Monday, May 20, 2019

The Legendary ... Yeti, Bigfoot, Wesen, Sasquatch .... Still Exist Today ....

The Legendary ... Yeti, Bigfoot, Wesen, Sasquatch .... Still Exist Today ....

Billy Meier
Sept 1, 2012

In the Himalayan region, it was indeed possible for me to twice see a Yeti, which was about 3 meters tall and was the most distant descendant of the large anthropoid apes.

The legendary Bigfoot in America, the Sasquatch in Canada and in the south of the USA and also similar sighted Wesen are the most distant descendants of the giant anthropoid apes.

Small populations of the hominid Gigantopithecus giganteus, as they are called in terrestrial palaeontology, survived in northern India, Pakistan, Tibet as well as in the north and south of the United States.

There were natural disasters between 7 and 9 million years ago, through which, once again a decimation of these anthropoid ape beings occurred, as well as around 100,000 years ago.

Then only just before 75,000 years ago, the super-volcano, Toba, erupted in Sumatra and generated a global climate catastrophe and climate upheaval, through which, over a period of more than ten years, many forms of life became extinct.

The genus Gigantopithecus giganteus was also decimated, yet smaller populations of the actual giant apes, as well as a few subspecies, survived in various places.

And up to the present day, out of these few populations, some of the smallest very isolated groups have survived, which live in the mentioned areas.

Only in the really very smallest isolated groups of human-like upright-walking ape creatures, the so-called Yeti, Bigfoot and Sasquatch still exist today.

I myself saw such Wesen twice, I can also say that these creatures, very hairy all over, really look human-like and ape-like and have nothing to do with big bears.

CR 544

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