Wednesday, August 21, 2019

CR 675 .... FB 124

FIGU information is provided by an excerpt from the 675th FIGU.
official contact meeting on Wednesday, 8 March 2017


The poison glyphosate is once again a widespread topic of conversation, because it is irresponsibly called
is declared harmless and harmless to humans. It might be good if you could still-
I'm sure you'd like to say a few words, because that would be important.
Against all the denials of the manufacturer Monsanto, its 'expert judges' and the governments and governments
health authorities that consider the herbicide or total herbicide glyphosate to be harmless.
and not harmful to human health, the exact opposite is the case. As a result
of your interest, we have been able to prove in large-scale research that glyphosate itself
is life-threatening for humans as well as for all living beings of the fauna in smallest quantities. Alone
in humans, cancer and many other diseases and ailments are caused by glyphosate, which is a
but also all mammals and other forms of life in many ways health damages
even the tiniest amounts of glyphosate, which is extremely toxic. Also
The diversity of plant species is impaired by this and over time is even brought to extinction. To
the smallest amounts of poison glyphosate are also deposited in the plants, which are used as food for the
humans and mammals, etc. when they are treated with the weedkiller.
that one. So even the tiniest amounts of toxic glyphosate residues can be found in the natural
food and also in industrially produced food, as well as in fodder plants and
Waters that serve as food and drinking water for wildlife and small organisms.
Enrichments as toxic residues can also be found in all kinds of animal feeds, in particular
in products used in agriculture for the feeding of horses, cattle, pigs and poultry.
will be used. Toxic glyphosate residues, however, are also contained in feed for food forms,
who are kept by earthlings as companions, like dogs, cats, birds, mice, rats
and hamsters etc. Due to the low levels of glyphosate residues in the natural food plants, the
in different ways into the food of human beings and all living beings, and this is
which also contaminates the dietary meat of slaughter animals consumed by humans.

This in turn leads to malformations in newborns, miscarriages, kidney damage, such as
also various cancers. According to our research, glyphosate damages the environment and human health.
The health of humans, fauna and flora in a way that is not even excessively characteristic of all other known herbicides. And when it rains, the glyphosate applied is removed by the herbicides
sprayed plants and paths etc. into the nearest sewage ditches, into the sewers, into brooks,
ponds and rivers, but also seeps into the ground and poisons the groundwater,
because glyphosate is highly toxic to water. Depending on the dose, glyphosate destroys almost everything in water,
what lives and grows in it - whether fish, insects, newts, frogs, dragonfly larvae, algae or water-
but also many land creatures perish from it and at least fall ill and sick.
if they drink the water contaminated with glyphosate. And what kills the fauna and flora, goes
makes him sick and afflicted, he follows by glyphosate -
is suffering from cancer, allergies, epidemics and diseases and is dying miserably. And in this
Wisely it goes over years, in which Glyphosat peu à peu cancer, diseases, sufferings and epidemics
created. This includes autism, which is usually already present in food contaminated with glyphosate.
of the mother in the womb and is then also absorbed by the newborn through the mother's milk, which is also contaminated. However, glyphosate does not only affect farmers, whom I would like to thank for the
It also applies to all gardeners and hobby gardeners, railway workers and chicory, etc., who work directly with glyphosate and absorb glyphosate residues via skin pores and possibly also via the mouth, which also settle in all basic foodstuffs. Thus glyphosate gets into barley, oats, rice, rye and wheat and through these into
many flour products, such as dough and bakery products, but also in cereal flakes of all kinds, as well as in
Corn, soya and sugar, etc. However, vegetables and berries are also affected, as is drinking water, because, as has already been mentioned, toxic substances seep into the groundwater, which can then be used earlier or more efficiently.
used later by humans for food preparation and also by all imaginable possible living conditions.
of the essence is drunk. And if the glyphosate is consumed by man through food and drink even in only
is ingested in small quantities, it will sooner or later have toxic effects, including
in the case of mothers, in relation to breast milk, by which foetuses in the womb are already present in one or other of the
The same applies to malformations and miscarriages. Also
Respiratory complaints and skin diseases are caused by glyphosate, as well as a
increasing and increasing loss of biodiversity, such as the rapid decline of the
Bee mortality. Glyphosate also triggers chronic botulism in cattle, a poisoning disease that can affect both humans and all mammals. Already in small
Glyphosate and other glyphosate-containing substances damage human embryonic and placenta cells as well as the DNA of humans, amphibians, animals, geta animals, reptiles, birds, fish, other
Aquatic creatures and all sorts of other life forms. In the human body, glyphosate can already be found within
in only 24 hours. Glyphosate also paves the way for Alzheimer's disease
and diabetes and, as already mentioned, also cancer and all sorts of diseases and body diseases, such as
but also depression, heart attacks and infertility in both sexes. Glyphosate has
also very high negative effects on soil fertility and the entire soil organisms.

Certain pathogenic parasitic moulds are also promoted, such as Fusaria (Am. Wikipedia: = Fusarium is a genus of the tube fungi. Their teleomorphic genus is Gibberella. Their
Representatives usually grow in plant tissue, for example in food or cereals. Many
Species are parasitic, killing their host. The disease is called fusariosis. that kill their host. Micronutrients can no longer be absorbed by microorganisms and fungi and the disease defence of plants can no longer be guaranteed, which also means that earthworms, which are indispensable for the aeration of soils, are no longer able to survive.
Avoid soils contaminated with glyphosate. Glyphosate occurs in the urine of humans and humans.
and other living creatures of various species, even if they are not
directly when spraying plants and soils with toxic water residues, etc., or almost with
glyphosate have come into contact with. There is a classic or acute botulism and a chronic or visceral botulism, both forms being caused by toxins of the bacterium 'Clostridium botulinum', whereby the nerve toxin 'BoNT' or neurotoxin in particular is of enormous importance and the strongest toxin of all. From a purely theoretical point of view, a quantity of only 40 grams of
are enough to destroy the entire earthly human race. If the symptoms of botulism are not
cattle, then emaciation or a life-threatening disease can occur in a conspicuous way.
Weight loss, as well as a drop in performance in appearance, e.g. in consumption or tuberculosis
and cancer. Further symptoms are a duck run, which is also called a watschell run, as well as an
high drawn up belly, staggering and limited reflexes, whereby also a disturbed drinking behavior and
and non-healing skin wounds, as well as rumen paralysis or paralysis of the largest of the three preomasions, which is known as the large fermentation chamber.
serves. Botulism bacteria primarily multiply in meat and plants when they fall into decay. If cattle ingest such bacteria through food that is interspersed with the nerve poison BoNT, a case of classical botulism arises. Chronic Botulism
is initially caused solely by the spores of the botulism bacteria when they are ingested with food and only begin to act and germinate in the intestinal tract. The chronic botulism
cattle suffering from chronic glyphosate poisoning become permanent excretors of spores from the
Botulism bacteria. This results in an increased and permanent risk of infection, even for uninfected animals, which also infects farmers, other people and other living creatures.
can. In humans, an infection can lead to eyelid heaviness, muscle weakness, swallowing
like a dumpling in the throat, frequent urge to urinate with residual urinary retention. Due to
Glyphosate kills all health-promoting bacteria in the stomach and intestines of humans, cattle and all forms of life, resulting in severe damage to the intestinal flora in the body.
appearance, whereby bacteria of all kinds, especially the botulism bacterium, no longer occur.
can be sufficiently repelled.
However, the policy does nothing to prevent the prospects of an effective hazard classification with regard to
glyphosate and therefore a corresponding ban on the dangerous active substance would not be considered at all.
in a traditional costume. It is disillusioning that Monsanto and the majority of health researchers, politicians and governments have known for about 20 years that glyphosate contains life-threatening substances.
for all living beings. However, this is irresponsibly trivialised or fundamentally denied,
many people continue to die of cancer and other diseases and sufferings, and
die, as do many birth defects caused by glyphosate. All in all
politically hardly anything or nothing at all to ban the glyphosate in principle, it can only be assumed whether there will ever be a ban at all.

The fact is
namely that many of the politicians, commissioners and high-ranking employees who have been informed about such
have to decide how genetically modified feed and food are closely linked to the agro-industry and are paid horrendously for their advocacy of the production and sale of glyphosate etc.. Will the view be on these politicians, Commissioners and
high-ranking employees responsible for the glyphosate and other toxic pesticides and
If the residues are correct, it becomes clear that some of these proponents are or have been closely associated with toxin producers, such as BASF,
Bayer, Monsanto and Syngenta, etc. And these are corporations that are massively opposed to a ban on the
The company's product range also includes glyphosate-containing pesticides. It should be noted that only Monsanto, with its glyphosate-containing product 'Roundup', is able to offer a complete range of products.
If the market value of the active ingredient is as high as USD 2 billion, then it should be absolutely clear that all other agrochemical groups and their group representatives also earn large fortunes and are therefore trying to prevent a ban on this active ingredient. Your findings alone make it absolutely clear that the plant destroyer glyphosate is highly hostile to life and even deadly for humans, the fauna and flora, and that it is a very dangerous and dangerous substance.
and Flora and therefore for the whole world. However, the fact that so far, from a political point of view, not enough has been done to ban glyphosate in its production, sale and use can effectively be seen as political failure. It is simply incomprehensible that despite all negative signs, glyphosate-containing products continue to be produced, sold and distributed on a massive scale.
The only correct measure that can be considered is an immediate halt to production, sales and use.

The fact is that our research clearly proves that glyphosate has a positive effect on health and other health effects.
damage and even the death of humans and the fauna and flora.
The interests of agriculture and large nurseries should no longer be given economic priority.
but it would have to be traded immediately wherever glyphosate has been used for a long time.
has caused major damage to fauna and flora and is still causing increasing damage today,
especially with regard to people's health. An immediate stop to production, production and consumption
The purchase and use of glyphosate is of the utmost urgency, because treated foods
and feed bring death, extinction of fauna and flora and destruction. Last but not least
the entire political system is called into question, which does not assume its responsibility, and it
allows Monsanto and the entire poison economy to put pressure on farmers and nurseries
so that it can always produce higher yields, just like Monsanto and other poison corporations do.
to make a profit - regardless of people, nature, their fauna and flora, the water supply and the environment.
and the entire community and environment.

Friday, August 2, 2019

FIGU Bulletin 123

Excerpt from the 715th contact on Tuesday, February 23, 2019

Billy That is unfortunately so. Then my next question: currently finds the yes
in the Vatican, which will probably end tomorrow. This conference should be about
future measures against sexual assaults on minors and religious women
create by male Catholic be committed.The whole of the lost
nen should be aimed at the basic order of the church duty, whereby
fundamentally all participants should also learn certain lessons. In everything that I personally as
greasy theater of the Catholic and ornate wearing judge,
Let the whole clerical power, just the Order and thus the chairmen of the Episcopal Conferences
and the superiors of the order, etc. - including female beings, such as religious superiors - from all over the world
The conference In my opinion, this is nothing but a farce
to serve those people who are suffering from all the sexual machinations and abuses of many
fallible catholic denouncing their allegations and the foreseeable
In addition to the training program, videos can also be presented, as well as witnesses who are supposed to appear
as those affected want to say what was done to them. It should also be a witness who testify
should, as raped by a priest and then by this, when she became pregnant, several times
Abortions was forced. And when it is considered that the in the Vatican to Rome,
Pope Francis, an abortion as called, then would have understood
that he is employing an army of contract killers because the rapist priest is just one of many in the same frame. And in that regard I can sing a song of it,
which has been sued in many places in various countries by women, the so-called high women, priests and preachers, etc., of various denominations sexually abused and raped
were. This started at Christianity, Islam, Judaism,
Hinduism and Buddhism as well as various sects and their chiefs. One woman even complained to me
That's why her 16-year-old daughter threw herself in front of a train and died, while a woman after
The rape was hanging, as her mother complained to me. An elderly woman complained, crying, when I saw her
when a sales representative met on a home visit that she wanted to become a nun at a young age,
was given the name Sarah as a novice, but then on the one hand repeatedly forgave by her novice master.
and finally became pregnant with him, while on the other hand she was pregnant by two nuns
was repeatedly forced to lesbian-sexual acts. Her pregnancy was in the
Convicted forcibly by abortion, suffering permanent damage to the health of the abbey.
Moreover, she said, she had been treated like a prisoner, but sometimes
have to work outside the monastery in a garden, where she then managed to escape, because
she could not stand everything anymore.Because she was ashamed of treating her like a whore
had been, and was afraid that she would then be berated by her family as such, they have
She said nothing to her strictly religious parents and her two brothers, and besides, she said that
Novice masters early forbade any contact with them and at all outside the monastery. There
Then, as a result of their religiosity, their parents and brothers did not want to understand that they were from the monastery
fled, because they were the ones who wanted her to become a nun, she had no contact with them.
broken and far from home, her own life was built and led, and she did
since 42 years when I met her.
But now, dear friend, I would like to hear what you have to report and what you have to say in the bearers> in the Vatican at the Catholic have determined. Also did you say
that you want to try, like this one the Catholic on the one hand,
but that on the other hand, you also want to determine to what extent all these Catholic clerical
Powerful ones are honest about themselves, and would come out themselves - which should be under
have them guilty of themselves - if they have dirt on the plug.
Ptaah I can only say that I am your wordsthe Catholic Possibilities> and Ornate can agree, because what we in the majority ofcarrier>, which is located at participate, have explored, is extremely frightening.And
what is up to this day at the - as you call it - has surrendered, so the whole corresponds to one
Hypocrisy, which has no serious background in terms of interest and willingness to change
prevention and correction of sexual abuse of adolescents,
Nuns and other catholic-believing sisters by catholic and carrier> and simple as you all call them. Everything is considered exactly and
then everything turns out to be an absolute ridiculous thing and a fraud,
because behind the whole presentation no seriousness is given.
Our sadness regarding the fact that for the first time in Catholic religious history a conference
with regard to one has led us to
zelne this not only currently under review
but to fathom each person's entire life right back to their teens, which
has led to a very complex undertaking involving more than 400 of our specialist staff
needed from the first day until tomorrow's end of the conference. It was us
but also a need to clarify for ourselves what the effective reality and
Truth in terms of the whole in relation to the sexual abuse of minors by
everyone from the lowest to the highest Catholic
carrier. We found out that not only boys, but girls as well as the
Catholic women decayed women, as well as nuns and other sisters of
male were all sexually abused and become. Also are at
homosexual acts among their peers and outside their direct
as well as lesbian relationships - as you already mentioned
have - with each other or otherwise. Also we found out that even nuns in relation
Sexual acts of abuse of underage girls and boys of the same kind acted and
but also with regard to lesbian-sexual acts among their peers or outside their own
Effective range. I also want to talk about what we mean in this connection
years ago according to your information in the nunnery ... clarified, but about it at our
never spoke openly. But now I want to do this because I related to
the fraudulent and hypocritical I think that's the time for that
is ripe, once open to name a few facts. So I want to address what we according to your statements FIGU-TIME SIGNS,   No. 123/1   August   2019 3
have explored that you are in a certain place at the several centuries old nunnery ...
in ... through a pair of binoculars watched how something was buried, where you expressed the conjecture
have that this is a could have acted on a newborn. So they were
We followed your observation and explored the near and far surroundings of the many 100
Years old nunnery and found three specific places pointing out that
had taken place, which is why we conducted extensive research. What we have
found, confirmed your assumption, because we found there 182 small skeletons of newborns, the
had been buried for several centuries.Through research in the past
We were then able to prove that over and over all the centuries sisters of the
Through the monastery pregnant and whose fruit was aborted. According to our
However, found pregnancies were also found and the children were born,
but then killed according to our findings and sometimes even alive buried.
But as far as our exploration efforts are concerned - we have been since the beginning of the > to carry out the participants at the to check - have this
brought extremely regrettable and unpleasant findings. Specifically, we have all attended this conference.
celibacy and compliance with and attitude towards celibacy,
as well as their actions, behavior, mentality and accountability are individually reviewed and
explored back to her novitiate. And that was only possible through the mentioned large-scale use of
over 400 professionals to find out the truth in thoroughness, what happens in the Hidden and in
Hypocrisy in Catholic clerical power over sexual assault and abuses and
with also disregard regarding the celibacy effectiv. And regarding celibacy, you
have often referred to as illogical nonsense - as you have in your own way
Return trip with ascetic in the past told Jmmanuel and told him how his
If the fanatical Christian religion acts as Catholicism and develops celibacy from it, then find
I too the term just as correct for that.After ascetic, your conversation with
Jmmanuel, he answered you, after you explained to him celibacy, that a soli-
It was not only contrary to nature, absolutely nonsensical, contemptible, but also such that
it would inevitably result in sexual excesses and misdeeds.
In this regard, we have all the clerical persons of the conference specifically also with regard to sexual
Assaults on adolescents as well as on other incidents, such as sexual assaults on nuns
and faith-requiring protégés, etc., past until the beginnings of their novice period resp.
checked up to the beginning of their education, as well as after being in a religious community
have occurred and to this day work in it.The results of our research
As I have already mentioned, insights are frightening, as our experts have revealed
partly catastrophic events and concluded that 73% of all members of the
even from the beginning of their novitiate onwards, they do not
and rules of abstinence. On the one hand were from them early, as well as then
during the following decades, homosexual acts with sensual-minded people
operated. On the other hand, they were also pedophile resp. sexual abuse
Consumption carried out on adolescents of both sexes. But at the 73% fallible
Clerics revealed by clarifying that the majority of them were not only in their
time of advancement and further education into her higher offices as well as after sexual assault.
mentions of nuns resp. Religious sisters, as well as the sexual abuse of women
the circles of believers and the pedophilia and thus the desecration of children and adolescents
Billy As I said: the whole of this is nothing more than a smelting
Rough and slimy theater, which serves only the purpose, the whole world hypocritical with lies and deception am
Fooling around and dangling fool's rope, being the top conference conference jar, named
Francis, the mucus theater deliberately misleading leads and is careful that all fallible
Children, adolescents, nuns and women rapists no hair is crooked. And this is mine
In such a way that the well-dressed in the traditional profession can continue unscathed,
but in ignorance of all believers and with the hidden warning to the sexual offenders:
, And in this sense, many become lowuntil just up to
the high clerics, everything in the old framework, because the imposition of the Catholic
Satiety idiocy is something that is not feasible. This, because even with the fanatical or otherwise
stinging oats in their trousers, as is the case with the faithful
pregnant women and Jesus brutes in the same area itches, of course, on one or the other
Art must be counteracted and remedied, whether through pedophilia, sexual acts with
resgleichen, copulation with the opposite sex, or by personal manual operation resp. Masturbation, FIGU TIMES,   No. 123/1   August   2019 4
Masturbation and so own handwork, but in idiotic idiocy Catholicism as
Self-staining is denounced.
For my part, I think the whole thing is that these 73% regalia, these very common sexual
Abuse Monster at all stinkfrech and conscienceless at this occurring
and completely outrageous and innocent, although they know exactly how much filth
they have gotten stuck and smeared their ornate sacs is really much more than
only a bottomless insolence and unscrupulousness, but effectively an absolute depravity.
What I also think to the whole of this papal smear comedy is that the whole
On the one hand, theater is a bottomless impudence towards the faithful, because they were misled
and continue to deliver their mite to these hypocritical delusional stalkers.
so that these sexually abusive Pharisees will continue their indefatigable degenerate lusts
can indulge. And that even for their misdeeds they do not even agree with secular laws.
the opposite is the case for any non-clerical person of the people who
punishable by sexual abuse - that is more than just the shame of the shameful
Injustice. But this has been since ancient times only his hypocrisy, the Pope, with his stupidity
to thank for the secularism which has fallen into the Catholic religion and the delusion of God
Rulers and rulers through the slips of faith can prevent this, and by doing so
Cheating is lying, that the fallible would be punished by the church. This penalty - if over-
one is done - is in the maximum case in a transfer to another place of action, just in one
another village, another city or another country - and that's it.
But if I still generally quote the religions in relation to the faith of the believers, then
I have gained the frightening realization that with regard to the religious fanaticism of the
Islam is at the forefront. And that's because people make a fool of themselves in that way.
believe to be driven and seduced by the faith - willing by the hammering of the
fanatical religious-populist supreme religious leaders, as well as the same
fanatical religious teachers their personal religious-sectarian delusion in populist style
and way is being clicked. And then they themselves become vulnerable to religious fanaticism,
but also fanatically and unconsciously in terms of hatred, revenge, retribution and killing, torturing,
Tormenting, murdering, raping, massacring, destroying, and waging war, if done by fanatical
Religious delusions religious-fanatical-populist to be driven and trimmed. In principle
It is exactly the same as in politics, where the people populate
is linguistically phrased in such a way that it is all the nonsense of beguiling insinuations
lapses and believes all the nonsense, because it contributes to one's own thinking and opinion.
education and decision is innocent and incapable.
Already from your father Sfath I learned in the 1940s, what is populism, this one
Concept actually originated from opportunism, which in truth is a demagogic resp.
incitement to popular incitement and incitement to hijacking, with the aim of
to convey a certain thought-direction based on lies and deceit. The fact is that
every opportunist populism is absolute, unavoidable, and in any case, on the go
through a truth-strange, lying and fraudulent dramatization of the populist goal.
ben to win the favor of the people, or at least its great mass. And there the people
usually consists of simple and not highly educated people and therefore is effectively unconscious,
respectively. has no experience with regard to the populist issues, certain
is not obvious and naive, it coincides with the opportunist populists in one
Pro and hurricane roar. And this happens as a result of the low civil education of the people, the
usually green, regardless of age, in terms of opportunism and populism
behind the ears, childish, naive, inexperienced, immature and innocent as well as simple, harmless, simple,
complicated and incomprehensible and therefore unable to create its own personal and logical opinion.
according to the factors involved, which must be said.
Opportunism and the resulting populism are founded solely in purely usefulness
considerations aimed at providing individuals and the people with an extensive
willingness to believe in false and deceitfulness, as well as an agreement
nis and an adaptation to the populist objective that was inflicted by lies and deceit.
rule. And what is basically the purpose of this, founded on the one hand in the power of power over the
People and the people, where as a rule everything is geared to people and people with new ones
anti-people, freedom and anti-peace laws, regulations, piety and regulations, etc.
to bring under the opportunistic finger.And in the second place everything also substantiates that in itself
the elements coming to power at the expense of the people by horrendous rewards or even
illegally enrich.
In principle, opportunism and populism are one and the same, but the whole is
into four different forms, in: FIGU TIMES,  No. 123/1   August   2019 5
1) Politics
2) Religion-God-belief
3) literature
4) Ideologies
Sfath has given me seven (7) points that specifically characterize populism, taking these points in
In the 1960s in Germany, I once called a group of people in Giessen, as I did
with a girlfriend tipped through Germany and by journalists, politicians and psychologists who in
Giessen had a meeting, I was asked, as I as on politics and religion
beliefs and how I would also see and assess everything. So I told people
it was nearly 30 - which I had just to say according to the instruction of Sfath. That became
but then in every newspaper published something, but only a photo and a small text about mine
Girlfriend and me. But the seven points that Sfath told me about populism have changed
Several people neatly written down and thanked for special, as I told them
said that populism in the coming times everywhere in the world of tremendous
Meaning that would actually come from a self - designation of a farmer movement in Texas
the United States was born.Unfortunately, I can not bring the whole thing together today, even the seven
Not points.
Ptaah They are known to me from my father's Annals, so I can call them: That, Eduard, is
the seven points that my father called you and the ones you used in Giessen at the beginning of the 1960s
have called. Without being told who the persons actually were and what positions they were
but in fact they were significant in terms of government, as we have seen in our previous
could explore research. And as far as the farmers' movement in the US is concerned, that's how it was
at the same time the 1870s in Texas.
1) We are the people; the populists present themselves as representatives of the people and carry their rhetoric with them
Liarism, fraud and beguiling Wise.
2) power of language; the populists use a folksy, simple language that seems
awakening as if they were speaking in the name of the people, which in this deceitful one
directed association with the populists.
3) play with fear; the populists are thrilling with their audience with all conceivable
untruths and conjuring up threatening prospects for the future
4) attention at all costs; the populists seize every opportunity to be in almost endless
Repeats to repeat their lies and scams over and over again so often
these are so impressed on the audience that they become pathologically obsessive and
therefore require an agreement with the populist.
5) Truth False Exaggerations; the populists cite pending facts, but they overstate
use them in a massive way to create suggestive conspiracy theories,
that are so convincing to the audience that everything is considered effective.
and represented.
6) false news; the populists invent false, lying and fraudulent news,
on the one hand, to misrepresent effectively existing facts, on the other hand, of the non-existent
by deceit and deception misleading to present as existing.
7) effective staging; the populists take everything and everything in relation to topic, things,
Events, things, plans and facts and decorate them in their favor.
with exaggerations that blinded the audience and led them astray
Billy Thanks, then I can continue with what I've been talking about: politics
opportunism and populism go beyond political elections, as well as
stands, demonstrations, civil wars and state wars, etc. This means that for purely useful
considerations of opportunism and populism resulting from it
from the individual and at least from the majority of the people an extensive willingness and
is required for the respective propagated populist goals.
The term populism (from Latin populus ), Sfath assigns several attributes
characteristics, or essentials, which are the result of lying and fraudulent
scher opportunistic-populist view of infallibility. FIGU TIME SIGNS   No. 123/1  August   2019 6
Characteristic are the populist intentions based on lies and deception, which are based on politics,
Religious beliefs and literature refer to both the individual and the individual
People are aligned. These intentions are geared to the topics and rhetoric, the
To connect the mood of the individual and the popular mood with the populist goal and
In doing so, they have their own personal thinking, their own opinions and personal decisions.
to stifle in the bud and absolutely prevent it.
Populism is necessarily verbal-violent because of certain moods and beliefs.
to generate factors in individuals and in the majority of the audience as well as the people in order to do so
a believing delusion and dependence of political, religious or literary form
to reach. And of course only, so that the populist rhetoric artists their hearing them
individual people, a group of listeners or the majority of the people to the whole populist lie
and deceiving believing oneself. And through this populist credibility of the
Individuals and the people can benefit from the unlimited use and strengthening of existing
conditions for the populist propagated purposes. In this way, the populist
in various specific styles of politics, in the religion-God beliefs, in ideologies and in the
Literature, the whole in any case and in any way as a strategy for the acquisition of power,
Acquisition of wealth, belief in religion, gods and ideologies as well as literary misrepresentation
towards the individual people and the whole or the majority of the people as well-
conscious, malignant misleading and exploitation, or as a result of academic unproven hy-
Pothesen megalomaniac is declared as truth.
Sfath described any type of writing product as populist literature.
wanted or unwanted falsehoods, misinformation and thus based on lies and fraud. To
include both informational notes, books, radio news, TV programs, small letters, letters,
Journals, periodicals and newspapers and any other written works. Overall, everything is the same
Term literature and is to be designated as such, which is recorded and published in writing. The
thus concerns every published literature, whether printed or handwritten,
paints or otherwise, when it is published.So also include published fake news
or Fakenews to the literature, whereby these are just manipulative and feigned news and
spread in today's digital time mostly on the internet, and indeed
especially in social networks and other social media, the so-called
or similar, and partly viral resp. how to spread a virus.
Politics, religious belief in God, literature, philosophies, world views and ideologies are all in one
characterized by their operators extremely opportunist-populist, whereby since ancient times all religions,
Divine, divine, divine and religious beliefs, etc. - all of which are all dictatorial
Nature is - the worst and worst humanizing opportunist-populist
Organizations are those who hate, racial and religious hatred, strife, wars, bondage, strife, injustice.
action and injustice.
As it is the case in politics, so it is with the and all religious friars
that populist people who are unstable and opinion-deficient in all nations
instrumentalize, make believe and drive in deepest fanaticism and delusion.
The fact is that the religious-sectarian belief in God is also a political instrumentalization
serves as a malicious basic evil of all religions to control mankind.
and do not allow their own free will to arise in it. This will reduce the total reli-
faithful populations to compliant tools that, because of their stupidity to hatred
incited against other sections of the population and peoples and seduced into acts of war
can. And because the peoples of religious delusions are incapable of reality and its truth
To perceive, let alone to understand, it is also hidden from them that every single reli-
gion resp. Faith not only corresponds to a dictatorship, but in direct union with malefici-
according to terrorism.
Fundamentally, the most malicious actors are all evil, all revolts and wars, all hate and all
Disaster on earth among those people, peoples and with respect to all earthly humanity there too
look for where all shades of their insidious, intriguing, vile,
perfidious, tricky, cunning and real and treacherous populist and
sleazy-hidden politicizing and believing-beguiling greasy machinations operate.
The religious-faithful instrumentalization thus corresponds to a devious, hidden and
the believers in the misleading political machinations, and this is, as I said, a fundamental evil
Appearance of all religions, their deceitful dictatorial-terrorist-populist politicization
to make the means of their power, their successes, their immeasurable wealth and their interests.
All and politicians who invoke their religious faith in their ministries
nothing but hypocrites and bigots, or inoffensive faithful misled and faithful FIGU TIMES,   No. 123/1   August   2019 7
dependent, that of their own healthy mind and rational thinking and thus their own
Opinions and decisions are incapable.
The fact has long been that the religions and the believers are populist to delusional
and political purposes, and this abuse is one of the cruellest
of human history, because of the whole of the total religious falsehood
have always been only brutal and terrible wars, massacres, bloodshed, hatred, strife, murder and death
shock, betrayal, lies and deceit and a horrendous overpopulation emerged that now
the climate, nature and their fauna and flora are already in a most precarious state of the current
Destruction and destruction have expired.Not only the sectarian delusion of themultiply> an important role, but especially the manifold and tremendous hatred among the
Earthlings among themselves because they are becoming increasingly close due to their uncontrolled mass multiplication.
and had to live together more and more to friction, quarrels, acts of violence and
Wars and even nowadays all the known as well as mankind
knew destructive effects. From the decayed human
mass reproduction, everything has led to strife among all peoples since time immemorial, which has spread completely over
the whole earthly humanity and led to acts of revenge and revenge and hatred against
other peoples and religious believers and thus to religious wars and religious mazakers ,
In particular, in ancient times and even today, the religious sectarian factors of
faith, the delusional beliefs of all the major religions, petty religions and all other
religious sects are so degenerate in every way that practically hops and malt are lost
to penetrate the religious and sect-delusional in their understanding and reason, and to
explain to them the effective reality and truth of the perfectly natural.
In more than the
greater part of earthly humanity, the belief in God has so clouded and even destroyed all senses of reason and reason - even innumerable
delusions of faith - even to the point of being lifelong - that they have become incapable, even the tiniest fraction of a Jotas to grasp
effective reality and its truth. In this dominant
belief in religion and God , the great mass of earthlings has become incapable of effective reality and truth
still to perceive, let alone think about them and understand them. As
delusional believers, they have become lifeless, delusional slaves, and have become utterly incapable of ever
freeing themselves from their faith slavery, as a result of which they are no longer capable of
cultivating their own rational and rational thoughts and forming their own opinions. As a result of this
they, as devotees of God, become more and more dulled by reality, become ever more humble and
dependent upon all and every false apostle, by which they
exploit in every way and into enmity, strife, hatred, murder and manslaughter and war against
Believers of other faiths can be seduced, whereby the sectarian delusional leaders can enrich themselves immensely
and live their lust for power over their believers.
The whole in terms of religious-sectarian piety and deviating from the natural
reality and its truth led the majority of terrestrial mankind into every imaginable possible
malignant and violent degeneracy, which could no longer be set boundaries and
even today they are not set can. This includes the monstrous and destructive
machinations caused by the overpopulation, the thousands of different ones
Supplies and things needed to satisfy their abundant life. But in order to
procure all these needs, the planet itself, as well as nature, its fauna and flora as well as
all fresh waters, streams, rivers, lakes and springs are also poisoned and
contaminated and polluted by wastes of all kinds, especially plastics. just like the seas,
only a few environmental enthusiastscare . All warning and warning is of no use, because the vast majority of
overpopulation does not care a damn about it, but continues unabated, unremitting and
irresponsible with the entire destructive machinations.
If the destructive and criminal
machinations caused by the needs of overpopulation on the planet Earth are considered, as well as those of nature, their
fauna and flora as well as the air envelope resp.
Naturally, the criminally altered climate that is
now causing tremendous natural catastrophes naturally also belongs to this, of course, to the manipulation of the atmosphere of the earth and cross-rubbing.
The ozone layer as well as the CFC that destroys this layer must also be mentioned, to which I
must explain a lot, because the knowledge about it is very important, as Sfath has already taught me. The
The ozone layer is to be understood as part of the stratosphere, which is located above the troposphere, which
encloses the earth at a height of about 10-12 kilometers. The stratosphere itself is therefore
about 15 to 50 kilometers above the earth and contains to my knowledge about 90 percent of the atmospheric
ozone. The high-energy ultraviolet radiation of the Sun converts
the oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3) up there, just in the stratosphere, whereby this ozone layer
shields a part of the UV radiation of the sun and prevents too much of the aggressive UV radiation reached the earth. WähFIGU TIMES,  No. 123/1 August  2019 8
rend the ozone layer all life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun
protects the ozone gas, however, endangers the health of people and the entire near the ground
environment, where it irritates the eyes and mucous membranes and polluter in the airways worst damage
Basically, the ozone layer blocks a large portion of the aggressive sun's rays, preventing
too much ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth and causing damage. But
only if the ozone layer of the stratosphere is intact, because then it
acts as a huge protective screen against the dangerous UV radiation.
When scrutinized, GHGs absorb long-wave heat
radiation, greatly altering the energy balance and mean temperature of the planetary
atmosphere, with methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, ozone, and carbon dioxide
as natural greenhouse gases in particular. With regard to ozone pollution on the ground, I have learned
that it is really problematic only in summer, and only when there is intense
solar radiation, which makes it possible to produce ozone from the so-called precursor
substances Generally arising from emissions caused by mankind
With regard to the destruction of the ozone layer, it can be said that this is due to gases,
above all the fluoro-chloro-hydrocarbons (CFCs), which used to be used on a large
scale mainly as a coolant . CFCs consist of organic compounds in which hydrogen
atoms are replaced by fluorine and chlorine atoms.
I've learned that the main greenhouse gases are few, but the most important one
is carbon dioxide, which is CO2, which is an odorless and colorless gas with an
average lifetime of around 120 years in the atmosphere. In addition, there is the methanga
, which on the one hand is mainly produced by cattle as odorless and colorless, but highly inflammatory.
On the other hand, it is also stored in frozen soil and escapes into the atmosphere
as a result of climate change as a result of the thawing of permafrost from the soil and rock
. However, this methane gas can be
destroyed by chemical reactions , in contrast to CFCs as greenhouse gases, which - as I have recently recalled
- are inert resp. idle, impartial and sluggish, they are considered as substances
written asAir, water, educts and products of a reaction do not or only to a negligible extent react
>. Finally, there is also the nitrous oxide, which is
well known as a colorless and sweet-smelling nitrous oxide. Toxic greenhouse gas emissions, above all CO2, are
among the many forms of irresponsible
atmospheric pollution caused by humanity . But also
CFC resp. Chlorofluorocarbons are to be mentioned, because they are, despite all false
claims to this day, to a considerable extent to the impairment of the ozone layer in
the stratosphere, but not to the extent that still in the course of the 1970s and 1980s
the case was when that talked about what the CFC was responsible for,
In 2019, hardly anyone else talks or even knows anything.
CFC resp. Chlorofluorocarbons, as I recently read, correspond to a chemical
nomenclature according to IUPAC, with IUPAC nomenclature meaning that it has the purpose of being able to
clearly assign their structure to chemical compounds, which is also referred to
as organic chemistry nomenclature ,Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs,
or even freons, according to the chemistry teachings, are
understood to mean an extensive chemical group of low-molecular-weightorganic compounds which are known as propellant gases, but which are also known as propellants.
medium or solvents are used. CFCs are, or were, I was informed, hydrocarbons
in which hydrogen atoms are or have been replaced by the halogens chlorine and fluorine, which
correspond to a subgroup of halogenated hydrocarbons. CFCs, it is taught,
contain only single bonds called saturated CFCs. However, if no
more hydrogen is present in the compound , then the whole thing is called chlorofluorocarbons. And as I
said, during the 1970s and 1980s, the release of CFCs into the
atmosphere was extremely damaging to the ozone layer in the stratosphere and damaged the ozone layer.
hole produced. As a result, the use of CFCs has been banned in many applications,
but according to your Plejar information , it is still secretly used to some extent to this day
and continues to penetrate the stratosphere, to a certain extent still
affecting it, and also helping with climate change , What is
done with this further and secret abuse of CFCs is ineffectually ineffective, but no one cares
, as a result of which the earth's atmosphere will continue to be dam- aged by CFC greenhouse gases
, just as ozone depletion still continues, albeit also to a lesser extent than in FIGU-TIME SIGNS,  No. 123/1  August  2019 9
the 1970s and 1980s. In Wikipedia I have found the following
with regard to CFCs, which I would like to add to my words:
(Wikipedia: HCFCs are termed "partially halogenated" chlorofluorocarbons; their
hydrogen atoms are only partially replaced by chlorine and fluorine atoms: they have a much lower content
Ozone-depleting potential as CFCs is also far below that of CFCs,
and HCFCs are already being mined in the troposphere and only partially reach the
CFCs are very durable, non-flammable, odorless, clear (colorless) and are often non-toxic or have
low toxicity. The CFCs of the methane and ethane series have a low boiling point
and can be easily liquefied by compression. Since they
can absorb large amounts of heat during evaporation , they are important above all as coolants. CFCs have
a high residence time in the atmospherebecause of their inertness. They therefore rise to the
stratosphere and are decomposed by the UV rays. Chlorine or fluorine radicals are released
, which react with the ozone of the ozone layer and damage it. In 1981 described
Veerabhadran Ramanathan that the very strong greenhouse effect of chlorofluorocarbons alone
would heat up the Earth's atmosphere by a full degree by the year 2000, unless the emissions of that
gas are dramatically reduced.)
The whole destruction disaster on Earth began very early, because related production
problems began namely even then when - according to today's era on 31 December 1700 - the
number of 529 million earthlings has been exceeded, the principle nature moderately for the planet
would be allowed earth. And since then, everything has been done to increase mankind through
religion-religious influence, but on the other hand, religious beliefs have also grown
Waged wars and thereby caused destruction, shed mass human blood and
nothing else left out, which could be done to disaster and also to the detriment of nature and their
fauna and flora. Already at that time, plant and bird species, animals,
creepers, hunts, lizards, amphibians and animals, etc. were decimated and even completely eradicated, which has
been preserved up to the present day. Everything has therefore begun early and continuously and has survived
to the present day, namely all the destruction on the planet, of nature and its fauna
and flora, of the seas, of fresh waters, of the atmosphere and of the climate, which is ultimately tremendous
Caused natural disasters, which will become even worse in the future. However, if the
responsibility of the Earthlings is considered, then it can be seen that this is virtually
non-existent, because as ever, there are only a few people who make even
a few thoughts about the whole. Following this, everything goes on in the old style, because in particular
, everything is done worldwide to destroy by exploiting the earth, these themselves, but also
by other criminal machinations.
Will the feeble-minded drivel of scientists, politicians and other big talkies as well
scrutinizing the rulers in terms of climate and environmental destruction,
making absolutely stupid decisions on climate change, protecting the environment, and improving the climate
, then howling into the world. In fact, the fact is that nothing but
idiotic, stupid speeches are made and, in addition, more feeble-minded pseudo-solutions against the
environmental, natural, fauna and flora, water, marine and climate destruction are devised and adopted
, the are neither practicable nor useful, because the problems
raised are already outdated when they are discussed, and consequently this transformation is not possible,
because during the conferences that took place, humanity has already
grown by tens of thousands of new earthlings . So, not the basic cause and the true evil of climate change
and environmental degradation, etc. are brought up - namely, the masses overpopulation
and their endless further increase - and then no action taken against it, but
just stupid- talked idiocy and completely senseless and brain-torn concepts and procedures are
devised and decided. Of course, all of this nonsense also affects the population, which is muddling
around in the same frame and nonsensical to oneBut it has no idea that only through a massive
worldwide and multi-year birthrate, as well as an equally global and lasting
birth control, the problem of climate degradation can be tamed. However, this climate change will
then take centuries, just as it has taken centuries to do
so. But of it is from the alleged not talked, everything
want to know better, but have no idea what the origin of the whole is FIGU-TIME SIGNS,  No. 123/1  August  2019 10
and what has to be done effectively against it - just a massive long-term birth-stop and a
worldwide birth-control.
The Male and female are on the one hand too stupid and on the other hand
completely unable to
perceive the facts of climate change and the destruction of nature, their fauna and flora, the oceans and fresh waters and the extermination of various living beings,
they also can not find the source of climate change. Because of their self-glorification
and self-adulation - because they bask in their titles, such as doctor, specialist, professor
, etc. - they are in their ignorance of existing facts and no logical resp.
to make a logical judgment, as a result of which they are no longer and remain so, namely, as stupid
scroungers , who let all the peoples go by the fool's rope. And that she, with her stupid chatter, also all those in
leading astray and pounding the pan, who are
beginning to snap up the whole of climate change and protesting against it, without knowing the actual facts and their true origins, will
knock the bottom out of the barrel. And this fact applies especially to the young people, who
on the one hand are totally ignorant and at the same time uninformed with regard to the truth of the cause of climate change
, but on the other hand incite each other in their unconsciousness in order to
publicly demonstrate in the wrong faiththat the coming climate catastrophe could be stopped if,
for example, fewer people with low-cost airlines, etc. would pollute the world and its atmosphere, etc. That
but the true reason in the rampant overpopulation founded, they do not recognize and do not know,
and also they obviously do not want to know and do not understand this, because they do not want
to see themselves included, even to be able to produce offspring. And that is
exactly what the young people and young demonstrators do with theirsmawandel>, because their personal egoism is
not affected by the right of generation of progeny , but that only for
others, but not for themselves. So when the talk comes up and the demand is made on
them, they pinch and, in their ignorance, even claim that the overpopulation
has nothing to do with climate change, because they can neither
perceive nor realize their destructive machinations . This is an effective fact about which not only
the majority of youthful and older stop-the-climate-demonstrators are neither
able nor willing to reflect , but also the bulk of all earthling humanity. And the reason
is the same for all, because they selfishly think only for themselves, but not for the earth, the na-
ture, their fauna and flora. So the fact is that practically all climate-disrupting opponents are selfishly self-conscious
, because making children and having children is a purely private
matter that nobody has to interfere with. Therefore, it is precluded from the outset
that even a hint of a thought can arise so that no or at least much less
offspring should be conceived and brought into the world. And this is so, because for them all,
even the hint of such a request in relation to being able to consider progeny for a long time, or
at all, as a malicious, private, and unjustified
in the absolutely personal sphere. And this egotistical attitude goes beyond all
well-being and existence of the planet earth, its climate, nature and its fauna and flora, because
what does this harm the climate protection, if through this necessary measures personal
interests and wishes in the background or even be given up.
Well, there is now the sixteen-year-old Swedish girl Greta Thundorf, who
skips school every Friday and publicly demonstrates for climate protection. This, in turn, is a godsend for
all those scientists, politicians, religionists and rulers, as well as for large masses.
more generous
and important in public in connection with the introverted Greta Thunberg . So the girl is dragged to public events and
does not know what's happening to him and that it's selfishly exploited by others, who
hope to gain publicity unscrupulously and carelessly, putting themselves in the limelight of the world
can.And they do it all, who flock around Greta Thunberg or otherwise unscrupulously used as a
figurehead, in order
to be able to excel in public with image and word of their own person as well aswith stupid speeches of the common sense.
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, born January 3, 2003, has
already become world famous as a Swedish climate activist, and her work is already being massively
misused by many young people around the world , as well as environmental activists and high-ranking politicians.
The use of Greta - the child does not know how it happens - finds international attention, what
but by and large only hypocritical nature.The fact is that the truth
is that the whole thing is not good for a consistent climate policy or that it will
be used, but that many young people, politicians, scientists, wannabe-
sized and also rulers as well In their pure selfishness and self-
presentation in public, they placereligionists and devout believers as big and important and tap stupidly clever sayings

FIGU TIMES,  No. 123/1  August  2019 11
If Greta's Friday school strikes are considered to contain
and stop climate change, then realistically, the
whole thing is nothing but a shot in the oven, even ifture> has formed into a global movement, which will probably go out only as a straw fire
. In my opinion, nothing will be achieved with school strikes, but on the contrary will result
in unpleasantries that can be difficult, even if
Sweden complies with the Paris Agreement, which I took from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia: Politics: Das Paris Agreement on Climate Change:
The Paris Agreement was adopted at the last UN Climate Change Conference.What goals are
pursued and how should they be implemented?
A contribution of the editors, of , September 6, 2018.
The UN Climate Change Conference is a meeting of politicians and climate experts from around the world. Most recently,
it took place between 30 November and 12 December 2015 in Le Bourget, a small town
near Paris. Therefore, the agreement is called the "Paris Agreement".
It is the first climate protection agreement that takes almost all the countries of the world to task. Because
All 195 UN Member States approved the agreement. Officially, the Paris Agreement
will enter into force in 2020. In the following you will learn which goals are pursued and
how the countries want to implement them.
What are the goals of the agreement?
Limiting temperature rise: States have set themselves the goal of
keeping global warming below 2 degrees. It should even stay below 1.5 degrees if possible.
Fewer Greenhouse Gases: The goal is
to achieve a global balance between emissions and CO2 uptake by the second half of this century . So humans should be through us
greenhouse gases such as CO2 can no longer be emitted as, for example, at the same time being
absorbed by forests .
Supporting poorer countries: The poorest countries in the world should be supported in climate protection, adaptation
to climate change and the elimination of consequential damage from the richer countries
How should the goals be achieved?
Obligatory reports: In order to keep track of how much CO2 each country spends and what it does to achieve
the common climate goals , all states must submit regular reports.
Financial aid: The industrialized countries have agreed to pay 100 billion euros per year from 2020 to 2025.
to provide dollars for poorer states. These should be helped with the money
to eliminate damage caused by climate change and to use more climate-friendly techniques.
Higher climate goals: From 2020 every country should present its climate protection plans every 5 years.
The new goals must always be better than goals before. This means that the targets will be tightened every 5 years in
order to jointly achieve the ambitious climate goals.
The criticism of the Paris Agreement:
Of course, it is a success that the countries could agree on common goals. But environmentalists
say that such an agreement should have been concluded much earlier. Moreover
they complain that the climate targets are still set by the individual countries themselves and
they threaten no penalties, if they do not comply.
By the way , the climate protection plans presented so far are not enough to reach the common goals.
So there is still a lot to be improved!
Greta Thunberg is by no means a voluntary environmental activist, also not when they as a
representative of the international Climate magazine and was
included in the list of the 25 most influential teenagers of the year 2018 by the American magazine Time, as I know
from the internet.

FIGU TIME SIGNS  No. 123/1   August 2019 12
The 16-year-old from Sweden is celebrated in the mainstream media as a dedicated environmental activist, who
is selflessly committed to preserving the environment, but the whole scenario has to be put into perspective
, because I think that the child is being abused commercially - At
least the father plays along, who is an actor and screenwriter. If you look in the internet
, then you can find the following:
The safe future of our children is at stake!
Published on February 1, 2019 by helmut mueller
L 'avenir sécuritaire de nos enfants est en jeu!
The safe future of our children is at stake!
Guest contribution by Rudolf Hänsel *
How a global elite uses mass migration to replace its native population.
Herrmann H. Mitterer's book "Population Exchange in Europe" is based on verifiable facts
and non-ideological enlightenment book, which reluctant to put out of hand again. He
substantiates his research hypothesis with numbers, facts and data: as a result of the population exchange - a "major social
experiment" - within the next 20 to 30 years, the life-world
conditions that have shaped Europe for centuries will radically change , Europe will no longer be the
known one. Or as the journalist and journalist Peter Scholl-Latour said:
"Those who accept half Calcutta do not save Calcutta, but they themselves become Calcutta."
Mitterer not only gives the reader a glimpse behind the facade of "humanity" and "welcome
culture", but also gives him valuable advice on how to can counteract the long-
planned exchange of population overdecades with its fatal and destructive effects on Germany
and Europe. Because the safe future of our children is at stake.
The attitude of the author
Mitterer, shaped by the consciousness of moral values, is an officer in the Austrian army and studied politics and education
as well as sociology. For him, the main motivation for his diverse publications is the secure future of
his three adult children. His book begins with a remarkable foreword. With this
introduction, he reveals his ethos of ethical values:
"Not wealth, not social position, not academic education, distinguishes the nobles from the common.
It is the ability to recognize the value of timeless values, and the will to preserve them.
To make sacrifices and, if necessary, one's own life. "(p. 4)
Hypothesis and Research Questions Mitterer begins by proposing
a working hypothesis - initially unproven
Accepting facts as aids to scientific knowledge - and formulating research
questions. So he approaches the complex subject scientifically and not ideologically. His
The hypothesis is that "mass immigration is used by political elites as a means of population
In order to test this hypothesis, he investigates the following (research-guiding) questions:
"1. What is meant by the term 'population exchange'?
2. Does this population exchange really exist in reality, and can it be
proven by facts ?
3. If there is such a thing, who could be interested in it, and what could be the goals?
4. Interests and goals are one thing, but can you
ever create and direct mass migration to use your own interests and goals?
5. If there is this population exchange through targeted mass immigration, then why do not
our 'elites oppose it for the protection of their peoples? "(P. 15f.)
Mitterer also cites some of the objectives associated with the' mass' mass migration:
§ "Domestic political instrument of domination according to the strategy divide et impera,
§ Destabilization of national societies for geopolitical reasons, in order to make possible the Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership (TTIP),
§ Prevention of the Berlin-Moscow axis (...),
§ General reduction the standard of living or
§ increasing the pressure on employees, etc. "(p. 16)

Monday, June 3, 2019


Genes Are Responsible For The Inheritance of Habits, Behavior, Body Postures, Body Movements etc.,

Billy Meier,
March 1, 2014

A gene is a segment of the DNA, at the same time the genes form several aggregated bases, which make up a unit.

They contain the basic information for the production of RNA, which corresponds to a section of the DNA.

The genes may also be referred to as characteristic structures because they take over a particular function, such as the color of the hair, and so forth.

A gene is also a hereditary factor, just because it carries the genetic information in itself.

Consequently the genes are responsible for ensuring that information once stored therein, is passed on from generation to generation i.e. that characteristics once fixed in the genes, find its hereditary-based expression in the progeny i.e. is transferred, wherein the DNA also plays a role, because DNA is the actual genetic substance, out of which genes and plasmids also consist of.

A gene is a DNA segment, on which the code is given for a specific protein molecule.

A plasmid is a small piece of DNA, wherein this is a closed ring-form and can contain multiple genes.

Traumatic experiences strain the thoughts and feelings and therefore also the psyche, whereby these three factors influence and program the genes.

However, regarding the inheritance of traumatic experiences and living-experiences that are deposited in the genes by the thoughts, feelings, and by the psyche as well as by physical factors, is to be said that these are inherited through numerous generations and thus in the long run characterize the descendants and their descendants and in turn their descendants and so on and so forth.

Also stress-syndromes as well as phobias and even habits and idiosyncrasies, as well as modes of behavior and body postures and body movements, etc. are just as much inheritance-based factors as well as intellect, rationality and intelligence, wherein everything can be both in the positive as in the negative ....

CR 582

Where does Spirit go after death .... Chapter V

Where does Spirit go after death .... Chapter V

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

The spirit, respectively the spirit-form, on the other hand is only creative-nature-like pre-determined energy, which enlivens the human body.

When the spirit leaves the human body, then it escapes into its beyond plane, which exists in the same space as the present-reality of the planet, though the so-called beyond plane is in another dimension in comparison to the real material reality space, and I mean in finest spiritual-energetic nature.

Regarding the planet, the beyond plane therefore is arranged around it, like this plane however also is further existing universe wide, however in contrast to the material reality plane in a finest material, to which the human as material life-form in no way has access and consequently nothing can be seen and nothing detected.

Therefore is it in this plane impossible for human to see or somehow detect, the material body escaping spirit, respectively spirit-form.

That the beyond area of the planet in a differently dimensioned form than the real material reality space is not only arranged for it, but also in the entire universe, this has its reason.

So emerges from the spirit teachings, that if a planet is destroyed or simply made incapable of life, that the on there existing spirit-forms and the other lying fallow spirit energies then are not destroyed, but that these ‘emigrate’, in order to ‘travel’ for so long through space, until a new planet is found, on which human life exists.

On this planet the spirit-forms ‘settle’ then again, mix themselves with the already there existing ones and so go forward again, respectively, further into a cycle of reincarnation, respectively rebirth.

CR 579

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

The spirit of the human is a tiny part of Creation energy in the human.

So this can with the human for example in a way be compared to, as the human body is similar to a guest house, in which the spirit stays as guest, where it also feeds itself and makes payment for this.

If the guest house however is demolished or somehow destroyed, then the spirit, which indeed is guest, leaves the place of destruction.

For humans is to be realized that this means, that the spirit in him as guest lives and learns (receives food and lodging) and at the same time it enlivens (pays for food and lodging) to the entire body; and when the human dies, then the spirit escapes immediately from the body and goes over into its beyond area, in order then with the next, new personality in the next life again in it, to become bound and to be a new guest in a new human body.

The spirit is therefore not the brain, as it is also not some other part of the human body.

It must be understood as a formless continuum in the roof of the midbrain ( = paired node = superior colliculus) of the human.

And because the spirit is of formless or non-material nature, it can also not feel or grieve, be sick or be hindered or harmed by any material object or through intelligence of the human.

It is therefore very important to understand, that there are no unpeaceful or peaceful spirit conditions, because such conditions are reserved alone for the human consciousness.

Solely can unpeaceful or peaceful or sickness conditions only appear in the consciousness, which can disturb or lift up the inner peace, because only the consciousness is able to create through thoughts and feelings, rage, envy and desiring disadvantage, blindness or valuable, peaceful conditions, because the spirit itself behaves in every way absolutely neutrally and does not interfere in consciousness interests.

The human alone is therefore in every relation responsible for the well-being and sorrow of his consciousness, consequently he himself always is responsible for all of his strivings and thought-feeling-psychic-like suffering, not however his spirit, as well as also not other humans, bad community, material or social conditions, etc. truthfully originates all of this suffering through blind and pathological as well as incorrect consciousness conditions, though the thoughts and feelings play a very important role.

In conclusion is still the following to say, which I have already previously written and here add as partial repetition of the explanation: the human spirit to locate and track down – at least at the present time – is impossible for the human, because neither among the necessary apparatuses nor similar means he has at his disposal, can he track down spirit energy and to measure this.

The human spirit, respectively the spirit-form cannot be seen by humans, because the pure creative spirit energy cannot be detected by human eyes as well as also not sensed.

There are also still no apparatuses or analyzing devices, etc., also not of the ranges of ultraviolet or infrared, through which it would be possible, to see the sprit respectively, the spirit-form, because spiritual energy is as invisible as pure air.

CR 579

Freedom on Planet Erra

An absolutely free circulation of goods and persons on the whole of Erra is given, wherein regarding this extreme care is taken that no flora or fauna seeds or even plants, as well as any fauna forms of life are transported from one region to another, as unfortunately the opposite is the case on the earth through the stupid and irrational globalization, by which originates much damage and wherethrough all sorts of coming calamities are yet to be wrought.

So there is no border customs for persons and wares with us on Erra, and every human being can freely go anywhere to wherever he or she wants, without being controlled by officials, and so on.

Billy Meier
1st March, 2014

CR 582

The Difference Between Brain , Conciousness and The Spirit And It's Location

Spirit - Chapter III

The Difference Between Brain , Conciousness and The Spirit And It's Location

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

Many humans of Earth think, that the spirit may be the brain, while others assume, that some other part or a function of the body, like for example the consciousness, may be to name as spirit.

This is however fundamentally false, because the brain is of purely, body like - material nature, and the consciousness is anchored in this.

The brain itself is something that can be seen with the eyes, when it is uncovered, like it however also can be observed by outside apparatuses or measured with electromagnetic probes in its activity.

Therefore it can be photographed, analyzed and operated on.

This, whereas the consciousness is not traceable in this way, because it constitutes a fine material function of the brain and possibly can only be measured electronically in its ability.

In contrast to the brain the spirit is not material, but finest material nature and accordingly thus still a great deal finer material than the fine material consciousness, which exercises a part function in the brain.

And as the spirit is of finest material nature, it can neither by some apparatus nor device, nor with the eyes be observed, seen nor somehow registered.

Thus it can also neither be photographed even through bodily inner or outer circumstances, nor by thoughts, feelings, sickness, accident, drugs, poison or medicines etc. be attacked, damaged or through an operation be treated.

The brain is therefore not the spirit, but this is simply only a part of the body, and within this there is nothing, which can be identified as spirit, except the sprit itself, which is established as tiniest piece of Creation spirit in the roof of the midbrain ( = paired node = superior colliculus).

So the entire body and the brain of humans as well as the spirit are two fundamentally different natures, which both coarse material as well as also their finest material kind are of a fundamentally different nature.

And if the consciousness is considered, this is a function of the brain, so this can through thoughts, for example, be extremely devoted and active and spring from one object to another, while the body remains completely relaxed and motionless.

The spirit itself then is in no way affected, because it is not identical with the consciousness, but it is that creative energy factor which enlivens the consciousness, where by it the body and all of its functions are powered as well.

This expresses clearly and unambiguously, that the consciousness, the body and the brain absolutely are not of the same nature as the spirit.

CR 579