration
and irresponsible and power-obsessed leaders of the rulers of the earth practically in all
States, in no way corresponds to any form of peace, freedom and justice.
not for the States themselves or their populations. The opposite is true
only a state of threat in the form of a dangerous and dubious rest, which at any time
breaking threatens and to arms gang, wars or at least too long-lasting enemy differences
between the countries and thus the populations. And that while doing the populations that
in any case, they are always the main victims, howling with the power-wielding power of their governments,
which conjure up all evil and evil in the name of the peoples, that results from it, because the masses of the
Populations, as a result of their lethargy of consciousness, ignorance, and inertia, are themselves incapable of anything
questioning oneself, thinking for oneself and deciding and acting in the right way.The fact is that
the peoples, without elaborating their own intellectual and rational opinion, by the suggestive
Lies, lies and the like of all those fallible powerhouses without hesitation
lulled to sleep - these fallible powers in all countries of the earth, the majority of rulers
and co-rulers - who create strife, strife and lack of freedom, in their own country as well
in other states. And as long as earthly humanity lives on in this way consciously weak and
not to think for yourself, to think about it, and not to act on your own, but to do everything wrong,
nothing will change for the better. The whole
The mass of the Earth's population must finally find the right path to peace and freedom, namely
first to himself and then to the whole earth humanity, as by the of the spirit, doctrine of life> in relation to the personal thinking, decision and action of the individual
is shown, described and taught in many ways with regard to doing.
Billy I can only agree with that and hope that your words are the way to the ears, the mind
and find the reason of the earthlings. But if that's really the case, it'll be the first
to be in the distant future, when the big catastrophe that you are calling sweeps away the bulk of earthlings.
Unfortunately, it will be the case that the majority of earth humans still do not have the effective truth of life
and of existence, but so long vegetates thoughtlessly and so long in relation to the
real reality wants to err, just as it lives.Therefore, it will be that the majority of people on earth
continue to all those crazy and confused suggestive speeches, lies, scams and false promises of
self-righteous, government unfit, irresponsible rulers cheered and emulated. there
Everything that is lying and criminals is done in order to achieve the real, effective reality and its truth
Suppress and deny that a change for the good and the best and a future of the effective
global peace that could and would lead to true freedom and justice. Of course I mean
so that not only the doctrine of Nokodemion, just the ,
which is spread by the association FIGU and me, but also any other good and correct teaching
any earthlings, their own truthful knowledge of life, the environment, existence,
the universe, the consciousness, the mind energy, the mind, the reason and the intelligence, especially the
have gained in this respect human behavior and spreading their valuable knowledge
bring the people of the earth. And in fact it is true that many earthlings have been around for ages
on the spiritual doctrine again and again good, positive and valuable knowledge gained and disseminated
but due to the impunity of the peoples and their oppression by the rulers of the religions
and sects as well as rulers and statesmen could not really penetrate much of it and therefore
few positive changes are evoked. This also applies to all the best, right and true
to which is undoubtedly also taught in many diverse religions and sects, etc., but excluding all religiously religious-sectarian posturing and fuss from the real reality and its truth
is, and in particular all nonsensical imaginary forms, just like a god resp.Deities, one
Son of God, divine prophets, divine saints, angels and devils, etc. But what I want to say,
what you have said in relation to sanctions and punitive duties, that refers to me regarding
Punitive duties of the same opinion as you are. If such are levied on merchandise, as the United States
Ruler resp. the insincere lying lewd trump Trump Trump against other states regarding various
Trade goods, then this will disadvantage the trade exchange economy. By feebleminded
certain tariffs are heavily inflated on certain goods, as are the businessmen and the
Consumers by the punitive tariffs imposed by non-governmental, pathological imbeciles
be exploited, which corresponds to a sheer irresponsible act of terrorism. And that, of course, trample
Trump, whose commanding, acting, doing, talking, and governing matches a six-year-old boy, of course
he does not care and with his idiotic actions and actions against his own country - the USA - in
he does not understand and is unable to grasp various states, as well as his
Counselor and all others in his circle of government and the supporters of the people of the
USA not. For my part, I've been thinking about this cocky and undignified guy,
where I judge him so much that he is on the one hand megalomaniac and on the other hand domineering, like it
in the dictionary. In addition, I can say that in all his behavior and behavior he has a serious
but I can not find out whether it is with one
certain shot of idiocy paired consciousness damage is innate or if he is in his early
Childhood or adolescence years due to its great stupidity and emotional disability itself -
suitable. His clearly apparent intelligence defect and his inconsistency with respect to his
own statements and orders, etc., also reveal his absurd and foolish behavior, such as
also his fickleness and lies, as well as the constant changing and revoking of
instructions, etc., as well as the respectively thoughtless, vehement and fast denial or denial of negative ones
Facts that are communicated about him, his behavior, actions and actions. This man will
In my opinion, it is dominated by a self-obsession, as well as a cognitive distortion.
personality, overvaluing one's own ability and competences. As it unfortunately
It is unique to many female and male governmental rulers of all stripes throughout the world
Element of extreme form in relation to an almost limitless self-esteem, self-adulation,
Self-exaltation and even self-glorification, which is particularly evident when he
which decrees etc. are signed and these in the presence of a larger group
He provocatively picks up and demonstratively exposes him to the spectators and journalists. It is for
But I also recognize a loss of reality and, moreover, everything is shaped so much that I think of it as hubris.
just as a self-conceit, presumption and as arrogance, arrogance and presumption
But with the loss of reality, the whole of Trump is also connected in such a way that he
Overestimating one's own abilities, accomplishments, and competences is as usual
especially in the case of persons exercising positions of power, especially in government positions.
but also in civil servant and superior positions, whereby these people - including Trump -
however, are unaware of this fact. Such persons are also found in all sorts of other potentates
respectively. Potentatinnen resp. rulers, leaders, spokespersons, locals, rulers, chiefs,
Heads of State, Commanders, Rulers, Rulers, National Leaders, Leaders, Bosses,
Commanders and emperors. The elements that fall in these circles live in a delusion,
where they consider themselves to be a very important personality, and in this way of gigantomania and Megalo -
Manie are expired, but they also live in the delusion that they are in their lust for power and power
would have to exceed the fellow humans by exaggerated achievements and would, what normally
is not the case, because such persons turn out to be rather human rivets and zeros.
Ptaah You had a good training with my father Sfath and learned a lot, dear friend,
why you are well versed in psychoanalysis. Therefore, you judge and call the action, the
Reason, the reason and intelligence of this man in the right way, namely that he is pathologically
There is a certain amount of imbecility, ie a consciousness-related disability in the form of an ongoing one
Condition of significantly below-average cognitive abilities as well as associated limitations.
of his affective behavior, predominantly of short, impulsive emotions, not of
cognitive processes.
Billy Thanks for your opinion, but I do not want to excel with it, which is what I at Sfath do all this
I have learned why, in this respect, I am fundamentally holding back against the people of the earth and
do not bring up such things. Maybe it'll be good if I just retrieve what I said
and write down the conversation and make only Pünktchen.
Ptaah No, you should not, because your psychoanalytic judgment hits the heart of what
must be said as an assessment of Donald Trump.
Quetzal That's my opinion as well, because this man is not only stupid and a leader
capable but also uneducated and in his megalomania, his self-importance and in his
vigorous mind and its defective reason absolutely unpredictable. Since I have the practices of the US
I have only been able to study it to the extent that I have studied American presidents and still deal with them today
say that character degeneration, mindless and unreasonable as well as illogical, level, low and
primitive forms, as well as sneaky, enmity, strife and war-creating degeneration, such as
These Trumps are intrinsically, otherwise inherent to other US Presidents. An undeniable
Fact that often led to wars, political killings, government overturns in foreign states, as well
many other serious monstrosities by the US government, US intelligence agencies and US
Military forces were triggered and carried out, which was also due to the guilt of US policy and its
eg terrorist organizations, such as Al Quaida and the IS resp. .And
All of this has been happening since the ancient times, since the United States of America, because the bulk of all politicians
and government officials and their presidents have been power-obsessed and completely since the beginning of the US
irresponsible elements. As such they were, and is also Trump, unrestrained to amorality, vicious
and unscrupulousness, as well as uncontrollable inhibition, indecency,
Irresponsibility, nonsense, lack of conviction, recklessness and unscrupulousness. In order to
Every honesty, order, and every sense of peace, freedom, and righteousness are also missing. If I now
then take the floor, then I have to come back to what Ptaah is about a new controversy
as well as the possibility of new perfidious offensives against you and possibly the KG members.
because I am responsible for making security efforts and
to develop safety measures that we control under permitted means according to our directives
hold. We will endeavor to do everything necessary, and in the future as long as the requirements
demanded. Certain arrangements to be made I will explain to you now, including in the
Center area, which will have to be carried out, and then, in due course,
would control speaking versions.However, this should not be left open, neither now nor later.
and therefore nothing is recorded by you in writing because there are measures to be taken.
that will be very important, in terms of the possibility ... That's why they are starting today
to be carried out at the latest in three weeks, and indeed ... Further are also the following further measures such as ...
Unfortunately, it is unavoidable that ..., because again threatened attacks are expected
must, where ..., which must be prevented.So the appropriate precautions are to be taken, which are a certain
Provide security that attack attempts will be avoided. Therefore ...
Billy If with these arrangements to be made by us and with your various
called efforts in relation to ... then it would really have to be with ... Besides ...
Quetzal This can be assumed. But why the new controversy is sought, the
founded in two important factors, firstly in the malignancy that is being fought, which is generally
brings the earthly person personal progress in terms of a true human becoming, namely the the truth, doctrine of the spirit, doctrine of life. But this doctrine is by all means the lie of fraud
and prevent the defamation, mainly by the leaders and believers of the religions
and sects, but also the politics and thus secret government-driven machinations to do so
contribute. The that you bring, teach and disseminate
and the indisputable erdenmen a life according to positive creative laws
as well as real interpersonal peace and freedom and thus good interpersonal
Relationships, they are the most valuable doctrines ever to the evolution of consciousness in relation to the true man -
were brought to earth and taught, and now taught again. Although she was already too old
Times brought and taught, but maliciously falsified by misunderstood terrestrial men and truths and religious sects created from it, from which to the present time a lot of evil and evil
was brought forward. Unfortunately, this will remain so in the future, because the evil power of religion
people, sects and their - though believing but irresponsible - representatives of fanaticism
Faithfulness of the pious, uncritical, naïve and inoffensive followers of faith continues to be vehement
promote. In doing so, they become thoughtless and irresponsible through suggestive influencing activities
faith-promoting elements of various kinds helpless, faith-lifeless persons, the true truth of life
and search for a real expansion of their consciousness, seduce them to new believers, and turn them into a reli-
driven by ghastly and sectarian fanaticism and delusion. The second malignant factor of the new aspired
Controversy is that yours and the FIGU as well as their members efforts in relation to the
catastrophic consequences of overpopulation stifled in the bud and as a lie, conspiracy theory, folly,
Phantasy and world improvement theory should be slandered. There are already some
engaging activities and defamatory ventures designed to prevent your open dissemination
and thus also the truth of the actual causes of climate change, of destruction
in nature, the fauna and flora as well as on the planet itself. So should the responsible
loose machinations of excessive overpopulation or at least trivialized,
the emergence of the whole of all already appearing worldwide and constantly worse
natural and catastrophic events, and the deaths of many terrestrial people
are. But this also obscures the truth and even consciously prevents it from being planetary
Reasonable with regard to a human population that is ideally portable for the earth already by a factor of 16
is exceeded. Next is also concealed, because it is not recognized and also not known
should that the incessantly rising brutality, violence, indifference, unscrupulousness, killing, killing,
Terrorizing, the constraints and the warfare as well as the whole criminality and the criminal activity in the
to steadily increase and become more precarious to all earthly humanity and degenerate more and more. Already in the
Families begin to form the causes of wrongdoing and malformation, and offspring
to shape all kinds of degenerations, which eventually also have a vicious-negative impact on the environment, the
Nature, whose fauna and flora and the planet itself bring. And in this respect increased and worsened
everything in the same way, as even the wrong and malformed offspring themselves become
thoughtful offspring and put into the world, which then, just like their parents, in relation to the real
Reality and truth with their degenerating, criminal and criminal machinations also
ruthlessly bring death, extermination, destruction and destruction in nature, fauna and flora and they too
promote more and more. There is also the fact that terrestrial mankind
, peace-and anti-libertarian groupings and also government-related elements
new temptations and divergences, with lies, deceit, defamatory hostilities, hatred, envy and speculation
linguistic, unrealistic and paradoxical inconsistencies as well as all sorts of evil
misguided machinations and thereby impaired and prevented their reason and reason
that people in themselves and between peoples should not create peace or freedom.
can. Basically, earthly humanity should not find its way to real reality and truth.
because only by being infatuated in their entire mass by lies, deceit, force and coercion -
which is especially due to the suggestive belief in the power of the rulers, rulers and
Leaders of religions and sects, as well as by the falsehood and self-glorification of the fallible
Power-makers in politics - the Earth humans can be attractively guided as the bulk of the Earth,
held down and kept under control in religious, sectarian and political purposiveness
become. In this way earthly humanity has long been the product of the majority of rulers and representatives
of the religions, sects and politicians and ruling powers of all shades conducts, dominates,
governed, persuaded and commanded, under supervision and supervised. It was sneaky with everyone
vicious lies, false promises and machinations all promoted the power of religions
and sects resp. their rulers and representatives, as well as the politicians, rulers and rulers
kept alive and keeps alive. And this has been done since ancient times
as is the case today, because, on the one hand, the peoples are not divorced from their religious, sectarian
freeing oneself from the delusion of real delusion and not from real reality and truth and not from fact.
apply that they themselves are and possess all the power and power by which they make every decision
to make one's own actions and to carry out all actions on one's own responsibility and likewise every action according to one's own responsibility
Without any deity could or would do this for them, because all deities are nothing
other correspond as pathological stupid imaginations of the faithful. On the other hand, the same principle applies
in a modified way also with regard to politics, the rulers and rulers, etc., because usually
the peoples choose their leaders, power leaders and rulers themselves, so they follow as well
they are responsible for what their elected rulers do, how they act, how they govern and so on
as a whole exercise their governmental office and power potential. In this way, it was from time immemorial
in such a way that the people in their ignorance and unconsciousness, as well as without the knowledge of men, etc.
and elected and celebrated without their being recognized.
Consequently, in each case, only urgency, violence and coercion arose from everything, as it continues to do
Such is, because the peoples are stupidly wrong in stupidity, inability of human knowledge and ignorance
Selecting people into the government and power positions, then dissatisfaction, strife and last-
riots and violent acts can emerge from the whole, and that is what peoples suffer from
but they themselves elected and put into their positions their harassing rulers, for which you
once in a settlement said stupid calves choose their own butchers. Through everything I do
So far, it is absolute for the individual Earth human and for the whole earth humanity
impossible, the way to peace, freedom, truth, justice and the knowledge of the real thing
find neither peace and freedom in themselves, nor in society and the masses
of all humanity. In fact, good relations between human relationships, as well
in terms of peace and freedom in connecting friendships, deep relationships and between the
to prevent everything between different peoples. Namely, peace and freedom would come into the
Humans themselves and thus also in all peoples, then the religions lose their lives
Believers' power and their heresies would be useless, because inevitably
would know that only the terrestrial man is master and master of himself, as well as his thoughts,
Emotions, his decisions, his actions and actions and not a god or any other supposedly divine
Savior. Any political disagreement, the non-thinking of the populations as well as those of the ruling ones
Rulers propagated and suggested opinions must reach out to the populations comprehensively
and that they must become their own, and consequently they must be maintained by all means, and thus that part
to assure unbelieving rulers their positions, which act against the well-being of their peoples;
fulking and pecuniary enriching themselves to their detriment, leading to hatred and envy, etc. Hate,
Envy and slander have no expiration date when it comes to preventing something that is real, good
and valuable, as is the doctrine of the truth, doctrine of the spirit, doctrine of life, which you teach and
and that through love, peace, freedom, equality, and justice on earth, mankind itself emerges
and spread throughout the earth's population. The dissemination of this teaching and thus yours
This work and mission should be the purpose of the controversy
Those who have fallen in love with religion, envy, know-it-alls, as well as certain commanding authorities
and other antagonists worldwide, and at another time
invented untrue circumstances about you through many machinations and pretended to be lies and deceitfulness
to be thrown. So again slander and falsehoods should arise that your film and
Photographic material relating to our aircraft forgery, pouch tailoring, charlatanism, peasant catching and
Maleficery should be. With this, as before, malignant and malicious provocations of all
of a certain kind, especially attacks that also affect your safety.
could endanger, but in some circumstances, those of your family and FIGU club members. So
continue to be maligned, degraded, ridiculed, denigrated,
Contempt, defamation, insults and discrimination take place in this regard
Keeping everything alive and lasting for a long time to come, consequently these intrigues to an infinite
Spirals full of untruths lead and are constantly preserved until far away times.On our part we will
We will endeavor, as far as possible, to remove all such defamatory and also
terbindend to control, as it was decided by our body, but we can not guarantee
that certain attacks fall outside our control. Next must be explained that by
religious believers afflicted with sectarian belief in faith are becoming ever more intense and extensive worldwide.
richer, steadily increasing and fanatical degenerating beliefs and beliefs spread
Earth humans should be prevented from finding themselves and recognizing that not
a god or some other higher power has to decide on personal actions and deeds, etc.
but only man alone in every way. So be through in the present and coming time
believers afflicted by religious obsession, the traditional beliefs and beliefs
frauds have been driven up again with renewed efforts to once again
to lead them to a state of faith which, as in earlier times, causes bad degeneration
can bring. Connected with this is the desire for power and the greed of many rulers and businessmen
Magnate, etc., who understand irresponsibly to use the faith delusion of countless Earth people and
to fanatize them, which in particular causes an increase in the propensity to violence and the use of violence, which,
moreover, also in relation to the unchecked excessively growing earthly human overpopulation.
takes.And this violence and the practice of violence of all kinds, which already
begins with verbal violence in childeducation and degenerates in the course of life to the point of physical and deadly violence, has been gaining ground
worldwide for quite some time. The whole thing starts already in the families and
continues to expand in the entire earth human society, especially in politics, in the actions
and actions of the security forces, the military, as well as superiors, etc., of course, especially
in the religions and Cults, where the violence of many religious representatives from rape,
threats and even more evil do not shy away. The mass of the earth's human overpopulation
Since your predictive warnings to the rulers and the media, etc. that you wrote
throughout the world in the 1940s and 1950s, when earthly humanity was still less than $ 3 billion, it has
now risen to nearly $ 9 billion, which has already exceeded that factor by which
the steadily increasing violence and violence of earthlings could still be controlled
and prevented. Indeed, in the future, there will be an unstoppable proliferation ofwillingness to commit
and use violence in an undreamt of manner and in many forms in the whole society of all peoples
, bringing much suffering, death, harm and destruction, and no longer
to be damed. In this way, however, it will not only be the terrible and world-
wide religious and sectarian as well as politically caused terror cells that
bring spoilage and destruction as well astorture, massacres and many deaths, misery and distress over the Earth humanity, because everything
related to this is widening now inexorably more and more. As a result, there will be an increasing number of bad-natured individuals
, as well as elements of the normal
bourgeois population that are rotting to small or large groups , who in the future will increasingly and more brutally use
violence in a more unrestrained andunchecked manner, much worse. as this has been increasing for years
Mass is the case, with which many righteous terrestrial people fear, horror, suffering, distress, harm and distress
are spread.
Billy OK, then it's clear to me ...
Billy ... with which I also now come to what I want to say and
do about all of the above , and that in terms of numbers and all sorts of other information and values ​​I will refer to
what we each discuss privately , So I want
to start with what I want to say and say: The number of overpopulated on earth
can no longer be denied, which is absolutely a cause for concern about the survival of Earth
Mankind, of all nature, whose fauna and flora and even the planet is. Alone due to the already widespread
indifference among each other and the lack of reasonable communication and
tion, the people of the earth have lived apart. And by the needs, the thirst, hunger, and
the desires of the earthlings for luxury, mobility, and safety, they have the planet through an intense
exploitation in all possible materials, such as rare earths, petroleum, gold, silver,
coal, various Ores, precious stones and gases, etc., already irrevocably exploited in such a way that
regeneration is no longer possible on the longest term.
Also, the vast majority of agricultural land is in extremely poor condition worldwide,
with more than 40 percent of the once fertile land and its soils being vastly to very heavily over-exploited.
acidification and chemical pollution, erosion, salinisation and compaction are impaired and
more and more destroyed. And this also by overbuilding in terms of dwellings for the inexorably
growing and already overpowered overpopulation, through which inexorably devising
and destroying machinations are devised and practiced against nature, fauna, flora and the
planet itself.
The erosion not only worsens the quality of natural foods, but also promotes the
slow desertification and infertility of soils, ultimately creating desertification
that much or all agricultural productivity is greatly reduced or sinks to zero.
In view of the continuing rampant development of overpopulation, it is already the case that Earth
humanity actually needs 16 similar earths today in order to increase the carrying capacity and nutritional value of the earth
To satisfy planets with respect to humans, which
are to be calculated with the constitution of a planet, as with the earth, with 529 millions. Only in this way, if earthly humanity had 16 such
planets available and existed, could it continue as before, even then
only until an overpopulation would occur and a new planet had to be sought for its population
. In view of the unreasonable and irresponsible uplift in the
population as a result of the earthlings,as well as their ever-growing demands, even if
increased yields could be achievedthrough any new measures, more would be created
new planets needed to meet the needs of 529 million people on Earth
. The fact is that the consequences of excessive overpopulation affect not only their diet
but, more specifically, the health of the Earth's people, whose population at 31 December
2017 was exactly 8,844,128,002 resp. 8,844 billion earthlings, while false earthly
calculation assumptions about one billion people less.
According to air pollution, more than 7 million people die each year, while around one
billion people die of extremely poor sanitation and more than one billion
has access to clean drinking water. The fact is that half of the world's population, well over 4.3
billion people, is suffering from water scarcity, and in each of these cases, in future, the number will continue to increase
in relation to the unchecked overpopulation. Even today it is the case that in
some places the drinking water supplies are already much more heavily used than they can recover
and be used again.
The problem of living space is becoming ever more precarious, as the uncontrolled growth of
overpopulation brings with it a development that is almost unmanageable, and that too
with enormous financial resources, the necessary building sites and with all sorts of other difficulties
. Many people live in extremely miserable conditions on the streets of Europe's cities,
such as calipers, clochards and other homeless people in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and
England, etc., while nearly two billion more are in distress, misery and poverty in the slums from large cities
, such as Cape Town, Karachi, Lagos, Bombay / Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi and Mexico City, etc., although
in this respect the number is growing in relation to the ever- increasing overpopulation worldwide
The fact is and will remain in the future, that the more people will populate the earth, the
more the desire for wealth, pleasure and financial as well as material wealth will increase,
which in turn will lead to more crime, crime, but also to increasing envy towards more affluent
and more frequent and more and more and more degenerating violence. However,
population growth is also a great deal more likely to result in degenerating
machinations that destroy nature, fauna, flora and climate, especially in relation to the massively increasing global overpopulation
that currently affects around 110 million people each year is, with the billing
of all annual deaths.
If everything is considered exactly, then results from the growing number of Erdlingen resp. Of the mass
of inexorably surging overpopulation on earth the worst endangering of earthly
humanity of all time, of which this threat, which
hangs like a sword of Damocles over the future of the entire earth population, naturally also the existence of nature, their fauna and flora as well as the planet themselves are
affected. At the same time, this threat is exacerbated by the rapid
increase in overpopulation since the 1950s, with their worldwide destructive activities in nature, in fauna and flora
and on top of that on the planet, where climate change, as a catastrophic consequence of human unreasonableness
brings more tremendous destruction and destruction, as well as endless hardships, misery and suffering over Earth'shumanity. And all this can no longer be brought under control and can not be stopped
, even if large-mouthed , climatologists and politicians, etc.
, do stupid grand speeches, make themselves understood and make them important. And they do, although they
understand nothing of the whole of the already ongoing and ever expanding disaster, because they do not even realize
how bad and already futile the whole fate has already advanced and not one again
has become a fiasco and disaster that causes unhappiness over misfortune and constantly
brings more insoluble problems. And these problems, which
have never occurred since the very first becoming and the existence of the people of the earth to this day, have
already grown to such an extent that they can no longer be mastered. And this is so because generally
in the majority of the people of the earth, but especially in all kinds of state authorities
and their advisers and lobbyists, as well as in the religious leaders and their Hilfsfritzen and the
Sociologists, etc., etc., lack all reason, intelligence, and intelligence to
perceive and recognize the effectivereality and truth of it, namely how devastatingly evil it is already around the
planet Earth, its nature, fauna, flora, atmosphere and the climate really stands. From this blindness
of non
- awareness and non - recognition as well as non - recognition of the effectual facts concerning all catastrophically catastrophic destructions and destructions in all imaginable
relationships in nature, on the planet, in waters of all kinds, in fauna and flora In the countryside,
the atmosphere and the climate, the truth is still not recognized. In this regard, in which the
It is blamed for the catastrophe, which has been rampant for decades and is becoming ever more precarious. It has not even been recognized as such by
the leaders of all terrestrial states, as well as by the responsible
and and politicians, and even today not yet
recognized. The fact is that up to the present time by completely all these and learning> and over again by the relevant state rulers and politicians only flimsy and
stupid stupid suggestions and absolutely insufficient stupid measures to alleged climate change, etc.
are put forward and adopted but in their futility they are not even worth a drop
on a hot stone, which at least evaporates, while the whole nonsense of politicians, government
officials, , climatologists and etc. is not even able to produce a thin hunch
. This is precisely not because they do not
realize in their stupidity, their irrationality and lack of intelligence that the reason for the entire catastrophe - which they
can not recognize as such in their real reality as well - can be found in the existing and still endless growing overpopulation
Well, just the huge amounts of greenhouse gases that have been released into the atmosphere since the beginning of industrialization.
Every year, large numbers of people continue to rise uncontrollably because, on
the one hand, the steadily growing earthly humanity demands more and more industrialization in order to create more and more products of
all sorts, which are required by the mass of uncontrollably increasing overpopulation
and be required. And this further industrialization, on the other hand, inevitably generates
further greenhouse gases and cascades that are thrown into the atmosphere, along with the fact
that every year millions of adult earthlings inevitably use more vehicles with
explosion engines and other types of mud flies and so on State of greenhouse
increase gases enormously. As a result of this, more and more exhaust fumes pollute and annoy the atmosphere, and
in any case make all inadequate planning of the , climatologists and other
intended to avert further damage caused by global warming, etc. nullified
and completely useless. and before appropriate measures can even be conceived, let
alone implemented.
The effective carrying capacity of planet Earth is calculated by humanity to be, by nature
, 529 million people who can be nourished and maintained in abundance in an abundant natural environment
However, this number of people should not be placed more than 1.5 to 2.5 billion, as ancient
calculations of the universal prophet Nokodemion prove for a planet like Earth. However
, Earth humanity does not pay any attention to these calculations, as a result of which, in its irresponsibility
, it does not care that the ecological carrying capacity of the planetary habitat with regard to the
masses of people, which already exceeds 8.9 billion by 2018, has long been is exceeded.
As early as 2022, in terms of the size and fertility of planet Earth, every natural-rational
number of 529 million to at most 2.5 billion people with more than 9 billion will be massively exceeded.
which means not only an overcrowding and overcrowding of the planet and a huge
damage to the entire terrestrial ecology, but their complete overloading. From an ecological point of view
, this can no longer be seen as a trifle, because from this point of view,
entire household of nature and thus of all other living beings is disturbed and completely out of joint with regard to thetotality of the interrelations between the over-terrestrial humanity and its environment .
And this has happened in such a way that the ever-worsening process of ecological destruction is
steadily becoming blatant, because through the earthlings no insight and therefore against the evil in any way
an opponent takes place. Such an obstruction would have to be commenced by
enlightening, teaching, understanding, and understanding, and reason, and thus understanding
the effective state of affairs with respect to the danger and endangerment of mankind, the planet, and all
life by overpopulation would have to be. And this would have to be done by means of enlightenment by teaching
the whole earthly humanity to understand and also to understand
and willing to drastically reduce the overpopulation growth by a multi-year birth-stop
and thus to completely prevent any progeny production for certain years. This should also be combined with the
fact that it
would be necessary to teach and to understand that, according to a rational state-conscious and intentional birth control, descendants would have to be produced in order to bring
the population to a normal earth-tolerant level and thus humanity, the human race Nature
to preserve their fauna and flora and the planet. This would be a correct way to
massively, effectively, effectively, emphatically, massively, severely, strictly, rigorously,
decisively, hard, sharply, relentlessly, gravely, and energetically reduce the mass of earthly- human overpopulation to a lesser number
both for the recovery of the erdource-exploited planet, its largely destroyed nature and
fauna and flora, the waters, the climate, the atmosphere and for the whole environment in terms of forests,
meadows, meadows and meadows would be good and positive and thus regenerating, And even
if it has to be reckoned with tens of thousands of years for a regeneration.
The effects of climate change, which is undoubtedly caused by earthly humanity, are already leading
to much more frequent and catastrophic extreme weather, droughts and floods respectively. to effective
natural disasters. For various regions in different countries, it is important for existing populations
However, especially for the irresponsibly growing population, it is to be feared that
the supply of food, water and many necessary consumer goods will no longer suffice. The
But, as is often the case, it means that new conflicts will continue to
break out and that murder, manslaughter and persecution will become increasingly prevalent and uncontrollable in the future
. And this happens and continues to be so far into the future, along with
many other reasons, such as religious hatred and persecution, which are constantly creating new
conflicts and increasing refugee flows and unstoppable flows. An
example of this is the flow of refugees from the Islamic Rohingya, who
fled hundreds of thousands from their homeland in August 2017 , from the violence, persecution and murder of the Buddhist population of Burma. The Burmese believers in Islam, the Rohingya, have been
persecuted in Burma since ancient times, but have had to flee on a massive scale,
finding refuge in neighboring Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most densely populated countries in the world. However, the conditions in
the provisional detention camps are extremely precarious, which is due to the monsoon season respectively. Rainy season still
leads to a new tragedy. The huge wave of refugees, which had never been matched, about one
million members of the Burmese Rohingya, crossed the border
with Bangladesh in August 2017 within a few weeks . All of them fled in panic at the unprecedented violence of and Buddhists. Effectively, it was mainly the Burmese security forces who
attacked, murdered, raped and destroyed everything in the hometowns of the Islamic Rohingya. Every day,
distraught and exhausted people fledempty-handed, making Bangladesh the largest
refugee camp in the world virtually overnight . Since then, around one million Rohingya have
sought refuge in makeshift camps in the hinterland of the coastal town of Cox's Bazar. Out of all these, as a result of their religion
and religious faith, those displaced from their homelands are about 80 percent women and children,
and the situations in the vast and confusing refugee camps are extremely precarious and always
Become more precarious, because not only distress and misery spread, but also threatens diseases and epidemics.
The camps are completely overcrowded and consequently the infrastructures are also enormously overloaded. And if the
future of this stateless Islamic faith minority is to be considered, what should become of her and her refugee status
, then everything is absolutely uncertain. Now the monsoon season marks a new tragedy,
as the monsoon usually peaks in August, as a result of the rainfalls already in use,
causing slopes to slip, while violent monsoon towers
damage and sometimes damage the makeshift tents and huts made of bamboo and plastic tarpaulins also completely destroyed. Thousands of refugees
had to be brought to safety.
With regard to the greenhouse gases already mentioned, it can be said that the global community -
which is truly not one, but only a disagreeable, dissatisfied, resentful and hostile and loose state disagreement
- agreed on the emissions at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit
to reduce greenhouse gases . This was to prevent the global temperature from
rising by more than two degrees above the level at the beginning of industrialization. The industrialization is the development of
the production of goods by handicrafts, up to the production of goods by machines
in factories. The basic source of industrialization was England, where the industrial
revolution began around 1780, with emissions actually stagnating, particularly
as a result of lower emissions in the US and China, but worldwide emissions have increased since
2013 and 2016 have risen and continue to rise. But that will remain so, because the emission Ver
The commitments made by the states since Paris are becoming a
source of
noise and smoke, respectively , as a result of the endless growth of overpopulation and the inevitable further devastation of the atmosphere . to the illusion. And this will be so, because as a result of the growing
earthly humanity and its increasing needs, these can only be created with ever increasing harmful emissions
. Thus, no better emission targets can be achieved, which
makes it possible to increase the temperature by four or even five degrees, because the ever-increasing earthly humanity
inevitably has increasingly higher demands and needs, and this inevitably continues to be imminent.
In the foreseeable future, huge amounts of energy will be needed, which in the foreseeable
future will only be able to be generated in part with alternative technologies - unless the research led
to the invention of a total solution for energy production.
Well, the fact is that emissions will increase drastically in the coming decades and will therefore
not decline, because it has long been demonstrable that the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere continues to grow
faster and faster. Even if Earth's humanity could succeed in
exploiting the resources of the planet so sustainably and inventing and creating new ones, eleven or more
Billions of earthlings could be supplied with it, the question would be how and in what way all the
billions of offspring on an earth with destroyed nature, fauna, flora and a broken climate
would have to exist , because then of probably no longer spoken could be. So if the overpopulation
continues to be driven up irresponsibly, then the terrestrial catastrophic earthquake is indeed
unstoppable. Greed,
hatred, faith, luxury, wealth, poverty and injustice, as well as terrorism, false laws,
lack of reliance on people, indifference, violence, coercion, social inequality, strife, as well as drugs also contribute to this megacatastrophe .
Alcohol, pleasure addiction, diseases, diseases and vices, etc. This is because, in all these relationships,
the behavior of the Earth's people, as well as their reactions to the present and
future development, are becoming more and more abnormal. If this is considered in detail, this
is particularly evident in the view of the industrialized nations, for in them the moral degeneration, the sinking
of the intellect, reason, and intelligence of human beings is particularly strong as a result of the false development
in practically every imaginable possible human behavior , Because of this, and just because it could only
result from the immense number of people overpopulation, have been in the past nine
Caused the greatest environmental and weather catastrophes etc. for decades and caused irreparable
climate change and climate damage, which is effectively a climate destruction.
The comparatively huge overpopulation of terrestrial humanity creates
perceptibly much greater "ecological damage and destruction" imprints on the people of the industrialized countriesthan on
the people in the developing and emerging countries. If all the people living in the so-called
third world countries lived in the same way as those in the industrialized nations, then the earth would already be on the brink
of collapse, resp. all destructive collapse. The fact is, that if in industry -
Countries, for example, consider the total energy consumption of a person from childhood to adulthood
, which consumes 36 to 38 times more energy than in developing and
newly industrialized countries. It is also a fact that people in these countries, in
Africa, Asia, India and Latin America, but also in Arabia and China
, want the same level of prosperity that prevails in the industrialized countries. This is causing many people in these countries
to flee their homes, causing them to flee their country like swarms of locusts, and to rush
to industrialized countries in largerefugee flows, especially to Europe, which is in third countries.
world countries, so to speak, as a "paradise", where wine and honey should flow. Due to the flight of people from
the countries of refuge, the energy and resource consumption should sink significantly in these, but this is
not the case, because otherwise he continues to rise, because by companies and corporations of industrialized countries in
the refugee states resp. In developing and emerging countries, more and more resources are irresponsibly being depleted
and the earth exploited, forests cleared and the still fertile lands in food
crop plantations monocultured and exploited. But even where the
streams of refugees from Third World countries, etc., are stranded in the industrialized nations, energy consumption is increasing
more and more, in relation to the number of refugees who enter legally or illegally and inevitably become
in any vital relationship with energy users. Thus, in no state on earth is there a decline
in energy consumption, nor in CO2 emissions, although
the energy efficiency of any type of apparatus, machinery, automobiles, appliances, vehicles and
aircraft, etc., is strong and always has developed higher. And that more and more energy is needed and consumed
, is also because of the fact that more and more comfortable inventions of the forms mentioned
invented, manufactured, traded and used, whereby no energy saving,
but on the contrary, an ever greater energy consumption occurs, even if, for example, appliances,
work machines, vehicles, ships and aircraft, etc. consume significantly less fuel than before
and also with less CO2 emissions
pollute the atmosphere and breathing air for the people of the earth and allcreatures at all.
Basically, it is first and foremost necessary to rigorously stop and stop human population growth
, and then to reduce the earth's population to a healthy and healthy population
to keep to the correct plan. It is also important to
significantly curtail, drastically restrict the depletion of resources and theconsumption of energy and resources ,
and to distribute resources that are still possible in a more equitable and rational way. However, it is equally important to conserve energy, as well as to limit all
human beings in the world to all necessary relationships with respect to humanity and the
preservation of humanity , of nature and its fauna and flora, and so on
the wealthy industrialized countries as well as in the developing and emerging countries, to the
people in the poorest regions of the earth. Only by doing so is it possible for a change to change
and benefits and benefits to the Earth's population, as well as to nature, wildlife, flora and the climate, and
can have a long-term impact on the entire planet.
It would be enormously important and helpful for all life, earthly humanity, nature, their fauna and flora,
if human society completely suppresses the growth of the earth's population for seven years and
thereby prevent a billion descendants and thus, ideally, the existence of humanity
would naturally quickly reduce, and also by the natural million-fold deaths
The idiocy of those stupid researchers and is incredible, the incentives for more births and
thus advocating offspring as they
propagate this especially for some countries as a result of their shrinkingpopulation. Western women are offered a bonus that is not
geared to just one child or no child at all. This should encourage a new way of thinking and that
the "rich world" resp. The women of the rich industrialized countries should take this as an example and a model
to produce in the 'rich world' regularly just as many offspring, as is the case in developing
and emerging countries, where pregnancy prevention often nothing more than a useless shot
in the hot stove is. And this should be done according to the nonsense of well-known researchers and who
Obviously, not only the effective knowledge, but also reason, reason and intelligence are lacking, an
important signal in the direction of a healthy world population, as is practiced in certain third world,
developing and emerging countries.
As a rule, in spite of the excessive overpopulation, feeble-minded and irresponsible
economic reasons are often cited for the fact that more children are
to be born in the industrialized countries , because otherwise the society would be outdated and thus the necessary labor force. In
general, the inexperienced researchers, , economists, sociologists and other  see
Situation of the thing with the progeny creation. So spit, oracle, whistle, threaten and
condemn every birthrate and birth control in their feeble-minded
monotony, and fantasize the demise of the entire economy, as well as wealth and retirement pensions.
In addition, it is claimed that the lack of new births also
endangers the working world because there are not enough workers available to
do all the necessary work . On the other hand, the effective fact today is that there are more than enough people in the world
, even today, who would like to fill all the gaps in the labor market if they like
only given the chance and not impossible idiotic demands
would be demanded as working conditions that they can not meet. Today, the integration of a job - seeking earth
person, woman or man, is a lottery game in terms of getting a job due to the
megalomania of employers regarding the illusion of work education
demanded by jobseekers . Today, for a job-seeking person, this is a wild and confusing challenge that
many people who are willing to work can not cope with, because on the one hand many in their middle age from 40 to
45 years are already considered too old and rejected, on the other hand, the idiotic requirements
can not fulfill their professional or work experience.
In principle, it must also necessarily be said that descendants should in no case and never be
conceived and born to secure workers and old-age pensions, even
in such a way that they should receive their own parents in old age, such as the crazy and confused In earlier times this was the
case when masses of children were conceived and given birth for this purpose alone. Also after
to come and to give birth to the world is equally inhumane, pathologically degenerate stupid and
stupid as well as primitive, because it is simply nicer for society when children populate the world. Descendants
resp. Children, when they are born, have to live, act, do and work for their own sake,
which is why it does not matter and it does not matter what stroke, skin color, family,
status and descent they are. It is only important what path they take in their lives,
that they are righteous , that they have a good and positive attitude, and that theywill go
along in dignity and honor in the world of today and tomorrow. And they only have to be important when they grow up,
Whether or not they want to be free or bound, and whether
or not they follow their natural urge to reproduce in the context of global development , they also have to consider for themselves whether
one or two children will suffice.
Quetzal A long, but good and valuable monologue, which calls the effective facts in the name.
Ptaah That's also in my opinion ...

Monday, September 3, 2018

CR 709

What the Plejaren have to say about sanctions
Excerpt from 709th official contact conversation of July 29, 2018
Billy ... Then the question: how do you judge Plejaren sanctions that seized against other states and
how the EU dictatorship and the US specifically against Russia practice?
Quetzal Such action and action is nonsensical and politically reprehensible.
Ptaah sanctions as a political weapon correspond to an equally insidious, despicable one
and degraded attitudes like any kind of warfare. If I may use your words,
then I want to say that political as well as other sanctions are stupid, primitive and weak.
are sensible and prove that the authors of such machinations despotic, irresponsible elements
which are very horrendous in terms of intellect, reason and intelligence and therefore of a real, healthy one
and righteous ways of governing.

CR 709

The Quest For Answers .... To Everything ....

Monday, September 3, 2018

The following excerpt from the 709th official contact conversation on July 29, 2018
Billy ... For the time being I would like to ask a question regarding the following newspaper articles, because in
Germany again the "Reich Citizens Movement" problem becomes active again. After an incident in the middle
Franconian town of Georgensgmünd in Germany on 19 October 2016, you have from far more than 14 000 citizens> (exact number was 14 791), which existed in Germany. Now the number of
dramatically increased, as the Constitutional Protection announces. 
Ptaah The number of 14 791 has been within a short time since our last count 
as a result of various sensational statements by the media, such as television, newspapers and journals, regarding the
Happened in the town of Georgensgmünd on 19 October 2016 increased to 27 622.The rapidly increasing number of
In Germany newly created on the one hand were therefore by the Sensationsmedienberichte 
animated, but on the other hand, but also by the wrong unsustainable, free and volkswillenfeindliche
Politics and governance. In addition to the number of 27,622 citizens of the Reich, many of whom are
fear governmental repression and therefore secretly lean towards their
according to our clarifications, still sympathizes with a number of more than 83,000 women and men in
Germany, which feel a sense of belonging to a affiliation and whose 
Favor ideology. But what remains is the fact that the number of and 
whose supporters continue to increase, in particular the dissatisfaction of the German citizenship
the most important factor is, namely the dissatisfaction with the Federal Government, whereby mainly
the Chancellor is in the sights of aversion and hatred, which is also responsible for the culture> is responsible.
Billy Thanks, then it can only get worse, both with the dissatisfaction
as well as with the hatred against the German Federal Government and thus especially with regard to the Federal Chancellery
Angela Merkel.
Ptaah That will indeed be the case.
Billy The and neo-Nazis in Germany and Switzerland, etc., as well as various others 
Groupings in the form of autonomy groups and self-administrators etc. in many other countries
In my opinion, nothing but right-wing terrorists, their terror in their state hatred and nonsense
morbidly stupid and stupid equate with and and etc. The machinations 
the neo-Nazis had been in the late 1970s, and then at the beginning of the 1980s by a group of the citizen> also effects on us resp. the FIGU, which you Plejaren probably remembers you as well
certainly also Bernadette and I, and that's because, because of the delusion, neo-Nazis and have fallen for the delusion 
reported to us and thanked us that the FIGU would catch up with them. On this crazy
They came up with the idea of ​​the association name because they were of the confused opinion 
that the term "free" is to be understood as an "autonomy" separated from the state, hence the "free" one
Community of interests> is an autonomy group. Of course, we distance ourselves from this vehemently and for what
I have a particularly important word to say:
Our association FIGU resp. the corresponds to a constitutional association, 
who, like all FIGU club members, Switzerland as a state, as well as its federal constitution and the
Recognizes and obeys laws. Also, the association recognize FIGU and its members consistently and um-
catch the historical facts. So the existence of Switzerland as a state is in no way denied, this one
not denigrated or denied, as well as the legitimacy of the basic laws is not called into question, because
In general, the decisions of authorities and courts are accepted by FIGU and its members.
This includes the necessary unavoidable state taxes, such as taxes, etc. So founded the
FIGU on any autonomous grouping, its own autonomous state or something else hostile to the state and is not willing to deviate from it. And this is and remains so, 
because the association FIGU preserves the FREEDOM and FREEDOM in every righteous and legal state -
legally compliant and permitted way, which is what its members do in a purely private capacity so
which is state law absolutely right. So the association FIGU is classified in the state of Switzerland, like
also the association members are inserted into the entire state order of Switzerland. The association FIGU
also does not produce phantasy ID papers, etc., but only ID cards, etc., which justifiably only
FIGU-vereinsbezogen are, as in any relationship, even the state-made money as a means of payment g -
and thus honestly the justified taxes are paid, which in every imaginable way -
made and necessary to contribute to the preservation of Switzerland.
But what now concerns crazy autonomy groups, such as Reich citizens or individual autonomous resp. Singles -
autonomous persons or other anti-state and anti-governmental elements, groupings and self-governing
obsession, etc., there are such not only in the form of etc. in Germany, but also 
in Switzerland, whereby these and etc. do not abide by laws and the 
Denounce the rule of law as a joke. In Switzerland, too, a movement is growing in this respect,
which resembles the Reich citizens from Germany. "Switzerland is only a club" is proclaimed
In addition, the Swiss-Reichsbürger sympathizers keep in touch with each other in the Internet, while they on
Face book to give instructions on how willing Reichsbürgerverrückte from the state and will> be able. In a YouTube video, a certain Heino Fankhauser even gives instructions how to use
to have "returned" his person to the state in an affidavit, and since then only as a "human being."
Heino> want to be addressed. Since then he puts under documents only his thumbprint and
in lowercase his name. Swiss also use all kinds of self-produced ID cards and 
fictional car number plates and drive around in Switzerland, even the authorities and
Courts require that they only judge people, not people. This will be
well said, that may only be directed at persons who belong to the state of Switzerland, but not
about because only these are and should be named as such. Also will 
proclaimed by these that police right is not about human rights to negotiate. 
Well, even in Austria the is active, whereby the Austrian statesmen deny themselves or are known as followers of the (OPPT), who claim that they are 
could operate the state, but to which it must be said that there are also OPPT followers in Switzerland.
Austria also has to deal with an organization which is the International Common Law Court of Justice
Vienna> (ICCJV), which also relocated its center to Switzerland and with the human, natural and
Wants to establish a "general jurisprudence" that should go beyond the Federal Constitution.
A so-called is also part of the ICCJV, which is an association in the Swiss Commercial Register. 
worn, these are supposed to carry , resulting in Judicial orders>, as it can be read on the ICCJV website. In this way, the weapons -
laws of Switzerland have no validity. So the ICCJV is also active in Switzerland, being among the founders
The Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Model also belongs, as the manufacturer of packaging an annual turnover
of around 600 million francs. He also founded his own state in 2006, which he
Named and for what he built a massive stone building - the Modelhof, where among other lectures 
and called for of the state monopoly on the use of force and law 
becomes. are thus not only a national phenomenon, but also a broad international phenomenon, 
and this is also available in many other countries, eg in Australia, as well as in Denmark eg , like 
but also in France, England, Canada, the USA, Russia, as well as in various other countries.
For the term there is actually no common definition, as in this direction 
no uniform or ideology exists. Effectively, individual groups are partially 
divided because their anti-state ideologies diverge. Their pathologically confused
Thought-building consists of diverse and in itself illogical right-wing extremist, racist,
religious-sectarian and anti-Semitic or secular-erroneous ideologies, conspiracy theories or esoteric
terischen nonsense. One thing, however, is that all female and male followers of such weaknesses
ideologies, namely that they do not recognize the regular and constitutionally created states.
Because they all claim that the effective constitutional state is not the law and that the
Peoples would only be exploited by these "pseudo-states", with the of all kinds being the historic ones 
Consistently ignore and deny facts. In addition, they demarcate their homes, houses and their land, with extreme elements not shying away from their delusion, using force of arms to their  
Defend and thereby accept the death of others.
Well, I think, if the existence of the constitutionally friendly home state of elements 
denied, it also denies the legitimacy of basic laws, as well as
and courts are not accepted, no taxes or other government taxes paid any
State obligations are met. Everybody form their own governments, monarchies and set 
Kings, imperial officials or imperial military. They also print their own money and spend it as well
eg the "angel money" in Saxony-Anhalt, as well as fantasy papers, such as passports, driving licenses and personnel -
cards, etc., and try to legitimize themselves in the regular constitutional state.
In this way, there are quite strange flowers, such as a self-proclaimed land>, whose real name is Peter Fitzek and with its own and with its own
Currency is crazy.
But what about the intelligence and irresponsibility of Chancellor Merkel in
to refer to the evoked that is still in place today and also in 
a future that has hit virtually all EU dictatorship states, as well as Switzerland,
so the whole thing is not maintained solely by criminal smugglers. As you already have privately
In other words, irresponsible rulers from the countries of refuge work together with the smugglers and
also cash in from the refugees who have to pay for their smugglers. So enrich yourself
not only the smugglers of the refugees, but also the irresponsible rulers involved with the
Smugglers work together. The governing states in question have the > Merkel very opportunely, as you said, because all the refugees who made their way to Europe
looking, with many finding death, no longer burden their homeland with unemployment, poverty, crime,
Crime and various other problems. Of course, the irresponsible govern-
that of the flight-states, because on the one hand they do not annoy oneself or much less with these problems
on the other hand, however, are still paid by the hired haulers and thus benefit horrendously.
This, however, in that the irresponsible rulers of the escape states secretly hired smugglers and
In addition, to promote the escape of the refugees, especially young people from their homeland
flee because they are told that they are very welcome in Europe and in joys and glories
could live. With false promises they are animated to flee to Europe, which is secretly and
government-wide funding in the refugee states, of which the grossmäuligen, of stupidity,
Megalomania, power greed and self-glaring infuriated rulers and all the false humanitarian refugees
Lingsretter have no idea and knowledge.Therefore, they also do everything in their ignorance, the
Refugee flows to further promote and the smugglers and their irresponsible backers in
to make the governments of the countries of escape richer and richer while, on the other hand, many refugees, the
Pay horrendous amounts to the smugglers, find the arduous ways to die to Europe.
Ptaah I've talked about this many times before, but this was actually only private,
why it is good that you mention these facts once in an official conversation, so do I.
could have done, but never was, because there were always other facts to talk about. ...