Friday, June 1, 2018

Sowing The Seeds

Billy Meier on ....
May 30, 1987

You must still do your work because the spreading of the seed is of urgent necessity.

First, there will only be few, who will cultivate the seeds that are sown and who will allow fruits to thrive from this, but these will gradually multiply themselves and spread all over the world.

Everything will be very laborious, however, because the truth isn’t wanted to be heard or recognized; rather, only a message of salvation and an alleged salvation-bringing of a religious and sectarian form are demanded to be heard and are expected, as you have expressed this clearly.

Very many people of the Earth think and hope in this way because they are not acquainted with the truth and are not taught this; rather, they are deceived and cheated by the false religions and false representatives and by the sectarians and their followers, namely through erroneous teachings, false evoking of hope, and through unrealizable, dishonest, and unreal promises.

CR 218

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