Monday, June 4, 2018

Age of Space Conquest .....

Billy Meier

February 3, 1995

This praiseworthy progress will be negated, however, by an extremely negative invention in form of a biological weapon; it will wreak tremendous havoc and induce instant aging in humans and animals (in seconds).

Shortly thereafter the period of "nocturnal dawning" comes into existence, as stated in another prediction.

This "nocturnal dawning" will be a new technological achievement whereby the dark side of planet Earth is illuminated by an artificial sun affixed to a space station; this device will not create full daylight, but a bright, dawnlike condition.

The artificial sun in the sky will virtually ring in a new age, the Age of Space Conquest on a grand scale.

From here on, space travel definitively will become commercial and turn into a significant, powerful institution by which Man, through science, will pursue the enigma of Creation and with it the origin of life and all existence.

A gigantic space station will be built, upon which a vast number of humans will live while the station travels in its own orbit around the Sun.

Simultaneously, the artificial sun created about fifty years prior will drift from its orbit and over a mere seventy-two hour period will plunge to Earth.

CR 251

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