Thursday, May 23, 2019

Codex - The Great Oath .....

Who really are the core members & passive members and other supporters like you and me of FIGU ....

We took an oath 13,500 years ago to support FIGU mission ..... Billy Meier ....

The codex, which was dissolved in the 90's, was an ancient spiritual agreement, which applied to a certain small group of ET spirit-forms, who had done some terrible things in Earth history, 389,000 years ago, events which had affected terrestrial mankind in a negative way. They were required to reincarnate 7000 different times, each time with a new personality, and consciousness block, until they were back to the guidelines of the laws, and recommendations of Creation. These were not "punishment" incarnations, but "learning" incarnations.

The former fallible ones (former Ringleaders) who broke laws (creative-natural laws) 389,000 years (considered a long time) ago on Earth and therefore affected terrestrial mankind in a negative wise/way.

They were the 144,207 JHWH Jschwjsch leaders, and sub-leaders.

The crimes varied from everything from two ancient terrestrial nuclear wars, all the way to an ancient crime syndicate called the "sons of heaven" formed to deceive and delude the humans already living here.

To atone for their various crimes they had to reincarnate on Earth for 7,000 lifetimes to atone for their ancient guilt, and they now have, and have fulfilled their fulfilment of guidelines, and became equitable ones.
Much later in history they took oaths 13,500 years ago to assist BEAM in what has been described as the new time, and to fulfil a special mission.

There should be no animosity or hostility towards these spirit-forms, because of their former historical personalities.

The 144,228 are different to the 144,207 but have similar characteristics.

The 144,228 Geteuer spirit-forms currently alive is is explained on page 81 of the Nokodemion book that; the Getreuer can be found in the FIGU core-group as well as a certain number of passive members, and also outside of FIGU membership, and all throughout the world.

Nokodemion Book page 81 states that the 144,228 Getreuer have been reincarnating for the mission for between 8 and 12 million years, which includes the 4 million years spent in the beyond, which, according to page 81, people possessing these spirit-forms, can be found in the core-group, passive members, and people outside of FIGU membership, in all the world.

To put into perspective the Geteuer ET spirit-form's age of 8 to 12 million years, to terrestrial spirit-forms, CF indicates that the age of terrestrial spirit-forms have only averaged living 3 million years so far.[16]
Nokodemion Book page 49 indicates that Nokodemion first formed the Geteuer 12 million years ago.

Some of the 144,207 ET former JHWH Jschwjsch commanders and sub-leaders currently alive can also be found in the core-group, some passive members, FIGU forum posters, and FIGU book readers, and other people trying to help the mission.

Most people do not know that there are two different groups of 144K ET spirit-forms reincarnating on Earth presently, and that both groups are to assist the FIGU mission. It is likely this includes successor personalities for some folks, and of course those bearing native Earth-born spirit-forms can (and will) help too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Figu Open Letter 20

It will tremble America and the European country,
when freedom comes from the East with a hard hand,
which is suppressed from America and Europe,
which, however, are punished by a hard teaching,
for the world domination, which they hate evil
and that countries and peoples place in dictatorships.
The big bear will come, bringing freedom,
Russia, which crushes all bondage,
which rages in America and Europe from many mouth,
as often in other countries around the world,
but the bear from the east will destroy them
and settle the whole thing to peace and freedom.
But it will take a long time, with complaints,
those with tears are carried out into the world,
because evil terrorism, dictatorship, hatred and war
Peace and freedom deny victory.
Power and world domination tear the world,
and in many countries many a death cry rings out,
because America as well as Europe carry out bondage
and beat people with war, misery and misery.
The Disciples, whose actions are based on power,
are taught by the bear and announced to them,
that world power claims fuel evil strife,
what leads humanity to death and ruin.
That's why the bear will tear up all the evil of America,
and it will also promise the same to Europe.
If violent from world-raving America
Wars destroy everything in the world, criss-cross,
if the same echoes from the European dictatorship
and murder screams of evil terrorism resound
then the bear will start to bite the strife,
and that will rip the wicked doing of the Western powers.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Federal President of the Federal Republic
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
President of the Russian Federation
In the name of peace and the
Dear Sirs,
In recognition of my personal responsibility
and the freedom that comes from it
to the fulfillment of duty as a human and German
I write to you as a citizen
People who hold a leadership position
the top of two nations, Russia and
Germany, hold.
Balanced-positive relationships between
Germany and Russia
an indispensable foundation for a star-
ke stable peace force in the European
Space and beyond. The reason
for me to contact you is

It should be noted that in the western
World in many ways one hand
negative attitude towards Russia
built on the one hand, and on the other hand
a mutual rapprochement.
prevent. This will increase the risk of
Confrontations fed the whole
Endanger humanity. Whoever has an interest in disrupting this relationship?
to benefit from it in turn.
must be prevented from doing so. Of-
half I ask you in our all
Interest to do everything possible,
so that the machinations become darker, con-
confrontations and self-interest.
Bender powers without success and effect
who, in order to achieve their own
useful goals, a peaceful co-operation
work and coexistence of the people of Russia
Germany and Germany in danger too
are anxious to bring. It is urgently necessary
agile, that we humans all from the
Learn history by committing
Recognize errors as such and so
avoid committing new ones.
Previous violent conflicts
that's what it's called by name
was also necessary for this reason
with catastrophic consequences, because
dark forces and powers with their skr
pellosen printing and intrigue means success
Therefore, I feel obliged to
this call to you as persons in one
Key position:
In relation to the above
written thoughts negatively affect the pressure
Forces fail, so go through
neutral-positive thinking way to
open for peace in the near future.
Consider which world we share
Children, the following generations,
want to leave behind: a world of thought
kens and trade, the inevitable to
Disaster leads, or a world's power
of thought and trade in balanced
a way that actively preserves and brings about
what humanity needs:

Create paths that, by virtue of your ministries
within a short period of time to a peaceful
solution of the cruel, all
Humanity despicable violent
in Syria, which is a worldwide
Disaster can cause. It goes
rum, the contempt of human dignity
To stop.
Act by being strong on peace
focused thoughts the reality
determine the path of peace
Look in every child - no matter which
Nationality - your own child. Because:
Ultimately, and no matter if you
who want to accept it or not -
this is true: as people who have made this plan
We are all together
regardless of which skin color, language
che, Weltanschauung, religion, etc.
is called as an external feature that
Although the people externally from each other
makes a difference, but not from each other
should separate.
The conflict in Syria is in the
Danger, under the pressure of dark forces
to become a worldwide brand. It
is certainly superfluous, here its possible
to mention the effects.
However, violence is on the whole
like on a small scale, only as a means of distributing
justified in self-defense
an aggressive force a neutral
positive, defensive power
is set, which must be free of
Hatred, lust for power and negative aspiration
for revenge.

Natural Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure ....

Natural Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure ....

Billy Meier
18th Oct, 2012

One and a half to two glasses of Beetroot juice should be drunk every day, which would lower the blood pressure.

In order to lower the blood pressure, it would be very advisable to take a full bath two to three times a week, namely 45-60 minutes per session, whereby immersion up to the chin would be necessary and of best advantage.

For such a procedure, the water should be at about body temperature i.e. approximately 34 or 35 degrees.

However, this would require a lot of patience, but the result would be that the blood vessels in the body would expand and thereby the blood would flow better, whereby the blood pressure would also decrease by up to 20 percent or slightly more.

CR 546

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Legendary ... Yeti, Bigfoot, Wesen, Sasquatch .... Still Exist Today ....

The Legendary ... Yeti, Bigfoot, Wesen, Sasquatch .... Still Exist Today ....

Billy Meier
Sept 1, 2012

In the Himalayan region, it was indeed possible for me to twice see a Yeti, which was about 3 meters tall and was the most distant descendant of the large anthropoid apes.

The legendary Bigfoot in America, the Sasquatch in Canada and in the south of the USA and also similar sighted Wesen are the most distant descendants of the giant anthropoid apes.

Small populations of the hominid Gigantopithecus giganteus, as they are called in terrestrial palaeontology, survived in northern India, Pakistan, Tibet as well as in the north and south of the United States.

There were natural disasters between 7 and 9 million years ago, through which, once again a decimation of these anthropoid ape beings occurred, as well as around 100,000 years ago.

Then only just before 75,000 years ago, the super-volcano, Toba, erupted in Sumatra and generated a global climate catastrophe and climate upheaval, through which, over a period of more than ten years, many forms of life became extinct.

The genus Gigantopithecus giganteus was also decimated, yet smaller populations of the actual giant apes, as well as a few subspecies, survived in various places.

And up to the present day, out of these few populations, some of the smallest very isolated groups have survived, which live in the mentioned areas.

Only in the really very smallest isolated groups of human-like upright-walking ape creatures, the so-called Yeti, Bigfoot and Sasquatch still exist today.

I myself saw such Wesen twice, I can also say that these creatures, very hairy all over, really look human-like and ape-like and have nothing to do with big bears.

CR 544

Friday, May 17, 2019

Our SOL is a binary star system ....

Billy Meier

Sept 1, 2012

Our SOL is a binary star system, where the SOL twin is a Dark Star.

Its size is about ten times smaller than the SOL itself, whereby this twin also has its own planets orbiting around it.

The radius of the Dark Star to the SOL encompasses more than a light-year, therefore, more than 9.5 trillion kilometres, and the circumnavigation of the SOL’s centre of mass, that is to say, SOL's own orbit, amounts to around 26 million years.

The Sun, that is to say, SOL does not stand still in outer space; rather it turns, indeed in its own sweeping circle, around an imaginary midpoint.

CR 544

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Constant dripping wears away the stone ....

A small number of human beings can also achieve much and bring, in many others, change for the better and good, if they make an effort.

How does it go?

Constant dripping wears away the stone.

Considered in this sense, everything unloving, evil, unpeaceful and disharmonious, wrong and illiberal, as well as any Gewalt, addiction to rule and addiction to might, every hatred, every revenge as well as every addiction to retaliation, will, in the same way, be worn down to the ground, as well as everything dictatorial and which harms life and limb.

Billy Meier
Sept 1, 2012

CR 544

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Presidents of USA .... Abraham Lincoln ....

The Presidents of USA .... Abraham Lincoln ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

Abraham Lincoln proclaimed on August 22, 1862, that his ultimate goal was the preservation of the Union, that is, the union of the American states, because a deep rift had emerged in the Union between the traditional South and the modern North, and so the whole thing had been crumbling away for years.

He further stated that if he could save the Union without having to release a single slave, then he would do it.

This remark was in exact opposition to that for which he was elected president, namely because he proclaimed the abolition of slavery in the USA.

In contradiction, during the election campaign in 1860, he already promised that he would not abolish slavery, but it should no longer be allowed in the newly-formed states.
As a result, the southern states rejected Lincoln as president.

So presidential contradiction and again contradiction, thus leaving seven states out of the Union and founding the Confederation, which was the prelude to the American Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865.

The South was fighting for its traditional social system, while the North had no reason to wage a war against the South.

Consequently, Abraham Lincoln thought of a way to deliver a reason for war, on the basis of which he declared on January 1, 1863, the so-called Declaration of Emancipation, according to which, from now on, all slaves are free.

But this was nothing more than a nasty trick in order to start a political war, for the abolition of slavery.

This brought about a double weakening of the Southern Confederation, as more than three million South-African slaves immediately became allies of the North, many joining the fight against the Southern states, many of whom, of course, were killed.

CR 544

The Presidents of USA .... John Adams ....

The Presidents of USA .... John Adams ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

President John Adams, who was a supporter of the monarchy and who would have liked to see America ruled by a king, and in fact he wanted to establish an American dictatorship.

Thus, when it came to conflict with France in 1798, he seized the opportunity to pass one of the most controversial laws in the United States - the so-called 'Alien and Sedition Acts' - which consists of four parts authorize the President to arrest and deport any foreigner in the country.

In addition, he has also determined with an attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of the press, that a publication of "false and malicious writings" against the president could be criminalized and punished.

As a result, during the tenure of John Adams, countless individuals were charged and convicted under this law.
He could not realize his plans for establishing a dictatorship  because he was not re-elected.

President Thomas Jefferson, his successor, then immediately repealed and suspended three of the four pieces of the law.

However, the "Alien Enemies Act" - which allows that people who come from countries who were or are in war with US America, are able to be deported – even still exists in the current time.

CR 544

The Presidents of USA .... Franklin D. Roosevelt ....

The Presidents of USA .... Franklin D. Roosevelt ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

President Franklin D. Roosevelt also made himself guilty, in that he wanted and provoked the attack on Pearl Harbour.

However, this was only discovered 60 years later by a former naval officer named Robert Stinnett.

In relation to that, one expert said: "An act like this was required in order that the American people be immediately and totally pivoted around to war."

With a trade embargo, Roosevelt forced the Japanese to take coercive measures in a counter-embargoed strike - in other words, to attack Pearl Harbor, in which there were 2,403 dead and 1,178 wounded to mourn, as well as the destruction of 14 warships and 320 destroyed or severely damaged aircraft.

90 percent of all US Americans were initially opposed to an entry into the Second World War (that is to say, the Third World War), however, after Pearl Harbour, the people also screamed for war.

By the way, Roosevelt learnt of the imminent attack through the secret services, as did George W. Bush, yet he, Roosevelt, did not respond in order to prevent something any more than George W. Bush did when the need came to prevent the terror disaster of September 11th, 2001.

CR 544

The Presidents of USA .... Andrew Jackson ....

The Presidents of USA .... Andrew Jackson ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

President Andrew Jackson was just as felonious as Washington, and must be charged with the responsibility for the first and the largest ethnic cleansing ever in the history of US America.

He criminally drove 100,000 Indians from their homeland, where, already as a soldier, he took merciless and murderous action against natives of the country, murdering many or expelling them.

On May 28th, 1830, he signed the so-called "Indian Removal Act", being the death sentence for countless other Indians, because this law allowed the relocation of Indian tribes in order to create, for white farmers, and so forth, areas for their settlement.

Thus, about a quarter of all deported Indians came to be killed, in part because they were murdered by the whites, or, on the other hand, because they did not survive the forced marches to the distant places of deportation – that is to say, reserves – and perished miserably.

CR 544

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Presidents of USA .... John F. Kennedy ...

The Presidents of USA .... John F. Kennedy ...

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

Even President John F. Kennedy was not better because, in 1963, he secretly enacted a law which enabled him to print massive amounts of money, of which the Department of Treasury has spent 4.2 billion dollars.

This money, that is to say, the banknotes, did not belong to the United States, but to a group of private banks which, in 1913, had merged into the Federal Reserve System (Fed).

The US Federal Reserve does not have the Federal Reserve Note, but the Federal Reserve Note is printed on their banknotes.

On the other hand, Kennedy's banknotes stated, "United States Note".

Therefore, from the Fed's point of view, Kennedy's banknotes were counterfeit money, which Lyndon B. Johnson had taken out of circulation in his first official act as Kennedy's Successor, when he was assassinated in 1963.

CR 544

Important - urgently needed
The new revised weapons legislation that comes to a vote does not create greater
security, but more crime, crime and insecurity,
contrary to all the contrary assertions of the naïve private advocates
and all political parties, as well as the Council of States and National Council, because they all
do not recognize the true background, which are given by the mendacious EU dictatorship
. From the 718th discussion report from April 21, 2019
A Wise Man
A wise person can be
recognized by first
considering all things and
then by word or deed that
Necessary explains or does.
SSSC, 6 February 2012, 00:06 h, Billy
Billy ... ... ... But then I want to bring the speech back to something else, namely that you have
recently said that the EU dictatorship is taking a fresh start to the
To force a Swiss population into a new gun law, for which you have said something that should actually
be mentioned in a public conversation. By that I mean your explanation of the
background of the EU dictatorship regarding the renewed attempt to restrict the personal
possession of weapons and the purchase of arms.
Ptaah Then I want to come back to it and uncover the real facts that lurk in everything.
First of all, the leadership of the EU dictatorship - which I call the leadership - was
manifested in its origins and evolves more and more in that way
. Already, the EU dictatorship evidently evolves in a way that was
inherent in the NAZI realm, but which obviously can not discern any of those EUhappy-go-luckys who are mind-less
, unconscious, and inferior in their intelligence and therefore stupid
and also naive. Therefore, the advocates are also unable to see
through the ambiguity of the EU dictators, the steadily new laws and regulations, etc. more and more
Restricting the rights of states and their populations, as should be done with the new weapons law
. This is to be treacherously only another step for later and renewed
demands that are increasingly designed to
ultimately completely disarm the entire peoples of Europe sneaky in their private sector completely, and this is
clearly clear - this on the one hand due to cowardly fear of dictatorial EU leadership that peoples could
get up and armed against some of them, but on the other hand, to
ensure that no people, groups, organizations, etc., are armed
against dictatorship of the EU itself. In this regard, there are already secret
but unprecedented plans of the EU dictatorship, such as similar plans to build an EU
dictatorship army, while the peoples could offer armed resistance if it were to become reality
. However, such resistance should already be stifled by the fact that the
new laws
of arms law
should prohibit the populations of all states belonging to the EU dictatorship over time from ever more restrictive laws and measures . This for fear that if privately owned weapons remain, be feared
would have to act as lone fighters or as groups or organizations emerging EU hostile from
the EU dictatorship citizenships against this EU army. The
demands in the new weapons law alsocorrespond to long-term oriented and insidious
underhandedness, which should be realized over time in favor of the EU dictatorship, as well as
the so-called framework agreement with Switzerland. But that the leaders of the states, which
have to determine these interests, are absolutely incapable of
comprehensively grasping the effectual facts, proves themselves by all their erroneous conclusions and misjudgments, by the
more and more liberal restrictions on the populations of all states are evoked.
The suggestion that weapons should be banned in the possession of private individuals, therefore, on the one hand has the
said background, but on the other hand is also alleged by lies and lied that
a ban on weapons crime and crime should be brought to a standstill. Such a prohibition of arms, as
demanded by the non-EU Switzerland, but also by the EU dictatorship and put to the vote in this way, can not be supported in any
way. Only the Swiss population itself could by a choice determination
to create a good and expedient regulation for their own country, and only in such a way that,
on the one hand, each person voluntarily accepts the renunciation of any weapon, if none
is needed. A justification for possession of a weapon as a collector's value, or as a reminder for
any understandable reasons, should be set by law and allowed to persons of integrity
, while also a purchase of weapons
should be allowed only absolutely honest persons , if these are demonstrably neither criminal, criminal, nor psychopathic moral,
emotional or otherwise unpredictable.The following should therefore be in relation to the private
Wanted a consistent solution and not generally prohibited possession of firearms, but it
should be imposed with certain justified conditions of security. This
is not at all in the way of the EU dictatorship, which
wants to demand a general prohibition of arms for the peoples , in order
to secure an absolute dominion over theiraffiliated peoples by a later provided own arms , if this, if they into the criminal arms prohibition Require the
EU dictatorship to
lose all independent rights of possession of weapons, including with respect to their own state. This will also threaten Switzerland, if the stupid of the
responsible rulers, as well as the stupidities of the Swiss people, remembering
the EU dictatorship and living in the illusion that Switzerland's membership of the EU
would be an advantage , but that would ultimately lead to great terror. And that Switzerland,
as a free and neutral state, has at allcommitted itself to binding contractual obligations with the EU
dictatorship, is not only incomprehensible and criminally stupid and naive, but also
dangerous for the continued existence of Switzerland in terms of its independence, freedom, the inner
and outer peace, the right of one's own decisions and one's own work.
Another inescapable factor in a private arms ban would inevitably be that it would increasingly seek and buy arms illegally
from righteous individuals, and especially from criminals and violent criminals
, inevitably
resulting in uncontrollable and flourishing criminal black market trade and mischief
. This, together with other unpleasantnesses, would cause such a prohibition of arms, as
such is
demanded by stupid, in reason, reason and intelligence very much inferior persons in Switzerland, because they are in their naivety, in their ignorance, in their inability to
personally persuasive prudence, far-sightedness are as utterly incompetent as well as a
clear deliberation as well as logical thinking and judgment of an important thing are incapable - even
if they are active in the government, but unfortunately are incapable of foresight.
Billy Exactly, that's what you said in our conversation tough, even if all the stupid
and Naive feel insulted with it, just because they are stupid and naive and therefore
do not want to accept the truth of your explanations and these will be abused as unfair and unfair ,
because their intelligence and their minds and their reason not to be enough to reality and
to grasp the truth.

Ptaah That will undoubtedly be so.

The Presidents of USA .... George Washington ....

The Presidents of USA .... George Washington ....

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

President George Washington, who, with the Seven Years War of 1756-1763, had actually triggered the First World War, so consequently, three world wars have already taken place, and not just two.

Now Washington, as a military leader during the War of Independence, was, as a liberal thinker in the drafting of the Constitution, also a shrewd political leader.

At the age of 22 he was still a British officer in the American colonies.

He was then involved in an incident to which the real First World War, which shook the Earth, basically leads back. With 160 soldiers, in 1754, he patrolled the Ohio Valley between British and French territories.

In May of that year, the French sent out a diplomat in order to move Washington from their territory.

But he opened fire on the diplomatic corps, whereby the French negotiator and about 13 of his accompanying soldiers were deliberately murdered, in Washington's hope of being able to drive a wedge between the French and the British, because only such a conflict between the two colonial powers could lead to success in regard to the American War of Independence.

This felony led to the triggering of the so-called French and Indian Wars, from which, two years later, emerged the bloody conflicts between the great European powers and thus the Seven Years War, which was fought in America, Europe and Asia and therefore was worldwide, which is why this was the real First World War which, however, was kept secret from the world's population.

CR 544

The Presidents of USA - William McKinley ....

William McKinley was the actual perpetrator of the 1898 launched military conflicts with Spain, which lost the war.

McKinley created the exclave of Guantanamo in Cuba, where George W. Bush then, from the year 2002, incarcerated political prisoners and had them tortured, which is still done in this punishment and torture camp.

Billy Meier
Sept 1, 2012

CR 544

The Presidents of USA - Roland Reagan

Ronald Reagan, a former bad actor and dim intellect, on the payroll of the FBI as informant T-10, who continuously setup (galvanized) more than 50 fellow actors as communists to the FBI.

Billy Meier
Sept 1, 2012

CR 544

The Presidents of USA .... Jimmy Carter ...

The Presidents of USA .... Jimmy Carter ...

By Billy Meier,
Sept 1, 2012

In 1979, President Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer, ordered the CIA to support the Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan, where a civil war was in progress, in which the Soviet Union had also interfered.

Deliveries of weaponry were also connected with that, which was then used – from 1992, after the victory by the militias, who now fought with each other – over the communist government of Afghanistan.

And then the brutal and violent as well as religiously fanatical group, the Taliban, emerged from that, who have been terrorising the people ever since.

And it could only come that far because Jimmy Carter interfered in the Afghanistan conflict, and had the CIA activate and direct operations.

The whole thing then simmered for years and then finally led to another Islamist organisation, to Al Qaeda, which then, on September 11th, 2001, brought about the catastrophe in New York.

CR 544

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Marianne Uehlinger Mondria

Marianne Uehlinger Mondria's name at the time of the great oaths and determinations 13,500 years ago, was XANDAALA, which means “The Conscientious One.”

At that time, as a former personality, she wasn’t, and also isn’t today, integrated into the group of the fallible ones (144207) and, thus, also isn’t a part of the Codex.

At that time, out of her own free will, she committed herself to the fulfillment of the mission and to the appropriate assistance of the same, but without having to be a member of the group.

Her destiny lies in a voluntary and free commitment at her sole discretion, without being bound by membership in a group.

Her actions and involvement are completely from her own decisions and initiatives and at her own discretion, without having to receive instructions or guidelines from the outside or from group members, etc.

A solidarity in the sense of an instruction through interlinked members, so group members, is not included in her destiny, so it also can’t be taught by group members.

Billy Meier alone embody the reference person with respect to this.

Her worth of collection and recognition is higher than what is often the case with the group members, which is why the necessary evolution for Marianne cannot be furnished on the group’s side.

She herself determines the way of her performance of duty and her achievements and contributions in whatever form, without being influenced by those bound to a group.

Billy Meier
Feb 3, 1990

CR 235

Billy Meier's Last Incarnation as Gregori Rasputin .....

Rasputin did not lead a dissolute life as is attributed to him.

This story is malicious slander, however it is true that his murder could barely be surpassed in terms of its brutality when, in 1916, he was murdered with a .455 Webley pistol by a British agent by the name of Oswald Rayner.

Although he was married and had a family, Rasputin was an itinerant monk, that is to say, an itinerant preacher, who, through suggestive influence, carried out "miraculous healings" which were truly self-healings of the sick.

Thereby he also reached the court of the Tsars, where he had much influence as a friend to the Tsar's family, especially because, through a "miracle healing", he had saved the Tsar's son from death.

That did not please many sectors of the Russian nobility, for which reason they became Rasputin's sworn enemies, sought to take his life and named him "Holy Devil".

On the 17th of December, 1916, he was then actually also kidnapped and murdered whereby his murderer was, however, the aforementioned British agent who acted in the commission of the nobles and England.

The reason for the murder was Rasputin's political objectives, which endangered the victory of Great Britain in the First World War, which raged at that time.

But the murder of Rasputin still had other reasons, because, through the nefarious deed, the already long-planned Russian revolution could also gain ground and be carried out and the Tsar's family could be captured and murdered.

Rasputin was the most important adviser to the court of the Russian Tsar's family.

As already explained, he was kidnapped on the 17th of December, 1916, whereby the main role was played by a conspirator by the name of Felix Yusopov, who had a friendly relationship with the British agent, Oswald Rayner.

Rasputin was dragged into a palace cellar in St. Petersburg, where he was tortured and also poisoned, whereby he was, however, able to counteract the poison, and therefore it did not have the desired effect and he survived the poison attack and was able to flee.

But he did not get far because a revolver was taken and he was shot two times in the back from behind, which he, however, also survived.

So the murderer took his weapon again and shot Rasputin in the forehead. Rasputin then died immediately.

Therefore, he was first seriously injured by the British agent Oswald Rayner with several shots which, however, Rasputin survived because he simply did not want to die.

Only the shot in the forehead really killed him.

MConsequently, therefore, in this way, a professional execution ultimately occurred.

After that, the giant of a man was bound up by the noble conspirators and dragged to the icy Neva River, where they threw him in the icy water.

Naturally, the assassins were quickly found, yet the Tsar stopped the police investigation.

The conspirators asserted that they had murdered Rasputin because he had exercised too great an influence on the family of the Tsar.

These statements from the assassins were, however, not the actual reason why the Tsar did not intervene in the matter of the murder and its investigation, rather it was the fact that it was not a Russian but a foreigner - the British agent, Oswald Rayner, to be exact - who was Rasputin's real murderer.

The true reason for the murder was that Rasputin - peace-loving as he was - was active in pressing for an armistice, in order to thereby end the state of war between Russia and Germany and in order, additionally, to also avoid a defeat.

And his chances of implementing his desire were, in this regard, very good, because the Tsar - due to Rasputin's enormous influence on the Tsar's family - was willing to bend to Rasputin's wishes and to declare an armistice.

But the British, who saw their plans and the victory in the First World War endangered by Rasputin's peaceful political aims, did not like that.

Consequently, they introduced into the plan, as murderer, an agent, who worked hand in hand with the conspirators, and whose murder plan fitted theirs exactly, because the nobility were also not keen on an armistice.

Had this come about then the entire history of the world would have changed, because, namely, an end to the war with Russia would have enabled Germany to transfer an army of 350,000 soldiers to the Western Front.

It would have thereby been possible for the German Kaiser to position his armies against the armies of France, Great Britain and the USA and to overcome them and to be victorious.

So, Rasputin's murderer, with his licence to kill, committed a cold-blooded murder in the commission of the British Crown, so that, in the First World War, the Allies could obtain victory over the German Empire.

Billy Meier
Feb 3, 2010

CR 487