Monday, June 3, 2019

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

The spirit of the human is a tiny part of Creation energy in the human.

So this can with the human for example in a way be compared to, as the human body is similar to a guest house, in which the spirit stays as guest, where it also feeds itself and makes payment for this.

If the guest house however is demolished or somehow destroyed, then the spirit, which indeed is guest, leaves the place of destruction.

For humans is to be realized that this means, that the spirit in him as guest lives and learns (receives food and lodging) and at the same time it enlivens (pays for food and lodging) to the entire body; and when the human dies, then the spirit escapes immediately from the body and goes over into its beyond area, in order then with the next, new personality in the next life again in it, to become bound and to be a new guest in a new human body.

The spirit is therefore not the brain, as it is also not some other part of the human body.

It must be understood as a formless continuum in the roof of the midbrain ( = paired node = superior colliculus) of the human.

And because the spirit is of formless or non-material nature, it can also not feel or grieve, be sick or be hindered or harmed by any material object or through intelligence of the human.

It is therefore very important to understand, that there are no unpeaceful or peaceful spirit conditions, because such conditions are reserved alone for the human consciousness.

Solely can unpeaceful or peaceful or sickness conditions only appear in the consciousness, which can disturb or lift up the inner peace, because only the consciousness is able to create through thoughts and feelings, rage, envy and desiring disadvantage, blindness or valuable, peaceful conditions, because the spirit itself behaves in every way absolutely neutrally and does not interfere in consciousness interests.

The human alone is therefore in every relation responsible for the well-being and sorrow of his consciousness, consequently he himself always is responsible for all of his strivings and thought-feeling-psychic-like suffering, not however his spirit, as well as also not other humans, bad community, material or social conditions, etc. truthfully originates all of this suffering through blind and pathological as well as incorrect consciousness conditions, though the thoughts and feelings play a very important role.

In conclusion is still the following to say, which I have already previously written and here add as partial repetition of the explanation: the human spirit to locate and track down – at least at the present time – is impossible for the human, because neither among the necessary apparatuses nor similar means he has at his disposal, can he track down spirit energy and to measure this.

The human spirit, respectively the spirit-form cannot be seen by humans, because the pure creative spirit energy cannot be detected by human eyes as well as also not sensed.

There are also still no apparatuses or analyzing devices, etc., also not of the ranges of ultraviolet or infrared, through which it would be possible, to see the sprit respectively, the spirit-form, because spiritual energy is as invisible as pure air.

CR 579

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