Monday, December 17, 2018

FB 108 CR 710

FB 108 CR 710

Excerpts from the official 710th Discussion Report of 11 September 2018
... ... ...
Billy It may be that the whole thing is necessary in the way you mentioned, because when I think of it, what
recently occurred again, when a cult supporter appeared to me, the member of the supposedly as
born again Jesus Christ aka respectively.Spread messages
should. She fanaticalized me with the Jesus Sananda Jmmanuel nonsense and wanted me on her sect page
why I think it may be necessary for something to be done the way you say.The
Woman brought me two books with the titles ( ), and - Gate> (The veil is removed) Nos. 2 and 3 of PHOENIX JOURNAL. In one of the books is mentioned that in
Chapter 5 of a Phoenix Journal written by this Christian Sananda is what an imaginary Plejar
Commander named Gyeorgos Cweres Hatonn allegedly says in the so-called Phoenix Journals, and wants to do so
I read aloud to you here:
: Journals are the words of truth that represent God's promise for the end-time publication
to give humanity one last chance to choose the truth instead of the lie
years of experience and flights in spaceships founded the Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland
and laid down his experiences in the book "The Truth About the Pleiades" - a true revelation. Was prompt
Billy made the life of the anti-Christian power elites or their henchmen very, very unpleasant. In
This book also contains photos of the "jet ships" in flight, and to my great joy tells us
Hatonn, that he himself was present in one of those ships back then.>
is thus the highest authority among the authors
and the power of the Spirit inherent in man.> The actual authors are represented as entities from the so-called Brotherhood of the Light of the Cosmic Plains, especially a Gyeorgos Cweres Hatonn,
Supreme commander for the project Earth Crossing, Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda, who already 2000 years ago as
Ambassador of the Spiritual Planes on this planet - commonly known as Jesus Christ - was incarnated, and
various masters of color rays such as the most famous master of the Violet Ray Saint Germain, who also
several times in physical robes has guided the destinies of the world. Hatonn presents himself with these words
in front: Pleiades, Intergalactic Fleet Federation under the command of Ashtar, representative of the Earth for the
Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Council of the Federation on the Transition of the Earth. You can me call.>
Also, I am quoted in the book , in the following way: Records - I will take the opportunity to pay tribute and correct some mistakes.
The contacts of Pleiadian ships and commanders to Billy Eduard Meier in Switzerland are real and you are there
should start better to pay attention to this. The terrestrial man has a miserable nature and destroyed
everything he does not understand. So, you're going to put it down through our people who are with you around you
To bring truth and a certain degree of knowledge. Billy Meier has nothing to gain and absolutely everything
lose by bringing our contacts and teachings to the public. My commanders of
the Pleiades came to you politely and willingly to assist you and you harassed them and valued them
from.> ... ...
As in the case of Judas Iscarioth, your name will be washed clean and in all honor in the books of the transition
will be received. So be it. The returning Jmmanuel, now known in his fulfilled heritage as Sananda,
travel with me, Aton out of the light ... ...>
Ptaah This sect is known to me, but not their books and journals, etc., which is why I read the above
unknown, that I find extremely stupid and full of lies and deceit.
Billy To me, it's absolutely clear that thisrespectively. the author of the whole mine
Materials of the stolen and according to their own sense
has transformed and now spread all under the direction of today's cult leadership, as it already does
Glanzmann has done and since then around the world everything as hiscommon. This is the
Authorship is not well formed in the art of writing, as it is with its woven morbid
stupid sectarian fantasy is not exactly a bright light of intelligence, because so much is so
abnormal, that it is effectively underdeveloped in consciousness and therefore primitive. Everything became clear not only
copied from the teaching, but also from the contact reports, stolen and due to unreasonableness and incomprehension
falsified, and obviously in the 1970s or 1980s and in the 1990s, because this sect
works since then, as well as today with the around, which we then considered the alleged origin of
Plejaren were called to mislead fraudsters, liars and charlatans, and they were deluded, liars and
To be able to expose fraudsters, which then worked well. But this sect has neither exactly nor then
today understood why she still with theslobber around and thus lead yourself to absurdity
and reveal themselves as lies and frauds.In everything is also on a large scale withherumfunktioniert,
Consequently, it is clear from everything that a religious sectarianism is in the foreground.
... ... ...
Ptaah One particularly tragic event will happen in the near future, but all others in all of yours
Manifests and the predictions made by Hilak and my father Sfath
Erdenmenschenschuld evoked and all destructive natural events will meet infallibly, with
These coming events will demand many lives and destruction.
Ptaah You are expressing facts around which Earth people think so much, then right and wrong
make logical decisions and put them into action. What already destroys and destroys everything
is, that can not be made good again, which is why all efforts may only be aimed, still
to do the best possible to avoid further destructive and destructive machinations that already exist
Pre-programmed, which will inevitably apply, would worsen. Only through this can even more
additional and very catastrophic destruction over the already largely pre-programmed measure,
Destruction and eradication in nature, fauna and flora and the climate and the planet itself prevented
become, which then only the measure of the no longer preventable coming and very catastrophic arise
becomes. And this alone is the way and also the possibility that with it the earth, its atmosphere and the climate
as well as the nature and its fauna and flora as well as all waters and seas in the course of the following times
A slow recovery can be granted, but this will be a centuries- and millennia-long process. Only in this way can the necessary be done for the distant descendants of terrestrial humanity
and given them a chance to survive, even if only a drastic reduction
overcrowding is enforced by a multi-year birth-stop and then a permanent state-run
controlled birth control is performed.
Billy That's what I think. But now I want to play something and reflect what I'm going through
Traveling with Sfath in the future seen and experienced, namely future, that for earth humanity
will be extremely unpleasant if they do not make a decisive and rapid change for the better, good
and doing right. The future journeys with Sfath have two different forms in relation to what is for
the humanity of the earth surrender, whereby today I speak of those facts and want to clarify these, what is in the
Negative case will result, if not finally reason and reason as the most important factor for change of conviction
to win the good and the right of the general and special way of life. So I want to explain how it is
will come, if generally in all countries nothing is done for the right and good governance and in various
Countries continue to be worked separatistically, as has been the case for a long and present time in Catalonia.
This also includes the world domination hegemony of the United States, which finally find an end and
with the entire US armed forces being withdrawn from foreign states and the US also taking back all theirs
Exert influence on foreign countries.Should peace, freedom and peace in earthly humanity
It will then be necessary very quickly to resort to means by which all the technical,
electronic, economic, political and social developments no longer as before negative
develop. In particular, with regard to arms production and arms sales to all countries,
that this is a factor that, if nothing of value is done against it, and this evil is not fully resolved, that
Whole continues to lead to strife, bondage and repeated war and terrorism.The
Weapons production and arms shifts all over the world are the most significant factor
through which no firm and lasting global peace and no effective freedom and democracy are worked out
can. Besides this, things will also be revealed in nature by humanity itself
provoked, and so, for example, the landslides will increase - as I did in the 1940s and 1950s
Years of predictions have tried, through appropriate warnings to many public media and at
Governments, etc., to shake up humanity - which are steadily increasing as a result of the dissolution of permafrost. Also
All other predictions will prove to be correct in the future, because all natural disasters are always
more powerful, so the ever more primeval storms of all kinds, the earthquakes, seaquakes, tsunamis and always
worsening floods and droughts, etc. As you Plejaren explains, global warming is already over
1.2 degrees, and this can not be reversed in the foreseeable future, because the opposite is true
they continue to rise. And this happens because of the relentlessly growing overpopulation
destructive machinations continue, as a result of all the ever-increasing humanity
In general, all their needs increase and continue to do everything to satisfy them.
This also refers to the meat production created by huge herds of animals, especially through
Cattle that emit vast quantities of methane gas that destroy the atmosphere and harm
Serve. But also enormous mass poultry and all kinds of animals are kept for meat production, whereby
These also cause excessive harm, such as by diseases and epidemics. All will follow
the efforts which are now no longer useful because of erroneous assumptions of the UN, the IPCC, the
scientific climate researchers and environmental protection organizations and the Parties, etc. with regard to
all kinds of climate protection efforts to curb CO2 emissions and other muck, poison and
Pollutant emissions to the atmosphere will be decided. The climate is already so damaged that the
evolve further and bring more and more natural disasters to
Human power nothing can be opposed.As a result, everything keeps getting worse
and nothing will change for the better, even if all the explosion engines and
so that cars and work machines, etc. are also taken out of circulation, as though
Fossil fuel burns are banned. Alone the huge emissions, otherwise in the atmosphere
especially through shipping, which uses heavy fuel oil for incineration, as well as through the airplanes
just as much polluting emissions are thrown into the atmosphere as are the industrial chimneys, etc.,
suffice to let the whole of the atmospheric and environmental destruction continue to rise. In addition to that come in a lot
the destruction of nature and its fauna and flora, and indeed by the expositions
of tons of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides that not only destroy and destroy large parts of the plant world
to extinction, but also birds, lizards, mammals and all sorts of small animals
and thousands of useful insects. And that it also damages the health of people and many
among them increasingly the scourge of cancer and other dangerous diseases expire and die from it,
therefore, those who produce all the toxins, as well as all the others do not, like farmers, do not care
and horticultural businesses, etc., who bring all these poisons into nature. And then these toxins also in the
Food and enter the atmosphere and waters, and then into the bodies of humans and animals
etc. and cause in these complaints and illnesses and even death, the careless cares
Responsible not, because they are all interested only their horrendous profit.And in all, the fact is that the origin as well as the resulting machinations and the effective effects of the whole are unique
in the fact of overpowering overpopulation founded, and that's because their steady and
unstoppable increase in all substances, materials and achievements as well as medicine,
Food and luxury goods, etc. required. So more and more things became necessary and so on
Things needed, as well as furniture, houses, vehicles, ships, airplanes, construction machinery, resulting in their production
in turn new roads, tunnels, factories, corporations, etc., and much else required and through the
Further growth of overpopulation was driven to ever higher heights - and on and on
be driven up worse. And this is so because neither a governmental-legal perennial
worldwide birth control is still a globally controlled birth control, resulting in the long run alone
In addition, all the world's rampant evils could slowly be brought under control and dissolved. And
this could be done in this framework only if it were due to the reduction of earth humanity
a birth-stop and a birth control as well as natural deaths all long rampant and the
Nature, whose fauna and flora as well as the atmosphere and the climate slowly reduce destructive machinations
which were triggered by the mass human overpopulation and operated so far, as well as
still be used irresponsibly. But what wants to be done by the big-mouthedness of those
Climatologists, environmentalists, Green parties and other environmentalists screaming that only big words in the
Spit world and with confused ideas, useless proposals, regulations and factual
Assertions work around, that corresponds partly to some necessities, but not to what is effective
has to be done. On the one hand, they are unable to recognize the effective truth that exists at all world-wide
Existing evils and catastrophes alone are the already overcrowded overpopulation with their own
irresponsible and criminal activities against nature, their fauna and flora, the atmosphere
and the climate is to blame. This, while on the other hand they are probably too stupid or too cowardly, the real one
To seek truth or to accept it from those who know the facts effectively and in the
To shout out the world - like that, for example, since the 1940s, I've done that repeatedly through predictions and until
do today too. But that does not want to be recognized or out of sheer fear and cowardice from unpleasant reactions
inexperienced layers of the population are not brought up, as specifically by all public media
such statements and warnings not published, not mentioned, the Earth humanity is not explained and so
to be concealed. But there are other facts that refer to the future, because of it
Overpopulation is the source of more evil, vicious, criminal and destructive ones
Machinations, such as acts of terror, acts of war, persecutions, droughts, tremendous storms, famines,
Racial hatred and religious hatred, as well as diseases and epidemics that are being carried off all over the world. It takes place in
In the future, there will be new streams of refugees, which will rise again and again and bring tremendous problems
crime, crimes and family demolitions. The already severely stunted
interpersonal relationships and people's indifference to each other and to nature,
their fauna and flora and also their destruction, will increase more and more and in a crass way. The whole
The evils and the resulting catastrophes are constantly multiplying and growing in theirs
Strengthens more and more monstrous, but the great mass of terrestrial humanity has still not understood that
the steadily increasing further degenerating and criminal machinations of the overpopulation
that are being driven by inexorable growth through overpopulation. The today
Over-population of people on Earth already has the ecological viability of their habitat
long overdue, and this fact is the central problem of terrestrial humanity,
Famine, unemployment and the growth of slums promotes, which today mainly in developing countries
and the local population explosion and the resulting strong population pressure
traced. But that's not enough, because further from the degenerate machinations of overpopulation
also devastating, destroying the world climate and destroying nature as well as their fauna and flora
Environmental problems and the global-destructive ecological footprint of humanity have emerged. And this is
also in relation to oil, natural gas and natural gas consumption, with petroleum derived in
Engine oils and fuels for explosion engines is refined, on the one hand for machines of all kinds and for
Motor vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles, etc., is needed, many of which are just prestige vehicles and
not needed by the users. On the other hand, constantly and more and more are becoming completely absurd
fuel-powered vehicles for sports enjoyment and the like, whereby their CO2 emissions
the climate and the flora are destroyed, as well as the people are endangered and ill in their health. And will
the catastrophic destructions caused by overpopulation by the immeasurable
Land use of fertile land for endless housing, roads, sports fields, amusement parks and
Production sites of all kinds, etc. arise, then there is no understanding in the thought and
irresponsible and inexorably growing overpopulation mass. The criminal machinations,
which are done without hesitation by overpopulation in order to keep them alive on the one hand and theirs on the other
high-powered delusions of luxury and also to promote their catastrophe-leading growth, takes place worldwide
Overfishing of the seas and all other waters. But not enough, because a tremendous worldwide
Deforestation and a very precarious water consumption as well as harmful to nature, their fauna and flora
as well as harmful and toxic emissions destroying and polluting the environment, which have been fatal to many people for many years, fauna and flora and many forms of life are extinct
Related to the growth of the world population. The loss of the forest alone is caused, among other things, by poverty,
through the so-called land grabbing, which is operated by international investors, the huge
Forest areas for plantations, where, on the other hand, a strong
Population growth exists. The people in those areas are mostly farmers who own one
Operate subsistence economy resp. a form of management that consists of a small economic
Unit, eg a farmer's enterprise, all self-consumption goods produced themselves and therefore from the
Market is independent. Due to the strong population growth, it was and is no longer possible for their families
because their available arable land disappears through deforestation and the land of soil erosion
expires because the deforested forest no longer protects it, which causes a much greater loss in the long run
done on arable land. Overall, however, forest loss also has a significant impact on the lives of the world
Populations in poor countries because the forest is no longer preventing the soil from draining,
Floods and avalanches protect. In addition, forest is often the most important source for poor countries
Heating and cooking material, because most is cooked with wood. If the water availability continues to be considered resp.
the available fresh water resources in relation to the amount of fresh water that a person needs per year, then
Depending on the size of the quantity, this can be attributed to water scarcity, water shortage and water shortages all the way to the bottom
Define water crisis. The lack of water in today's world is already one of the few in some parts of the world
central problems, which will affect more and more people in the world in the future
Water shortage deaths are rapidly and sharply increasing and inevitably lead to armed conflict
Water will lead. According to your Plejarian data and calculations, the current one
Water availability for terrestrial humanity considered, then stands today in 2018, only for 67 percent of
World population has enough water available, while the rest of the world's population, namely 24 percent,
already suffers from water scarcity and even 8 percent already at dangerous water shortage. With respect to the
Uncontrolled growth of overpopulation is politically claimed to be falsehood and deception in various countries
the births are declining, which, on the one hand, corresponds only to a human soothing lie, and on the other hand
In fact, worldwide births are actually rising as more women become child-bearing year by year
and of course they also have offspring in the world. Already in 2018 the earth is like this
overpopulated that already several earths would be needed to mass overpopulation so on
Distribute and colonize the planet with a reasonable number of people that will not one day
collapse threaten. But that is what will be the future of earth, because this will be the case, if not finally at the
Reason triumphs over all earthly humanity, and finally a birth-ban of several years and then finally
a strict officially controlled birth control is enforced. Well, until now in 2018 there is
absolute majority of terrestrial humanity still and as ever before the selfish unreasonableness before. Also the
Proclamation of Tehran on May 13, 1968, has done nothing to reduce overpopulation
when a passage was taken by the International Conference on Human Rights, stating that
each couple should be granted the basic right, even free on the number of their children and the distances
decide between births. This proclamation was also used in the action programs of the
World Population Conferences in 1974 in Bucharest, 1984 in Mexico City and 1994 in Cairo,
after all, effectually everything brought nothing, because in truth the whole is not controlled, because to this day of state
because no decrees have been issued to a statutory birth control, but everything remains the same
and as a result, the overpopulation continues to be driven upwards. In the Convention on the Elimination of Any Form
of discrimination against women became the right to family planning for the first time in 1979 with regard to the Women's Convention
legally authenticated. Whether it will ever succeed, however, the population growth in the poor
Slowing developing and developed countries depends not only on political decisions,
but from the world population itself. At the 1994 Cairo World Population Conference, the
Implementation of the decisions in question, focusing on the key issues
A qualitative and quantitative improvement of reproductive health care, including
Family planning, as well as that belongedrespectively. the Responsibility> was awarded to the women, resp.strengthening their legal, economic and social
Position. Population policy is officially operated in different countries with the aim of reducing the number of births
to reduce. But this is only effective , because in truth the whole becomes only extremely lame and
meaningless or even not handled at all, as a result of which everything is nothing more than noise and smoke, but what about
enriching certain asset managers and state managers. So it can not work, especially not
in poor countries, where in many cases, poverty prevails and thus no functioning
Healthcare exists. Especially in the developing countries, especially the women in rural areas are especially
Regions have not been reached, if ever, with regard to the rampant overcrowding and the
Urgency regarding a birth control is operated. In many countries, especially where Catholic circles
to practice their sectarian-suggestive soul-catching and to have the lying-say becomes criminally against
every enlightenment and birth control dirty and weathered, and thereby the entire population
denied access to contraceptive methods and contraceptives at all. This is specially in
In the case of the Philippines, poorer women are often inadvertently pregnant and give birth to children who can not feed them. In 1979, as regards the Women's Convention, the law of the
Family planning for the first time a convention on the elimination of any form of discrimination against women binding
securitized. However, to what extent this Convention is effective is still written in the stars. Will round
that is, observing and looking at the world, that is, the whole of how women are treated by the male world,
Inhumanly circumcised in their rights, countless of them beaten, beaten, raped, for their men-
work of equal value paid off, enslaved, enslaved and prostituted or even murdered
be, then effectively is nothing to find.Everything
goes on in the old frame, as it has been for millennia misogynist, demeaning women and
autocratic, domineering and women's exploiting of the men's world is driven.But if it is
Population growth succeeds both in the industrialized countries and in the poorer developing countries
Braking through reason, reason and responsibility depends on the one hand on the one hand
People from the whole Earth humanity, but also from intentional political decisions,
Adopted and regulations. Central to this would be the implementation of the decisions of the Cairo people
World Population Conference of 1994 necessary, but this corresponds to nothing other than a pious wish,
because basically everything in the background is just an immature idea and, in addition, no seriousness
equivalent. If this program of action were really meant seriously, one of its main points would be one
qualitative and quantitative improvement of reproductive health care associated with it
crucial education in relation to birth control, including family planning, and as I said before
have that women - strengthening their legal, family, economic and social
Position. Unfortunately, at such conferences - as with many others - only a lot of empty and nonsensical sheet
while adopting action programs and agreements, as well as agreements and treaties
and agreements that are ultimately worth nothing more than the pages of paper, though
they are shredded and destroyed. As a rule, therefore, nothing happens at all about earthly humanity
Educate, etc., on a much-needed and worldwide birth-stop. Folgedem
There is also no worldwide explanation regarding the extremely urgent need for official and
Personally conducted by each woman birth control, the overpopulation, despite the urgency of the
absolutely unnoticed remains unnoticed, whereby people generally expire more and more evils.
Calamities, poverty, lack of wealth, lack of money, even shortage of money and total destitution become a necessity
Incapacity and cause sorrow, suffering, mental torture, torment, agony, ordeal and misfortune. from that
emerge not only emergencies, poverty, neediness and general limitation, deprivation and frugality,
but also crises, misery and many grievances regarding Prokrustes beds resp. Schemes of uncomfortable
situations in which many people are forced by force and suffer more and more loss, causing them to
fall into misery and into more predicaments. On the one hand this increases the manifold misery in humanity
faster than the population increases, on the other hand, on average, the prosperity level of the
upper elites rises, due to the ever higher pay and the profit sharing, at the expense of
ordinary people, the proletariat resp. of the simple social classes that are considered to be dependent on capitalism
Employees do not have their own means of production and therefore are completely dependent on the well-funded elite.
Basically, it should be assumed that the ever faster growing earth population generally
greater economic efficiency and performance conditions, but this is
counteracted by the greed of the upper elite - because they are in their pleonxia resp. Profit greed and avarice
accumulate ever greater fortunes - because instead of maintaining the economic efficiency and their performance, expand and increase,
it is increasingly diminished despite the growing demand as a result of the growing overpopulation. And this one
Dismantling resp. the reduction, which alone serves the profit and wealth of the upper elites of each Fasson, makes
contrary however the dependent employees resp. the workers are unemployed, impoverish them and plunge them
into misery. And one of the most important practices and methods practiced by the upper elites - who greedily
hoard and increase their fortunes - is by shifting
their production plants, with or without official authorization, to low-cost countries and, on the other hand,
putting their resident workers on the streets and without bread do. Another design and method is the one by the
Production processes are automated in such a way that the workforces of companies, companies and corporations are
reduced by as much as hundreds or thousands, resp. dismantled and redundant and consequently released into unemployment
become.Where, however, there are no
factories , but pure workplaces, where only works are done , such as the post office, banks, telephones, and all sorts of other rectified businesses and their
branches, etc., there will be a profit to increase the wages and wealth of the upper ones Elites the
work establishments summarily lifted and closed, whereby much as is declared, what the
Probably to serve the population, which in truth is to its detriment, but
serves each other for the horrendousprofit and well-being and wealth accumulation of the upper elites. And in truth, by the
All relief is severely curtailed for the population, for by lifting and closing down postal and
bank branches, etc., the population is being forced to take many other ways under its feet or wheels to reach
post offices and banks, and so on.Consequently, this is one come about, the
conditionally that the population itself does the job, which basically the post office and the banks, etc. as Service> would have to do. But as far as the employees are concerned, they are simply put on the street and do not know when and if they can still get a job somewhere and
earn their living for themselves and their family with honest work - or if they remain unemployed Social
Work Bureau or ultimately fall into crime. As a result, over time, in all countries of the
world, there is inevitably a widespread increase in the
incidence of labor starvation, which inevitably leads to poverty and thus to more hunger, disease, epidemics and slum-building as well as to political and bourgeois
social unrest leads. And, in particular, this will be the case in the future with regard to diseases and epidemics which, on the one hand
, will be abducted by universalization and widespread death, even in
the industrialized countries, while on the other hand diseases and diseases will continue to
spread as a result of climate change in countries that have so far been spared due to their cooler climate
. In particular, in the future, diseases and deadly diseases from the southern hemispheres, such as
Africa and South America, will break through the borders of their southern areas of occurrence, into the northernhemisphere
Hemisphere invade and bring deadly evil on people. This, too, will increase impoverishment
and social unrest, with the massive increase in mass overpopulation also
contributing to this, for by no longer having a long-term birth and preventative
birth rate and not being enforced, it inevitably arises There is no limit to the
resources of the earth and the earth is exploited, deprived and destroyed until collapse. Due to the
growing overpopulation mass, the living standard of terrestrial humanity will ultimately be drastically reduced
As humic diseases and pestilence develop everywhere, they will worsen and spread and
mortals will die from terrible deaths. The pace of chemical technological
progress will continue, and will continue to bring much mischief, as has always been the
case in this regard, because every new development in this regard has always been used for murder and manslaughter, war and terror
. The digital network is becoming more and more of a huge problem of humanity, because through
its direct use of the earthly population impoverishes socially more and more and loses their ability to connect and
connect with their fellow human beings. Consequently, the already existing interpersonal acts
Indifference becomes more and more blatant and continues to surround itself and in no way gives rise to compassion for one's neighbor
. But through the digital network and its direct use the human being also impoverishes with regard to
his education and the use of his entire cognitive abilities, because nothing has to be thought about anymore
, but for all and every knowledge only smartphones have to be clicked
on Range of specific operating systems to hear in words and pictures what Tacheles is. It
it does not have to be laboriously learned and studied any more, because all desirable knowledge is
stored in digital networks and can be retrieved at will at any time without having to think
about what has been learned or otherwise cognitively processed, let alone stored in memory
. As a result, cognitive dementia is pre-programmed through the use of the digital network
is.The digital network can also be used to find like-minded people who share their interests with each other,
but who are increasingly
able to coordinate and organize abusive, pedophile, criminal, criminal, subversive and terrorist activities. The development of so-called biological
weapons eventually leads to the development of dangerous bioterrorism, in which, as Sfath said,
aggressive artificial ones are produced be released to masses of people and even entire peoples
eradicate. It can also be said that climate change and the
global warming that is already going onand will continue in the future will insome places turn into a heat that will
reach deadly levels in some regions .Overall, the refugee crisis, natural disasters and the Islamist terror -
by the or exercised by its delusional
Murder burners who believe in the Apocalypse and as an IS terrorist militia through battle, bloodshed, murder, manslaughter,
torture, overthrow, abomination, rape and destruction want to establish an Islamist world order - only a
small part of what the future will bring. Not terror-related terrorists all over the world are
at the forefront, but the US, who in their
hegemony of world domination will never miss a single US terrorist act
to satisfy their world domination, which However, one day she will come off badly.
But what has happened so far since the end of the last World War of evil, catastrophes, and disasters through
human activities and natural disasters, etc., was the beginning of all the horrors that are
yet to come. But there is also the EU dictatorship, which will disintegrate faster than anybody can
dream, as will happen in the coming time, that the nations will seal themselves off and
ultimately new wars will break out between today still friendly states, if it is continued to be politically driven in the
way it has always been and is still the case today. If not finally
Reason and reason arise, then the whole thing is inevitable, as it will be, if America does not
finally give up its global hegemony and it will not be put in its place by all states of the earth in time
and not in time nor a real world peace comes about. If
all else fails, bombs will again fall on Germany and soldiers from France,
Greece and other states will invade Germany again and fight, murder,
rape and loot in the ruined cities . And if that happens, then it will be, after all that nowadays
Refugees from Arabia in Germany looking for shelter and protection, everything is changing so that then many Germans flee as persecuted war refugees in the Arab countries and seek protection and reception there, but where
they will have great problems due to their lack of cultural adaptability. In large parts of
Europe the sky will darken and the land areas become devastated landscapes, all
buildings and houses will be destroyed and plundered, as then hardly any food will be found. And
When this time comes, when earthly humanity does not finally learn
to follow the creative-natural laws and commandments to create worldwide peace on earth in the foreseeable future, it will be just that
meeting another human being will endanger one's life. And it will continue to emerge, if the
man-made delusions regarding the new achievements to be created in the future are not stopped, that
the cyberneticians drive research and developments to unprecedented heights, and with regard to
various kinds of research, biological, technical and sociological systems are used to
to develop automatic regulatory and control mechanisms. If, in the future, earthly humanity does not
reflect, does not make a sweeping change to good and true humanity and not serious,
worldwide and lasting peace and becomes a true society of mind and reason, then
it will be bad for them. Already today it is the case that companies, companies and corporations
dominate people's lives and conduct them as they wish, without the workers being able to defend themselves against the
upper dictatorial elites and to defend their rights. Already the ones are
Trade unions, workers' rights and social benefits have come under such pressure that those workers who
lose their jobs and are put on the streets by the mischievous machinations of the corporate, corporate and corporate administrations, go about
without rights and have to be happy that they are still in office be
tolerated as a citizen . Workers 'rights are trampled on, and in the future
unions will lose their influence on the employers' world and be powerless. In the future, it may be that
only in the manner of naming and using a valid credit card number or by
Advance payment Ambulance and medical treatment, as well as police investigations are only
carried out by payment in advance . The EU dictatorship and many other countries around the world do not want democracy, with
imbeciles from the Swiss population
wanting to lift the existing half-democracy in Switzerland and to beenslaved by the EU dictatorship. In the future, however, there will be many other things about which the whole Earth humanity
would have to think deeply, because there will be extensive computerization, electronization
and their extensive networking, which will drive earthly humanity to the brink of their existence,
if the cyber and cybernetics mania is not stopped, which is designed
to develop electronic machines with an artificial form of consciousness and intelligence, that eventually supercomputers and
electronic cybers will gain power over humanity. And if this actually happens, then
the continued existence of the entire terrestrial population will be called into question as well as the continued existence of the planet
itself will be endangered. When artificial consciousness and artificial intelligence come to fruition,
sooner or later they will become independent and powerful and take command of the Internet in relation to them
all kinds of things, and then the entire networked infrastructure is used against humanity itself
, with the ultimate goal being cyberhegemonia and the total annihilation of Earth humanity
becomes.Again and again, I must declare that the future will
bring terrible events for earthly humanity, the planet, its nature and flora and fauna, as there are more and more powerful
and devastating hurricanes and typhoons, as well as huge droughts, primeval storms and
rainforests with monstrous floods, destruction and deaths. And all these natural events
are becoming more frequent and stronger, which as a consequence is due to the climate change that is man-made,
and where all the other evils, which are also caused by the irresponsible overpopulation
machinations, continue to be driven forward, and those on the whole destruction
and destruction of nature whose fauna and flora and the planet are aligned. There
will be more and more crises and major crises in the economy, in the financial world and in the entire social system, some of which can no longer
be overcome. Global mobility will also grow in such a way that no way can be found in terms of
coping with it, and as a result, a devastating problem will emerge, which will appear
as a kind of all-encompassing disease of unimaginable magnitude. The longer, the more
it will become more and more urgent not to wait blindly for the big threats and everything
To decide by the policy, which plays only on shortsightedness, because it has long since
become necessary for every single person on earth to implement a long-term risk assessment and
from doing and doing everything, what is right, well, good and life-sustaining for humanity, nature,
whose fauna and flora and planet Earth itself. The whole, everything is considered in detail, founded in a
higher power, which as such arose from a complete human error, from arrogance,
megalomania, self-importance, carelessness, irresponsibility and delusion, above all natural
the creation, its nature and flora and fauna and thus to be able to play creation itself. So
but, with this delusional thinking and hallucinations conduct the entire earth humanity has dissipated into bad luck
maneuvered and all vital vermisswirtschaftet already so destroyed and that now in the
times to come indignation only ever increasing disasters. It is not simply about taking
risks, but about consciously managing everything in a proper and good manner, doing everything
necessary to find and manage the right and the right way, in spite of the overwhelming hopelessness to make life-like compromises in relation to one
responsible behavior towards nature, its fauna and flora, and the planet itself. In this regard
, the people of the earth must, in principle, prepare for what has been made clear by the predictions, because it
will be extremely important for humanity to be intensively cognitively stimulated and everything Necessary things to do, what
needs to be done in the future, and also for all the unpredicted, which
must not yet be mentioned for the protection of the people with respect totheir reason and reason. It has already become inevitable that social
inequality brings much misery and distress, but this will continue dramatically and drastically in the coming times
increase. It is already the case today that around 130 of the richest earthlings of the high elite possess as much wealth
as the entire world population assembles together with their own assets. In conclusion,
all I want to say is that most people always want to know everything and also want to know and understand better, but in
truth they have neither true knowledge, and therefore they know nothing, nor do they know the real reality and its
truth. As a result, they have no understanding of all the world over because of the machinations of
overpopulation and man-made disasters, which is why the fact is that they are not even the
understand future catastrophe, in which they themselves cooperate in a carefree yet irresponsible way and help
to build it, namely the catastrophe - when it arrives - that no human on earth survives - or very
few will survive.
Ptaah What you are saying is actually more than you should say, because your effort in this area will probably not do
much in the sense that your words would be heard, as it turns out, since you
warned earthly humanity with predictionssince the 1940s , that have been around for quite some time and continue to do so
Billy I know that, but nevertheless it is my duty to speak and to warn. And there is a great deal to say about that,
also with regard to the dirty machinations of the US and the EU dictatorship, who
are trying to harm Russia by all means imaginable and to create a malicious enemy image against
peace and freedom be. This while the effective fact is that the West, that is, the EU dictatorship, but
especially the US, are the forces of peace and freedom
prevention throughout the world and continue the Cold War, which continues to glow and has not yet been overcome is, because this one through the US, like
also maintained by the EU dictatorship as a vassal of the United States, world-wide and misled earthly humanity
becomes.Through the image of the enemy, the entire world is to be drawn by lies and slander on the side of the United States and
Russia stamped the enemy of freedom and peace, the West
uses in many ways, the power of the religions for it. These would have to be taken away anyway, because even they bring only
violence, strife and bondage and prevent people their own thinking, therefore, they are, as ever, not
capable and even in the present time and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow unable in the situation be
to recognize the effective real truth and form their own opinions, to decide for themselves and to act independently. The
is also the reason that many people are only puppets of those who dominate them and
hammer them suggestively, what they think, believe, represent as opinion and what they should do. Therefore, most
people are so caught up in their inability that they can not do anything of themselves and therefore have no
real success in life, as a result of which they always see themselves as victims and therefore aggressively
rebel against any effective real truth that relates to them is explained on her wrong thinking and behavior. That's why
everything is getting worse for them, because their wrong thoughts and feelings are affected by them
To build up and live by misleading religions, they make them brainless believers without initiative in the
free, peaceful, and open-ended use of their own thoughts, feelings, and thoughts
to form their own personal opinion.Unfortunately, this is not possible for a believer, because he is
always afraid of the threatening sitting in the neck, which compellingly prevents him, independent
To develop thoughts and feelings. So he can - for fear of an imaginary resp. never existed and
neither existing nor future existing God - the effective real reality and its truth do not
realize that not an imaginary deity, but only he, the man himself, alone his own master and
master of himself, his thoughts, feelings, Opinions, decisions and his experience and experience as well as
his responsibility and his actions.
Ptaah What you say belongs in the ears of believers. ... ... ...

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