Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Adolf Hitler & Flying Saucers & WW II

Scientists strive to create their own terrestrial beamships/flying saucers. Is this true, and how far are the little things developed?

This information is correct, as far as being consistent with the truth that such aircraft will be built on Earth in the beginning.

This however does not deal with beamships/UFOs , but with flying devices which are similar to flying saucers , and only equipped with combustion engines, or more recently with jet engines with recoil effect.

The construction of such ships on Earth in modern times is however not new at all, because already by 1941 the first ships of this type were already completed in plan, and started to get built.

By mid-February 1945, the first flights were conducted, up to altitudes of about 12500 meters, where speeds of a little more than 2000 kilometers per hour were achieved.

Everything was commissioned through the leader of the World War II ...... Adolf Hitler .....

Everything was destroyed by the end of the war, though, to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

Various plans, devices and equipment however, were overlooked and fell into other hands.

From this several groups developed the today existing ships of disc-shaped type and terrestrial origin.

These "flying saucers", as they were called by their builders, naturally require their test flights, to test their characteristics, etc.

Many of these objects could therefore be observed by the Earth people, when they were flown around for flight tests or verifications.

The largest of these terrestrial flying objects of this type reach nearly 10 meters in diameter, and are quite numerously represented.

Naturally, all this is vigorously denied by the governments of the countries possessing them.

Their machines crash quite often though, because they are still quite deficiently developed in all things.

The uninitiated people of the Earth however, live in the mistaken belief that these "flying saucers" observed by them are of the same kind as UFOs , and come from extraterrestrial worlds.

So that's how it is ..... several of the UFOs observed all around the world are not really such, but simply terrestrial "flying saucers".

They are also often forced to make emergency landings, because their construction, devices and apparatuses are still very poor.

Through their combustion motors and jet engines, which they recently also want to run atomically, although these are just wishes for the future, combustion damage very often results.

People who come near such combustion cores are very often threatened by the dangers of atomic radiation being emitted by experimental nuclear reactors, which are intended for propulsion, which will still however not be successful for a long time.

If emergency landings of ships of this kind are addressed by observers, by which I mean that they come close to them, they are often set in fear and terror by the occupants, or even kidnapped and deported, so as to assure their absolute silence.

Such events are unfortunately not uncommon on the Earth, but through the ignorance of people and various dishonest "enlightenment-seeking" groups, they are attributed without exception to extraterrestrial life forms.

In truth, there are probably malicious intelligences from outer space as well, which visit your Earth or stray there, however they are not so many that they would be of great consequence.

Most observations of "flying saucers" with abductions are of terrestrial origin.

This should be clear to the Earth people, when they encounter any "flying saucers" anywhere, whose occupants are well aware of the fact that many people imagine these objects to be of extraterrestrial origin.

This knowledge is also very often utilized by them, by presenting themselves to any credulous Earth persons as extraterrestrial intelligences.

Aware of the religious power, they also do not shy away from posing as angels and messengers of God , and to appear as "saviors" of the humanity, wherein they then choose the deceived gullible ones for educational contacts, and assign them secret missions, which allegedly would serve the interests of the terrestrial humanity, but which in reality only serve their own profit and the interests of the espionage of their own country.

The most frequently claimed places of origin by these malicious deceitful elements and occupants of the terrestrial "flying saucers" are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

However, the nearest neighboring system of your solar system will also have to serve for this, as well as the Pleiades in the coming times, when you become famous worldwide because of the contacts with us.

Thereby will also my daughter Semjase, as well as myself, mendaciously be accused as contact beings with in this regard deceitful Earth humans, and also alleged Pleiadian beings, which do not exist.

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