Sunday, May 27, 2018

Aromas & Smells

Billy Meier on ....

March 16, 1987

Aromas and smells.

Where, actually, do humans perceive aromas and smells in truth?

And what exactly is to be thought of the Bach Flower Theory?

Aromas and smells aren’t just perceived through the olfactory organ, i.e. the nose, but also through the skin.

In addition, the palate and the tongue play a certain role, as this is also the case in terms of taste.

The actual center of the perception of aromas, perception of smells, and perception of taste, however, is the limbic system, in which all relevant perceptions concentrate and are processed.

Through this processing of aromas and smells, as well as the associations of taste, thoughts and feelings arising from this are likewise triggered, as well as emotions, certain behaviors, body reactions, actions, organ reactions, skin reactions, and memories.

Aromas, smells, and tastes also affect the immune system, from which it follows that they may also be health-promoting or injurious to health, namely depending on their type and intensity.

Of course, this is also valid for the psyche and for the consciousness.

Concerning Bach Flower Therapy, the same is valid, like with the application of other similar or parallel therapies or other utilizations of aromas and smells.

This also applies to flavorings.

All these substances should not and may not be handled thoughtlessly and carelessly.

But unfortunately, this often isn’t considered by the Earth person because he always chooses to exaggerate these things, which often causes more harm than good; only minor or no successes at all are achieved.

This is also so in reference to Bach Flower Therapy, which truly doesn’t reach the form of application that would basically correspond to what is right.

For example, when psychological interests are concerned, Bach Flower Therapy, as a rule, doesn’t work at all or only partially, and indeed, even with months of application.

So the rule is that solely through the mental and emotional adjustment of the person during these months are psychological troubles removed, which is then erroneously attributed to the Bach Flower Therapy, which is brought to application in far too low concentration.

CR 216

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