Friday, June 1, 2018

Cosmic Electro Magnetic Life Energy & Sananta .....

Billy Meier on ....
March 16, 1987

Cosmic Electro Magnetic Life Energy & Sananta .....

The cosmic electromagnetic life energy is the Creation-given energy and is, in fact, also the actual, existing energy of Creation, which is also called Ur-energy and which is also given in all life forms as well as in every spirit form of a conscious or instinct-conscious form.

This life energy, which we refer to in our language by the specific designation of Ching, is a constant flux from the Universe that – through the energy lines, i.e. energy channels, which we designate as Sananta and, thus, conductive channels – flows through the body of each life form, so also in humans.

The Chinese designations for these forms represent their own formulations from the Chinese language and, therefore, have nothing in common with our ancient traditional terms that still trace back to Henok’s language.

The life energy of an electromagnetic and cosmic nature, which we also call “active energy,” flows similar to flowing waters, but through a form of certain energy channels, through the entire body of every single life form, and indeed, no matter what genus and species.

These energy channels, i.e. Sananta or conductive channels, pervade the entire body of every life form, so humans as well as animals, fish, insects, birds and plants, and even microbes, bacilli, and viruses, which means that actually every life form possesses them.

This energy flow, the all-animating cosmic electromagnetic life energy, creates the difference between the effective living and the non-living, so between what is moving and what is non-moving.

But in the case of the non-moving, there can be no talk of dying out or of Totem, as the Earth person erroneously designates this, for even the non-living, i.e. what is non-moving, is existent, as for example rock, stone, sand, and metal, etc.

These things that are also life forms and that we designate as passive life forms, in contrast to active life forms, do not exist through the same form of cosmic electromagnetic life energy, through which all moving life is begotten, born, and animated and also passes again, in order to change itself into other forms.

These passive life forms actually exist through a passive energy, which must logically be designated as passive cosmic electromagnetic energy.

The cosmic electromagnetic life energy is constructed in the same forces of positive and negative, as this is uniformly the case in all creational creations of every kind.

And exactly this means that neither on Earth nor on any other worlds or stars or anywhere else in the Universe could or can something arise or exist that doesn’t hold both forces of positive and negative in itself or which isn’t animated by the active energy or passive energy.

Without the opposite forces of positive and negative, which complement each other, always being given simultaneously, nothing can become existent and nothing can exist.

But this means that even with the passive energy, both forces are present, so both positive as well as negative.

At the same time, the negative represents the passive, the feminine, receptive, dormant and old, while the positive represents the active, light and warmth as well as the masculine, generative, and the new, as this has been defined since ages ago.

That’s how the cosmic electromagnetic life energy is to be seen, therefore, divided into two factors, into two forces, respectively positive and negative energies, which form a unit in themselves as well as in their union.

Now, if these energies get out of balance, then there results either an energy shortage, an energy surplus, or an energy obstruction, i.e. an energy blockade.

And as already mentioned, and it must be said again, both forms of energy always only exist together and are inseparably linked with one another, so the feminine and the masculine and, thus, the positives and negatives are always simultaneously present, and indeed, in every movable as well as immovable life form.

So also must the human himself be; by this, I mean that he must move from the left to the right, that is, from a strength or even from one energy form to another, without becoming sick, stricken, or burdened with troubles thereby.

But if he falls prey to a weakness of a physical, psychological, or consciousness-related form, then an imbalance between the positive and negative energies is produced.

If this is the case, then it doesn’t require an enormous expenditure of energy to succumb to any discomforts, sorrows, illnesses, aggressions, emotions, depressions, moral depths, as well as mental, psychological, or consciousness-related misreactions.

Such occurs when an energy defect exists.

The cosmic electromagnetic life energy flows in a person in certain channels that are given for this, which we, as already explained, refer to as Sananta.

On the Sanantas are the acupuncture centers or acupuncture points, through which the cosmic electromagnetic life energy arrives at the body’s surface, but the acupuncture nodes have nothing to do with the so-called chakras, which only correspond to an illusory form.

And precisely where the acupuncture centers are – of which, overall, 786 exist, but in the Chinese acupuncture teachings, as far as I know, only 672 of these are known – the life energy penetrates at the body’s surface, where it can be influenced by the acupuncture needling.

The life-energetic and, thus, vitally necessary Sananta system shows a certain resemblance to the circulatory system because just as the blood pulses through the veins, so does the cosmic electromagnetic life energy pulse through the energy system.

Each Sananta is also associated with a particular organ of the body, whereby all of the cycles are closely interconnected and mutually influence one another.

With the entire Sananta system, however, it can lead to an energy obstruction, namely when the energy is blocked, and precisely this means, then, that the immune system of the body, the consciousness, and/or the psyche is disturbed and weakened and suffers damage, by what means physical, consciousness-related, or psychological troubles, sufferings, or illnesses appear.

And along with this, what is not yet known to the earthly scientists and physicians is the fact that not only the body and its organs but also the consciousness and the psyche have a particular immune system assigned to them.

Now, if an energy obstruction of the life energy arises somewhere in the Sananta system, then the obstruction can be dissolved by a purpose-driven acupuncture, but it is to be noted that different forms of acupuncture are necessary for different troubles, sufferings, and illnesses.

Still today, unfortunately, the earthly medical school views the human being in parts or sections, and exactly this is wrong, because the human being must be viewed medically as a whole.

Social, consciousness-related, psychological, intellectual-sentimental, and emotional constitutions of the human being are also of utmost importance; therefore, not just the conventional medical thinking and the related aspects, diagnoses, and resulting medication may be considered.

Moreover, if one wants to describe the momentary state of life energy of a human being, then one can refer to the five natural elements: wood, water, fire, earth, and metal.

Processes are symbolized by these elements, as these appear in nature and as these also operate in humans.

The functions of the organs as well as the worlds of thoughts, feelings, psyches, emotions, and consciousnesses are also allotted to these elements.

And as is determined by nature, all elements mutually influence each other.

CR 216

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