Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Contact Report 701 , 705

Excerpt from the 701st official report of 1 February 2018

Billy ... To talk too much about that would be pointless, and just make every fake ridiculous, like me
that three years ago for a reason with the following aphorism resp. Words have written:
Talking too much makes you look ridiculous some people talk too much and notice
not how they weary their fellow human beings weary, disinterested and inattentive;
they like to hear their voice, they like theirs
Wortschwall casual and smart and notice
not how they make a fool of themselves.

SSSC, December 13, 2015, 10.12 h,

Billy: This saying is related to those who constantly talk unwise, constantly talking in other people meddle and do not realize that their stupid objections are not welcome and they join in with it
make them unpopular with their fellow humans, whereby they find no friendships, but only enemies and Dislike them and not realize that they think of themselves as thoughtless, naive, grottendoof and strunzdumm and make a fool of yourself.

This, while others are much stupid, primitive and inflammatory talk evoke such animosity that turns into vicious conflicts and confrontations, murder, manslaughter, hatred and wars arise, as in the world domination mania
possessed USA is the case.

But this can no longer be ridiculous, but only as absolutely idiotic
and irresponsible.

Some time ago, but also in our last private Talk, we have also talked again about the fact that the madmen in the US government, in the US military
and other abnormal ones are eager to provoke not only Russia, but also China, to turn them into to engage in political, military and military conflicts and conduct them in the US manner.

And just in that regard, on December 17 last year, you said that the US was aggressing against it
Russia and China are again building up to a greater extent, and in a way that will cause protests in Russia and China and provoke dangerous situations

You said that new atomic weapon systems or something like that Play role and cause protests, but the whole of these protests deliberately planned by the madmen in the US government and military, etc. but the population is not informed properly.

Ptaah :

That's right, and these reprehensible machinations are already going on so well that now get to the world public and of course cause Russia and China to protests, which yes -
as you also mentioned now - from the appropriate US officials who planned everything
have been precalculated.

The whole thing has now progressed so far that it spread openly begins and will do its effects, which will be unpleasant.

Billy :

As usual - unfortunately.

The madness of the warmongering by the United States is as uninhibited as ever.

The whole world just lets everything happen and does not move because they say nothing against the US
and do not want to jeopardize their dependency relationships with them.

It must also be said in this context that the Cold War has been going on for some time now - of course again
triggered by the United States, as was the case after the last World War - even if that is still the case
is not publicly admitted, but has been a fact for some time now and again the whole
World threatened.

It has also been diligently upgraded for years, with the delusion of the weapon balance in the foreground, through which the dubious and unreal "peace" is to be obtained, the in fact does not exist and, consequently, all the weapon armament and weapon balance of a farce
and an absolutely feebleminded, wrong and pathologically conscious and insane Way of thinking. By upgrading and a weapon balance, only continued fear, hate, Unrest and war-madness created, but never something for a peace built and such also
not receive, because if there is fear, hate, strife and war-madness, then there is no peace, but only a delusional, peace-loving state of perpetual war threat.

And that is what the morbidly stupid-stupid, mindless and unreasonable elites of the upper classes, those who are disturbed in their consciousness, rulers and irresponsible, those who are addicted to armaments, intellectual and rational decibels weapons-equilibrium-creating states, not to understand because of their abysmal low intelligence
the educational level and level of a pathologically abnormal, abnormal and lifeless lunatic and madman acts.

Upgrading and creating a weapon balance can never be a peace guard, for with it peace and freedom can never be created or maintained, but only more and more extensive enmities, wars, hate, death, murder, misery, distress, fear and fear as well as destruction and destruction Conviction conjured, effectively evoked and disseminated.

And that's a fact that has since
has been proven since the earthly humanity has existed ever since it spread on Earth

And if the Earth's humanity is scrutinized during the last 10,000 years, then there are less than 250 years during which no acts of war took place worldwide.

Nevertheless, fear and terror continued to prevail through enmities, hatred and threats.

And as I mentioned earlier in conversations, that part of the US people, who strives for peace, justice and freedom, from the power-obsessed political ruling elite, the
Intelligence services and of the military powers of various kinds not on the reality of their
secret, sneaky, unfriendly and warmongering machinations, etc. informed, but constantly duped by misinformation and cheated.

The majority of the upper and dominant elites of the United States of America are enemies of peace, freedom and justice,
and exactly these three high values ​​would have the pillars for each country resp. every state, but in the case of the
effectively upper senior elites and responsible for the welfare of the entire people of the United States does not exist

America used to be inhabited, conquered, and rebuilt by the immigrants of yore Peace, freedom, hope and prosperity project, but this founding idea was already in the early Beginning does not take root and would have to be restored at the time of foundation, but not done
has been.

Even today it is not done, although it has always been called for the US, that alone the high values ​​peace, justice and freedom have validity and never again injustice, warmongering
and world domination greed should occur

Peace, justice and freedom must be the pillars of the United States and distributed by them worldwide, but the opposite is the case, which is why - as in ancient times -
must be asked how it will proceed in the future with America and its worldwide sneaky and warmongering as well as world domination allure and machinations.

US-America would need
emotional and identity-creating mission statement, which would blow a hard march for the upper leadership elites and irresponsible state leaders, leading them to peace, true freedom and justice, and to relinquish their self-righteous power and conduct this against a life-and-spirit to exchange humane leadership.

As it has been for ages and today for the image of the US and those citizens who are the whole of the criminal, the conniving, the warmongering, the dissatisfied, the non-free and to advocate and support the unrighteous of the elite and the leaders, it must be said that in these relations, this citizenry and the state are completely watered down.

And this provokes rejection not only among that part of the population of America, but all the criminal, world domineering, bellicose and criminal machinations of the upper ruling elites and
irresponsible state leaders and their followers of all genera detests, but also worldwide among all people.

The powerful elites of the USA have not had any since their existence sensible and rational achievements that would be aimed at it, never again in the world to instigate war, as well as for all those citizens of the country and all people in general who are not of their mind are, just scorn.

Only for their followers and like-minded people in the world they are willing to allow a certain prosperity, while all others count for them nothing, following these disregarded people have no visions of the future and are steadily impoverishing more and more as necessary be considered evil.

Political ideologies are for the leadership elite and their brainless followers the
true concepts of desires, while all those citizens consider people as last-class
and lousy, who righteously exercise their civic duty.

The USA is missing - equally
as in the EU dictatorship - all humanitarian, peaceful, free and just Visions, followed by only tremendous problems, crises, terrorism, warmongering and world domination in the

The US is not just a victim of the times, but the greed and the megalomania that already in the colonization of the country and then in the state becoming the most important role played and led to the fact that the indigenous people fought and many tribes tribes nearly or completely eradicated, as happened with the huge buffalo herds.

Already from everything
at the beginning of the US immigrants from Europe - mainly criminals and sectarians Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Scotland, Italy and England etc. - mistakes about mistakes,
committed criminal acts, crimes and many evils of all sorts, as well as civil war
and waged wars all over the world and exercised the power greed and world domination in a violent way.

America has never achieved the original goals of peace, freedom, and justice, but has been caught up in war, crime, and crime, either through land grabbing and the bloody near extinction of indigenous people, Indian tribes, or the mafia, world domination, and, and .

And ... and when it is considered that a not insignificant part of the early emigrants and settlers of America from Europe who were then in the "promised land" with robbery, murder and manslaughter, crime and criminality caused many ailments, misery and mischief, then it is well 
not surprising what comes out of this country and its upper irresponsible leadership elites as well have become fellow travelers in the people.

This, while on the other hand, the righteous of the population - unfortunately of the minority and the unlawful and irresponsible and powerful
with whose criminal machinations thoughtless and thoughtlessly howling like-minded fellow travelers have no chance - be harassed. And indeed, the righteous part of the US population has no say and no influence on the leadership elites and their lousy machinations
against peace, freedom and justice, which is why the US continues to cause strife in its own country, Unfreedom, injustice and murderous and criminal legislation prevail with the death penalty.

This is in addition to the fact that over and over again in large parts of the world US war masters and murderous and terrorist intelligence actions spread unspeakable suffering, misery, death and destruction.

The immigrants of America do not have peace, freedom and justice.

Therefore, since the beginning never been worked to create these values, because
just the meaning of peace, freedom and justice was never understood.

Contrary were of everything
all sorts of evils, crime, murder and manslaughter and other crimes at the beginning, such as but also a murderous and massacre proceeding against the Indians, whom the land of their homeland passes through the immigrants and the army were stolen and stolen by bloody massacres and battles.

Which lead to also by the farmers and ranchers, as , the resp. , the

Many of the religious and sectarian immigrants knew the benefits of peace, of freedom
and justice as well, and consequently not the value of honesty, righteousness and protection as well as respect for life.

On the contrary, countless people were just infidelity, injustice, crime and
Crimes own, as well as the desire for power and wealth, which extends to a great extent to the present day is preserved and spread throughout the third millennium and throughout the United States.

However, the whole thing has changed. In this regard, even in the lowest corner of South America and back to Europe and even in the whole
Many of the United States' criminal and crime systems are rectified by many Groups and organizations of other countries have rubbed off.

All this can be the old one
Neither malignant nor bad image of the United States of America in the part of the righteous US citizenship or in the world bring to framework, because if everything should improve, then most of the US laws and procedures, etc. are thoroughly changed for the better, the good, the decent and the progressive.

That this will happen, however, is extremely questionable and unlikely, because where the power and world domination greed, the viciousness, the warlike desire, lack of freedom,
the strife, the terror and the injustice have taken root, these horrors are also with all brute force on bending or breaking obtained, carried out and countless with bloody fighting
Dead without hesitation accepted.

Effective now would be the US population asked about the criminal behavior of the fallible leadership elite and their stupid-stupid fellow travelers
to stand up against the people to give that part of the US population the opportunity of leadership of the country, which is righteous, and of effective peace, of real freedom, and of fundamental justice strives.

The task of the entire US population would have to be
to remember the founding values ​​of humanity and a clean and correct governance,
of the world domination and warlike disputes as well as of the unjust and inhumane laws, the torture and the death penalty, the lack of freedom, the strife and all state injustice
to free.

It would have to be in the entire US population a vision for the future develop real world peace, effective freedom and absolute justice.

For that the US and their entire population is in the world to live the true values ​​of life and to live in them to spread the earth and into all nations.

The fact is that the existing image of the US and
of the ill-made part of the US population in a worldly way to howling badly, so too an image campaign would bring nothing.

Effectively, a totalitarian change for the better and better would have which would require genuine, sophisticated and well-considered positive programs, behind which
people could stand with conscious and clear certainty and a confident trust.

This alone could be the hope that it will create the United States of America and its entire population could, building on the great values ​​of peace, freedom and justice, pave the way to find the future.

But it wonders if the wrong-doers of the US, the irresponsible ones of the US
Leadership elites and their followers and followers of the people such values ​​are even desirable and worth striving, or whether they want to continue to sidetrack in their criminal and criminal power, because it is questionable whether they solidarize themselves with the righteous part of US citizenship and want to connect with all countries of the world in peace, freedom and justice.

There are certain foundations of the right human behavior and a Christian tradition in the Christian world of charity - as well as in all other religions and sects, whereby the Christian world emphasizes these but particularly grossmäulig, but this charity tradition written only on the Bible paper
stands, but is not maintained and in reality corresponds only to an empty, hollow phrase, which is like empty straw
but everything is nothing but sound and smoke, because when it comes to live these principles and traditions, then becomes through the addiction, lust for power, selfishness, selfishness
and all evil, bad, and evil, and by the greed of self-glorification and ruling
stifled in the bud.

Thinking of the keywords of the French Revolution, when the call Fraternité>, , which is now also marked by can be extended, then this leads to the modern day, especially in the US, that a very large new value process must be created and defined, which the United States of America is actually.

In particular, this country would basically have a worldwide mission for creation and spread in terms of peace, freedom and justice, because only behind it is the true idea
that the whole earthly humanity stands with the fulfillment of the creational-natural regularities can identify each individual a life of creation in peace, freedom and creation
Allow justice.

But behind this idea, the US and all humanity must stand, they understand and nurture, because it corresponds to the natural-creative laws.

And this idea since the beginning of the creation universal consciousness resp. of the universe and everything in it given and therefore does not have to be invented from scratch.

Originally the country was America Peace and prosperity and rescue project for many emigrants from Europe and other countries, such as for criminals as well as for all sorts of sectarian groups who had to leave their homeland as a result of their sectarianism and settled in the new country of America.

But the early ones The founding idea of ​​peace, freedom and justice, which was never fulfilled, should finally be restored and put into reality, because today it is likely for the US and the unjustified part, the people no longer mean that strife, bondage and injustice prevail, but on the contrary, effective peace, true freedom and exclusive righteousness.

These values ​​alone, and also with the corresponding correct, good, right, and valuable behaviors in every respect
must be connected, offer a true and the creative-natural laws adapted lifestyle and quality of life for all people.It must not be that - as it is in the US extreme
is expressed - everything is about wealth and quality of life in this way in the foreground

The quality of life includes many more levels, not just wealth, ecology, wealth,
the economy and the pleasure, but also the peace, the freedom and justice, as well as the honest Joy, love and humanity, etc. only when everything is right and well maintained - like many other good ones and positive aspects - can be of a creative-natural-authentic way of life and quality of life be spoken.

And in order for this to apply to the US and its population, it would have to be in the US and
individual, responsible, capable of dialogue and creative as well as personal in every American person Inner peace, personal inner freedom and the sense of justice are reality and in every imaginable way Relationship is implemented and lived out.

And those high values ​​must be of the people in the US -
as well as all over the world - be decided and realized at every possible level of all behaviors.

Ptaah What and how you say everything is also in my mind.

Unfortunately, it has been such since ancient times that most of earthly humanity does not react to reason and reason, because in its intellectual and rational poverty it is unable to perceive reality and the truth contained in it alone.

And this is a very painful factor, which results in all relationships, which is why all rational and rational explanations and explanations regarding the reality and the resulting truth are not recognized and consequently not accepted, but wrongly insulted as lies or conspiracy theories also, the inexperienced bulk of Earth humanity will not be your openly given explanations
as statements of the actual relations and truth with regard to the effective backgrounds and the sneaky machinations and world domination of the United States of America,
but that everything should be a lie or conspiracy theory, what you said and explained. And the will unfortunately always be the same as my father explained to you in a special conversation, as I recently read in his notes, which I can translate for you and bring you, if you remember are interested.

Billy :

Actually, I thought that all that should be enough, what you from the annals of your father.

Sfath translated and brought to me, but maybe there could still be some importance to that, too mention would be significant.

Ptaah :

Then I want to make an effort.

Billy :

But it does not hurry, and besides, it does not change that any time again.

People who denounce everything that is reality and truth as lies or propagate them as conspiracy theories.

So it is also in relation to our connection respectively regarding our Contacts and the resulting talk reports, etc. And that I - since I have our contacts public, which was in yours and not in my mind - of vicious antagonists, envious people, Intriguers and slanderers, even from their own families, as liars, cheats and frauds and so on, I get used to it and do not turn back to it.

I can only regret people who use such methods whether they act maliciously, for revenge or self-conceit, and so on, and use dirty lies, behaviors, and slander to uplift themselves, as do those who put me in want to tear the air because they can not cope with reality and its truth.

But must I say that there are always people who are insensitive and meaningful, who give nothing on lies and slander, who do not engage in it, and who do not fall for truthful allegations, but, as I said, use their reason and their reason to get to the bottom of facts by their own honest and righteous efforts and to find the effective truth.

These are but only honest, righteous, and absolutely integrity-minded people who are not megalomaniacal themselves but who are also interested in honesty about what the real reality and its truth is.

Excerpt from the 705th official report of Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bermunda :

I should tell you about this, namely what Zafenatpaneach and Yanarara have now found out quite clearly.

The fact is that the very unpleasant disturbances and destructions that are in your and now also be incorporated into the computer of Bernadette, without any doubt about ... maneuvered into it
become. ...

The species is a form of targeted by , as you call this approach, creating a 
Infiltration into your computer is done by technically highly experienced professionals in terms of hardware and software mastery.

The whole is not about vulnerabilities in your computer system, because the unauthorized intrusion into your computer and the changes and destruction of your precious Work is a controlled function to prevent you from telling the truth of global fraud and the lies of religions and sects concerning an imaginary God and his alleged laws, Commandments and other absurdities, futility and absurdities revealed
It also prevents you from openly calling the mendacity and conivingness of politics and the real truth of the world political and military as well as secret service machinations in the actual open and uncensored, call them as they really are and as we call them, as they do in no one
called earthly media, but are kept secret.

Basically, so is the effort of this Grouping, muzzling you, which also says that over the past 50 or so years
the 23 assassinations committed on you were controlled by this grouping.

Both from a political as
From a religious and sectarian point of view, but also from the point of view of the arms industry, secret services and various organizations of many kinds, we have come to very unpleasant conclusions.

These show very clearly why you in the sense of religions, sects and politics, the military, the intelligence services
and a large number of different organizations prevented from spreading the true truth

And the only purpose is that in the political, religious, sectarian, economic, intelligence, Banking and organizational elites continue to run rampant with greed for money and power, and neither peace nor justice still real freedom on earth and equality and hate-loss among all peoples can become.

There were also the real reasons that all governments and public media have been since your work from the 1940s, all your calls, reminders and warnings and predictions to the earthly Governments and well-known media ignored and did not spread.

And they still do that today
make you ridiculous and accuse you of lies and deceit, while they also insults, lies
and spread slander about you.

So, everything is done - by a grouping that we ...
however, according to our understanding, both religious, sectarian and political, as well as militarily, economically and secretly formally ... - to modify your computer equipment or the Adding wrong and faulty components to disrupt and change their functions
or to do destructive damage.

Basically, there is no restriction on the type of yours
Devices can be hacked and manipulated, because the range extends from simple electrical devices, such as kitchen appliances, to highly complex advanced technical products such as game consoles or Smart home products, etc.

This, for us, still secretive grouping, according to our knowledge corresponds to an effectively broad organization, is technically very advanced and so on has a very creative approach to high-tech technology.

Their activities operate to
the power of the elites of politics, religions and sects, the economy, the arms industry, intelligence services as well
banks and organizations involved in the process, including as well as the oppression of the peoples, freedom and justice.

This organization, unknown to us acts worldwide, like the electromagnetic waves detected by Yanarara and Zafenatpaneach.

Very powerful vibrations prove that also peace-impairing and hate-promoting sequences in itself those who are around the world who are hitting and affecting humans, from the ground up belittle for peace and make it impossible.

In addition, by these waves resp.Vibrations in the
Software and Internet environment Manipulations of the hardware, which are sneakily aimed, through the television, radio, computer and Internet systems all suggestive to all peoples influence and align them with their willlessness with regard to the machinations of the upper elites.

This can continue through the powerful elites of politics, religions, sects and the arms industry, Economy, banks, intelligence services, and all similar organizations, etc., the peace, equality, and freedom of all individuals are prevented as well as on the whole world.

And this is done in the manner in which hatred is rampant
throughout all peoples , be it through religions, sects, politics and all other machinations of any elements that sow hatred and every effort to bring about peace and to carry and exercise them To stifle self-responsibility as well as destroying any hint of justice and freedom.

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