Monday, June 3, 2019


Genes Are Responsible For The Inheritance of Habits, Behavior, Body Postures, Body Movements etc.,

Billy Meier,
March 1, 2014

A gene is a segment of the DNA, at the same time the genes form several aggregated bases, which make up a unit.

They contain the basic information for the production of RNA, which corresponds to a section of the DNA.

The genes may also be referred to as characteristic structures because they take over a particular function, such as the color of the hair, and so forth.

A gene is also a hereditary factor, just because it carries the genetic information in itself.

Consequently the genes are responsible for ensuring that information once stored therein, is passed on from generation to generation i.e. that characteristics once fixed in the genes, find its hereditary-based expression in the progeny i.e. is transferred, wherein the DNA also plays a role, because DNA is the actual genetic substance, out of which genes and plasmids also consist of.

A gene is a DNA segment, on which the code is given for a specific protein molecule.

A plasmid is a small piece of DNA, wherein this is a closed ring-form and can contain multiple genes.

Traumatic experiences strain the thoughts and feelings and therefore also the psyche, whereby these three factors influence and program the genes.

However, regarding the inheritance of traumatic experiences and living-experiences that are deposited in the genes by the thoughts, feelings, and by the psyche as well as by physical factors, is to be said that these are inherited through numerous generations and thus in the long run characterize the descendants and their descendants and in turn their descendants and so on and so forth.

Also stress-syndromes as well as phobias and even habits and idiosyncrasies, as well as modes of behavior and body postures and body movements, etc. are just as much inheritance-based factors as well as intellect, rationality and intelligence, wherein everything can be both in the positive as in the negative ....

CR 582

Where does Spirit go after death .... Chapter V

Where does Spirit go after death .... Chapter V

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

The spirit, respectively the spirit-form, on the other hand is only creative-nature-like pre-determined energy, which enlivens the human body.

When the spirit leaves the human body, then it escapes into its beyond plane, which exists in the same space as the present-reality of the planet, though the so-called beyond plane is in another dimension in comparison to the real material reality space, and I mean in finest spiritual-energetic nature.

Regarding the planet, the beyond plane therefore is arranged around it, like this plane however also is further existing universe wide, however in contrast to the material reality plane in a finest material, to which the human as material life-form in no way has access and consequently nothing can be seen and nothing detected.

Therefore is it in this plane impossible for human to see or somehow detect, the material body escaping spirit, respectively spirit-form.

That the beyond area of the planet in a differently dimensioned form than the real material reality space is not only arranged for it, but also in the entire universe, this has its reason.

So emerges from the spirit teachings, that if a planet is destroyed or simply made incapable of life, that the on there existing spirit-forms and the other lying fallow spirit energies then are not destroyed, but that these ‘emigrate’, in order to ‘travel’ for so long through space, until a new planet is found, on which human life exists.

On this planet the spirit-forms ‘settle’ then again, mix themselves with the already there existing ones and so go forward again, respectively, further into a cycle of reincarnation, respectively rebirth.

CR 579

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

The Role of The Spirit - Chapter IV

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

The spirit of the human is a tiny part of Creation energy in the human.

So this can with the human for example in a way be compared to, as the human body is similar to a guest house, in which the spirit stays as guest, where it also feeds itself and makes payment for this.

If the guest house however is demolished or somehow destroyed, then the spirit, which indeed is guest, leaves the place of destruction.

For humans is to be realized that this means, that the spirit in him as guest lives and learns (receives food and lodging) and at the same time it enlivens (pays for food and lodging) to the entire body; and when the human dies, then the spirit escapes immediately from the body and goes over into its beyond area, in order then with the next, new personality in the next life again in it, to become bound and to be a new guest in a new human body.

The spirit is therefore not the brain, as it is also not some other part of the human body.

It must be understood as a formless continuum in the roof of the midbrain ( = paired node = superior colliculus) of the human.

And because the spirit is of formless or non-material nature, it can also not feel or grieve, be sick or be hindered or harmed by any material object or through intelligence of the human.

It is therefore very important to understand, that there are no unpeaceful or peaceful spirit conditions, because such conditions are reserved alone for the human consciousness.

Solely can unpeaceful or peaceful or sickness conditions only appear in the consciousness, which can disturb or lift up the inner peace, because only the consciousness is able to create through thoughts and feelings, rage, envy and desiring disadvantage, blindness or valuable, peaceful conditions, because the spirit itself behaves in every way absolutely neutrally and does not interfere in consciousness interests.

The human alone is therefore in every relation responsible for the well-being and sorrow of his consciousness, consequently he himself always is responsible for all of his strivings and thought-feeling-psychic-like suffering, not however his spirit, as well as also not other humans, bad community, material or social conditions, etc. truthfully originates all of this suffering through blind and pathological as well as incorrect consciousness conditions, though the thoughts and feelings play a very important role.

In conclusion is still the following to say, which I have already previously written and here add as partial repetition of the explanation: the human spirit to locate and track down – at least at the present time – is impossible for the human, because neither among the necessary apparatuses nor similar means he has at his disposal, can he track down spirit energy and to measure this.

The human spirit, respectively the spirit-form cannot be seen by humans, because the pure creative spirit energy cannot be detected by human eyes as well as also not sensed.

There are also still no apparatuses or analyzing devices, etc., also not of the ranges of ultraviolet or infrared, through which it would be possible, to see the sprit respectively, the spirit-form, because spiritual energy is as invisible as pure air.

CR 579

Freedom on Planet Erra

An absolutely free circulation of goods and persons on the whole of Erra is given, wherein regarding this extreme care is taken that no flora or fauna seeds or even plants, as well as any fauna forms of life are transported from one region to another, as unfortunately the opposite is the case on the earth through the stupid and irrational globalization, by which originates much damage and wherethrough all sorts of coming calamities are yet to be wrought.

So there is no border customs for persons and wares with us on Erra, and every human being can freely go anywhere to wherever he or she wants, without being controlled by officials, and so on.

Billy Meier
1st March, 2014

CR 582

The Difference Between Brain , Conciousness and The Spirit And It's Location

Spirit - Chapter III

The Difference Between Brain , Conciousness and The Spirit And It's Location

Billy Meier,
January 16, 2014

Many humans of Earth think, that the spirit may be the brain, while others assume, that some other part or a function of the body, like for example the consciousness, may be to name as spirit.

This is however fundamentally false, because the brain is of purely, body like - material nature, and the consciousness is anchored in this.

The brain itself is something that can be seen with the eyes, when it is uncovered, like it however also can be observed by outside apparatuses or measured with electromagnetic probes in its activity.

Therefore it can be photographed, analyzed and operated on.

This, whereas the consciousness is not traceable in this way, because it constitutes a fine material function of the brain and possibly can only be measured electronically in its ability.

In contrast to the brain the spirit is not material, but finest material nature and accordingly thus still a great deal finer material than the fine material consciousness, which exercises a part function in the brain.

And as the spirit is of finest material nature, it can neither by some apparatus nor device, nor with the eyes be observed, seen nor somehow registered.

Thus it can also neither be photographed even through bodily inner or outer circumstances, nor by thoughts, feelings, sickness, accident, drugs, poison or medicines etc. be attacked, damaged or through an operation be treated.

The brain is therefore not the spirit, but this is simply only a part of the body, and within this there is nothing, which can be identified as spirit, except the sprit itself, which is established as tiniest piece of Creation spirit in the roof of the midbrain ( = paired node = superior colliculus).

So the entire body and the brain of humans as well as the spirit are two fundamentally different natures, which both coarse material as well as also their finest material kind are of a fundamentally different nature.

And if the consciousness is considered, this is a function of the brain, so this can through thoughts, for example, be extremely devoted and active and spring from one object to another, while the body remains completely relaxed and motionless.

The spirit itself then is in no way affected, because it is not identical with the consciousness, but it is that creative energy factor which enlivens the consciousness, where by it the body and all of its functions are powered as well.

This expresses clearly and unambiguously, that the consciousness, the body and the brain absolutely are not of the same nature as the spirit.

CR 579

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Incorrect Use of The Term Spirit .... Chapter - II

Spirit - Chapter II

Incorrect Use of The Term Spirit ....

Billy Meier,
January 17, 2016

The term spirit in general has also found its way elsewhere into the linguistic usage of man of the earth, with which very strange blossoms are produced.

Thus, for example, since time immemorial and upto the present time, the consciousness of man has been understood as spirit, consequently this is spoken to by him when he uses the term spirit, like for example in a prayer.

This can be accepted and allowed as such, because indeed in any case always of one’s own consciousness must be spoken, in order to animate it to valuable

It is wrong, however, if the term spirit is associated with a deity and with a delusion of God, because in this case the stupid attempt is made to enter into association with something imaginary and non-existent.

Furthermore, the humans use the term spirit in the wrong way also for his power of thought and for his intellect, as well as in ways such as: his spirit has become confused; his spirit is disturbed; he is mentally ill; great spirits; he is not a great spirit; a man with an alert, active or slow mind; he has spirit; a book full of spirit, etc.

It also refers to the totality of thoughts and ideas; as well as to the fact that an event is experienced again in the Spirit or is seen before one in the Spirit.

An attitude or conviction is also associated with the spirit.

Also the expressions of life and the spirit of the or a time etc. are misused, although the spirit has nothing to do with all these things and factors, because in each case only the consciousness is responsible for it.

Other completely false forms can also be found with the speeches concerning brandy from fermented fruits and berries, etc., like strawberry spirit, etc.

The term spirit is also incorrectly used in relation to people with regard to certain qualities and abilities, to the effect they exert; just as 'it is the good spirit of the house'; 'you are a restless spirit'; a ministering spirit, etc.

Ultimately is the term spirit incorrectly also still used for allegedly returning deceased as well as form-like appearances from the dead.

Many places and in the beliefs of peoples are also creatures of nature in human forms described as Earth spirit or air spirit, as well as however also alleged supernatural creatures, ghosts, and demons, and, as already mentioned, the Holy Spirit; the spirit of darkness with the devilish spirit.

Further there is with the belief in spirits; in an evil or good spirit, as well as also with the speaking way ‘are you all good learning spirits?’ As spirit or spirit-associated etc., in incorrect ways also things, matters and conditions, etc. are described, which have nothing to do with it.

What is a Spirit - It's Origin & Lost Meaning .... Chapter - I

What is a Spirit - It's Origin & Lost Meaning ....

Chapter - I

Billy Meier,
January 17, 2016

Well, first of all I want to explain the term 'spirit' resp. its original term 'Ghiest', which actually leads back to Nokodemion and can be found in the memory banks, where also the meaning 'awakening' can be found.

Therefore, if there is talk of creative spirit energy, then this means 'creative awakening energy'.

From this it can be understood that creation or the spirit of creation is a factor of awakening or creating, namely through the power, vibrations and impulses of its own energy.

Only in this sense is the term spirit to be understood.

An encore in the memory banks explains that the term has been handed down since time immemorial consistently up to the old language 'German', from which the German language ultimately originated.

When the linguistic tribe 'German' was pushed into the background, the original term 'Ghiest' underwent various changes, whereby in the end the term was formed into the word 'Geist'.

During the whole process of change the meaning of the term was lost and was explained with 'shuddering', 'frightening' and 'arousing' etc., in order to be mixed with religious and sectarian ideas of a God-spirit in recent times, which also in Greek with 'pneuma' and in Latin with 'spiritus' etc. has found admission.

The spirit, for example, was also connected with a soul up to the expectation of the hereafter and until today often includes spiritual assumptions regarding a pure or absolute, transpersonal or even transcendent spirituality, which is not bound to the bodily body but affects it.

In the Christian imagination, on the other hand, even a 'Holy Spirit' is understood as a person, symbolically as a dove or as an eye represented 'Spirit of God'.