Wednesday, January 23, 2019

When & How much quantity of water should one drink ?

When & How much quantity of water should one drink ?

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

Too much liquid would wash out salts, minerals, trace elements and vitamins from the brain and from the body, which would lead to all sorts of ills and even death.

Our doctors and all sorts of other folks keep claiming that at least two to three litres of water or something equivalent have to be drunk every day.

The question arises about the amount to be assumed where a harmful effect on the body and the brain arises?

This depends on the needs of the brain and the whole body, the organs and the muscles, etc.

Thus, thirst is not simply thirst, because many human beings drink a lot because they imagine that they are thirsty, even though their body does not need any supply of fluid.

The more they drink in the process, the more liquids that are saturated in the body and brain with vital salts, trace elements, vitamins and minerals, they excrete again through sweating and urination.

Therefore, the rule applies that liquid must only be drunk when one is really thirsty, whereby this must be calculated proportionally to the physical exertions.

For the highest and greatest physical exertions, a maximum of 300ml to 1.5 litres of pure liquid such as water, tea or coffee with little or no sugar applies.

During hot weather it is thereby advisable and of greatest benefit if water, tea or coffee are drunk as hot as possible; otherwise also cool drinks can be drunk in equal measure and in small sips.

If there is no great physical exertion, it is very advisable to keep the fluid reduced to such an extent that one only drinks when one is really thirsty.

This means that the body may under certain circumstances not need to be supplied with any particular fluid, because the food alone is already sufficient to supply the brain and body etc. with the necessary fluid.

If, however, too much is drunk, this not only causes damages in the form now mentioned several times, but the brain function is also negatively affected.

This means that the ability of thoughts and the function of feelings as well as the ability of rationality, self-responsibility and the ability to make logical decisions are impaired, as well as the capacity of intelligence, which falls victim to reduction and paralysis.

CR 230

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