Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ancient Civilization Relics ....

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ancient Civilization Relics ....

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9th year
No. 45, Dec. 2003

Facts about Worldspace, the Pleiadians / Plejaren
and  Eduard A. Meier
After being asked to write an article on the subject of the possible existence of extraterrestrials
I want to do this from multiple angles of probability and obvious reason. But the whole thing has become so watered down and speculative by unclean UFO researchers and sectarian UFO groups, etc., that one does not come to any beginning or end; actually
all words would be twice too many. The most effective solution of the future would be that finally extraterrestrial
People or other alien intelligences land officially on Earth and this event
would be disseminated worldwide via all media. That would put an end to the unfortunate haunting. But this
There would not only be unimaginable problems, risks and dangers for those who are still religious
large majority of humanity, because of their deep ignorance of extraterrestrial life, but
also unpleasantries for the extraterrestrials themselves. The people worldwide would panic beyond compare, and all madhouses of the earth would hardly be able, the completely
to heal crazy crowds. Similarly catastrophic would be the consequences for all
earthly power structures. Completely different ways of thinking in politics, military, peacekeeping and religions
They would appear before whom all the mighty and powerful of the plague are afraid of the plague, because they
Maintained largely by high-profile, sophisticated lies, slander, mass media brainwashing, wars, terror, and other insidious-to-naked violence. By no means finds
Here on earth, a willingness of the powerful - with few exceptions - that for
To give the simple citizen unimaginable power positions as well as the wealth and luxury, etc., to responsible people who would use everything only for the benefit of the people and the whole of humanity. Even with an open appearance extraterrestrial would to the last breath
Defended everything and rather the death and destruction of the earth accepted, as some of it
leave. Thus, extraterrestrial visitors would have to reckon with the expectation that they would be fond of friendship, then capture them and use them as exotic experimental minks.
to treat as enemies or even to murder them out of fear, cowardice or racial hatred. The military
would certainly take the extraterrestrial aircraft for total world domination - if
this would only be possible and let the strangers 
First let's take a look at the night sky. It's not that just there
the stars are flashing. Even here you could add up one and one and at least start to feel different
to make further thoughts. If only there were not the fumigation by the greenhouse gases
and the confusion of the media and the unsustainable traditions ... stars are not
only dots, but suns, often many times bigger than ours in our system, though
we only see them in the night sky as little glittering stars, the size of which we first see through

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recognizes large telescopes. And there are scattered planets around these suns, who would have thought that?
Planets, as they have been clearly and clearly recognized for years with better and better telescopes
can be. And if only the huge suns, of which alone our galaxy around 200
Has billions, are visible only as star points, how can it be with their planets?
are much smaller than these distant suns?
Science has long since said that a so-called primeval atmosphere on many planets in the
Space must and must be possible. A primordial atmosphere represents an atmosphere that exists in the early stages of planetary evolution. These are lightning, heat, and volcanism, and perhaps there are water and salts, and so on. And it is precisely from such urogenous atmospheres that arise and arise necessary substances for the construction of amino acids, from which simple
mucilaginous and then unicellular and from it more and more complex life forms emerged. A seemingly simple thing that argues that life is not an absolute rarity, but the absolute
Normal form in space and its countless planets.
Suppose our galaxy actually has (basic knowledge of school astronomy or school physics) 200 billion suns and thus about seven million (!) Planets. If so, today
every planet made simple life, then alone in our galaxy say
and write seven million life-bearing planets, but for the earthly astronomy scientists so far, but no such, but only for life incompetent giant gas planets, etc. with
Telescopes became visible. In fact, there are undoubtedly suns in the vast cosmos, and so in our Milky Way, as well as in many other galaxies, with their orbiting planets, which evolve over the course of millions of years and billions of plants and animals as well as intelligent creatures
So, too, have people who have developed high, traveled the world space and on others
Planets have settled and multiplied many times. That alone is the logical consequence of the universal
Where is the alleged religion - preached heaven, and where, to make matters worse, the idiocy
Hell, both of which have never been proven until today? All this is just a blind, stupid gibberish of medieval and ancient ways of thinking, at the time of which everything was exterminated and murdered,
what else thought and knew more than the religious representatives. Very recently, insane views and claims of religious form circulated that the earth had floated in a primeval sea as a floss disk
and that everything revolves around the earth, because it was considered the center of the universe, namely
even when some people and groups knew and had evidence
that was not the case and logical calculations and observations could not be so.
But even today there are still mad people, such as a group of people in England, all
It seriously assumes and claims that the earth is a disk floating in the cosmos.
Now, if the sky with God and gods is actually 'up', as it still is millions, yes
Billions of Earth people still believe today in the era of the great scientific findings in a religious and misguided perspective, what then is the above?  is once one
Rotational position of the earth, so that for the other side of the earth this position means . Alone on the earth
If it were, then it would be the case where for some the sky is on top, then on the other side
Hell would be. But that's not the case, because everywhere around the planet the sky is always up - even
the world space, because there is no top and bottom in this relationship. So what is real from the top and
below resp. of heaven and hell in a religious sense? In relation to the sky, which is astrophysical
All over the earth rises, there is nothing but the world space in which nothing but stars resp.
Suns, gas clouds, fog formations, galaxies and black holes, exploded stars and emerging sunsets and all sorts of fine and finest matter etc. are located. And nowhere is a spark of

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to see divine or hellish realms, and that neither on the earth nor anywhere in the world-space, to the end of the visible universe.
Heaven and hell are just as much religious-imagined imaginary places as any religious one
Deity embodies only an imaginary figure, which never has any evidential force in relation to its existence
is capable because something non-existent never proves itself and also not by humans
can be proved. So heaven and hell are neither a divine paradise nor a purgatory
Satan, but only mental and consciousness, mental and emotional
States of the human.
And how should man be born? According to Christianity and its bible, it should be easy to calculate when man was created by God. The generations since Adam and Eve, the first humans of the earth resp. the Omedan, who were truly no creatures of God, are said to do so little, according to the supposedly eternally correct Word of God, as the Bible and the Jewish Pentateuch claim
more than 5000 years ago. This is believed by the Jews as well as around one
Billion Christians.
In contrast, however, can be found in every good school and in their history books, such as
In many museums, in archaeological and anthropological treatises, insights and written works about the humans of the earth indications, bones and many other proofs of the existence of the
Earthman, who walked the earth several million years ago. Less well known, though
hard, demonstrable fact is that found in various places on earth dinosaur tracks
in which, no doubt - one is astonished - many millions of years old human footprints
were discovered, sometimes even with shoe prints and leather seams. And that, though the dinosaurs
lived between 50 and 250 million years before the time of those humans, of whom found bones, etc.
and scientifically dated to 3-6 million years ago. Probably the oldest
Human footprints in dinosaur tracks are estimated to be 120 million years old. All clear evidence that it must have somehow completely different with the history of mankind and with the religions, as is generally claimed.
On Earth, there is actually quite sufficient evidence for ancient civilizations. What is there
the longest survived, are mostly stone formations. But this is about
machined stones, which have huge dimensions and only by special and high techniques
may have originated as man no longer knows them and is not capable of stones and
Metals in this way to edit or produce, etc. As I said also belongs to metal, how
Among other things, the Iron Pillar at the Kutab Minar in Mahrauli / New Delhi in India, since
Millennium stands in its place and does not rust, although this column of about 96 percent pure iron
consists. Just about everything, wood, metal, bone and stone, etc., rots, weathers, corrodes or rusts
and disintegrates. And only when that's done does it stop giving hints on age and the status of any technique used and earlier human culture. There are many
very old cultures as well as the earliest existence of human life forms are no longer detectable.
But there are still clues and mysterious finds in many millions of years old coal layers,
such as precision metallic parts, jewelry, even dead, preserved in completely enclosed granite rocks.
(A very good source of information for such finds and for many other inconsistencies of archeology, to Cosmosfragen, can be found at www.efodon.de).
It is true that we earth people have already had many advanced cultures, with some having one
have higher technology that we do not explain today and in terms of their nature
can not understand, because we just in this regard, no pertinent traditions and
Have knowledge. But it is safe to assume that a few cultures already

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had a technology that allowed them to fly through the air and space flights.
Already in ancient Indian Sanskrit air struggles etc. of the gods are described in this regard, but speak
also certain old plants and other found ancient things for being leftovers
airports and air terminal ramps (the pre-Colombian raids of Nazca
However, they are not among them, because this is not an airfield or a space flight launch facility, but a huge astrological garden and calendar, even if ingenious UFO freaks say otherwise). Such images, as well as actual equipment and things of the early machine and apparaturellen flying abilities should then often
to have been the last to leave such high cultures. And with good reason is to be assumed
that the people of these isolated high cultures, who were capable of space travel, also in the
Space and thus in other solar systems of the Milky Way or even in other galaxies emigrated. So, certainly, a certain number of people of these advanced cultures, just like the
Earth humans in the distant future will again, emigrated into space and on foreign planets, while the great rest of less privileged humanity was left behind. But it
were not only people of those earthly advanced civilizations that were capable of space travel, but also
Extraterrestrials who came to earth and left rare testimonies of their presence. There is sufficient proof in this regard, even if the scientists and other know-it-alls who are so wise deny this fact.
Another thing is the atomic technique. This irritates people to Weltmachtallüren as well as to wars,
and since ages ago. So aliens on Earth have worked around with this technique, for which legends and archaeological facts speak. This is how old Indian writings tell,
as already mentioned, about god wars in world space and on earth. Especially in Sanskrit are more
as enough written records read that not so long past millennia highly technical wars on Earth and in space have taken place by the very
much was destroyed on earth. Atomic enamel residues as well as in the truest sense of the word on the
Headed urban areas have long been known to archeology, which, however, usually compared to the
Public is hushed up, and not least by the religious powers, their lied Genesis and just the religious creation mythology in relation to the world and the
People want to maintain by all means. Lesser known and, of course, secrecy are classified evidence from space research, according to which already on the moon and earth
On our neighbor planet Mars many clues and things were discovered that point to existence
To point out extraterrestrials who visited our solar system and thus also the earth. These cues and things also include a great deal of cinematic and photographic evidence in modern times
have been taught for decades in military, police and private form and continue to be, as well as those by the American, Soviet and Russian astronauts resp.
Cosmonauts are brought, which officially but vehemently denied. And yet they exist
clear evidence that reveals that the Earth is visited by extraterrestrial humans and that
Earth travel has already existed on earth at earlier and long ago times,
why, once everything is officially proven, the whole history of earth humanity has to be rewritten. But this is one thing that will probably take a long time to come because that
Whole many political and religious power structures and many religious faiths absolutely not in
The stuff fits and therefore with all conceivable, unauthorized means, with lies and conspiracies
is denied. Even murder is not scared off to silence those
who are open to the truth. Intelligence mass animals are massacred even mass animals,
on the one hand to fuel the fear of extraterrestrials and on the other hand the real truth of the
Existence of all evidence to undermine and hide. Brainwashing is done as well as
also hypnotic and drug-like machinations etc. in the way that many people

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


false sensory impressions and thus thus illusions are hammered out that they are
abducted and examinated by extraterrestrials or - in the case of female influences - made pregnant
etc., according to which, after maturation of the fruit in the womb, the alleged extraterrestrials violently the
Removed the production fruit and taken away. All these machinations and lies led and lead
Furthermore, that believers, mentally and consciously labile as well as stupid and otherwise
vulnerable people - men, women, and children - who are suffering from such alleged kidnappings,
Listening to examinations and impregnations, etc., considering all the nonsense to be real, self-inflating, creating visionary, acoustic, and physical illusions and a delusion within oneself
they experience everything in their imagination and delusion as strongly as if the whole imagination and its nonsense were real.
Well, for reasonable people there is countless evidence that in the universe human life
much older than this exists on earth. And today everyone can be reasonable and so on
clear-sighted person who has some idea of ​​genetic engineering and general genesis,
To say it in a nutshell, that alone is the history of mankind's creation of Adam and Eve
is unthinkable. The whole thing would not have been just an inbred and incest heap, in a nutshell
Decadence would be extinct, but also an absolute nonsense, because of a male being
not a functional female being can emerge in all forms. Becomes a male rib
taken - cellular gene manipulation and cloning (since in this sense must be thought,
because no other form of life can arise from a rib), then it can only be from that
again a male being and thus not a female arise. So that's the story of creation
sheer nonsense about Adam and Eve, which could be narrated, as people still in these matters
were completely ignorant. Earthly humanity used to have zero knowledge and zero knowledge of DNA, genetic engineering and cloning technology. In turn, the children of Adam and Eve somehow turn to women
and men came and multiplied, from which all humanity should have sprung, though the
both of them were supposedly the very first Earthmen created by God, and no further God
created, is probably for everyone even reasonably reasonable people as naked nonsense to recognize.
So the whole is unconnected, and the Bible, in which this nonsense can be read,
Thus it can never be based on a , but only on an incredibly primitive illogic of ignorant terrestrial men. If it were different, then God would - if he really existed and
he would have created everything - certainly even at those first times of absolute ignorance of the
People have been so knowledgeable and wise that he is the truth and not an absolute nonsense
launched from the stack, but at least gave an indication of the real facts, and
Although in the sense that humans existed elsewhere on earth.
The indisputable for even halfway reasonable people existence of a far-reaching space flight by means of space aircraft resp. Space ships by aliens, their aircraft
are called UFOs by terrestrial people, is ruminated by unreasonable, by know-it-alls and negatives with a long-worn-out phrase like ruminating; namely that the enormous distances in world space can not be bridged. However, it is conscious
that theses physics and technology have long since created theses on time- and space-less dimensions, as well as possibilities for coping with space with space-efficient aircraft. Physicists like Stephen Hawking, Burkhard Heim, David are the most prominent examples of research
Bohm and Michael Talbot, etc. In fact, it is by no means impossible, any distances below
to bridge almost zero time loss. The Einsteinian limit with the speed of light refers
on matter in the solid state. But when matter is resolved into structural fields of energy and radiation, the , which is famous for the film series , is created, which also allows hyperspace travel. Three-dimensional space and time structures count for little. Especially the obser-

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Paying attention to spaceships reveals much of such techniques when such aircraft are in front of witnesses spontaneously
and appear as fast as lightning and just disappear again. In any case, the argument with the light barrier is nonsense, because in large-scale experiments worldwide, the speed of light as a signal boundary has been demonstrably and clearly exceeded by terrestrial physicists. This changed to
at least in this respect, narrow-minded scientists from Saul to Paul.
Physicist Stephen Hawking has developed good scientific theories, and now he is resisting
All previous hiring even material time travel possible, which of course he explains physically exactly. This, of course, to the greatest horror of many other scientists. He and
Burkhard Heim are here only representative of numerous other open-minded scientists who affirm for many reasons intelligent and space-driving life in space.
In everything must always be taken into account that advanced scientific theses, the hand
and foot, first and foremost of any kind of secret research, especially of the
military. Only long after that, when military and intelligence services are all exploited, evaluated and used, the findings and achievements in a financially and technically excellent environment for the common man will be further developed and then at some point
Often only years or decades later, when everything is already outdated. Many of the findings and
Achievements as well as a lot of knowledge etc. of humanity are also seeping into the secret archives and in
the inscrutable tombs of governments and military, as well as those of secret societies and
Religions, which maintain their power through all the material and dominate the people
But another aspect also appears: where according to the present state of knowledge
and the technology of Earthman in world space? It is well to think about it
make and be clear about it. Our sun is a barely medium star, one of the approximately
200 billion often much larger alone in our Milky Way, while often hundreds of times larger in
countless other galaxies exist. So terrestrial astronomers are thousands upon thousands and millions
known to other solar plants, which are many times larger than our central star. The earth is
a planet in a very favorable orbit and location around the sun, but only in the Milky Way
There are millions of other similar or similar constellations that make diverse planets possible
and also developed human life. The material development of life is also reasonably comprehensible for the earthly scientists, consequently, with reason, it is actually the existence
multiply and also human life on alien planet in the expanses of our galaxy as well as in
foreign galaxies would have to advocate what the bulk of these stupid know-it-alls does not do. (To
The physical theories, which deal with these things, circumstances and conditions including the emergence of consciousness precisely, also includes the field theory of Burkhard Heim. Heim heads in his theory
also that consciousness ultimately controls the body and its construction. This consciousness,
B. B. Heim, isolated from the body, could exist before and after. He tries to explain physically the problem of rebirth and survival after the death of the material body. [Note. Billy:
Unfortunately, B. Heim also erroneously expects a rebirth of personality, which
is absolutely absurd, because only the spirit form alone is classified in the possibility of reincarnation
It is a thing of the absolute megalomania, if the terrestrial man in the light of his own and the
Earth's indifference to the Milky Way, all the galaxies in the universe and the universe, considering that the earth is the center of all being and being and the only one carrying life
Planet in the whole world space.

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


Within a short time, the human of the earth is able to destroy the whole planet Earth today,
to make lifeless or to blow up millions of pieces. And does not he let reason and logic
but destroys the earth and life - whatever - then can be easily traced
Steps lead very, very far. If everything still goes well, then come
for decades, centuries and maybe even millennia of labor pains
which creates a new world. And if people survive, then they do not just have to
but rethink very quickly if they want to continue to exist.
What should and then mean for them the billions of galaxies that they can no longer achieve by destroying all their achievements and discoveries anyway? What do you mean then?
the vast expanses of the universe, with all the myriad galaxies, suns and planets, the space mists, comets, meteors, and other things moving in the universe? What good is you?
their knowledge - if it is still present - that long before the Milky Way and the SOL system with
The Earth and the other planets innumerable other galaxies, suns and planets, etc. emerged
and have passed away since time immemorial? And take man in his megalomania at the
Destruction of the earth continues to be that this is the center of the universe, then it would be with the end
According to this erroneous thesis, the entire world space is meaningless to the earth because, on the one hand, it is said to be waiting only for the conquest by the earthly man and, on the other hand, naturally to the earth
as its center would also be destroyed, because by the total annihilation of the earth, but he would
just dissolve into nothing ... Inflated megalomania, as he stupider and hollow probably barely
can or has ever been.
The previous irresponsible profiteers of power confront themselves with all their means
the conscious and conscious general awakening of men and of all mankind in particular.
Many of them become new only through the approaching death or even later than others
Personality after the rebirth of her spirit form and the overall consciousness block of a better one
taught. In the approaching death, this usually happens as a result of cowardly fear, whereby it can happen during the current life on the worst conditions, war, hunger, hardship and misery and destruction and destruction, which often whole nations and parts of the world can be affected.
Ultimately, the question must now be raised, why actually the most diverse state
Organizations, secret services and laboratories of all kinds are secretly associated with extraterrestrials and
to deal with their spaceships? This is in contrast to the fact that it is precisely those who, with questionable and flimsy lies, repeatedly question every possibility of extraterrestrial life
and deny. Not to mention that they vehemently deny that by well-known people,
how policemen, army members, pilots and government officials as well as many private persons were and are made observations of extraterrestrial flying objects, for which filmic and photographic and radar evidence are often presented. But by judicial measures as well
threats, admissions to insane homes and murders have left witnesses mute since 1947
when they report on their observation experiences and possible contacts with extraterrestrial beings. In the least case, such people are simply ridiculous
if they are not impressed by any threats or torture, etc.
to let. Also uses the ridiculous nothing, then worldwide campaigns are launched in the art
and that real observers of extraterrestrials or their flying objects or persons who
have effective contacts with people of extraterrestrial origin, slanderously deceived as swindlers, liars and deceivers. Often pseudoscientists also play along, who call themselves UFO researchers of their own mercy. But also entire UFO groups of sectarian form play in it
with, besides that many of these are hanging on to the lips of false contactors who are lying,
fraudulently and fraudulently claiming to be in contact with extraterrestrials. Such liars,

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Swindlers and swindlers are generally believed to be true observers of truth
extraterrestrial flying objects and their crews as well as persons who really are contacts with people
have extraterrestrial origin, condemned in bows and slander and slandered as a liar and cheater
The new era, however, means that more and more governments are forced to divest secret parts and findings of their research material from their so-called UFO research. For decades it has been said by the official and military authorities that they are not with the
alleged nonsense UFOs, but the effective truth has always looked different. The reality
It has always been that parts of all world governments as well as the military and intelligence services
at the very least, they had known about the so-called UFOs for decades
was aware that these unidentified flying objects are intergalactic spaceships
acted, piloted by alien intelligent beings - controlled by humans of extraterrestrial origin. And all of them also knew that the appearance of such unidentified flying objects has been around for a long time
was observed in ancient times and recorded in chronist annals, hence the whole thing not
was a phenomenon of modern times, but a centuries-old phenomenon, but only in the
new time could be satisfactorily clarified.
Some ancient prophets were contact persons to other, alien, extraterrestrial cultures, to alien worlds in the vastness of the universe. Many announcers received enlightening information from the extraterrestrials
and very important teachings and information that they had to pass on to earthlings
or should. In fact, there were many who did not or only partially fulfilled their duty to do so
fulfilled or slaughtered for their own profit. Thus, there are reports in practically all religions
about the appearance of extraterrestrials, except that these were considered to be angels or gods, etc.
Even the Christian Bible contained and still contains today such sighting reports, but different
were removed as far as possible from biblical texts, such as those of Enoch, while those of Ezekiel and
Jmmanuel, etc. faithfully razed and falsified according to Christian need and pattern
were. (Like the very doctrine of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam's highly destructive fact of the rebirth of the human mind-form and the total consciousness-block,
together with always a new personality, which after the dissolution of the past after the
Death of the material body is created by the total consciousness block, so not reincarnate the old person, but only a new personality together with the reincarnating
Spirit form can be born, and even only on the same planet on which the demise of the material body has previously taken place. This contrary to various heresies of Buddhist
and Buddhist-Christian, theosophical, and other religious heresies.) More than enough finds from crashed spaceships - including extraterrestrial inmates - are preserved, examined, and evaluated in ultra-secret military intelligence labs on Earth. In some
Countries also preserve and use ancient high technology, including secretly extraterrestrial spacecraft techniques, with particular emphasis on World War II
South American-backed Nazi grouping in the 1970s and 1980s
has both secret German Flugkreiseltechniken and extraterrestrial spacecraft techniques
could get hold of. Of course it is understandable that such machinations and power tools
not talked publicly and everything is meticulously denied.
Of course, a UFO is not an extraterrestrial flying object. An observed flying object must therefore
certainly not come out of the world space, because it can be either one of the numerous military or other evolutionary windings, which have a futuristic appearance and
produced in different countries of the world. But UFOs can also be natural phenomena such as lightning, clouds, bird or insect swarms, fata

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Morganas, bright stars, shooting stars, meteorites or other absolutely natural phenomena,
which are often regarded by UFO enthusiasts without hesitation as extraterrestrial flying objects.
Real extraterrestrial aircraft, however, are usually only rarely or not at all sighted,
because these by the occupants by Lichtumleitende or light-absorbing and radiation-repellent
Techniques protect against any location. So you can also against any technical point of view
shield and suppress any drive noise, so they can not be located by radar or acoustic probes. In this respect, most alleged extraterrestrial UFO sightings, as real and material as such aircraft may be, are usually only sightings of highly earthly-human-made and sometimes top-secret flying machines or other
earthly phenomena, which, however, can be explained absolutely on closer scrutiny. That then and now
because also inmates are sighted, which possibly, for example in an emergency landing, jokes or fun
For reasons of secrecy, spending as extraterrestrials is, of course, confusing to many people.
For secrecy reasons, of course, the purpose is that the whole thing then made ridiculous
and witnesses become spinners and crazy people, which is easy to imagine, if you can
Consider how people are actually treated in this regard. Is a related 
or "crazy" yet not unbelievable enough and socially not done, then if necessary, reprisals and other gross measures help more powerfully to make the statements of the person concerned and these themselves unbelievable and discriminate. And that does not help, then
is also not deterred by insidious attacks on life, where such machinations are varied and from the liquidation by provoked accidents to open murder
That it is not always the old prophets and contact witnesses - partly against their will - in the whole world
is related to terrestrial aircraft of ancient civilizations, is very obvious. As at the earliest times,
so it happens even today in the world, that of Earth people unintentionally unknown flying objects
be sighted, which - as in all past times - earthly-human-technical or purely natural origin and can be explained absolutely. But possible in rare cases
Also aircraft of extraterrestrial origin, which are controlled by people from alien worlds and
whose origin can not be clarified as a rule, because the aliens are careful not to
to get in contact with earthlings; this for both safety and health reasons
or because their strict directives have contacts with technical, moral, love and knowledge
as well as peace and freedom, etc., prohibiting still underdeveloped people. And like this
when the earthly man is the case, is a not open appearance of the sparse on the
Earth-appearing extraterrestrials also not surprising. And such directives are also the Pleiadians / Plejaren arranged that maintain contact with  Eduard A. Meier, the very specific
Reasons for these extraterrestrials forms a special and one-time exception. Nevertheless, today there is by far enough evidence for the existence of alien spaceships
foreign planets in terrestrial space as well as some very few and extremely rare contacts
with extraterrestrials, in which case Billy Meier has to be mentioned, who, as in no other case in this respect, has much scientific proof of his contacts with the Pleiadians / Plejaren
can prove that his statements are based on truth, quite contrary to
many other allegations of alleged contacts with extraterrestrials.
The best case in this respect with incomparable distance is and remains the contact case 
Eduard Albert Meier, also called . And this case, for which there are well over 130 witnesses - the
sometimes even to produce photographic proof of the appearance of Plejar spaceships
can - is, so firmly grounded and so accessible to anyone seriously interested that
he represents an absolute uniqueness that has become a horror for countless profiteers, cheaters, liars, shrinking

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


ler, intelligence, military and the establishment.
For anyone involved in the case, Billy Meier provides sufficient evidence of metal specimens in the form of metal alloys, for which the renowned IBM metallurgist Marcel Vogel has produced special and excellent metal analyzes proving that this material is one of a kind traded by a cold fusion technique unknown on Earth
has been. Marcel Vogel, a well-known luminary in metallurgy, also attested otherwise
the extraordinary nature of metal samples. This had  Eduard A. Meier the world-famous
American UFO researcher and former Air Force Colonel Wendelle Stevens as well as the
investigative investigator and Genesis III owner Lee Elders from the Americas for analysis passed the
Billy's material was analyzed many times, among others by the mentioned Marcel Vogel (see: «
Eduard Albert Meier - his contacts with extraterrestrials, his photographs, films and metal samples etc. »,
available in german / english, 20 pages, CHF 2.50, Wassermannzeit-Verlag FIGU). In addition to the metal samples Billy Meier sound, photo and film recordings in best and have never been there
clear quality delivered. So were commissioned by Colonel Wendelle Stevens and Lee Elders Ton- and
Image evaluations in top-class laboratories as well as by film experts and special-effects experts of the
Film metropolis Hollywood etc. made not only very amazing and extraordinary
The results were clear, but they also clearly demonstrate that Billy Meier's materials are unique and unique
are genuine and could not be faked. For such fakes it would have millions of laboratories and
Film studios as well as almost priceless special effect needs as well as many specialists who everything in
would have had to do minute work, which would have cost many millions of US dollars in materials and labor alone. And since all the professionals have no manipulation of the photos, slides, films and
Tape recordings as well as the metal samples could be found, it was offered that if it were
inexplicably dealing with fakes, this is a sensation for the special effects industry, and if Billy Meier betrays his secret, he will receive the sum of one million dollars. This has been the case since BEAM's announcement of his contacts and the surviving ones
Materials, as well as his film, sound, and photo evidence, etc., that his statements were true and that he was (and still is) associated with visitors who are not from the
Earth come.
 Eduard A. Meier's evidence of his alien contacts is not limited to himself
his metal samples, films, videos, photos and sound recordings of the Sirrgeräusche (which are also unique
and scientifically studied, with the result that he could not have made them by manipulation). No, there are well over 120 female and male witnesses: Swiss,
Germans, Canadians, Americans, Japanese, Indians, Cambodians and Austrians, etc., who, in association with BEAM, have Plejaren beamships resp. Watch spaceships and sometimes even yourself
could photograph. Members of the FIGU were accompanied by the Plejaren on holiday trips,
being given the opportunity to photograph the spaceships as well. Also
There are quite a few witnesses who have seen with their own eyes, like Billy with extraterrestrials
walked around and talked or how spaceships landed and Billy then talked to the inmates walking around. And also for the recorded by BEAM on tape Sirrgeräusche the beamships resp. Spaceships there are quite a few witnesses, and not just his entire family,
but also a lot of FIGU members, friends and others, sometimes in whole groups
and heard the sounds in the presence of Billy or alone.
But for a long time simply can not be, what must not be; and this is especially true in relation to
 EA Meier and his real contacts with extraterrestrials as well as all his irrefutable evidence. So he is not only malignant and false, desinformed and
However, inexperienced critics, in large numbers or directly in newspapers, magazines and

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


see guiltlessly insulted and slandered, but from different sides also of his life
threatened. This is especially the case with the power structures of the religions, the military, the secret services and sectarianism, but also with terrorism, fanaticism and politics
towards the media and the whole medical business. But as I said, all slanderers, as well as all notorious know-it-alls, as well as envious, vengeful, and those who pretend to be fraudulent, include absolutely impossible channeling or telepathic or medial speech
or writing with the dead, extraterrestrials and  beings, etc.
There are 19 assassinations by the end of 2002, fortunately the BEAM without much damage
has survived; a few times he suffered only minor injuries. On the other hand, a proof that the
him warning consciousnesses, which he early on by the training of extraterrestrials of the
Pleiades / Plejaren appropriated, are extremely effective.
Once you have thoroughly explored Billy Meier's materials, then the contacts and their
Reality and evidence absolutely unimportant, because there is much more behind it than one dares to suspect; namely a tremendous knowledge in terms of creative-natural laws as well as
the doctrine of the meaning of life, of love, of knowledge and peace, of freedom, of balance and
Harmony as well as the evolution of consciousness and mind and, and, and ... but experience that
learn or accept the unobjective, ingenuous and obviously autocratic critics, know-it-alls, slanderers and vindictives, etc. hardly or never, or if they already know, then they mean that the world is calculated on its unimportant, improper and stupid
Criticisms and calumnies etc. are waiting and dependent. But with her own stupidity,
just cut into your own flesh.
The real thing and importance to BEAM are not his contacts with the extraterrestrials, so
but not all his tangible evidence. His real task and the importance of
Thing is the enlightenment about purpose and purpose of the earthly as well as the universal humanity. Contain
This is all in his ancient-conventional universal doctrine of the mind, called spiritual doctrine, which
outside of any religion and starting from a sexless all-creating creation and
knows neither god nor creator or other imaginary faithful figures, but free from
every faith and every religion and is free of any sectarianism. This teaching also teaches a lot
extraterrestrial life on alien worlds in the expanses of the universe as well as their history and
Purpose, and it represents the genesis of creation, universal consciousness, and the entire universe, in which the material universe visible to man is only one girdle among all seven of them, the other six not of material but of spiritual nature
are. The doctrine teaches the incarnation of the human personality and the reincarnation of the human personality
creative-human spirit form, about the settlement of the earth, evolution of humanity in the universe,
and the universe itself. Teaching teaches how life came about; what's behind, this and that
plugged. Questions are answered, such as: "How was and will the universe continue to be populated? As it was
the truth with the big bang? Are there other material dimensions in our universe? Is the
Time travel possible? What happened before our universe came into being, what did it come from and what happens after that? Are there parallel worlds and are there other universes as well as ours?
How must the actual history of the settlement of earth and life forms emergence written
become? What will the ill-informed man of the earth learn from the scientists and religions,
from the military and politics as well as from every corner of society and organization
etc. withheld and played? What are extraterrestrials really; how do you live and think? Believe
they also belong to deities, idols or only to the all-embracing creation, and which were of
in former times rulers on earth, etc.? Who was responsible for the creation
of religions, and why, etc., etc.? »

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


Quite questions that completely concern every human being and whose answering are of interest to everyone
should. But when or if he wants to deal with it at all, is solely his decision.
This depends once more on how much the individual is prejudiced, wrong-faith, and religion
Tradition, mass delusion and brainwashing by the media, school, history and education, etc., whether he wants to turn to the effective truth or continue to vegetate helplessly or fanatically in a meaningless and misleading religious or sectarian belief. Sure, it
It is very difficult to detach oneself from beliefs and the effective creative-natural
To turn to truth and self-responsibility, and thus in every relationship, the responsibility for yourself and for your own opinions, thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions
etc., than to pass everything on to a dear God, etc., but with some reason and good will, it is difficult to come to clean paths. But many people find it easier to become themselves
not to worry about it, because with lies and deceit too often lives well. But would
the rulers and warriors of all stripes the demonstrable fact of the rebirth of man
invigorating creative-human spirit form and the passing away of the current personality as well
the respective new creation of a personality for the next reincarnation of the spirit form into consideration
pull, then would certainly look very much different. This fact of the rebirth of the spirit form
and the re-creation of the next personality, but of course most of them
Religions, out of bloodthirsty greed for profit, even though they themselves preach an incarnation, albeit unique, with their celestial promise, while Buddhism and
Christian-Buddhist sects misleadingly misrepresent a person's reincarnation. Would be
When they think everything over, they must conclude that their reincarnating spirit form
with the personality recreated by the total consciousness block in its otherworldly realm into the
would have to bring back the damage caused by it. The whole war damage, environment, hunger, raw material exploitation, climatic break, etc. must exactly the new personalities of the causer
Make up for that, if that is possible at all. So many people and the fallible
If he knew the truth about it, he would rather let go of the detonator. Consequently, it is urgently necessary for the natural-law fact of the continual rebirth of the creative-human spirit form, with its new personality in every reincarnation
is known worldwide, as well as  Eduard Albert Meier and the aliens teach and how
it is provable in the secret underground of certain researches at the longest. No faith, no repentance and no bribery releases the perpetrators from the just reparation, because also
if the spirit form brings with it a new personality through its reincarnation, then it does so
Evil of what the old personality did to the earth and left behind. That's real justice.
In the same way, the longer the evidence for extraterrestrial visitors is denied, the longer it becomes strong
positive and evolutionary impact from the information that these visitors give delayed -
and this since the last century, when this topic became public in the world.
But time is indeed overripe and the world, whether it knows it or not, is faced with the decision
Earth destruction or progress and evolution, through the true teaching of truth, along with extraterrestrial influences and alien advice. That brings one way or the other
Solving basic questions. But just as Earthman manages everything, this is the present time
a time with very heavy and deadly labor pains; a bloody time with countless victims of innocent people, by insane, bloodthirsty, hateful, vindictive and irresponsible
The power-hungry lose their lives, who use their orders to set their murder armies in motion and death,
Bring grief, pain, destruction and destruction to earthly humanity and the earthly world. And
so it will take a very long time until a new consciousness arises in the people of the earth and the
distant offspring will live a peaceful life.

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


About the flying techniques of the extraterrestrial aircraft there are from BEAM contact reports and
his explanations very interesting information. These will bring some benefit to the local science over time. The technology when the aliens first came to Billy Meier,
was such that the Pleiadians resp. Plejaren first, when they entered hyperspace or out
This penetrated our space-time continuum, about three million kilometers away from
Planets or suns dematerialize resp. had to materialize in order not to jeopardize the stars and the worlds with the space-time structural crack created in this way. Only in this way were allowed hyperspace jumps
be carried out resp. Transformations take place through hyperspace; This is because otherwise there was a risk that when entering the hyperspace or at an exit from the same in the resulting structural shock whole planets with their satellites or even suns through a
Suction process into hyperspace, causing a cosmic chaos at the point of entry or destination. And accidents of this kind have it in earlier times with the Plejaren
certainly given. Then the transmission followed, with the structures caught in hyperspace
the use of the same endangered and were ejected at a later exit of the spaceships from the hyperspace structure in the space-time continuum into which the spaceships penetrated.
For hyperspace use, very accurate coordination data must be set by which alone
it is possible to emerge materializing from the hyperspace at the exact destination at the destination. The calculation and setting of the coordinates is absolutely essential, otherwise a spaceship for eternal times in the
Hyperspace remains or is thrown to an unknown target. To explain is in this regard yet,
that a hyperspace jump resp. a hyperspace use with spaceships in no context
stands with the  resp.  of matter or of life forms, because this is it
a completely different technique and therefore also absolutely different transport processes.
Until the nineties, the Pleiadians / Plejaren needed seven from their planets to Earth
Hours, but with huge technical advances with the help of a highly developed foreign people
Everything changed fundamentally from the adjacent twin universe, so today the travel time from the Pleiades / Plejaren to Earth - around 500 light-years - or vice versa, just still
seven minutes. And if by the Pleiades resp. Plejaren, then it is not about the Earth from about 380 light years away and the naked eye
visible stars of the open motile star cluster Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus, but around Pleiades stars and Pleiades worlds resp. Pleiades planets in a split second to ours
Space-time-structure shifted other space-time-structure of our universe. (The us visible
blue-blazing suns of the Pleiades in our space-time-structure are not viable because
they are too hot and too young for that cause they are only about 65 million years old,
after which, after about the same period of time, they will disappear again and disappear from the constellation of the bull.) And since in that other space-time structure the constellation in which the Pleiadians / Plejaren are domiciled has certain seminal similarities with the Pleiades in our space Consequently, they also call their home constellation Pleiades, with their common name
however,  is what they call themselves a people.
The entire technique of the Pleiadian-Plejar aircraft of interstellar form is shielded from all relativity effects such as time warping, premature aging, and the like, as well as the like
against the gravitational forces of the planetary, planetary and also cosmic form. Space curvatures and the like, as well as all other factors related to space influences, etc., such as the
Earthman problem-and research-wise today still struggling with it, mean no
Difficulties more. And what else is to say: The alleged antenna on the older spaceships of the Pleiadians / Plejaren, as can be seen on certain photos of BEAM, was effective only one
Collector resp. Receptacle for atmospheric electricity, when the ships / spaceships in

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


planetary spheres moved. These trapped energies were used for antigravity and for the
Drive used in planetary atmospheres, but this technique is now only sporadically in the
Pleiadian-Plejaren beamships in use.
The whole technique of the Pleiadians / Plejaren was due to contacts and technology exchange with a lot
evolved peoples from the neighboring DAL-twin universe until the year 2003 very much
refined and unimaginably developed for earthly human concepts. This also allowed the
Distance bridging are greatly reduced in time, which from then on, as already explained, a
Total flight time of just a few minutes allows for the parallel dimension of the Pleiades / Plejaren
to come to earth. However, time travel techniques were developed at very early times, allowing material travel by spaceships and their crews to other time levels. BEAM describes
various time travel of real material nature into the past and into the future. The newest developed
Technology at the beginning of the year 2003 opens the Plejaren a travel opportunity of unlimited range
in our as well as in the DAL twin universe and in all parallel dimensions of our DERN universe.
In addition, the new possibility, higher-developed universes by an energetic and
traversing an artificially created channel and thus entering completely alien universes, however, rectified universes in our universe while still keeping in touch with the homeworld.
The explanations of  Eduard Albert Meier concerning time travel - which he was sometimes allowed to witness for himself - as well as many other things became to him from the very beginning dizziness, nonsense, Lug
and cheating cheated. For a long time, his statements were also by well-known scientists,
malicious critics, envy, slanderers, and know-it-alls, etc. are considered utterly impossible.
But in the meantime, many explanations, etc. have been made by Billy Meier through science and technology
proved by other self, therefore, the modern physics, the astro-physics and other sciences, BEAM - as always again - had to prove right and confirm his statements. This very in the
Contrary to stupid and erroneous claims of many who boast of alleged contacts to extraterrestrials and brag with a horrendous 'knowledge' and tremendous 'insights', where
These wannabe and screaming everything burst like foam bubbles when put on the erroneous claims
the reason is gone.
As I said, during the period between 1975 and 2003, the Pleiadians / Plejaren were undergoing a major, revolutionary and advanced technique, also with a view to improving the possibilities of
to change from one material dimension to another. In the same way as it has already been mentioned, it is about being able to enter a completely different and alien universe
to get; a matter of which our earthly physics at most only a very theoretical idea
The latest technology is now, as already mentioned, that so-called open transmission gates resp. Transmittertore - how open doors without closure, etc. - are produced in any size
can, through the arbitrary and without loss of time from the starting point to the destination people, materials,
Machines and spaceships etc. can be transported over infinite distances in space and from planet to planet. Necessary so far were numerous successive gates for this purpose
respectively. Transmitters installed in the vastness of the world space at various locations and planets. The respective transmission gate in turn was first with a special small
Device activated and opened directly by a person or apparaturally by aircraft. The newest
Technology, on the other hand, works through thought waves, as has been the case with all other Plejarian devices, apparatuses, machines and aircraft, etc. for a long time. A transmission door can be seen in comparison, when through an open window or through an open door
is looked into the outdoors. On the one hand, the location of the outlook is seen, and

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


on the other hand, the location, which is outside or beyond the viewing exit. Someone who something
sideways offside and viewed from such an angle, can no opening
and so no goal to see. It is the comparison to a mirror, which are not seen
can be offside sideways. The whole process of dematerialisation and rematerialization as well as the passage through the transmitter gate takes place automatically after activation
Milliseconds, which are bridged without any loss of time huge and for the Earth humans hardly imaginable distances. Such goals were also developed for time travel, hence the
Pleiadians / Plejaren for quite some time in other time dimensions of the past and future
and thus also be able to travel in parallel planes of our universe. The possibility of traveling
Beyond our universe boundary also became possible through these transmission gates, whereby the
Distances there, by the way, lie in such distance dimensions that today
Astronomy dimensions and thus astronomical time and distance information such as children's stuff appear.
In all the above-mentioned contexts are also provided with a lot of details books
worth reading by Guido Moosbrugger, a very close associate  Eduard Albert Meiers. Even
A witness of BEAM's contacts with the extraterrestrials as well as of many sightings and related experiences, he wrote his first work , published in the Michael Hesemann Verlag. The book is in German as well as in English - in the latter with some additions - in Wassermannzeit -Verlag, FIGU, Semjase Silver Star Center, Hinterschmidrüti, CH-8495 Schmidrüti,
available. The German edition of Guido Moosbrugger's second book entitled 
Time and Space> - published by Argo-Verlag - is also available at FIGU. Next are natural
to name the numerous books and miniatures as well as the  of  Eduard A. Meier,
which sells the Wassermannzeit-Verlag of FIGU. As an introduction to world space and the contacts of BEAM, both of these works, Existential Life in the Universe and Out of the Depths of the Universe, deserve special mention, but they represent only a small portion of all written material. Very excellent and first-class photos of the Pleiadian-Plejar beamships
can be found in Billy Meier's photo book , with some large-format spaceship images and much
more. Some of his books are currently available in English, Japanese and Korean.
All information about publications including orders can be found at http://www.figu.org. The
entire publisher's list from  can be ordered from FIGU, CH-8495
Hinterschmidrüti. For Germany there is an address under www.figu-sdsg.de = FIGU, South German
Study Group. For the FIGU-USA, Canada and Japan, the addresses can be obtained from FIGU at the SemjaseSilver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti.
Concept Rainer Schenck
Drafting Billy

sighting report
On November 17, 2002, between 8:30 and 9:00 pm, from Oberhelfenschwil in the northwestern sky, I observed the following via Wil / SG and Sirnach / TG:
Three points of light, similar to stars, but yellower, lighter and deeper than the normal stars. The
Points of light did not move for the time being. Suddenly, one began to shine more strongly and horizontally
Towards the southwest, very light and sparkling quickly. The speed
could be compared to that of an airplane, but the difference was one of such and such

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


clearly visible between the luminous objects.
The whole thing repeated itself constantly, with new points of light appeared, which were first immobile and
then move in the same direction as the first object. Most of the points of light began to shine stronger each time, but their light became weaker again when they were
set in motion.
Overall, I watched about 20 of these light objects and have to say that I still have
never seen anything like it. I can completely exclude planes, because they do not stand
just quiet in the air. I can not imagine helicopters, because such on Sunday evening
Doing such exercises is unlikely.
The light objects moved out of my field of observation or simply disappeared again.
I was able to observe two of them, which moved back again and then again in the
 direction to fly on.
Did you also observe this? It should have been near the Hinterthurgau.
Andreas Bösch, Switzerland

Answer to this sighting
No, nobody has observed this phenomenon. Also, we do not know if otherwise
any persons could observe the whole thing.

readers Thanks
(some short excerpts)
I recently read the novel  and I have it from the bottom of my heart
cried and laughed. The novel has rocked me to the core, reassuring me to make sure that the worst of hell in the world can endure and be defeated.
Undoubtedly, Gelion brought his "mental power" into play each time he imposed one on himself
Duty fulfilled, which has apparently helped him to legendary heroic deeds. That this mightiest of all powers
our very own essence is the hope and salvation of all human beings. Therefore everyone likes
People who read the book, as well as I let themselves be inspired, Gelions vorgelebter humanity
emulate and seek his legendary power in himself. All people like this power
learn to overcome oneself in every situation of life, to do all the duties of being human
and, above all, to cultivate in itself the most desirable and all-connecting, universal love.
After all, all people may like to carry this love outward, in order to live life to the best of their ability
to stand by and help, so that we all continue in everlasting love for creation
Rebecca Walkiw, Germany
I'd like to thank Billy for the valuable literature and wisdom, clarity and that
Knowing that he has given us humans ... a great asset to every responsible person with a basic love for life ... I am happy in the hope that
people will have the opportunity ... whatever they do with it ...
Brigitte Wachter, Liechtenstein
... I send you my best wishes for health and hopefully a long life for you to be the first
Humanity can still give many wise advices and hints. I especially want to thank you

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


Thank you for the extraordinary courage you have shown in publishing your position on war preparation for the United States.
Since I found out about your existence and your extraordinary life a few years ago
I became a true follower of you, which brought me on 20.5.2000, the long one
To travel to Switzerland to visit the SSSC together with my son. Maybe
It was a fortunate coincidence that almost exactly with our arrival at the SSSC two ships crossed the center
floated. Mrs. Stauber had informed us immediately ...
Wolfgang Froese, Germany

Dear Readers of the Bulletin, my books and writings,
since it is simply impossible for me to personally answer the letters, faxes and e-mails sent to me, full of thanks and always good wishes for my health, work and fulfillment for mine
In this way, I want to address my heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped me in the
As mentioned in the above mentioned letter and e-mail excerpts, they are well-intentioned, positive and loving. It is always a great pleasure for me to receive letters, faxes and emails of this venerable form
because such words are very uplifting for me and assure me that my work and
Trouble are not in vain, but fall on fertile and very worthy ground. Therefore think so
deep and heartfelt thanks for all the love, the good, the uplifting and the pleasing, in the aforementioned form
and that I appreciate worthily.

reader question
In the newspapers of 24.10.2002 is reported that  in Jerusalem
Stone coffin should appear that allegedly contain the bones of the natural brother of Jesus
should have. Apart from the fact that the box should have been purchased 15 years ago by a collector on the antique market, the whole story reminds me somehow of the discovery of the
The Gizeh Intelligence prepared cross-over items that Billy visited during his visit to the Giza Pyramid in the 1950s. - Simply put, certain circles always leave
turn up a few alleged relics so that the faith does not waver,
but is confirmed by alleged scientific sensations.
Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, Switzerland

Concerning this stone coffin, I asked the Plejaren and received the following answer:
... But tell me, did not Florena tell you something to give me an explanatory answer?
bring in respect of an ancient bones urn, from the month of October 2002 in all public
Media reportedly allegedly containing an urn containing the bones of James,
Son of Joseph, brother of Jesus should act? That's actually nonsense, because Jmmanuel left
follow his brother James to Srinagar, where he died at the age of 93 and
while Jmmanuel was not buried in Golgotha, but also in Srinagar /
Kashmir died at the age of 115.
Enjana Florena actually commissioned me with your question, which I forwarded to Quetzal since he
in terms of the life and history of Jmmanuel and his siblings the authoritative luminary
is. According to his instructions, I am to tell you that an urn with James bones never existed
and consequently could not be found in Jerusalem or anywhere in Israel or Palestine, etc.

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


In the bones of the bones you mentioned, it was explained by our investigations
It is a forgery, and indeed in the sense that it is declared as the urn of St. James, nothing
to deal with the bones of Jmmanuel's brother James, because he actually died in Srinagar
like Jmmanuel, who according to his proper birth was buried in Srinagar in the year 115.
According to the so-called Christian era this applies to the year 111.
Jmmanuel was never called Jesus, as he was after his departure from his disciples and
Disciples was written. And besides, in his time the name was James, Joseph, and Jesus
very often, so the , what should be on the urn,
to another James, Joseph and Jesus will apply. As in the present time, there were also
at that time several possibilities that the three names in a family occurred simultaneously.
Enjana Your question concerning Florena, which I also quoted Quetzal, corresponds to that
Actual. In Jmmanuel's time, Quetzal explained, the names in the episode might be named as they were
have appeared as son, father and brother, 34 times.

reader question
If inscribed by an improper use of neutrinos. Telonin the universe can be destroyed (, page 281), so is the part of creation or all
Ghost sparks in the DERN universe or even for the DAL universe? I do not mean that
Material, but the spiritual. And hereby I mean an irrevocable extinction!
Barbara Lotz, Germany

It is only a destruction of the material belt possible, so the material universe. The remaining six
Creation energy belts are indestructible because they are pure creative-spiritual energy, and that is
known not vulnerable, not influenced and therefore indestructible.
But now - which is never to be hoped and never expected - the material-universe through the
Abuse of the neutrinos resp. Telonin destroys, then the gross matter remains in the form of gases
and dust, as well as all sorts of elements, etc., from which in the course of time a new material belt and thus a new material universe is formed, which is constantly renewing itself in its existence
then it takes so long for the contraction of the universe to take place, which in our Universe im
Mean value of the day of creation will be 155.5 trillion years, since the day of creation yes
311,040,000,000,000 years.

reader question
Dolphins seem to me to be smarter than many people in many ways. How is it?
with them: do they evolve in the same way as we human beings or not?
Barbara Lotz, Germany

Dolphins (Greek Delphinidae) are probably very intelligent, but they come in any way of intelligence
equal to man. Dolphins belong to the most species-rich family of the predominantly fish-eating
Toothed whales. The size varies from 1-9 meters. The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) gets to 2.5
Meters long, while the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops trucatus) reaches a length of 4 meters. The Butskopf resp. Orca (Orcinus orca) has a size resp. Length up to 9 meters. numerous

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


Legends tell how dolphins saved people from distress, and in fact, it's also detectable
that dolphins saved people from drowning. Everything together, however, in no way indicates it
that dolphins - even if they have a high degree of intelligence - are more intelligent
as the humans. Dolphins are and remain living beings with an instinctual awareness and fall with it
outside the human intelligence norm. This also applies to the monkey beings, but contrary to the manipulated Darwin teachings have no relationship with humans, since these -
how the dolphins - have their own direction of development and have no conscious consciousness through which only a conscious evolution can take place. An instinctual awareness is a form of
Consciousness, which consists solely of impulses and instincts and no tendencies to a conscious,
understanding and rational thinking.

reader question
Did I understand correctly that there are 10 octillion forms of creation, each with 7 awake and slumber periods, that the creation has to go through until it passes into Absolute Absolutum?
Barbara Lotz, Germany

There are 1049 different forms of creation, the existence of which lasts 7 periods of sleep each. However, these periods multiply each time seven times each new, higher
Creation form. So for our creation the first day of its existence is 311 040 000 000 000
Years, according to which a slumber time of the same duration follows. The next waking period then lasts 7 x 311 040 000 000 000 years and therefore 2177.28 x 1012 years, etc. If the creation
After the seventh day and the seventh night, it is transformed into a primeval creation, then it has a lifespan of 85,384,834.56 x 1012 years behind it. In the same way everyone develops
every single one
in the number of 1-49
The idea of ​​self-creation of a creation always comes from a primordial creation

1 GZ


311.04 · 1012 years

W = awake period in deliberate form


1 GZ


311.04 · 1012 years

S = slumber period in deliberate form


1 GZ


311.04 · 1012 years

3 GZ


933.12 · 1012 years

1st stage:


1st universe

= 1 GZ =
= 1 GZ =


622.08 · 1012 years

2nd stage:


2nd universe

= 7 GZ =
= 7 GZ =


3rd stage:

4,354.56 x 1012 J.


3rd universe

= 14 GZ =
= 14 GZ =

15 240.96
15 240.96

4th stage:

30 481.92 · 1012 J.


4th universe

= 21 GZ =
= 21 GZ =

106 686.72
106 686.72

213 373.44 · 1012 years

5th stage:


5th universe

= 28 GZ =
= 28 GZ =

746 807.04
746 807.04

1 493 614.08 · 1012 J.

6th stage:


6th universe

= 35 GZ =
= 35 GZ =


10,455,298.56 · 1012 J.

7th stage:


7. Universe

= 42 GZ = 36,593,544.96
= 42 GZ = 36,593,544.96

73 187 089.92 · 1012 J.

with Vorgebärphase logo CNRS logo INIST

85 384 834.56 x 1012 J.
85 385 767.68 · 1012 J.
85.385 76768 · 1018 J.

all round

Next creation form
original creation
Idea for the self-creation of one
Single or multiple creation

85 · 1018 Earth years

1st step

Vorgebärphase = once
S = slumber period in unconscious form

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


1st original creation
S →
S →
S →
S →
S →
S →
S →

8. Universe
9th universe
10. Universe
11. Universe
12. Universe
13. Universe
14. Universe

256 154 814.72 · 1012 years
256 154 814.72 · 1012 years
1 793 083 703.04 · 1012 years
1 793 083 703.04 · 1012 years
12 551 585 921.28 · 1012 years
12 551 585 921.28 · 1012 years
87 861 101 448.96 · 1012 years
87 861 101 448.96 · 1012 years
615 027 710 142.72 · 1012 years
615 027 710 142.72 · 1012 years
4 305 193 970 999.04 · 1012 years
4 305 193 970 999.04 · 1012 years
30 136 357 796 993.28 · 1012 years
30 136 357 796 993.28 · 1012 years
70 318 082 808 046.08 · 1012 years approx. 70 · 10 24

1. Central Creation
210 954 504 578 952.96 · 1012 years
S → 15. Universe
210 954 504 578 952.96 · 1012 years
1 476 681 532 052 670.72 · 1012 years
S → 16th universe
1 476 681 532 052 670.72 · 1012 years
10 336 770 724 368 695.04 · 1012 years
S → 17. Universe
10 336 770 724 368 695.04 · 1012 years
72 357 395 070 580 865.28 · 1012 years
S → 18. Universe
72 357 395 070 580 865.28 · 1012 years
506 501 765 494 066 056.96 · 1012 years
S → 19. Universe
506 501 765 494 066 056.96 · 1012 years
3 545 512 358 458 462 398.72 · 1012 years
S → 20. Universe 3 545 512 358 458 462 398.72 · 1012 years
24 818 586 509 209 236 791.04 · 1012 years
S → 21. Universe 24 818 586 509 209 236 791.04 · 1012 years
57 909 964 869 986 692 861.44 · 1012 years approx. 57 · 10 30
Scheme: Guido Moosbrugger

other forms of creation up to the Absolute Absolutum, after which then follow the remaining six Absolutum forms. This results in periods that are no longer humanly determinable. following
Schema gives an impression of the existence-time of the three first forms of creation, like the
Creation, the primordial creation and the central creation. (See schemes pages 19 and 20.)

reader question

(uncorrected playback)
Last year, I came across a newly published book by Harro Maltzahn in the name of
Swedish scholars and theosophists Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). It was first edition
published in the media group King in Greiz and is called Psychics, naturalists, visionaries>.
According to the accounts of the book, Emanuel Swedenborg is considered a "great religious thinker and reformer" (see p. He was a "research genius of the first order", whose "span, induction and
Tendency ... could only be compared with that of Aristotle »(see page 18). "Swedenborg was not
only geologist, but also mathematician, astronomer, cosmologist, physicist, mechanic, anatomist and
Physiologist, as well as biologist and psychologist. "(Ibid.) From 1743-44 Swedenborg" carried out a significant internal transformation ... into a ghost-seer "(see p. 19). "When he was in London in the middle of April, 1745, he was, as he reports, called to a holy office by God the Lord, who was
to me, his servant, in a most gracious manner revealed "(p. 20)" ... the face was about ...
Took an hour »(see ibid.). "God gradually gave him the ability to enter the world
and he ... with his inner, spiritual eye ... perceived things and happenings that took place in the spirit world, in heaven and in hell, and him

FIGU Bulletin No. 45, December 2003


was the order given to write down much of what was seen and heard and
to report. "(Ibid.) He was" led by God through the kingdoms of heaven, "in the
Spirit, while "his" body remained in the same place. "(See p. 96) With his four-volume work
Swedenborg published in 1771 "The True Christian Religion ..." and created "the doctrine of the new
Church, that of the "New Jerusalem" (see pp. 44/45). This was, in the opinion of Harro Maltzahn
"Swedenborg ... the last religion founder in the Occidental world." (See p. 172) Balzac had him
Called  (see ibid.).
The Maltzahn book contains on pages 55 to 149 the work of Emanuel Swedenborg
, which had already been published in German in 1924 by Walter Hasenclever (see pp. 151-173).
My two questions that I would like to answer are:
1. Was the Swedish scholar and theosophist Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) the deliberate incarnation of a special spirit form?
2. Does the other side of the earth, as described by Emanuel Swedenborg, have a special one?
Structure that differs from the other worlds?
At Swedenborg I found the following specific references to the earthly hereafter. He first points to
that the "spirit world" to which "man first comes after death" is a "middle or middle state". After "accomplished time, he will either go to heaven according to his life in the world
levied or overthrown into hell »(see p. 57). According to "spiritual affinities" (see page 101) and
"By virtue of inclinations ... communities are formed in heaven and in hell" (see p. On
"The foundation of a compelling order ... is the heaven of three parts" (see p. 81), "the ... in his
the whole circumference represents one person "(see page 82, see also page 101). "The sky is made up
two kingdoms, the heavenly and the spiritual kingdom. "(p. 85, see also p.101)" The light of heaven is spiritual ... "(p.93)" Heaven and hell are balanced; there is a spiritual equilibrium between good and truth ... and the counteraction of evil and falsity
Hell. »(P. 135)« The kingdom of hell is ruled by God ... »(see p. The "hell" can
Be "closed" (see page 138). U. a. is there a "hell of the genii" (see page 139/140)? To say this
Information on the second question.
I would be very happy if you let me confirm the receipt of this letter.
Mit ausserordentlicher Hochachtung und Verbundenheit
23.04.03, 4 Uhr 35, Ihr Werner Grundmann, Deutschland

Meine Antwort ist eine absolute Ausnahme, das muss vornweg gesagt sein: Ausserhalb der vorgenannten Fragen beschweren Sie sich, dass Sie seit Monaten immer wieder mit zahlreichen Schreiben usw.
an die Kerngruppemitglieder der FIGU gelangen, jedoch schon seit geraumer Zeit keine Antwort mehr
erhalten. Hierzu: Es wurde Ihnen klar und deutlich geschrieben, dass wir von der FIGU uns durch Ihre unmöglichen Schreiben mit äusserst seltsamen Weltanschauungen, Vermutungen, Verschwörungstheorien
Ausserirdischer und gar sektiererischen Meinungen und unrealistischen Ausführungen und Darlegungen
usw. äusserst belästigt fühlen, weshalb wir Sie ersuchten, nicht weiterhin mit Ihren Unsinnigkeiten an uns
zu gelangen. Tatsächlich können und wollen wir uns einerseits nicht mit Ihren verworrenen Unwirklichkeiten auseinandersetzen, und andererseits haben wir keine Zeit dazu, denn diese benötigen wir für alle
jene vernünftigen Menschen, die sehr ernsthaft an der wirklichen Wahrheit und damit auch an der Geisteslehre interessiert sind. All diese Menschen sind bemüht, nach der Wahrheit und nicht nach verlogenen und
falschen Religionslehren und nach Dogmen oder nach sonstigen Lügen und Unsinn zu leben. Eine Tatsache,

FIGU-Bulletin Nr. 45, Dezember 2003


die Ihrerseits aber ganz offensichtlich nicht der Fall ist, da Ihnen Sektierismus, Magie und sonstiger
Schwachsinn zweifellos die Sinne vernebelt haben und sie in bezug der Wirklichkeit weder klar zu sehen
noch klar zu denken vermögen. Das geht auch klar und eindeutig aus Ihren vorgenannten Fragen und
Ausführungen hervor und aus der Tatsache, dass Sie sich mit den swedenborgschen Unwirklichkeiten befassen, zu denen sogar auch ein nur halbwegs vernünftiger Mensch die Beurteilung fallen lassen muss,
dass es sich bei den Ausführungen Swedenborgs um blanken sektiererischen, wahngläubigen, wirren und
irren Unsinn handelt. Damit ist auch gesagt und beantwortet, was vom Ganzen zu halten ist.
Zum Schluss nochmals dies: Bitte verschonen Sie uns fortan endgültig mit Ihrem bereits beschriebenen
Unsinn, denn darauf können wir verzichten, und andererseits ist unsere Zeit zu kostbar, als um uns mit
Ihnen und Ihren irren und verworrenen Ansichten und Ausführungen usw. herumzuschlagen. Sollten Sie
sich jedoch eines Besseren besinnen und sich einem vernunftsträchtigen Denken zuwenden und nach der
wirklichen Wahrheit suchen, dann sind wir gerne bereit, wieder mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten und Ihnen
auf dem Wege des Suchens nach der effectiven Wirklichkeit behilflich zu sein. Das bedingt aber, dass Sie
uns mit Ihren verworrenen literarischen Ergüssen, Berechnungen, Schemata und Ansichten usw. in jeder
Form nicht mehr belästigen, sondern nur noch die blanke Vernunft zu walten lassen versuchen, auch wenn
dies alles und den letzten Rest an Verstand von Ihnen abfordert.

Ein Erlebnis der besonderen Art
(Artikel auch in ‹Stimme der Wassermannzeit› Nr. 128, September 2003 veröffentlicht.)
Am Montag, den 14. April 2003, kam ich am späten Nachmittag ins Center in Hinterschmidrüti. Billy kam
herein und ich bemerkte, dass er sein Handgelenk einbandagiert hatte und dass dieses offenbar einen Unfall hatte, deshalb fragte ich, wie das denn passiert sei. Darauf erklärte er mir, dass er beim Forsten einen
Unfall hatte, weil ihm ein starker Ast die Beine wegschlug und er stürzte. Dabei ramponierte er recht stark
sein linkes Knie, das übel aufgerissen war. Auch ging dabei seine Brille zu Bruch, weil er mit dem Gesicht
am Boden aufschlug und dieses auch leicht verletzte. Letztlich zog er sich dabei auch noch eine Verstauchung
sowie eine Zerrung an seiner rechten Hand sowie am Handgelenk und Arm zu, als er sich beim Hinfallen
auf den Boden mit der Hand auffing. Ein Übel, das ihn natürlich besonders traf, weil er als Einarmiger
nun vollends behindert war. Zudem kann sich diese Art von Verletzung über mehrere Wochen hinwegziehen bis eine einigermassen vollkommene Heilung erfolgt. Also musste Billy am Sonntagnachmittag notfallmässig zum Arzt, der ihm eine Handgelenk-Stabilisationsschiene verpasste. Da kann man sich ja ausmalen, was das für Billy bedeutete. Und wenn man ihn kennt, weiss man, dass das somit eines der
schlimmsten Dinge ist, die ihm passieren konnte, weil er dadurch von aller Arbeit abgehalten wurde.
Billy sagte dann, dass er versuchte, Florena (eine plejarische Freundin) telepathisch zu kontaktieren, um
durch sie Hilfe zu erhalten und vom Übel befreit zu werden. Florena jedoch habe auf sein Rufen nicht
reagiert, weil sie wahrscheinlich anderweitig ihren Pflichten und Arbeiten nachgehen musste und somit
ausser Reichweite war. Er sagte weiter, dass sie aber sicherlich am Donnerstag herkomme, da ja jeden
Donnerstagabend in Zusammenarbeit mit den Plejadiern, Billy und Bernadette die Überarbeitung der
Semjase-Blocks durchführt und die von Semjase und Billy eingefügten Korrekturen eingesetzt werden, die
Amata Stetter beim Abschreiben der Berichte aus undefinierbaren Gründen ausgelassen hatte (zur allgemeinen Information: Die plejarische Zusammenarbeit geschieht in telepathischer Form).
Am Samstagmorgen, den 19. April, kam ich wieder ins Center, um zu arbeiten. Ich fragte am Tisch, ob
Billy denn jetzt von den Plejaren geholfen worden sei, woraufhin mir Christina sagte, dass sie Billy am
Freitagabend noch mit der Bandage und der noch immer dick geschwollenen Hand gesehen habe.

FIGU-Bulletin Nr. 45, Dezember 2003


Bernadette erzählte dazu, dass Florena leider am Donnerstagabend keine Zeit hatte, dafür jedoch Enjana
zu den Korrekturarbeiten gekommen sei, diese jedoch kein Notfallset bei sich hatte, um Billy helfen und
die starke Verstauchung und Zerrung heilen zu können. Gegen Mittag kam dann Billy in die Küche und
– ‹oh Wunder› – sein Arm und Handgelenk waren ohne Bandage. Auch waren die Hand und die Finger
nicht mehr geschwollen und auch nicht mehr verfärbt; und dies sechs Tage nach dem Unfall. Sechs Tage
zur Heilung von einer schweren Verstauchung und Zerrung. Dazu muss ich sagen, so etwas habe ich noch
nie erlebt und es ist, wie jeder weiss, der sich selbst schon einmal eine solche Verletzung zugezogen hat,
schlichtweg unmöglich. Auch sein verletztes Knie war wieder völlig in Ordnung. Das aber war nur mit
Hilfe ausserirdischer medizinischer Technologie möglich, die unserer ja um das Vielfache voraus ist. Nur
so konnte dieses ‹Wunder› geschehen. Kein irdisches Instrument oder Medikament ist heute in der Lage,
so etwas zu vollbringen.
Und dieses Mal wurde auch ich Zeuge eines der vielen Male, da Gruppemitglieder oder Passivmitglieder
oder auch andere Menschen mit eigenen Augen sehen konnten, dass hier in Hinterschmidrüti die Wahrheit Wahrheit ist und dass hier unter vielem anderem oft Dinge geschehen, worüber sich Aussenstehende nur wundern; das Ganze aber nicht verstehen können, weil es ihnen an plausiblen Erklärungsmöglichkeiten fehlt, und zwar auch hinsichtlich dessen, dass es tatsächlich ausserirdisches Leben gibt, eben
Menschen von fernen Welten, die auch im Semjase-Silver-Star-Center in Hinterschmidrüti einen Platz gefunden haben, wo sie manchmal verweilen. Eine Tatsache, die für mich persönlich eigentlich keine Rolle
spielt, denn für mich war schon seit ich mich erinnern kann klar, dass wir nicht die einzigen intelligenten
Lebensformen im gesamten Universum und darüber hinaus sein können; das ist schlichtweg einfach unmöglich.
Und wie das von mir geschilderte Erlebnis in bezug auf Billy zeigt, sind wir hier auf der Erde, wie wir
immer grossmütig und überheblich meinen, nicht die Intelligentesten im Universum – ganz im Gegenteil.
Wenn wir endlich einmal beginnen würden, wirklich zu verstehen, wie die Zusammenhänge des Menschseins funktionieren und wir uns unserer Eigenverantwortung bewusst wären und erkennen würden, was
unsere eigentliche Aufgabe als Mensch ist, dann würden wir auch von unserem ‹Hohen Ross› hinuntersteigen und beginnen, die Dinge so zu sehen, wie sie in Wirklichkeit sind. Tatsächlich stehen wir erst am
Anfang unserer langen Reise der Evolution und haben noch sehr, sehr viel zu lernen. Warum in aller Welt
beginnen wir nicht endlich damit, die wirkliche Wahrheit zu erkennen und zu akzeptieren, um bewusst
vorwärtszukommen? Wenn wir das tun würden, dann wären wir vielleicht in kürzester Zeit auch schon in
der Lage, solche Verletzungen zu heilen, wie sie Billy hatte und sie von den Plejaren geheilt bekommen
hat. Das Zeug dazu hätten wir, jedoch fehlt es den meisten Menschen am Vertrauen zu den eigenen Fähigkeiten. Und es fehlt am Vertrauen, den eigenen Verstand und die eigene Vernunft walten zu lassen. Und
nur wenn wir unser Vertrauen für die eigenen Fähigkeiten und Möglichkeiten in uns aufbauen, kann es
eines Tages besser werden hier auf unserer schönen Welt. Kein imaginärer, nicht existenter Gott oder
sonstiger Götze oder Heilige oder was weiss ich ist aber dazu imstande, sondern nur jeder einzelne
Mensch selbst mit seiner eigenen Vernunft, seinem Verstand sowie mit seiner Energie und Kraft und mit
seinem ureigenen Willen.
23. April 2003, Andrea Grässl, Schweiz

FIGU-Bulletin Nr. 45, Dezember 2003


Auch im Jahr 2004 halten Referenten der FIGU wieder Ufologie- und Geisteslehre-Vorträge. Nachfolgend
die Daten für die stattfindenden Vorträge:
27. März 2004

Patric Chenaux: Die Würde des Menschen
Bernadette Brand (mit einem Text von Billy): Über den Tod meditieren

26. Juni 2004

Christian Krukowski: Menschheitsgeschichte V
Karin Wallén: Individuation

28. August 2004

Patric Chenaux: Innere Werte
Stephan A. Rickauer: Neurowissenschaft und Meditation – ein Widerspruch?

23. Oktober 2004

Guido Moosbrugger: Siebenheit des Materieaufbaues II
Rita Oberholzer: Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Pünktlicher Vortragsbeginn um 14.00 Uhr.
Eintritt: CHF 7.– (Eintritts-Ermässigung für FIGU-Mitglieder bei Vorweisen eines gültigen Ausweises.)
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Erscheinen und begrüssen gerne auch Ihre Freunde, Kollegen und andere Interessierte.
Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass im Restaurant Freihof in Schmidrüti Konsumationspflicht besteht.
An den Vortrags-Samstagen trifft sich im Semjase-Silver-Star-Center um 19.00 Uhr eine Studiengruppe,
zu der alle interessierten Passiv-Mitglieder herzlich eingeladen sind.

Die nächste Passiv-Gruppe-Zusammenkunft findet am 8. Mai 2004 statt. Reserviert Euch dieses Datum
heute schon!
Die persönlichen Einladungen mit näheren Hinweisen folgen zu gegebener Zeit.
Die Kerngruppe der 49

Druck und Verlag: Wassermannzeit-Verlag, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH
Redaktion: ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Hinterschmidrüti ZH
Telephon +41(0)52 385 13 10, Fax +41(0)52 385 42 89
Erscheint unregelmässig; Preis pro Einzelnummer: CHF 2.– (Zusammen mit einem Abonnement der ‹Stimme der Wassermannzeit› oder der ‹Geisteslehre-Briefe› als Gratis-Beilage.)
Postcheck-Konto: FIGU-CH-8495 Schmidrüti, PC 80-13703-3
E-Mail: info@figu.org
Internet: www.figu.org


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