Thursday, February 14, 2019

From Talmud of Jmmanuel

From Talmud of Jmmanuel

And when you pray, you should not be like the hypocrites, who enjoy standing and hypocritically pray in the temples and street corners, for they pray only for the sake of their selfishness and the impression they make upon the souls.

When you pray, you should invoke the Omnipotence of your own Spirit (your Consciousness) and do not babble illusory nonsense as do deity worshipers, worshipers of divinities, the ignorant, and the selfish, for they think that

The Spirit (the Conscience) of the human being does not need many words, but human beings have to know how powerful he is.

Pray, therefore, speak to the Omnipotence of your own Spirit (Consciousness), with the Knowledge that your Greatness and Power are infinite .

If you do not know how to pray directly to the Almighty Strength of your own Spirit Consciousness, make use of something sacred, which is a means of dignified concentration, through which you may attain your Spirit (in your Consciousness).

But do not be equal to the ignorant, the foolish, the hypocrite, and those deist believers who worship god, deities, and idols, and the selfish, and who erroneously and confusedly worship something sacred in the belief that the omnipotence of a god or divinity dwells in it.

But be mindful also that the Almighty Power of the Spirit (your Consciousness) dwells and acts always and only within yourselves, despite your use of an object of help for your concentration.

Be devout in Knowledge, and therefore you must devote the intention of your prayer to your own Spirit (Consciousness):

My Spirit, you exist in Omnipotence.

Sacred be thy name.
(Note: Name = spiritual power and related to Consciousness: Sacred = controlled, worthy of honor.)

Let your kingdom incarnate in me.

May your power (Power of Consciousness) develop within me, on earth as it is in the heavens (on the whole plane of Consciousness).

Give me this day my daily bread (Cognition, Discernment, Wisdom), so that I may acknowledge my mistakes, my responsibilities, and I will recognize the Truth.

And lead me not into temptation and confusion, but deliver me from error.

For thine is the kingdom within me, and the power and the knowledge for ever. Amen.

When you pray for your own Spirit (Conscience), he will give you what you ask for; trust also in this Knowledge and you will receive.

But if you believe in the false and confused erroneous teachings that Power and the Spirit (Consciousness) do not dwell in yourselves, then you will be without knowledge and you will live in Spiritual Poverty (in relation to Consciousness).

Sometimes you also receive what you, in your false, confused and erroneous deist belief, ask for sacred things, for gods and deities, and for idols; but you will receive only because of your strong and confused beliefs, therefore, without the Knowledge of the True Truth.

Truly, in Truth, I say to you:

Blessed are always only those who serve True Truth and Knowledge, because only they receive in honesty.

Billy Meier

Monday, February 11, 2019

Mayan Calendar 21 - 12 - 2012

Mayan Calender 21 - 12 - 2012 ....

Billy Meier,
3rd February 2009,

Regarding the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December 2012 represents the culmination of a star constellation that occurs only every 26,000 years.

The Mayan calculations are assuming that the Earth on the 21st of December 2012 shall lie on an imaginary line that fits together the star over the left side of the constellation Orion with the central sun, i.e. the centre of the Milky Way.

The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds, and is called “dark cleft of the Milky Way” by the human beings of Earth.

On the 21st of December 2012, at nightfall of winter solstice, the Sun is directly in that cleft, and it is in such a position that the Milky Way covers the horizon in all positions all around.

From this is resulting the optical impression that the Milky Way would touch Earth all around and that the galaxy would lie directly on the Earth.

On the whole that’s the end product of the Mayan calendar recording.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Magnetic Bracelets

Stories have been circulating around the world for years & devices have been sold such as bio-resonant magnets, which are supposed to bring about a lot of good curative healing effects for all sorts of ailments.

So I tested these things, left one of these naturopathic bioresonance thing hanging on me, I felt neither noticed any instant reaction nor any subsequent.

I also tried special light bulbs supposed to reduce strain etc.

As well as wore magnetic bracelets and other magnets within a completely neutral attitude.

I wore each of these things over several months respectively, however they brought no effect in anyway, as was the case with Bach flower therapy and homeopathy.

In my opinion, all these things are pure nonsense, which only works if the person believes or responds to them.

In addition, its not harmless to exert the human body to magnetic forces, because they can act depending on carrying duration and intensity by triggering pathogenic effects & even various forms of cancer.

Small magnets abusively attached to the body, can lead to adverse health effects and with strong magnetic radiations incurable consequences even becoming deadly in time.

Billy Meier

CR 450

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Water Has Memories ....

Water Has Memories ....

Billy Meier
9th July 2006

Water also has a form of memory like all other creative forms of life.

However, the form of memory is like the consciousness, dynamic and thus energetic and thus in no way gross material.

In this form, it does not register any material substances resp. Molecules, but only energetic
Vibrations, which, however, only last a very short time and then dissolve again on their own.

So if homeopathic substances are added to the water - or introduced into other liquids - then they hold only a short time resp. only until the dilution is so great that no more molecules are detectable, which then causes the corresponding memory stores to be dissolved in the water.

If this were not so, then the purity of the water would be impaired, because it would be full of signals of all possible vibrations, etc., making it inedible and ill.

In fact, the water is constantly clearing itself in a short time and thus preserving its purity and naturalness and thus the usefulness for all living beings who depend on it.

If that were not the case, then all life became dependent on water, whose self-purification process is stimulated and carried out by terrestrial magnetism.

If the memory of water were to store the signals of all sorts of things, as well as those homeopathic substances, then the result would be an overload of the water, making it brackish, ill and inedible.

CR 427


Only a few humans with real evolutional, valuable intelligence, respectively, with pronounced understanding and corresponding reason, let themselves be found on the Earth, yet they are those who make the effort in order that the humans of the Earth, progressing in consciousness, learn what love, peace, wisdom, freedom and harmony is.

Billy Meier

CR 427

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Earthquake Lights

Earthquake Lights ...

Billy Meier,
May 13th, 1996

Earthquake lights, i. e. light phenomena, that occur in the atmosphere and also above the ground shortly before earthquakes arise by the electromagnetic tensions caused by the movements and elements in the Earth’s interior.

The atmospheric light phenomena of this type in particular are often erroneously interpreted as unknown flying devices.

These light phenomena are harbingers of emerging earthquakes, therefore they are called earthquake lights.

CR 256

Why Do People In The North Can't Tolerate Heat .... ?

Why Do People In The North Can't Tolerate Heat .... ?

Billy Meier
11th October, 1989

In the north only, the heat is perceived as stronger by the human beings because they are not very used to it, while the human beings in the south exhibit a better heat tolerance.

This is because human beings in the northern hemisphere have a much thicker blood that flows through their veins with greater difficulty than is the case with human beings in the southern hemisphere who have a much thinner blood that flows more easily through their veins.

But human beings can change, namely by acclimatising themselves.
In order to acclimatise from south to north or from north to south, so that the blood becomes thicker or thinner, an average time of about half a year is required, after which the other climatic condition is well coped with.

CR 230

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Location of The Ark of Covenant

The Location of The Ark of Covenant

Billy Meier,
May 13th, 1996

650 B. C. the Ark of the Covenant was brought to the island in the Nile Elephantine, where it was hidden in the Temple of Judah for about 250 years, before it was taken away again after the Egyptians conquered the island, and was on an island called Kamekirkos resp.

Approx. 400 years A. D., that is after Jmmanuel’s birth, the Ark of the Covenant was stored in a chapel in today’s Axum in Ethiopia, which was then called Saba, where it has been guarded by special guards ever since.

Today’s state of it is unknown.

CR 256

The Assassination of John F Kennedy

The Assassination of John F Kennedy

Billy Meier,
May 13th, 1996

The assassination of John F Kennedy was a plot of various interest groups, consisting of CIA, FBI, Mafia, pro-Cubans, oil barons and the military-industrial complex.

Lee Harvey Oswald and three other men collaborated with the alliance of conspirators, resulting in them insidiously shooting the US President dead.

It is true that Oswald the same as the other participants were firing on John Fitzgerald Kennedy, but the actually lethal shot did not originate from Oswald’s weapon.

The one who was for his part shot by Jack Ruby and in reality called Rubinstein.

He was a Jewish extremist and also a hired murderer, with the task to shoot Oswald, because the responsible persons of the plot did not trust him and rated him as an element of uncertainty.

CR 256

Monday, February 4, 2019

Only 36 Popes Believed in the Existence of God

Only 36 Popes Believed in the Existence of God .... ( Investigated Through Time Travels )

Billy Meier,
19th June 1993

Popes neither believed in the existence of a God above himself, nor in the religious insanity that he preaches.

This man believes only in himself, as did also many of the previous Popes, as we (Extraterrestrials) likewise endeavoured to clear up for ourselves through travels into the past to the places of the respective events.

It proved that a certain small number of only precisely 36 Popes believed in a god above them, whereas all others only considered it for its post and position of power for themselves.

Quite a few among them in fact completely rejected the Christian faith, which they outwardly, of course, knew to conceal.

CR 253

Effects of Electro Magnetism on Birds & Animals ....

Info by Billy Meier .... on Effects of Electro Magnetism on Birds & Animals ....

However, prior to any damage becoming apparent, and due to these dangerous electro-magnetic influences, a person's magnetic sense of orientation is upset and possibly even destroyed soon after.

This magnetic sense, inherent to human beings, animals and insects, has already been largely destroyed within Man on Earth.

For decades now he has been under the steady, greatly enhanced influence of artificial electro-magnetic waves, or rather oscillations, which greatly exceed the normal, planet-related measurements and are generated by Man's own thoughtlessness.

As a consequence, he is now, and has been for some time, incapable of applying and relying on his magnetic sense.

Hence, he can no longer recognize, grasp and perceive many items and events in nature in the manner that animals are able to, although their magnetic sense is increasingly harmed also through the irresponsibility of mankind on Earth.

Birds and animals, for instance, are guided by their magnetic sense during their annual migrations or flights from one region to another when they frequently traverse many thousands of kilometers.

The longer they are exposed to this electromagnetism, the more the magnetic sense of orientation of these migratory animals and birds is upset and causes their death for many of them.

Whales, for instance, lose their orientation and become stranded somewhere on river banks or in the rivers, where they die a terrible death; a situation that is increasingly becoming more common even for other aquatic wildlife forms.

With increasing frequency, herds of many wild animals are losing their sense of orientation because their magnetic sense is upset.

This causes them to flee and plunge, panic-stricken, over cliffs and crevasses to their death, etc.

Thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, as well as other great calamities of nature's elements also produce increased magnetic waves or oscillations.

Animals and birds sense these increased electro-magnetic oscillations and behave accordingly.

They flee or seek sanctuary elsewhere.

The same also applies to Man, and will continue to, for as long as his magnetic sense is unimpaired.

Unfortunately, terrestrial Man lost the use of this capability a long time ago.

The loss can be traced back to his spinelessness, which began very early in his development and continues to advance even now, for he increasingly withdraws from a coexistence with nature and Creation's laws and directives.

As a result, he continues to unlearn many of the things he previously learned.

Contact Report 249 :

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Ideology - Quote

“Throughout the whole Universe, there isn’t a single ideology that could be a life policy or a lifestyle or even just a life guide for people; solely the true truth of the Creation, the spirit, and all associated laws and commandments in wisdom can do this.”

Billy Meier

CR 236

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Pollution & Lightings

The more polluted the air is, the more the lightnings occur.

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

CR 230

Green Potatoes Are Poisonous

Green Potatoes

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

Potatoes contain the alkaloid solanine and develop a dangerous amount of sugar, and become particularly poisonous when stored too cool.

Due to this, they additionally develop further poisons during roasting at high temperatures, which are among other things carcinogenic.

But this also applies to many other foods which are roasted or baked.

With regard to potatoes, it must be said that they are particularly poisonous in their unripe and green state.

CR 230

The Electric Power of an Aurora is Well Over 100 Gigawatts

The Electric Power of an Aurora is Well Over 100 Gigawatts ...

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

The polar luminous phenomena indeed reach up to altitudes of 1,000 and more kilometres.

Corresponding to the sphere, thus the ones starting from 1,000 kilometres height are called exosphere-corpuscular lightings.

What lies below relates to the thermosphere, the mesopause and, to a lesser extent, the mesosphere.

In the last two layers also the glowing night clouds appear.

However, the upper layers are also called ionosphere and heterosphere.

And the electric power of an aurora is well over 100 Gigawatts.

CR 230

Pope John Paul I Was Poisoned ....

Pope John Paul I Was Poisoned ....

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

On 26 August Pope John Paul I was elected to the office.

His real name was Albino Luciani. However, he could not enjoy his position for long, because due to his strong tendency towards reforms and his desire to turn much of Catholicism upside down, he was killed after 34 days by a secret cardinal-decision of the arch-conservative and fundamentalist cardinals using a poison that was not detectable.

Of course, this was vehemently denied by the Vatican in October, after the Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope, who called himself John Paul II in accordance with his direct predecessor.

CR 230

Why our scientists are wrong in estimating the Age of the universe ?

Why our scientists are wrong in estimating the Age of the universe ?

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

Dark, dust and gas clouds lie between the Earth and many giant suns as well as galaxies, whereby these gigantic objects cannot be seen.

Such clouds are particularly common from around 14 billion light-years onwards, consequently it is only with extremely special apparatuses, devices and instruments possible to look beyond these ranges.

Already from a distance of 12 billion light years onwards it becomes very difficult to detect galaxies etc.

For this reason the earthlings, the astronomy scientists, would continue to assume for a long time that the origin of the universe would be at a distance of 12 to 14 billion light years, which of course does not correspond to the correctness, because in truth the universe is already more than 46 Trillion years old and tremendously much larger than the scientists envision it.

CR 230

Types of Processes to Produce Meat Artificially

Types of Processes to Produce Meat Artificially ....

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

Meat can be artificially produced through two different processes :

1. One technical process called multi-duplication takes place in such a way that the meat is replicated through the use of elementary substances that are present everywhere in the outer space and in the atmosphere.

2. The second process entails growing the meat from cell cultures in large-scale facilities.

Thereby the cell strains are of different species, which means that different types of meat are cultivated or grown from different large and small animals, fish, birds and poultry as well as seafood.

CR 230
Zur merkelschen Handherz-Haltung sei folgendes Kurzgespräch
zwischen Ptaah und mir, Billy erwähnt:
Billy ... ... , doch da kommt mir gleich die Frage hoch, wie eigentlich das Herzhandzeichen zu bewerten ist, das die deut-
sche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel immer macht, wenn du das beurteilen kannst, wie das ja auch dein Vater Sfath konnte und
verstand, aus den Hand- und Fingerhaltungen der Menschen ihren Charakter und ihr Wesen usw. zu beurteilen?
Ptaah Die Handherz- und Fingerhaltung der von dir genannten Frau Merkel bedeutet: Das herzför-
mige Fingerhalten und das dabei gleichzeitige Fingerspitzenberühren der Mittel- und Ringfinger er-
folgt unbewusst, weist auf Sektierismus hin und bedeutet auch, dass diese Person grenzenlos
herrsch- und machtbesessen, selbstherrlich, lobsüchtig, in jeder Beziehung bedenkenlos zweckbezo-
gen in ihrem persönlichen Handeln, nur auf sich selbst und ihr Wohl bedacht, wie auch unberechen-
bar und verantwortungslos in unbedachten Entscheidungen und Handlungen ist.
Billy Danke, das muss ich mir merken, und wozu ich denke, dass sich besonders das bezüglich der letzten Worte, die
du gesagt hast, auch auf ihre bezieht, wie aber auch darauf, was du gesagt hast hinsichtlich des 
bedenkenlosen zweckbezogenen persönlichen Handelns, wenn ich das in Zusammenhang bringe mit dem, was du mir
früher gesagt hast in bezug auf sie und ... Aber einiges mehr zu erklären, könnte doch etwas mehr Licht in die Sache brin-
gen. Mir kommt nämlich eben noch die Frage hoch, wie eigentlich das Herzhandzeichen, das die deutsche Bundeskanzle-
rin Merkel immer macht, in noch besserer Ausführung und Erklärung zu bewerten ist. Das, weil du ja im Gegensatz zu
unseren fachidiotischen Psychologen und sonstigen Psychofritzen und Psychiatern usw. – wobei ich nur jene Besserwis-
senden meine, die alles verkomplizieren, aber nichts wissen, wahrheitlich auf diesem Gebiet absolute Nieten und trotz-
dem besserwisserisch sind – das aus fachlich bester Erfahrung und klarer Sicht und deiner Kenntnis der Fingerhaltungen
der Menschen beurteilen kannst. Das hast du mir ja schon oft bewiesen, wie ja auch dein Vater Sfath es konnte und ver-
stand, aus den Hand- und Fingerhaltungen der Menschen ihren Charakter und ihr Wesen usw. zu lesen und zu beurteilen,
so hätte ich nun gerne von dir gewusst, wie dieses Herzhandzeichen zu bewerten ist. Meinerseits habe ich zwar diesbe-
züglich, eben in bezug auf Finger- und Handhaltungen usw., einiges von Sfath gelernt, doch denke ich, dass du als Gelern-
ter und eben als wirkliche Fachperson auf diesem Gebiet das Ganze besser beurteilen kannst als ich, weil ich diesbezüg-
lich nicht speziell versiert bin, sondern meine erlernte Kenntnis nur für meinen nutze.
Ptaah Wie sagst du doch immer: Man soll nicht das Licht unter einen Scheffel stellen. Du weisst ja,
was ich damit sagen will. Was nun aber die Handherz- und Fingerhaltung der von dir genannten Mer-
kel betrifft, so ist diese tiefenpsychologisch auszulegen. Das bedeutet, dass alle psychologischen und
psychotherapeutischen Ansätze zusammengefasst werden müssen, denn nur die daraus hervorge-
henden Werte zusammen weisen die unbewussten psychischen Vorgänge auf, durch die dem
menschlichen Verhalten und Erleben erst ein hoher Stellenwert für die Erklärung des Ganzen des zu
Beurteilenden beigemessen werden kann. Das zentrale der Beurteilung dessen, wonach du fragst,
also das , wie du es nennst, ist des Bewusstseins und den 
daraus resultierenden Gedanken und deren Gefühlen und damit in den Tiefenschichten der Psyche zu
suchen, in der weitere unbewusste Prozesse ablaufen, die das bewusste Psycheleben sehr stark beeinflussen. Und wenn ich sage , dann ist das als Gedanken-
Gefühls-Handlungsfaktor zu verstehen, folgedem also ...
Billy Entschuldigung, wenn ich dich unterbreche, denn ich möchte verstehen, was das  
als Gedanken-Gefühls-Handlungsfaktor bedeutet, denn wenn ich diese Worte nachzuvollziehen ver-
suche, dann verstehe ich darunter nicht etwas und damit also kein deln>, sondern einfach eine Gedanken-Gefühls-Handlung, die jedoch unbewusst und also nicht be-
wusst durchgeführt resp. getan wird. Damit ergibt sich für mich einfach 
als selbständiger Faktor, den ich in bezug auf das nur als Bestehen und Vorhandensein 
des Psychezustandes definieren kann, der sich derart bemerkbar macht, dass daraus heraus als letz-
ter Fakt automatisch, aber effectiv ohne bewusste Gedanken und Gefühle gehandelt wird, wobei
oder eben dessen nur den eigentlichen Psychezustand 
verkörpert, jedoch nicht ein bewusstes Handeln.
Ptaah Das ist richtig, und folgedem kann ich dir die Antwort zu deiner Frage in gleicher und schon
erklärter Weise nochmals auslegen: Das herzförmige Fingerhalten und das dabei gleichzeitige Finger-
spitzenberühren der Mittel- und Ringfinger erfolgt unbewusst und bringt ein Verhalten zum Aus-
druck, das die gesinnungsmässige Haltung einer äusserst starken moralischen Falschheit kaschieren
soll. Weiter soll damit auch das verborgene tiefgründige lügenhafte, herrschsüchtige und arglistige
Gekünsteltsein und das vortäuschende würdelose Gebaren beschönigt, vorgegaukelt und damit ver-
hindert, verheimlicht und auch die ganze Verlogenheit durch das herzförmige Fingerhalten in ein
Licht eines vorbehaltlosen Vertrauens sowie einer bedenkenlosen Ehrlichkeit und Prägnanz gestellt
werden. Ausserdem weist das Ganze dieser herzförmigen Fingerhaltung auf einen Sektirismus hin
und sagt zudem aus, dass diese Person grenzenlos herrsch- und machtbesessen, selbstherrlich,
selbstlobsüchtig, lobheischend und auch in jeder Beziehung bedenkenlos zweckbezogen in ihrem
persönlichen und gesamthaft umfeldbedingten Handeln nur auf sich selbst und ihr Wohl bedacht und
auch unberechenbar und verantwortungslos in unbedachten Entscheidungen und Handlungen ist.
Billy Danke, das muss ich mir merken, und dazu denke ich, dass sich das bezüglich deiner letzten
Worte, die du gesagt hast, besonders auch auf die merkelsche bezieht, durch 
die sie die Flüchtlingsströme hervorgerufen und heraufbeschworen hat, wofür sie weder die Verant-
wortung tragen kann, noch negative Konsequenzen für sie daraus entstanden sind. Aber alles bezieht
sich auch darauf, was du gesagt hast hinsichtlich des bedenkenlos zweckbezogenen persönlichen
Handelns, wenn ich das in Zusammenhang bringe mit dem, was du mir früher gesagt hast in bezug
auf sie, hinsichtlich ihres ...-Verhaltens, um dadurch ins Kanzleramt erhoben zu werden. ...

Reducion of pH Value & Acidification of the Ocean Water ....

Reducion of pH Value & Acidification of the Ocean Water ....

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

As a result of the irrationality of human beings, the pH value of the oceans is reduced, and the water temperature is changed, which leads to a strong acidification of the ocean water.

However, this has the consequence that fauna and flora are impaired in the oceans and evolutionary changes occur for which the human beings bear the responsibility.

Thereby very severe changes will occur for certain living beings, which carry lime shells, like e.g. corals, because the lime which is necessary and vital for them will no longer be available to them.

CR 230

Friday, February 1, 2019

Water Even Exists Deep Inside the Inner Mantle of the Earth

Water not only Exists in the upper layers of the Earth, but even several hundred kilometres deep in the inner mantle of the Earth, in certain layers of rock, etc., and in fact so abundantly that it exceeds the mass of all water on the Earth's surface.

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

CR 230