Thursday, August 23, 2018

FB 100

The following excerpt from the 687th contact conversation
from Sunday, July 22, 2017, 8:16 pm

Billy ... Well, the Shadowrealm of Salafists, Autonomists, Anarchists, Criminals, Terrorists and
Criminals are all around Europe, and that includes Switzerland - unfortunately. But if you go after
Germany sees, then it is the worst there.Take, for example, only the case of the Middle Franconian
Georgensgmünd, where on the morning of 19 October 2016 a heavy and armed to the teeth
Sonderkommando wanted to invade the house of an autonomous, because this queried and threatened
had proclaimed his own state, which he defended with the weapon in his hand. So there was between that
German state and its a serious conflict with Waffengang, as a result of which  
shot a man of the detail. This autonomous, a so-called , like the 
Autonomous in Germany, had his house and land around with a thick yellow line
which he called his "state border" and which he respected against every entry.Pass in his
defended with the weapon. He assumed that after World War 1939-1945 neither the NAZIs 
respectively. the National Socialists had abolished the victorious powers of the Weimar Empire, the following
for him the NAZI empire continued. He belonged to a German organization that was  
not recognize the German state, pay no taxes and create their own identity cards, but in the other mostly call their house and their land as alternative territories.This is in
However, Germany is no longer a harmless cause, because the whole thing has long become a dangerous conflict
especially since the time these 'Reich Citizens' have armed themselves and their
vate by force of arms. An autonomous German named Norbert Schittke calls himself 
stands before the , which forms part of the Reich> heard. And about this , who deals with Hitler, Merkel, Kohl and extraterrestrials. 
There is a lot to report, because he claims that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Helmut Kohl and
that extraterrestrials were with Adolf Hitler on their planet Aldebaran, and this believes this crazy
Chancellor actually.
In an article by a ZDF reporter, the and Schittke, his self-proclaimed 
Sign , the following can be read: 
He adorns himself with titles and kicks in fancy uniforms: Norbert Schittke
sees itself as a legitimate Chancellor - and soon as the Emperor of Germany
The bell sign under the yellowed cover reads quite long: Ritterhof from the house Schittke, Hanover, Windsor, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha> (sic) stands
written on it. But whoever expects this to be the entrance to a small castle is mistaken. His Chancellor Schittke> resides in a spiessigen single-family dwelling. But he likes to receive guests there.
"He actually has Carsten van Ryssen in his palace, or terraced house, an interview
», moderator Oliver Welke announces his visit to the Reich Citizen.Schittke 
denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and sees itself as leader of the in his view further
existing German Reich. Even otherwise, he has quite absurd views.
The proof: That's why Angela Merkel is the daughter of Helmut Kohl
When asked about the relationship between Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel, Schittke answers with full seriousness
haftigkeit: «Helmut Kohl, who met a nice girl, made children. One of them is the Mer-
Kel. "So, Angela Merkel is the daughter of Helmut Kohl. When van Ryssen looks in surprise, Schittke adds
"As he says in all the speeches, she is my girl."
The , as Schittke calls himself, sits in a phantom 
Sheuniform with sash and medal in his living room. That he is not a regular reporter, but
He does not seem to notice the employee of a satire show. Totally serious he tries
van Ryssen to explain his views. Schittke lives in a world of historical falsification, lies and
does not come from Aldebaran, but Hitler was already there 
"We are at war with 64 countries", invents Schittke. This would prove a . "You 
go to enemy country to go on vacation. "Van Ryssen mischievously pursues:" What, I'm driving
Spain? "" Enemy country! "Schittke intervenes. "Italy?" "Enemy land!" Comes reflexively. "You
can drive to Honolulu, then they are still in enemy territory », Schittke explains."Where should I go?
then go on vacation? »asks the reporter."They should stay at home and work," he says
Pensioner. Laugh at the audience.
But it gets even more absurd. Schittke believes in the existence of extraterrestrials with  
equipped to visit the earth. Her name: Aldebaran. "They always want to be the strongest
Schittke explains how to team up and - says the former member of the right-wing extremist party
- therefore «also with Adolf Hitler». The Aldebarans, as Schittke earnestly assures 
Hitler would have taken on their planet.As proof, he shows an imperial eagle badge, which
been mounted on the spaceship. He himself is already with an Aldebaran coffee
been drinking.
"I'm not a phantast"
But the fairytale lesson is not over yet.Schittke also believes that in the Earth's interior people
Life. "There are several entrances to the center of the earth, and there are several peoples living there."
And Schittke still has a special badge ready: "That's why the Dalai Lama is a friend of Adolf
Hitler. "Uh, what? Hitler had promoted the construction of entrances to the Earth's interior in the Himalayas. So explain yourself

The visit of Carsten van Ryssen, as Oliver Welke calls his colleague, ends with 
a handshake in front of the Reichsofa."I'm not a phantast," Schittke tells the reporter
Path. The audience laughs. And even the reporter can hardly resist the grin."Naturally
not, "he replies quickly. The irony does not notice Schittke.
"Dear Aldebarans, please stay tuned," said Oliver Welke from the , "now there 
there is even more falsification of history in . » 
Until a few years ago, the were just a group of spinners who spoke out against the 
Authorities, but that has changed radically, because in recent years
of the all kinds of unfortunate things, especially with regard to 
tion of nouns and weapons in the , which points to more profound intentions than 
only on the weapons-based defense of the . The many weapons of war including ammunition 
belong in this scene so clearly to the rearmament, and these are already so many that in so
All of Germany is equipped by more than 14,000 hundreds of  
can be, as you have explained yourself.You also said that very few gun owners
Have gun ownership certificates, but have bought all weapons on the black market.Besides you have too
notices that over 1,400 very dangerous exist for special tasks of future times, 
which also includes a large number of right-wing radicals. The whole thing is according to your explanations
a , whereby - as I otherwise with your data also in a report 
have read - also various authorities and the police infiltrate. So much for that 
in relation to the in Germany. 
There are also numerous criminal alien groups in Germany, such as the Lebanese clans,
dominate the whole streets in cities and against the well police raids by upgraded and
masked police officers are carried out, which does not help much. The Lebanese clans have one
so-called , well-known in police circles and made up of Lebanese 
families who fled as so-called Mhallami Kurds in the 1980s, as in Lebanon
Civil war prevailed. Some of these Mhallami practice their own jurisdiction and accept the following
The laws of the German state are not, and they also have a war against the German police, so to speak
explained. A magazine writes in this regard: "The politicians do not tire, the existence of the" No-
go-areas> in major German cities, but the members of the Mhallami clan are completely different
see that in many cities in Germany absolute control over the drug markets and the red light district
torn to yourself. So they also confidently demand their power over the German state.
"You literally tell the police officer," If you start a war with us, you can do it
do not win because we're just too many against you. "Such threats are part of the agenda,
which proves that in the German state and in the cities the monopoly of force is no longer with the orderly
and certainly no longer lies with the state itself. Various groups of Kurdish-Lebanese descent
claim for themselves especially in districts of Bismark, Rotthausen and in the Old and New Town whole
Road sections around the main station, but the same happens in Ückendorf, where the power
of these Lebanese clans - as well as of many others - is growing more and more and the dealing with the clan
As is the case in other cities, where the Mhallami are the most effective
true rulers of the streets are. In the German capital Berlin it is already so far that the police
hardly dares to stop and control cars, because if they do, then very collect
fast 40-50 clansmen around and threaten them. A stronghold of these Lebanese clans is Duisburg-
Marxloh, where up to 100 members of the clan immediately accumulate in a traffic accident and threatened the officials.
to drive them out of .In one case, a policewoman was simply beaten down, 
while her colleague could protect himself from the clan mob only with his service weapon. In the Marxloh
To be able to enforce the state's monopoly on power, it is only possible to
with a hundred-one police officer to conduct the necessary patrols in this neighborhood. In one
Magazine was written that in Bremen, where the notorious Miri clan drives its mischief, the CDU
When politician Wilhelm Hinners asked what the city could do against all the clans, he replied
fear that the train has long since worn out and the clan structures are no longer to be smashed.
Ptaah That was certainly enough in detail to explain the disaster in a short way
but in reality it is much more extensive and worse than what you
that we have discussed privately several times.

Billy But it should be enough to give a little insight, what in the EU dictatorship and all
especially in Germany in terms of crime, terrorism and criminality is really going on,
what the population by and large knows nothing, because the necessary information is not the
Get public and thus be kept secret. On the other hand, it is also the case that the people
is stupid and stupid, which is unfortunately largely uneducated in terms of higher education and
does not care about anything, hence it from above, just from the politicians and governments etc. as well as from
that religions and sects can be manipulated in any way, without it being true at all.
takes. Unfortunately, the ordinary people also lack good general education, which leads to it
in all political forms can not have a say, but the politicians and populists, etc. think for themselves
to then cheerfully approve of their nonsensical proposals, etc. and accept them. ...
Addendum and excerpt from the 709th official contact conversation
After the incident of the Middle-Franconian town of Georgensgmünd on October 19, 2016, when after Ple-
There were well over 14,000 (exact number was 14,791) existed in Germany, the number has increased 
the and the trailer increased drastically. The Plejare Ptaah declared on 29 July 2018 the following 
Ptaah The number of 14 791 has been within a short time since our last count 
as a result of various sensational statements by the media, such as television, newspapers and journals, regarding the
Happened in the town of Georgensgmünd on 19 October 2016 increased to 27 622.The rapidly increasing number of
On the one hand, the newly-created in Germany, on the other hand, became known through the sensational media reports 
animated, but on the other hand, but also by the wrong unsustainable, free and volkswillenfeindliche
Politics and governance. In addition to the number of 27,622 citizens of the Reich, many of whom are
fear of state repression and therefore only cling secretly to their
according to our clarifications, still sympathizes with a number of more than 83,000 women and men in
Germany, which have joined in the spirit of a affiliation and whose 
Favor ideology.

FIGU information:
FIGU Bulletin No. 81, September 2013
Excerpt from the 566th official contact conversation on 23rd June 2013
Billy I know that, and I think that the majority of Americans, both men and women, still go far
It is not enough to fit into a genuinely well-functioning order, which is the very existence of one
Country group. Americans have a rather strange view of peace, freedom
and equality of men, of equality, order, harmony and protection of all life. you
only consider the countless US racists, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazis and the Aryan
Belong to Brotherhood, etc., as well as the racist mercenary system, which is officially allowed. This along with
the death penalty, which is still allowed in various states and is carried out. And consider the torture
and human unworthiness in Guant'anamo, as well as mass intelligence and war crimes,
which are practiced by America's intelligence officers and military in various countries of the world, without
the guilty will ever be held accountable.Be equal in America, as you once told me
said privately, the members of the Air Force, the naval forces and the members of the usual
The military are not held accountable and punished, who rape their female comrades. Against-
in part, the sexually abused women themselves are charged and sentenced to protect the officers, etc.
most of them commit the rape thousands of times. Otherwise, the raped soldiers and
Officers of certain military courts also communicated that they just buy the whole thing as an occupational risk
would have to take. But this is the reality of America, which acts as a world police and clean man
plays while it has effectively a lot of stinking dirt on various sticks. Of course, this will
population and the world public are not informed. And if something leaked to the public, then
it is vehemently denied and the 'traitors' are muzzled as spies and traitors
abolished, persecuted and incarcerated for decades or even meuchlings promoted to the afterlife. This happens
also in relation to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the US war crime, etc. publicly in the inter-
net, and the US Justice wants to get hold of it as a US military 
Seize and condemn secrets. And equally applies to the US resp. 
the ex-intelligence spy (note: Edward Snowden), who has also recently convulsed from the US
is hunted all over the world because he - even an ex-US spy - various US intelligence agencies
and also the Englishman has publicly proclaimed.
Ptaah We also consider your stated reasons, and what you most recently
also referred to the indisputable facts. 

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