Tuesday, April 24, 2018

704 FB 92

Excerpt from the 704th official Discussion Report of 1 March 2018
Threatening escalation of war by the US and EU dictatorship
The war-threatening situation on earth is escalating more and more, because obviously the western becomes
Hatred - especially from the US and the EU dictatorship - against Russia increasingly, what
can point out that a war or something destructive is being prepared against Russia. The
proves also the encirclement of Russia with western military bases, whereby also the NATO interferes, the
more and more in the East and thus penetrates to Russia. And that's the way it is, that's clear and clear
The United States with its missile defense shield against Russia, as well as through the Western operations
was and is proved in Ukraine. And if that continues in this way, that can be done
a new, heavy and Fourth World War, but then it will be total.
And this danger actually already exists through the wartime machinations of the USA and the
EU dictatorship, but then in such a Fourth World War and China would be included, because the
USA with this in relation to world domination. But, madness should become reality
be that the US in their megalomania to Russia and possibly also to China, then
Russia and China will defend themselves, which, like the US, are nuclear-armed. And be through
forced the size and world domination of the United States Russia and China into such a war,
then it crashes so hard that there are no more winners and nothing left. For this
Reason, for all forces of peace, there is only one single slogan, that is, the peoples of the United States
of America and the EU dictatorship their power-hungry and warmongering rulers a NO before
popping the bow and relieving them of their duties. The US and the EU dictatorship must get off
their insanity, other states under their control and in bondage and disfellowshipping and
Especially the US-US imperial structures of war and
Destruction, whereby the EU dictatorship shows similar airs, as well as NATO, the power
striving to expand further, but in this respect also the state powers of Germany
do not stand back and show similar ambitions.
Well, it would absolutely have to initiate a worldwide appeal and be addressed to the Earth humanity, whether they
Peace or war as well as justice, freedom or injustice and bondage wants to have first and foremost
But it must be remembered that, if in fact peace, freedom and justice should become
First of all, in the states concerned, all warmongers from their government, military and secret service offices
etc. must be removed. In this regard, there is an urgency that the populations of all states, the
fall under the heading war and world domination addiction countries, do everything necessary and necessary
need to be in order to get the right, good, and good for the peoples and the whole earth humanity,
to use able-bodied people as ruling civil authorities. The peoples of such states themselves must
to choose in full conscious certainty for peace, freedom and justice, without any
Form of a conviction, but in the certainty of reality resp. Reality and its truth, because one
Conviction in each case corresponds to a suggestive persuasion resp. Influence, manipulation and
Seduction. The only reason why the people have to blame is the fact that all wartime
hateful, selfish, the rule of power and the lust for power dilapidated government powers
have no more power, but only the bulk of the entire people, and indeed only in
in any case only according to the will of the people. Consequently, only in this way can an effective and true demonstration be
be given and rule in which not the rulers, but the great majority of the people stand for peace,
Freedom and justice decide and everything determines, but it must also be clear that this religion
and sectarianism have nothing to do with it and in this regard also no state - mandated demands and
Connections must neither be given nor exist. And there a people from a large number
There are people who, of course, are not all of equal views and interests, on the one hand a fair one
Election system whereby a majority of voters favor or reject a voting
On the other hand, there is the inevitable need for positive and negative action
the election, in any case, a very detailed, correct and clear declaration to the electorate
be exposed so that the facts are understood by the voters and the pros and cons
Only in this way must, and must, a true democracy be understood
because only in this way does it mean a real 'rule of the simple people'. Governing, military,
Intelligence services and these affiliated or rectified organizations may not be unrestricted
Power and no abuse of power to the detriment of the people be given, but the people resp. the
Peoples themselves must, in the form of majority voting, have the power for security, peace, freedom,
Justice and democracy. Only in this way and in a state
work in a liberal, equitable and just manner, and indeed outwardly, to all other countries, peace,
Freedom and justice are preserved and maintained and rule permanently. This includes
the separation of powers, fundamental rights, human rights and freedom of expression, as well as freedom, equality
and fraternity, whereby fraternity basically means both sexes,
just wife and husband. Several terms mentioned, however, require a few statements, hence some more
of these values ​​are to be explained. Also, the belief, the freedom of belief, freedom of expression, religious freedom, the
Philosophy freedom and freedom of thought, as well as political freedom, etc. belong to it, but what
probably no special explanations needed.
1) Separation of powers constitutes a gubernative resp. a technical term in relation to the actual government
acting as head of state, president, minister, secretary of state, etc., including the administration
respectively. the administration belongs, which means the entire authorities and offices, etc., all of which
implement decisions. Together, Gubernative and Administrative form the executive.
The separation of powers thus ensures that the state power is distributed among several state organs, and
indeed, for the purpose of limiting the power of a state organ, that such a not an unlimited
Possessing and applying power, as well as ensuring that freedom,
Equality and brotherhood is given. With the separation of powers and division of power, the influence should be
one state authority to the other be limited
In Switzerland, power is in the hands of three different ones with regard to the separation of powers
Authorities resp. State organs, and indeed one is the legislative respectively. the legislative power, then the
Executive as executive, and the judiciary as jurisdiction. So the one who practices
legislative resp. the legal and thus legal resp. Legislation, on the one hand, its violence; the second
however, the executive resp. executive, executive resp. public safety and order
executive power; and the third is the judicative resp. the judiciary. But you have to

understood that the term does not mean any punishable acts,
but the application of the laws and rights of a state and its righteous and by one
Election by the people certain means to enforce these laws and rights. The state authority designates
Thus, the exercise of sovereign power within the territory of a country by its by
the people elected organs, appropriate institutions, such as the head of state, the government and
Administration, as well as the army and police, the parliament and courts. In separate and orderly
executive form is executive power, with legislature being the legislative power,
which controls the government while the judiciary controls the government and the legislature. -executive
The law, legislature and judiciary are strictly separate. That is the real principle of the separation of powers resp.
the separation of powers, which corresponds to a basic principle of democracy, but all over the world
is given in full in any state. A semi-democracy prevails only in Switzerland,
while all other terrestrial states have no real democracy, but only against all
The truth is that they are democratic, and the republics in particular are involved in this regard
false claims are at the forefront. In fact, it is the case with the republics that
these peoples are practically only a right of choice for the election of their state powers, but not
for whose actions and the actual governance and acts of the state, the state
to determine and act powerfully over the heads of the population.
In Switzerland, the separation of powers resp. The separation of powers with the Federal Constitution of 1848
through this separation of powers the concentration of power of individuals or institutions
prevented and the abuse of power was put a stop, what further by just this
ensure that a person in a state is at the same time only one of the three
may belong to.
2) Freedom and brotherhood, these terms are actually borrowed from a motto and correspond
a French slogan of the French Republic and the Republic of Haiti, but the whole
berté, Égalité, Fraternité> and is based on the slogans of the French Revolution of 1789,
but in a broader and somewhat different sense of Switzerland, the Rütlischwur of the first three
Werner Stauffacher from Schwyz, Walter Fürst from Uri and Arnold from Melchthal / Unterwalden
can be tied. In this regard, the words of Friedrich Schiller come to bear, which he
wrote for the drama William Tell. (Schiller, who is actually full name Johann Christoph
Friedrich was born on 10.November 1759 in Marbach am Neckar, Germany, and died
he is in Weimar on May 9, 1805. In 1802 he was knighted, and besides he was a doctor, poet and philosopher, like
but also historians and is considered one of the most important German dramatists, poets and essayists.)

Schiller's drama refers to August 1291 as Switzerland's national holiday
thus on the legend of the Rütlischwurs of the old Confederates against Habsburg.At that time three should
brave men of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden were the first confederates assembled on the Rütli and
have conspired for freedom and independence.
3) The idea of ​​using the year 1291 as the founding year of the Swiss Confederation and the 1st of August as the Swiss Federal
holiday, goes back to the initiative of the Bernese. According to the legend, the Swiss
Federal letter to have been completed beginning of August 1291, for which Schiller for the Rütlischwur following
Words coined:
«We want to be a single people of brothers,
in no need separate us and danger.
We want to be free, as the fathers were,
rather death than living in bondage.
We trust in the supreme God and us
not afraid of the power of men. »
4) Equality, above all, has to be interpreted somewhat in the political and philosophical context
that a correspondence of a plurality of objects, persons, facts in a particular
characteristic of differences in other characteristics, including those relating to the rights of
In this sense, it is also to be understood that equality between
two or more objects and one or more properties, so also in relation to the laws,
the state and every citizen resp. every citizen. Equality also denotes the relationship between
objects or persons to be compared, such as equality of quality, quantity or quality
the relation can exist, this being determined by the method of comparison.
If equality is related to man, then it embodies a general ideal of justice,
that in the earthly history of mankind and its development effectively already more than two thousand
Years back. Equality must be a democratic basic principle alongside freedom and brotherhood
be, all men must be equal before the law.
5) Fundamental rights, human rights and freedom of opinion allow each person the personal individual
Faith in the form of a religion, politics or ideology freely exercise what besides the
Belonging to a religious or world view community also includes cultic activity.
6) Democracy: It can still be explained that the ancient in Greece and in the
Roman Empire, which emanated from Athens and Rome, the actual forerunners of today's so-called
Democracies were and were designed in response to the too great power of the rulers. But first
as a result of the Enlightenment in the 17./18. Century were made by philosophers essential elements of a
formulated modern democracy, and then gradually the values ​​of peace, freedom and
justice-promoting and people-determining forms as important components in the term
were included.
7) Faith, freedom of belief, religious freedom and freedom of
given human right and assure him, in relation to a religion / sect as well as philosophy
etc. of any kind freely exercising and representing a faith, in so far as the whole of lawfulness
is not and in no way damages human-moral, human and physical harm.
health, general life and state security as well as state prescribed law
and law comes into conflict, but in any form of permissible lawful, legally legal resp.
legitimate, regular, permissible and thus constitutionally acceptable and permitted.It has to be like this
according to the liberty of his own will and the consequent
Self-decision, whereby he believes something unprovable or decides it according to reason and reason.
However, effective is definitely a religious / sectarian one
Believe in its correctness never verifiable, because he is on a fixed and educational
Idea is based, which usually arises by a conviction.
8) Religion, sectarianism, faith, philosophy, world view and state: Against faith, the faith
freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of religion and any belief, nothing can be objected to,
for the whole matter corresponds to the right of every single human being, but the whole may be related to it
on belief, freedom of belief, freedom of religion, freedom of philosophy and any belief in the world
The state can neither be determined, nor financially or otherwise exploited and taxed.
This means that every religion, sect, faith, philosophy and worldview absolutely belongs to everyone
Relationship must exist and exist independently of the state, so a separation of
Religion, sect, belief, philosophy and belief. Is used in this regard by the
Christian religion, then it means that there will be a separation of church and state
must - which applies also to all other religions and their soul launching ramps -, following that may
State have no right for the Christian churches of their faithful and legal persons
and so on, in order to finance the churches, their operation and maintenance and the
was to be paid. The law must be that the state in this respect as free of it as
also from the payment of the preaching of preachers, priests, cardinals, bishops, pope and clerics.
In terms of state and religion, etc., the false state religions existing in various states are
Constitutional - in Christianity state church law - machinations and models in
Regarding tax claims by the state a farce.Taxes for a cause of the fraudulent fraud
and deception, just for a religion, a sectarianism, a confused faith, a philosopher,
Sophie and Weltanschauung is probably more than just criminal. For man, his religious,
sectarian, philosophical belief, or other real worldview as important and guide
for his life and the behaviors - even if hardly a believer sees it this way and
after that lives, but himself tangled in his own deception and self - deception, because he is in
leading his faith far away from all reality and its effective truth as well as his life.This
makes the whole visual and religious behavior of man in relation to reality resp.effective
and their irrevocable truth roaring ridiculously. And they pay for this ridiculousness
Beliefs, sects, religions, philosophies, and ideology proponents state taxes, if state-owned
constitutionally with respect to institutions, religious communities, sectarianism, philosophies and
World views are all legitimized by state tax law. But it must be contrary - because it is only in
this way is correct and correct - that only the faithful resp. Members of an institution - like
Religion, sect, philosophy or ideology of any kind - to their institution resp.organizations
tion, etc., but they must never be paid by the state.
So a religion, sect, philosophy, or belief may never be of a state nature,
a state may not have the right to apply to such institutions for the faithful or for legal
Each religion, sect, philosophy, world view and thus each
Faith community, as well as any legal entity and any knowledge community of any kind
Organizationally, it must be separated from the state by virtue of state laws, as well as everything that has to be done by the state
People are mentally cared for and represented, must be free of state taxes.
9) Conviction is based on a factor of extraneous suggestion or self-generated self-suggestive
Imagination and thus on a resulting delusion. A conviction is in any case one
Factor of self-assertive faith, through anxiety, false gratitude, or hopelessness, etc.
comes. A conviction always takes place in the way someone else - or he
Himself for some unrealistic reasons - religious, sectarian or in any way
Form of another opinion, claim or thing, etc., suggestively influenced. This results in him
a firm and unwavering faith that does not stand up to scrutiny
objekts that derides scorn for every real experience and experience.
Any conviction based in a foreign or own suggestively generated opinion, imagination and
on a delusion that is as alien to every reality and its truth as any conscious evil
like lie of the effectual experienceable and tangible objectivity and actuality. This, because
a conviction in each case of a suggestive persuasion resp. Influencing, manipulating and verifying
corresponds to management.
A conviction generates in man through suggestive fellow human beings, speeches, events,
Situations, religions resp. Sectarianism and all sorts of events, etc., or by confused self-criticism
Give man a new opinion and thus an imagination, a delusion and a faith. And
this is fixed in his consciousness, in his thoughts, and in the feelings that come out of it.
In this way, the whole becomes a belief beyond the mind and reason of man.
testifies, in consequence of which a suggestively conditioned conviction is evoked in him, which is far from all reality
and truth is. This is also done by a corresponding self-suggestive way, if the
Man convinces himself resp. suggestively creates a belief and thus an imagination and a
Reality and truthless delusion expires and in this way overcomes its being and its
Reason as well as beyond the certainty of the truth.
10) Certainty and Uncertainty: Certainty corresponds to the effective form of realism and reality
the truth of which, in contrast, every conceivable form of belief is nothing else
as an uncertainty that corresponds to reality resp. Reality and its truth completely contradictory. The
Certainty is a firm, unshakable, by a conscious review of a fact and
a knowledge, determination and opinion gained through experience and experience. Thereby proves
only the clear and real certainty as correctness in every relationship, because not the un-
certainty and conviction, but only the certainty gives the effective, recognizable
as well as comprehensible real evidence and facts in relation to the reality of the reality resp. the
Reality and its irrefutable truth, which is absolutely unshakable up to the farthest future.
So that's what was to be explained in this respect, but the whole thing took away from all that,
What I mean about the war-hunters, criminals, who have been stirring the world since ages
and criminal machinations of US political and military machinations
want to say. Indeed, the effective fact is that it has existed since the US, actually always and almost
only the United States of America in terms of belligerence and world domination.
like malicious intelligence operations and warfare with inhuman war crimes all over the world
were in the foreground and can be just mentioned in this regard. Already at the beginning
Times of the US were by many of the immigrant new country population and their descendants - the
Most of them came from all over Europe and Asia, many of them from their home countries
escaped sectarians, criminals and criminals were - the aborigines harassed, murdered and theirs
Land robbed. And it was not just farmers, ranches, cattle barons, criminals and
criminals and other land robbers, but especially under the leadership of the domineering,
bellicose elites of the past governments and the military and intelligence agencies that crave it
were, the indigenous resp. the Indians through bloody wars and thousands of murder massacres their
deprived of traditional territories and homeland. So the natives of America were
wanderers from all over Europe - mainly from all over Europe - away from their home grounds, murdered
slaughtered by war massacres and not only their homeland, but also their power and might
taken for independent further existence.
Well, the fact has been around since ancient times - and that has remained unbroken until today - that
continued by the boundless obsession with power, the falseness, the traitorousness and the greed of the world
the US populations of many countries around the world from underhanded US intelligence or
US-armed machinations secretly or openly live in fear and terror. And all these people
continue to live in the future with the uncertainty of a possibly brought about by the US
All these worries and fears of the world
World domination of the US living people want to live in peace, freedom and justice and
hope that a fair and good power will finally emerge - such as a global peace
Combat troop - all the power-hungry and power-hungry powers of the government, military and military
United States secret service elite from the pinnacle of world power greed.
And if the earth is to become peaceful, then inevitably the people of every country must share with all
other populations of the earth and a peace movement in the form of a globally active
Peace fight troop form, on the one hand, real peace, freedom and justice
is created for all peoples and men, as well as in every state, only through the peoples
self-determined governance, the only only according to the decisions given by the peoples
act and act. It is also necessary for all peoples to agree on the following important
explain the following:
1. A willingness, will and persistence, must be permanent
lasting peace to uphold the freedom and justice in every relationship.
2. Immediately, without any ifs or buts, any hostility and warlike airs,
Ambition, ranting, acts and deeds, etc. are ended.
3. Every person, every people and every state leadership must be immediately concerned about
punish, terminate and permanently endanger sanctions directed against peoples or states
Relationships in the consciousness of a peaceful, liberal and fair cooperation and
To work towards partnership.
4. Every rational and rational person who is aware of his responsibility must be in every state
to say NO to everything without any whatsoever and to refuse, to resist life, limb and safety.
human beings to act, as well as to ostracize any aggression
State powers, intelligence services and military, etc. in hostile, dissatisfied, unfreedomful and
unfair form against another country, its population, a group of people or against
are directed and demanded of a single person.
Today's time holds - as in ancient times, when people still hit the skull with clubs
still have the same dangers in terms of strife, lack of freedom, injustice, war,
Murder and manslaughter. So there has not been anything wrong with human hostility since primitive times
For the better, but on the contrary everything has got worse and worse.Three World Wars of 1756-
1763, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 have innumerable other arms courses, wars and other
murderous and massacring events and actions over the last thirteen millennia
Virtually every single one of the world's many hundreds of millions of human lives was required. And
Even today there is still no end to this madness to see or even estimate, because always
again and again, a new threat to the world is brewing. Again, in all states of the earth with the wrong
Insanity thoughts and insanity are war-weapon-moderately upgraded, whereby the madness never
previously as degenerate as today's threats to the use of nuclear weapons and
even worse. In particular, as in the past, the US is threatening with such threats
first, as well as North Korea, where both states are governed by apparently crazy lunatics; the
USA by a stupid trampling trumpeter named Trump, and North Korea by a crazy madman,
stupid brainless and brother-and-murderer named Kim JongUn. But not enough,
because all the state-governing madmen of the earth who are turning their countries into weapon-destroying destruction depots
build, live in the madness idea, with a monstrous and all-destroying weapon collection
To create a balance of arms against the other and hostile states
in that, as they saw in their delusions, they might infuse the enemy with anxiety and terror,
that an attack on their country could take place and a war could break out. In this way, a completely crazy and
crazy arsenal balance is considered completely feeble-minded that an attack of the enemy
and a war could be prevented.
The war-threatening situation that is emerging today, however, is escalating ever further, with the great threat
and war-tormenting as ever from the United States of America and - how could it
also be different - is directed against Russia, the US loves so much and world domination as
want to incorporate defeated vassal state.
So after wars of aggression against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, a war against Russia will take place
However, China, although secretly somehow, is also considering China
is pulled. The fact is that, on the one hand, the US and, on the other hand, NATO - where possible
Even the EU dictatorship can reach out and try to penetrate more and more eastwards from the west in
order to encircle Russia with military bases. Thus, the development of a US missile defense shield is promoted
, as well as Western operations in Ukraine this increasingly precarious
confrontation. Even Hollande, the 2012-2017 incumbent President-Schnösel
France, declared in February 2015 megalomaniac: "We are at war, and this war can be total
." And indeed it is today so that the danger of another and just Fourth World War consists.
But if the megalomaniac United States and those along with the imbeciles of NATO as well
If the EU dictatorship attacks Russia, then it will defend itself and launch an atomic monster that
not only
destroys , if not destroys, most of the western hemisphere , but destroys it. And should this already evoked and
threatening Damocles sword hover over the world by the US, NATO and the EU dictatorship actually break loose, by the
mad craziness of Western powers - especially the US, NATO and EU dictatorship - then
will happen what former Secretary of State Willy Wimmer said in November 2014: "Then it will be so
that we have nothing left."
Now when all these things, factors and facts are considered, then there is for the peoples of the US and EU
dictatorship, as well as for NATO only the solution, to remorse itself
and to finally end their belligerence and hostility to Russia. And for all the people of the earth who
want peace, freedom and justice, let it be said that there is only one solution, namely to
oppose and oppose their belligerent and warlike governments, military and intelligence services, etc. for this
stupid and mistaken, as well as power-hungry and feeble-minded, conscientious,
mindless, irresponsible and irresponsible idiots to take a weapon in their hands. So is the only solution for a further adaptation
are the people on Earth that strikteweigern dieVölkersich, fürihre irr-crazed, power-hungry,
low-level and insane, war rushing state powers, the military and intelligence agencies so their lives at risk
to put game, not to throw their lives and not to go to war, where there will be no winner but
only losers and a completely destroyed earth. So for all the forces of
peace, freedom, and justice, there is only one thing: to say NO and refuse to go after the delusion
Willingness to bow to the state powers possessed by hatred of other states and to be
willing to them by an in-the-war-pulling for them.All people of all peoples of the earth must get out of the arms of their war-
hateful state powers and from the imperial structures of the war saying goodbye.
Insanity and reason demand that the whole of the West, especially the belligerent and cosmopolitan
United States, as well as NATO and the EU dictatorship, finally shed their old-fashioned cowardly fear
and horror of Russia as well as their hatred of Russia. And in relation to the US,
they have finally their crazy ambitions regarding an annexation of Russia, resp. her violent
Give up Russian ownership and
otherwise cooperate with it in a peaceful, liberal and just manner.
According to the statements and statements of the Plejaren, the
goal has been pursued by the US for well over a hundred years to annex Russia by war and coercion and to make it a US vassal state,
during which the US has done everything and continues to do so to prevent
Europe, resp. could unite the European states with Russia or even now
or in the future by an alliance can connect.
This preventive measure should and should not be maintained, which is why
can still bring sense and reason to the still reasonable, impartial and righteous people - who have not yet been lured by the EU dictatorship - so that the evil
traps of the US against Russia can not be enforced, but destroyed.
Therefore, all righteous people in Europe must strive to defend themselves intentionally against the dirty, libelous
and slanderous machinations and atrocities of the US against Russia
, including the sleazy intrigues and cross-rubbing of the EU
dictatorship which vilifies Russia as an enemy in a similar schema as America. Basically
no sanctions against Russia are taken; existing ones must be abolished and understanding
and co-operation initiated for the benefit of all the peoples of Europe and the world and
henceforth cared for in peace, freedom and justice. And that Russia - in contrast to the US
and the EU dictatorship - does not engage in war and hatred of the West, especially not
against the US and the EU dictatorship, but against all dirty political attacks, lies and
slander , even a man of
the intellect and the senses can recognize that - but not the imbeciles and power obsessed of the EU dictatorship and the US government and their military
The same is true of the rulers of Kiev in Ukraine, who
have come to power with the help offascists through a coup, who display strong anti-democratic tendencies
and foster the hatred of Russia just as vehemently as the US and others do the EU dictatorship.
Fundamentally, the US and the EU dictatorship and their individual states must establish a peaceful policy
towards Russia, as well as a general foreign policy with regard to all
countries of the world, and without any annexation concerns with regard to foreign countries. It
also requires that all US foreign missions by US military and US intelligence agencies be promptly
But as well as various states of the EU dictatorship have to catch up, the military forces
fly out to foreign countries and intervene in their quarrel. In addition, all arms exports
to other states must be immediatelybanned and suppressed, as must all nuclear weapons destroyed and
exiled by the earth as well as must be ostracized, as well as all drones and other
devious means of murder, are carried out by the executions and destructions.Auch the policy of threats
and extortion, as well as the assassination of any kind by secret service
actions, etc., as well as all economic sanctions and violations of international law, etc. must be stopped immediately.
Instead, all world leaders, all military and intelligence services, etc., must be advocated for just
peace, for true freedom and justice, as well as for internationally sanctioning all state,
military and intelligence crimes and for defending all international rights.
which must in principle be the responsibility of the UN in its function as a collective security
system. Unfortunately, it is also the case that the political, military, secret
caught in the clutches of financial capital and
enrich themselves all financially-asset-wise in addition to their power. And this also
applies to the fact that there is no withdrawal from the negotiations on the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TTIP),
which is truly for the sole purpose of satisfying the power block of the West.
strengthen the US and EU dictatorshipmore and more. And this is done according to the fact that it
continues to rival the whole West against Russia and China, and that everything can be reformed against them. In addition, these roaring

power-mad machinations of the US and EU dictatorship also serve, with allegedly dictates
respectively.effective forms of dictatorship
to suppress the sovereignty and development of any democratically emerging self- determination of the peoples and to make them relentlessly dependent on the USA and the EU dictatorship
do.Linked to this is the fact that in Europe all or at least many of the EU's dictatorship norms are suspended, allowing large capital
and allowing
its economies to be destroyed in other countries and states themselves until
bankruptcy and state collapse
The entire sauce is increasingly and practically inexorably leading
to a malignantly degenerating anti-social development and to the fact that in every state of the EU dictatorship -
as well as in other countries - it is becoming increasingly indebted and financially dependent on the EU dictatorship Only a handful of people in the United States become wealthy and, by percentage, most of them
entire state money holdings gehört.FolgedemsindundwerdendieseWenigenimmermehrumvielesreicher
of financial assets, as these are even the States, with the result that the money magnates and assets located
magnate more and more as a new power elite about the politics, the government and the military and intelligence agencies
, etc. collect and set this apart from power and as new elites can rule the peoples and states.
SSSC, Sunday, 18 February 2018, 6:58 pm, Billy
Another fake gas attack as a pretext for a war
Sunday, April 8, 2018, by Freeman at 18:00
On February 13, I warned that .Now this is exactly this
False flag staging happens. On Saturday night, a suspected chemical attack on a
terrorist-led area in eastern Ghoutaallegedly killed dozens of people. This assertion has
sparked another wave of hysteria in the West and Trump hastened to
denounce the unacknowledged attack as a "mental atrocity" and as a "humanitarian catastrophe without cause." He said: "President Putin,
Russia and Iran are responsible because they support the animal Assad" and they will "
pay a high price ". This is more than a fierce words of a US President, which can lead to a war, it is
all a fake!
The following photos show how theWeisshelme salvage a subdued groan, but then all
smile together into the camera. "My legs ... aaah ... hopefully he'll survive ... Ok, that was a good shot. Let's
send them to the US Department of State. "
These counterfeit images of alleged attacks by the Syrian army against civilians and the display
of" victims "stir emotions and then establish military intervention. We are
experiencing déjà vu One year, on April 7, 2017, the same thing happened and Trump ordered the
attack with 59 cruise missiles against Syria. See: and Let's go - US is waging war against Syria> and .
Because history repeats itself here, Moscow immediately warned Washington. Reports of an alleged
gas attack in the Syrian city of Douma are "fake news" aimed
at justifying possible attacks on Syria, Moscow said. It warned of "dire consequences" in the event of military
intervention by the Americans.

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