Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Marianne Uehlinger Mondria

Marianne Uehlinger Mondria's name at the time of the great oaths and determinations 13,500 years ago, was XANDAALA, which means “The Conscientious One.”

At that time, as a former personality, she wasn’t, and also isn’t today, integrated into the group of the fallible ones (144207) and, thus, also isn’t a part of the Codex.

At that time, out of her own free will, she committed herself to the fulfillment of the mission and to the appropriate assistance of the same, but without having to be a member of the group.

Her destiny lies in a voluntary and free commitment at her sole discretion, without being bound by membership in a group.

Her actions and involvement are completely from her own decisions and initiatives and at her own discretion, without having to receive instructions or guidelines from the outside or from group members, etc.

A solidarity in the sense of an instruction through interlinked members, so group members, is not included in her destiny, so it also can’t be taught by group members.

Billy Meier alone embody the reference person with respect to this.

Her worth of collection and recognition is higher than what is often the case with the group members, which is why the necessary evolution for Marianne cannot be furnished on the group’s side.

She herself determines the way of her performance of duty and her achievements and contributions in whatever form, without being influenced by those bound to a group.

Billy Meier
Feb 3, 1990

CR 235


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