Wednesday, May 9, 2018

CR 706 ..... FB 93

Excerpt from the 706th official Contact Report from Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Billy ... But I do not want to talk about that because your daughter Bermunda told me you already
At a very early stage, as an observer on the American continent, you know and know how the United
States of America really tick, resp. how they relate to their own popular leadership and in general to the
World resp. to foreign policy. This is something that interests me as much as what findings,
Experience and determination in this regard, as well as with regard to the European Union, if
You also want to express your opinion in this regard and you even deal with it. And what me
especially interested, is the current case with the Russian double spy Sergei Skripal,
who, together with his daughter Julia, was poisoned with the poison .How can I follow up on the internet? 
read this, it concerns with this : (Excerpt from Wikipedia: Russian Новичок, German 
, English transcription Novichok;a group of extremely potent neurotoxins and nerves 
fourth-generation combatants developed in the Soviet Union from the 1970s, but at least until
in the 1990s in Russia were further explored. The term , especially for nerves 
is to be fundamentally misleading, as is actually the case with all nerve agents, some of which are highly viscous
there are only a few gases among the neurotoxins. The term actually originated 
because the first chemical warfare agents, such as chlorine, etc., were gases against which gas masks were used
And if I add the following, what I got out of the internet on Wikipedia -
copied, then it explains a lot, which should actually be understood, so that people know what
actually means such toxins for them, if they should come into contact with them:
(Excerpt Wikipedia: Nerve toxins or neurotoxins are substances that are harmful even in a low dose
Achieve effect on nerve cells or nerve tissue. Nerve toxins are a heterogeneous group of substances with
a variety of mechanisms of action. The majority of neurotoxins are exogenous, naturally occurring toxins,
that come from organisms. Also some chemical elements are neurotoxins, including heavy metals like lead,
Cadmium, mercury and thallium. The term - especially for nerve agents - is 
misleading, since all the nerve agents listed here are partly highly viscous liquids and only a few
Gases are among the nerve poisons. The term comes from the fact that the first chemical warfare agents, such as chlorine, gases
gas masks, which also provide low protection against nerve
offer combatants. An endogenous poisoning of nerve cells can be due to overstimulation and subsequent
Excessive release of neurotransmitters occur (excitotoxicity).
Most neurotoxins are toxins, that is, nerve agents synthesized by living things and other organic substances.
They are often used in the animal kingdom for defense or as a prey poison for hunting other animals or plants and fungi
Used as a protection against eating. The effect of these substances is mostly based on the interaction of the substances with certain
Receptors of nerve cells by acting as agonists (eg, nicotine at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) these
as antagonists (eg, atropine at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors) block them, thereby
the transmission of stimuli and thus the function of organs is disturbed. Another, more frequent mechanism of action
Mus is based on the opening or blocking of ion channels, such as the opening of calcium channels
Alpha latrotoxin, the poison of the European Black Widow or the blockade of sodium channels by Saxi
toxin, which is predominantly produced by dinoflagellates. The origin of such toxins are, for example:
Arachnids, scorpions, true widows, snakes, poison snakes, vipers, fungi, ergot ergot alkaloids,
Ibotensäureverbindungen from Amanita, Psilocybin from Psilocybe species, bacteria, Botulinumtoxin from Clostri
dium botulinum, tetanospasmin from Clostridium tetani, the causative agent of tetanus, plants, tropane alkaloids
Solanaceae, other life forms, saxofoxin from dinoflagellates, conotoxins from the cone-snail
Genus Conus.
As nerve agents, a class of chemical weapons is referred to, which refers to the transmission of signals
in the nerves and between the nerves.These nerve agents can be over the skin, breathing and over
Body openings penetrate into the body and lead to severe, systemic symptoms, which eventually
can lead to death. Such symptoms can be severe muscle spasms and seizures, tremors, twitching
Musculature, headache, eye pain, tiredness, confusion, anxiety, tension, nausea
Vomiting and diarrhea, uncontrolled discharge of urine and faeces, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, unconsciousness
and respiratory paralysis.)
Quinto What you have read is really a matter of importance and also very interesting, why
But I can not give my own explanations, because I am with the related contexts

and certainly not at all with the chemistry, etc. know, because my specialties are completely different nature. To
include the tasks of observation and assessment of political movements and machinations of all
domains of all states. By that I mean all departments, such as direct, indirect, open and secret
Governance and its advisers and lobbyists, as well as the intelligence services, the entire military system
and the comprehensive economy system.In addition, my tasks in this area include the obser-
Respect, evaluation and evaluation of the comprehensive foreign policy, as well as the influence of religion
of all kinds, the hypocritical, shameless, malicious and false-tongued on all people of these resorts ominous
act. In this way, I deal with all the states on earth, but I do
especially on the most important of all forms and facts regarding the United States of America, the
European Union and Russia.
Billy Quinto, you say that religion influences can be incorporated into all state systems
I also imagine, because the whole religious sect system has crept into everything imaginable. But
I have a question about your daughter Bermunda when I talked to her on 14th March
I have noticed that she is not very keen on religions, their sects, on religiosity, God's
believe and religion beliefs etc is.
Quinto Which you are right, because Bermunda deals with everything since childhood
religion-related, be it in terms of a major religion in and of itself, or sects
And since this topic is a compulsory study subject with regard to our psychological Plejaren
Education is, this subject in all courses of all duties, subject areas, areas of activity and
Taught areas of activity that also require psychology skills. My job also needs this
Knowing why I am also aware of the implications and facts of religions,
Belief in God, religion and religious sects, etc. So I am also knowledgeable of the de-
standing and working of religions and sects, whose origin always and in any case on authorship
of a person who comes to the fore and with suggestive words on the listener's
and that it interferes in their mind and reason and confuses them, causing them to
Believers of his suggestive influence. And that a lot of people do not self-originate
understand their thoughts, feelings, decisions, actions and actions, but in a belief
have caught that an external and higher force directs them and commands them, etc., so they take very fast
another person as a leader and sent by a higher power and power and the like 
who suggestively teach them a doctrine of faith which they expire, though these are generally contrary to truth,
Reality, reason and reason is. This is because reason and reason and one's own thinking
be turned off and let them think contrary of the Teacher and Leader for themselves, hence them none
to be able to make one's own decisions more in order to develop oneself within oneself and by ones own power
to create their own inner balance, freedom, justice and inner peace, and these great ones
To live out values ​​in oneself and also externally towards the fellow human beings and the nature. Instead of
but that is done, people believingly fall prey to their false prophetic offerings
and leaders who stand out in the foreground and like to admire and be feasted, consequently
raised them ever higher and ultimately as messengers of a higher power and might, just like a god,
equated, worshiped, hailed, revered and glorified. But that has always happened like me
from our studies and also through the experiences and experiences of Bermunda knows as she through her
Studies in the earthly past their skills in terms of very many religious
Machinations had won. And especially on Earth, she has knowledge about religions -
It was the beginning of a new generation and explains how the confused myths were spread at an early age
still rumored in the present day and equally as rumors circulated and
be popularized by the major religions as well as by ever-new ones
confused sects, which bring the traditional religious delusions in other forms. Old confused teachings,
Those who have become religions and who have also caused religious sectarianism, became early
and are even today by the religious and other teachers representative the believers suggestive
consequently, the diffused, confused and unrealistic views and assertions concerning
false beliefs and belief systems continue to carry us into the future and through people
Religious representatives and sect leaders lied and cheated on the reality and truth of reality
become. Unfortunately, as I learned and learned through the explanations of Bermunda, it also happened
that on earth our doctrine of Nokodemion, the doctrine of the truth, doctrine of the spirit,

Doctrine of life, which was brought by the ancient prophets and which you too teach, by the earthlings
completely distorted and confused religions became, from which also many sects emerged. And that this
true doctrine of the ancient prophets was not recorded in writing itself, because it was not
Had opportunities to do so, which was the case with the last two prophets. These two also taught
only orally, and their students were ignorant of reading and writing, with one exception, because the
Kunter Jmmanuel was a clerk by the name of Judas Ischkerioth who, however, recorded more events.
as values ​​of teaching. Since the prophets do not record the teaching themselves resp. could write down
it was not until many decades after their death that the possibility arose through extremely poor memories
misinterpretations and bad distorted oral traditions and narratives.
to make records by a clerk. In the process, these likewise new distortions
through their own interpretations, which were introduced by the writers in their writings. So could
It happened that the old prophets against their will after their death unintentionally to religious founders
although that was in fact not in their interest. As our population on Erra already
before your birth on our Plejar mission was made aware and oriented with you,
Again and again attentive to the whole monstrous criminal events on earth
made since the emergence of the earthly people by their faith in higher powers and powers,
were staged and performed on deities and other similar or rectified follies,
countless lives have cost, continue to be staged and countless in the future
People will cost their lives.
Before I came to you, Quetzal told me that you were special in your mission
work and write down the doctrine to be disseminated in writing. So he explained the following to me: This time -
in the sign of the truth - shall be marked by you, the new and last proclaimer from the Nokodemion line.
be prevented on earth by lying and deception as well as by intentional or unintentional falsifications
the in terms of authenticity, truth and reality 
again mutilated by religious and sectarian degenerations and religious belief in faith -
systems is manipulated. Everything has been prepared for this, starting from the earliest time of your birth
instructed, trained and in a good way of language, of writing by our Plejarians
and many other values, which also teaches you many skills and your own
Mission prepared. We also have Plejaren arranged that all necessary technical development
could take place on earth through which you fulfill your work and this time the teaching by hand,
be able to write down and distribute it in an interpretive, unadulterated and original way. Only by doing so
Distortions are no longer possible, but what is required for the learning people, that if they are the
Learn the lesson, study and evaluate it only in your original version of your language. These emergency
Because of foreign reproductions and interpretations, there are also new distortions
as would be the case with translations into other languages, which is why this time
your written original version is indispensable in your language.
But now that: So I know that religious, political, economic, philosophical, military as well
secret service sects, etc. exist as smaller religious communities with a hierarchical structure, where
their views, beliefs, actions and behaviors very often extremely degenerate-radical, against all
Human rights, humanity and freedom, peace and reality and truth are devious
and alien, as well as ethical values, sound human reason, reason
and the faithfulness and the right of every personal liberty of the sectarian
absolutely contradictory. Sects correspond to versions whose followers are religious, philosophical
or political, as well as being criminal, criminal or economically sound and oriented.
Religious, political and philosophical sectarianism is operated by groupings that respond accordingly
their belief in faith against the real reality and thus also against their unalterable and only
Triggers and disseminates the truth of the irretrievable, infectious mass-brain disease. Sektengruppie-
ments differ among themselves and, moreover, in themselves through their false teachings, through
wise, deeds and opinions as well as their cults or rituals etc., as well as by any other prevailing
confused, false and contradictory opinions and beliefs and are usually in conflict
with other sects, etc., but especially with regard to the reality and truthfulness of
completely foreign, defensive, pathologically confused and disapproving. Correspond to religious sects
one of a main resp. Mother religion split off religious community, being the original one
value-neutral expression, which was related to a during the Roman period, 
due to the history and character of the religions and consequently also the religious language use one

has received religious character. Our knowledge is that religious sects
moderately radical, fanatical and unrealistic are the actual main resp.Mother religions,
from which the sectarianism results. I have to judge major religions and religious sects
and do we understand Plejaren as the origin of a morbid, baseless delusion of an absurd belief
obsession that is deeply rooted in human consciousness and an interfering malignant one
Misleading mind and reason paralyzed and put out of action. This creates a confusion of
Consciousness that makes it impossible for man to distinguish between reality and irreality, which gives him the
his own thinking, decisions and actions were suppressed and he was further influenced by suggestive arguments
Preachers to the religions and sects pending, dependent on them and the blind-minded, stubborn and
intolerant believers of what he builds in his consciousness as a religious and sectarian craze and
exercises. In this way the faith-afflicted man becomes obsessed and dogmatic, as well as faith-stubborn
and incorrigible, as a result of which he may even become the rabid, fanatical advocate of his
Belief in faith and without hesitation attacks violence and even kills, kills and destroys its fanati-
to defend and fulfill this religious belief. In all forms existing in this regard
the believer is and is contradictory in itself and outwardly in many ways, full of falsehood,
Discord, bondage, hate, revenge, war and war-seeking, and if he in these forms to the train
comes, then everything comes out to bad fanaticism. The real truth, the right to life,
Peace, freedom, humanity and justice as well as all other values ​​are for one in religious faith
imprisoned people are not relevant when war, hatred, revenge, retaliation, jealousy or
Punishment, etc., because at such times the religious delusion of love, peace, freedom,
not justice, justice and forgiveness, etc., but only the urge for bloodshed,
greed and destruction, etc. The unreality of religious belief is a profound delusion
that of a religious resp. Sect people believe that decayed man is the only true truth, and
even if he suffers suffering, pain, and many evils because of his belief in
He guesses that everything is wanted by God and that he is being tested or punished by this delusion. The real truth
It is not acknowledged by a believer in religion, but he has fallen into untruth in such a way that
He defends them to self-destruction because his faith is completely degenerated and he
and is trapped in the fact that he himself takes the worst torture and his own death.
But as far as my daughter Bermunda is concerned, it is to her disgust for the people and theirs
understanding and reason-stupefying religions and to the faithfulness of religious believers of every kind
explain that they've been spending a lot of time over the past eleven decades and up until now
has to thoroughly study the religious histories of Earth humanity. She also has a bigger one
Number of trips to past times of the earth and to places of the various religions
and many abominable, gruesome and terrible religious degenerations on the spot
The events are directly followed and experience what they feel about their rejection behavior towards the reli-
regions and sects, which has brought religious faith and belief in God, etc., which is sure to be understood
and rightful.
Billy I can understand that. Then another question: Can you say something about the Giftan -
strike on the ex-double spy Sergei Skripal?
Quinto In addition I can give you information, give you explanations and inform you, as well
about which connections of the matter mentioned concerning ex-spy Sergei Skripal and
insist on his daughter. But I have to insist, in accordance with our directives, that the
information that you can and will very well comply with when you do
I was told by Ptaah during various discussions.
Billy Good and thanks, but what is really behind this poison attack, and have you
Any findings?
Quinto That is indeed the case, because the clarification of such incidents belongs to my
gifts. And since I also fulfilled my duty in this way, the result was the realization that this poison attack
is based in a far - reaching conniving machination and malicious intrigue of ... serving in the service of
… stand. But this attacks the unscrupulous and traditional hatred and hatred of the western states

against Russia and rekindled it, as has always been the case since ancient times, even now
the Soviet Union and throughout the Cold War. And that in this way also on the Russian
State self betrayal is operated, that is understood and irrationally unrecognized.The authorship of this
Intrigue, ... is unaware of the scope of their actions, because their lack of power to reason is not
allows. The attack committed on Sergei Skripal and his daughter by ... founded in a treacherous and
wicked way of ... of ... as well ... and is very stupid, causing Russia and President
Putin suffer damage, as it also affects Russia itself. Primarily
But by this matter, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, as well as the Foreign Minister of the
Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov, made impossible in the Western world, but also the
Russian ambassadors to the UN, as well as others, which may still result in the state
Russia itself is completely isolated against the entire West.
Billy Very unpleasant and also acted hastily.
Quinto Yes, it is unpleasant, but what does your remark mean? 
Billy There is a whole range of linguistic expressions regarding action that is also
archaic, thoughtless, dissolved, excited, blind, crazy, stupid, thoughtless, shabby, annoyed,
blundered, confused, headless, unnerved, misorganized, meaningless, careless, careless, messy, unconvinced
visibly, crazy, stressed, confused, hasty, hasty, confused, crazy, hasty, hasty, overworked, hasty,
immature and disturbed, etc. is called.
Quinto Thanks for the explanation.
Billy Da the observation and assessment in relation to the United States of America, Russia
and the European Union corresponds to your special task, I would like to hear from you what you have to do
say and judge.
Quinto The United States of America and the European Union proclaim themselves as democracies,
However, this claiming self-representation may not be truthfully evaluated, because this on
a people-beguiling, people-stupid and truth concealing lie is constructed. Fact and
Truth is that both states, both the United States of America and the European
Union, to correspond to sneaking dictatorships. All civil servants of each department act autocratic and
outside the will of that part of the intellectually clear and reasonably decisive and considered acting
Populations seeking peace, equality for all, as well as justice and genuine freedom,
for fair governance, state responsibility and perceptions, and for real
Democracy and strives to ensure that it is not the state power alone, its advisers, fellow travelers, the military
leading intelligence services, as well as the business magnates, but only the people decide and
Right. But all of this is not understood and recognized by some of the peoples concerned, because they are
have no knowledge of what is meant by democracy, peace, justice and real freedom, as well as state
management responsibility, therefore, to defy the state and
to comply with the powers of all ministries belonging to them, because their lability, their under-
trenched understanding, in their lack of reason and in their lack of self-decision ability
Beguile and persuade words.
But if I have to explain what, in terms of the United States of America, its foreign
politics and their very many-sided aspirations, that's a very unpleasant one
Image that could give the impression that it slanders the entire American people,
is marketed and betrayed, or in other words blackened, vilified, badly made, exposed
and should be dishonored. But this, too, does not correspond to the meaning and truth of my exposition,
but not that hatred against the US people should arise. The truth of my experience
explanations only, and really only to the fact that the whole unpleasant and negative
the mindset of the entire US government system is addressed, in which the
Leaders, their advisers, the lobbyists and the entire political community, the intelligence services and the economy,
the religious and military power are involved, as well as that part of the US people, whose
Attitude runs equally with the compliant, which is the whole striving, leadership and power

US leadership and related powers of all departments. The US
American population resp. People will become acquainted with my statements, statements and explanations.
So not attacked, but it will be only the attitudes and the execution and the committing
False acts, deeds and behaviors called in intrigues, deceptions, insidiousnesses and
criminal acts and conspiracies that lead to torture, murder and war.
This is because, on the part of the government, the peace, liberty, justice and justice of the entire apparatus of all power-related agencies
civil, international, human rights and illegal criminal, frivolous, criminal, unlawful
planned and acted on. Everything corresponds to an attitude and an action,
to hold and do that only as shameful, reprehensible and contemptible, abominable, worthless, dishonorable, nefarious
and can be called evil. But what about the question regarding the United States of
America has to be explained, is the following: The US keeps all under their dominant supervision
regional states of the world under strict control, whereby they do not evolve, not higher
aspirations and can not determine themselves, but are as good as US addicts and vassals,
who think of themselves as the only world power and thus exist with all their unfair infiltrations
want. For this reason, the US does not want peace, but hate him and do everything to all of them
dominated states with the same means of oppression and self-negotiating
able to keep small. The US intervenes actively in the affairs of those under its control
other states, both politically and militarily, secretly, economically
and even religious, when it seems necessary and beneficial, as it is everywhere else in foreign
To deal with problems and circumstances that do not concern them. However, they are constantly scared
tormented by other states, especially Russia and China, politically, militarily,
intelligence, diplomacy and economically detrimental competition is growing, as well as that certain
Governmental powers of other states - especially Russia - efforts for world peace
companies and other states could animate it. This miserable fear, and Bangnis
Threats of fear of US rulers, military and intelligence services exist - along with several
other profoundly low, non-living and meaningless motives - from the founding of the United
States of America and have always led all those responsible to make any peace efforts
which have been undertaken in numerous states on earth since ancient times and continue until today
3. Millennium come up again and again.Since the United States of America exist, let
So do not allow them to make peace among the earthly people because they do not want peace, they want it
hate him because, on the one hand, they are afraid of losing their far-reaching power on earth,
but also because they have to give up their world domination.
From the US side, at all costs, anything violent is being
done and undertaken against peace on earth and its world domination aspirations. And this happens first and foremost
according to the power-driven will of those responsible for the government, the military, intelligence services and the economic
power, as well as according to the will of that part of the population that is government, military, secret
service and economic, absolutely against the will of the minority of the population, who
strives for peace and freedom withreason and reason, and who also strives to make calls and peaceful
demonstrations, etc.
Unavoidable fact is - because the United States a world-embracing peace neither extensive nor
tear itself want and no true liberty nor seek, but world domination
want - that absolutely no will exists for a fact wahrheitliche task of nuclear physics herbei-
out and no responsibility and no interest can be given with regard to an end to
the further development of even more dangerous and destructive
nuclear weapons , and ultimately all-outnuclear weapons. Thus, no efforts are made for nuclear disarmament in order to protect the earth in an honest
and reasonable cooperation with all other nuclear powers from this world-threatening fear
and exterminating the extermination scourge created by the US and applied to it ruthlessly as well as criminally in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, and since then has been steadily developed and, to this day, has become a
planetary destruction and humanity extinction hazard. This, while also in their own country, committed
and reprehensible crimes were committed on the ignorant own population by their own
military, actors, internees and individuals, etc. were ordered into areas, admitted and deliberately
irradiated by radiation by atomic experiments with nuclear bomb tests and
were contaminated with radiation. Of course, espionage and scientists could not help it
Other states have taken up atomic research and developed nuclear weapons of various kinds, which created more
nuclear powers and thus the danger of an all -

destroying and all - destroying nuclearwar. And this danger has
survived to this day, and it has beenrekindled by the new hostilities of the United States of America and the dictatorship of the European Union, as well as various supporters of
these two dictatorships, because of the hateful and hostile ones Machinations
against Russia.
Today's threat and danger of nuclear weapons use and thus a nuclear war, triggered by the

Nuclear powers in armed conflicts, as well as by extreme terrorist organizations, which are in possession of nuclear weapons, despite the partial nuclear weapons disarmament is very large. All the nuclear powers
still have more nuclear weapons than officially acknowledged, and not even this larger
number of nuclear weapons would be needed to destroy and destroy the Earth in such a way that
all life on the planet would be destroyed and none could exist. Just a small part of the
officially known and existing nuclear arsenal of the largest nuclear powers would be perfectly
sufficient for this . But to stay with the United States of America, of which I am referring to yours
It is important to say that, in the light of all the facts mentioned so far, it is clear that
the anti-Semitism and hatred of peace and world domination of the
US rulers and their pro-popular activists will continue far into the future. The
irresponsible part of the leaders of the state, as well as their incompetent advisors, secret services and
economic power, etc., as well as that part of the power-obsessed and bellicose elements of the
military leaders and military obsessedpopulations of the United States of America, remain
in the same delusion as was the case in the early days of the formation of this multi-state structure.
Even then, many
outlaws committed serious crimes, just as many of those in charge of the state acted illegally because they were as scolded, unscrupulous and criminal in
spirit as many of their successors to the present day. Already in the early days the rulers in the US exercised their power and
abused the trust of that part of the population that was straightforward, efficient and uncontaminated
, as it is still the case today, just as it is beyond that still far into
the future will result - even in undemocratic other countries of the earth. Unfortunately, it has always been after
The peace-seeking minority of the US people never have a chance to
intervene in politics in order
to achieve a political turn for peace with good, proper, and peace-demanding interventions . Even peace-building demonstrations never achieved anything because they were
not only disregarded by rulers, military, security and intelligence agencies, but ridiculed
or violently suppressed.
As a minority in the United States, the aspirant for peace never had
a chance of ever succeeding, as it did everywhere in all the other states of the United States
Earth was and is the case. Therefore, only the rulers of the state and their allied
military, intelligence services, security forces and that part of the population who
agrees with the machinations of the stateleaders and their followers and in every way agrees to all their manipulations, win. This, while the conciliatory and
righteous lower part of the population , striving for harmony, peace, freedom, justice, reconciliation and solidarity with all peoples and states, is
fundamentally disregarded despite many pacifist efforts or under certain circumstances
hounded and punished by security forces and the rulers. Same as in the United States of
America is happening, but it also results from the European dictatorship headquarters in Belgium, as well as from
its affiliated states, whose governments and peoples are dominated by the European dictatorship and
which in turn impose on their peoples dictatorial strife and lack of freedom. But in many other
countries the same picture and event arises because, due to their psychological
inanity and lack of knowledge of human nature, false promises,
hypocrisies, and false pretenses make thepeoples responsible for government and other state offices Allow
candidate candidates to be deterred, impressed and cheated . And this happens because the contenders for
state offices, etc., conceal their true low domination and power-hungry attitudes behind false-kind,
cheating and beguiling gestures, facial expressions, gestures and facial expressions, pledging
with false phrases and promises to do only the very best for the people when they enter the
office would be elected. And they do so, even though they are of completely opposite minds and unwilling to
honor and fulfill their promises when elected to their ministries. As a rule,
candidates for government positions and other state offices, etc., who appear in this manner, are concerned only with the
attainment and exercise of power, and thus with the ability to rule over their fellow human beings. the
People. Another type of people who seek eligibility for government and state offices is
probably good and honest sense and willing to do their best for the government, the people and the leadership of

the state, as well as for peace, justice and freedom and to use it
honestly and well, using all means and means at its disposal. But if they then get into
their chosen office, then everything changes for them in a negative way, because on the one hand they are eitherdiverted by
their internal staff, consultants, leaders and dominants etc. suggestively to their
dominant power behavior and to their meaning and Will, therefore they will be in the same
Act of power and behave accordingly. On the other hand, it may be that
respectable persons elected to appropriate state offices - all of whom have good intentions for righteous administration
and who are willing to implement and implement them reliably and in a trustworthy manner - are not given
any chances that they will their intentions and ambitions could prevail.
The possession of nuclear weapons never gives any reason to
accept hostile military threats by other states, to uphold this threat assumption, and to pretend silly and illogical and
foolish that in return only with their own threats and dangerous nuclear weapons -
Arsenal could be guaranteed a peace security. It is reasonable and reasonable to understand and
understand that neither small nor large stocks of nuclear weapons and conventional weapons can be a guarantee
for security and peace, but only a guarantee that such weapons are
used without any objection, thus killing and destroying populations tremendous destruction can be done if
irresponsibly carried out any clashes with combat weapons or even instigated wars
become.And such weapons of all kinds are especially produced in large quantities in the United States of
America and sold in many states, but only those are considered, on the one hand
by the arms purchase politically, militarily and economically dependent on the United States can be made,
on the other hand but also a guarantee that the US aspiration for unrestricted world
domination can be maintained. Thus, US arms sales
all over the world - as well as many
other things - also correspond to deviousintrigues, through all sorts of intrigues, cross- rubbings, plots, infiltrations, machinations, government overturns, criminal intelligence operations
and frauds and cunning manipulations, etc.
serve the purpose of seeking a world-dominating power.
For the United States of America,
the use of military force has always been an option - and is it today, tomorrow and in the not too distant future. Another
alternative , peaceful and free, would be diametrically opposed to the long-standing
foreign policy that has been staged and implemented since the founding of the US, which has always ensured that US-Americans
can assert their political, military and economic interests internationally, as well as their world
domination tendencies.
The fact is that the US does not have to be afraid of enemies - their
military arsenals and their military and air force are too powerful to be attacked by smaller states, hence only
another major power would have a chance against them - but many states of the world The world must have cause for fear of
the United States, before the invasion efforts resp. the violent invasion of a US army
into their country, as well as they must be afraid of possible war of
annexation maneuvers caused by wars or any illicit political, military or secretive US machinations
. enforced final incorporation under the rule of the United States of America.
Of course, it is the case that the state and military authorities, intelligence services and economic
agents, their advisors and other fellow travelers are denying everything that is choleric, energetic and
bitter as well as that part of the population that is responsible for this irresponsible state He is
obedient in every respect and, moreover, completely ignorant of their true, widespread
, secret worldly machinations and intrigues.
The US is ready at any time, if it is of any use to them, or if it concerns their so-called state security
, to brand without hesitation strangers as alleged villains and, under certain circumstances, to admonish them.
grab and destroy completely. And as it has been done in different countries since time immemorial, President
George Walker Bush - who branded various states as the "axis of evil" -
let the US Army invade Iraq militarily, as he already did , with enormous liesEqually
belligerent father George Herbert Walker Bush did during the first Gulf War. And, as is the case with the United States with regard to their
Weltschaftsbesgehrens, it remains and remains that once they have invaded a country, then they
keep it occupied for all time or direct the respective states their US demands,
intrigues, policies and after Possibility their laws etc on. In this way, then was the
Iraqi President Saddam Hussain deposed and executed.

we look at the morale of those responsible for the state, the military, the intelligence services, and the USeconomic power, as well as the majority of those in many other states, it is clear and
undoubted that any irresponsible person among these will always have an argument. 
find an attack, etc., on other countries, even a nuclear attack, without any
prior provocation from the state being attacked. That's a fact, whether it
wants to be understood or not, because that's the true side of US foreign policy.
All honorable, honest and responsible manner striving for peace and freedom people of all
countries in the world are unfortunately in the minority, because a part of every people's indifference and affiliation
of civil servants and other government forces forfeited all character, and these take their responsibility
tung for State leadership and state security as well as peacemaking not true, but act and
act completely irresponsible contrary, and indeed against the well-being of the population. Therefore, it
does not help if the rational people seeking peace unite and
try by peaceful demonstrations, the governments and their entire hostile state apparatus
Peace demands to relax. So it does not do any good if the minority of the population demonstratively
formulates the desire to end the formal hostilities that have always existed among humans.
Therefore, the earth and its humanity in achieving a comprehensive peace
can only be a very long-term goal, which all states can
approach very slowly through reason and reason , and must be mindful of and learn, harmoniously and peacefully to proceed and to walk together
in good, without strife, nonviolent, affable, conciliatory and tolerable. However, this
goal has always been an obstacle for all terrestrial states and some of the populations, in this regard
especially the US, who have to make a great effort to be reasonable and to
give up their world power appeal in order to bring peace to the world instead of fighting it as before.
Unfortunately, the United States does not make any effort in this regard, but does otherwise in a
contrary sense, doing everything possible to create enmity in the world among all states and peoples, and
on the other hand, for its desire for world domination with all to continue evil means and intrigues. A
peaceful unification of all states and peoples is not in the interest of US foreign policy,
but only the effort and desire to accelerate the achievement of world domination. And that
in each case always vicious force of arms is involved in the game, there is no doubt what has
been proven time and again, including allegedly and US leaders, 
ultimately, all action and action on violence , War and put on the US weapons potential.
This is what even the supposedly sensible President Barack Obama said when he was 60 years old.
celebration of the Korean War truce, threatening to unleash the war beasts when necessary
, and expressing it with the following threatening words: "The United States of
America will be by far the strongest military by far. that the world has ever known. Yes,
we will certainly. "And this statement proves very well the true attitude of the United States, as this
also makes clear the fact that Obama at that time prevented that between North and South Korea prevailing
disagreements could be resolved. And how the very and  
Barack Obama then spoke and acted, and completely contrary to all his election promises, out of it
The same picture today, when the stupid-brazen warmongering threats, speeches,
demands and confused orders, as well as the irresponsible actions and actions of US President
Donald John Trump, are carefully considered and judged.
If the global situation is viewed and understood from the US point of view, then it is very easy to
see that the United States of America is an overwhelming political, economic, secret
and military, and therefore arms- staring, power that they use to operate worldwide
to make more and more states and peoples dependent on the United States and to control them sneakily. And they use this power
also, on the one hand, to further expand its sphere of influence all over the world and, on the other hand, to prevent
any other competing powers from advancing them in their quest for world domination
can.But they also use their power to prevent the states in question from
working themselves up and gaining their own power. These are the three most important reasons for the United States
of America
to intervene politically, militarily, economically and economically in various countries around the world , as well as to carry out secret service activities and to cause unrest in foreign
countries. To this end, the most important reason for all states and peoples of the world would
be to strive in a peaceful and rational way to
narrow and restrict the United States of America in its criminal activities and actions and in its delusions of world domination
check. But this would require all states and peoples to stand united and
act peacefully together because it is impossible for a state and people alone to make

any difference in order to move the US into a peace process. Alone in this enduring
attempts are useless, as well as one-sided alliances with the US, which are only for their benefit,
because such alliances are in any case in terms of peace and freedom for the sole benefit of the United States,
but for a world peace and world freedom to failure sentenced.
The truth would finally have to be recognized that the foreign policy of the United States of America every
An attempt to create world peace and world freedom not only disturbs but can never be
achieved globally , which is why they continue their intrigues. And they do this by
not letting weaker states emerge, but by supporting them in many ways, only to
curb and weaken them again in a subtle and imperceptible way, if they follow the guidelines
and formal agreements that they have set for themselves Benefits of the US have developed. The intrigues for
achieving the stated goal are manifold, ranging from trade sanctions to supporting
rivals and creating new US bases in suitable coastal areas. Then it finally comes to -
because it is necessary for the USA toseize power
in the state concerned - that only relatively small specialized US troops from various specialist areas are brought into the country in question, in order
to block its own power, to destabilize it and to bring the whole region under US control ,
Billy And that will probably, as I assess the mentality of the type, even the psychopathic and ungovernable trample
Trump irresponsible continue and I
think also do all kinds of other idiotic and idiotic and organize. From what he promised that the US
would withdraw from interfering with foreign affairs - if he and the US had done so, then
If he had been a good president in this respect alone, there is no talk of that for a long time,
but contrary to this promise, Trampel-Trump mixes with his advisers, the
lobbyists and his fellow followers, as well as the EU dictatorship the
toxic attack against the Russian ex-double spy Skripal and mixes with the dictators and dictators of the
EU dictatorship against Russia new hatred. And he accomplishes this by
engaging with the dictatorship andvarious other states, such as these show Russian diplomats from the US,
block bank deposits of Russianbusinessmen in the US and other nonsensical, such as idiotic sanctions against Russia
Even with the psychopathic unfashionable kid-head North Korea boss, Kim Jong Un,
he plays idiotic and dangerous games and plays the strong man, as he also
plays crazy against Mexico in terms of building a wall and the detachment of the army or National Guard and
also with all its feeble-minded decrees resp. Decrees prove that he
is good for nothing as a head bird in the form of a head of state .
Quinto : I would like to say more ...

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