Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Contact Report 704

How genetic damage occurs has been known for many decades!

A contribution by Dr. med. Peter Augustin, biologist (physics of the ) 

"That's just unbelievable, but it's been measured countless times.

Each microwave evaporates water, which expands by more than two thousand times.

If those Microwaves are pulsed and have very steep rising edges, just a pressure surge must occur in the When they hit the body in rapid succession, longitudinal energy is created, which is called sound.

From sound, ultraviolet radiation can be generated in the water, as countless observations show, and ultraviolet is ionizing like radioactive alpha, beta and
Gamma rays.

I do not want to talk about their consequences here, because I really suspect that everyone since Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Chernobyl know about it.

Ultraviolet radiation is used and produced in the body for cell division.

It disassembles in monstrous
short time the DNA in two longitudinal parts.

Out of line cell division, uncontrolled by our body, we call cancer.

Source: (full text) (proof :)

Change of nerve cells and action potentials by mobile radio frequencies the burden of proof that the pulsed telecommunications frequencies biologically effective or harmful to
can be dangerous, is overwhelming and also known and published for many years.

Below is a 26-page list of citations by scientists:

Excerpt from FIGU Special Bulletin No. 77 of May 2014:

But there are also all the electromagnetic oscillations caused by the entire world electrification of which today the bulk of terrestrial humanity is dependent, especially in the industrialized countries and those third world countries where electrification has already largely gained a foothold.

Once in the future, electricity will suddenly come together on a large scale - which is already inevitable.

In the worst case scenario, this will trigger a catastrophic catastrophe, the masses
of human lives will cost.

Just think about what will happen in this regard, if
one day the sun goes crazy, causing a global or other widespread collapse of electrical energy on Earth, or when megalomaniac and irresponsible madman - of
which there are more than enough in various countries in the governments - ignite hell bombs or otherwise
carry out destructive acts that inevitably cause the electricity to collapse.

But that's what scarcely one, but it is simply put into the day and the irresponsible the scepter of the leave destruction and destruction.

Excerpt from the 704th official Discussion Report of 1 March 2018

Billy :

Then again a question about radio radiation, because I've heard recently that Switzerland is so overloaded with mobile radio systems and mobile phone antennas that their energies won't be sufficient for the expected future mobile devices overreach, which in the future inevitably and inevitably by the ever increasing population, respectively.

Overpopulation results.

Proposals are already circulating irresponsibly that the energy capacity of old as well as new mobile radio antennas should be increased in order to cover the additional energy demand in this regard.

But it is not thought of the dangerous energy radiation, because it is still claimed that this is harmless to humans, contrary to what you have often explained and warned against this radiation.

Ptaah : The irresponsible projecting already planned in this regard is already in progress and can not be stopped by reasonable objections, explanations and warnings, because basically
the responsible people are not concerned with a nationwide good communication of the population, but solely for horrendous financial profits.

By connecting more powerful
transmission energies, they are becoming harmful for people, and not just for human beings who use mobile devices, but also for those who do not use such devices.

Specially at risk are all people who live or work in the areas of such transmitters, because they are particularly damaged by the radiation of such plants variously injured.

Cancer diseases stand in the foreground as well as miscarriages and consciousness and nerves complaints, headaches and concentration disturbances etc. etc.

But such physical Impairments also have an effect on the psyche, and therefore also psychic effects through these radiations Disruptions and this type of irreparable damage occur that is treated long-term by psychiatry but they are unlikely to succeed and may even lead to suicide.

But all this is not only on the terrestrial man, because also the mammals and all other animals etc. are in
the same or similar, but that is not all, because not only the fauna, but also the flora is affected.

But none of these relationships will work conducted serious and relevant research, while the population with false representations and lies deceived in relation to the alleged innocuousness of the radiations and lulled into false security becomes.

Billy :

But it is also the case that people today - just like in Switzerland and everywhere else in the world - mobile-crazy and mobile-addicted, in completely pathological form, consequently they are in their
Indifference to their health - those caused by mobile device radiation, cellular antennas and other mobile radio systems is very much affected - are harmed to death. ...

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