Sunday, November 18, 2018

As regards the envisaged framework agreement with the European Union
was ptaah at a corresponding question to the Plejaren
on October 11, 2018 states the following:

With regard to the envisaged framework agreement with the European Union, a question to the Plejaren Ptaah on 11 October 2018 stated as follows: Billy Then I have this question: Can you tell me what your Plejarian facts are in relation to the pending framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU dictatorship, because you not only observe our terrestrial political affairs, but also assess and evaluate them. And yes, you do so only for observation and assessment reasons, without interfering in any such concerns of earthly states, as you are not allowed by your directives, but I think that it can be important for the earthlings, what you in In this respect everything learns and which judgments you gain from our terrestrial political machinations and so on. Ptaah That's right, because I am not allowed to interfere in the politics of Switzerland or other terrestrial states, by our directives, but I may reply to your question in such a way that I disclose my thoughts and declare that I personally the framework agreement between The EU dictatorship - and one of them is undoubtedly the same - and Switzerland recognized some time ago as an EU dictatorial viciousness that ultimately undermined Switzerland's democracy, dissolved it and finally integrated the country into the dictatorship of the EU. As has been the case since the first negotiations and treaties between Switzerland and the EU dictatorship, which I can not name otherwise, Switzerland's inexperienced negotiators and plenipotentiaries have committed their freedom in various relations to the EU's totalitarian system. This inevitably led to a certain vassalage of Switzerland for the EU dictatorship, in which the formerly freely available country, contrary to its constitution, has deliberately intervened against all reason and against the will of that part of the Swiss people who did not want to do so. So it turned out that those responsible inexperienced Swiss country representatives, who led the negotiations with the EU dictatorship and contracted, dumb-gullible and trusting did everything, so that Switzerland gradually into various orders, laws and desires, etc. The Confederation was dependent on this dictatorship, pressed into whose dictatorial regulations and was therefore unfree in various matters by corresponding contracts to the anti-freedom dictatorship rules of the EU. FIGU TIMES, No. 105, November / 1 2018 2 Billy Thanks, I too have something of a person with whom I have been in contact for several years and who is very interested in our cause of mission, as well as that , as you know, the case of the government official ... ... from ... ..., is in Germany, who always came when Guido was still alive and whose name I must at least remain silent for so long, as long as he still lives as was the case with Franz Josef Strauss. The contact is a bit weaker since Guido died, but he continues to be interested in and complies with the mission, even though he is actually a godly believer, but he says he does could integrate into his faith. But the person I just mentioned, well, you know, is a member of the 732 Members of the European Parliament (EP) and gives me some information here and there, not in the EU Parliament be publicly negotiated and kept secret. Although I should not speak openly, I was allowed - if I remain in the name of the person and the position in the secrecy and say nothing - to mention this and to disclose some of what I was told. This, however, only then and with the promise, if I do not name the person by name and also certain details of their work in the EU dictatorship remain unnamed, to which I have committed myself, of course, I can not say in our KG, who the person is and what their activity in the EU dictatorship is. So now I can say what she sent me four days ago, as you can see on the date here and that you can read for yourself, after which I have to destroy the whole thing.... ... (transcript: Ptaah That this person has been in contact with you for a couple of years and you've been silent about it, as well as about the two civil servants from Switzerland, that's well known to me, but you really have to be silent about their identities and this one too, this .. . destroy. Billy It's clear, but do not you think that we should not officially talk about it and therefore I should omit the said when retrieving the interview report? Ptaah This will not be necessary, because we did not mention any names or positions of ministries, and I also think that certain people should know and be concerned about you being equally well-disposed to government officials in Switzerland and Germany, as well as the person of the infoSekta in Zurich as well as the incumbent pastor ... in ... and the also officiating pastor ... of ..., who, however, have to hold each other back as well and keep them secret, that they maintain contact with you. Billy Something is obviously in the air that you speak so openly about these contacts. Do not you want to tell me what makes you talk about it? Ptaah I can tell you that, of course, but only in secrecy, because the reason that I address these things is based on ... ... ...

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