Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Presidents of USA .... John Adams ....

The Presidents of USA .... John Adams ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

President John Adams, who was a supporter of the monarchy and who would have liked to see America ruled by a king, and in fact he wanted to establish an American dictatorship.

Thus, when it came to conflict with France in 1798, he seized the opportunity to pass one of the most controversial laws in the United States - the so-called 'Alien and Sedition Acts' - which consists of four parts authorize the President to arrest and deport any foreigner in the country.

In addition, he has also determined with an attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of the press, that a publication of "false and malicious writings" against the president could be criminalized and punished.

As a result, during the tenure of John Adams, countless individuals were charged and convicted under this law.
He could not realize his plans for establishing a dictatorship  because he was not re-elected.

President Thomas Jefferson, his successor, then immediately repealed and suspended three of the four pieces of the law.

However, the "Alien Enemies Act" - which allows that people who come from countries who were or are in war with US America, are able to be deported – even still exists in the current time.

CR 544

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