Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Importance of Light for Humans & Animals

Billy Meier on ....

March 16, 1987

How important, actually, is light for humans as well as for animals?

Animals and humans need a great amount of light, including the nighttime animals or the nocturnal animals.

Also the so-called night owls, i.e. nocturnal people, need light, and indeed, without exception, even if life behavioral patterns and all physical and organic factors adapt themselves and new day and night behavioral patterns come about, as this applies, for example, to the Inuit, i.e. the Eskimos.

These have a completely different life rhythm than all those people who are arranged into the day and night rhythm throughout the whole year, which isn’t the case with the Inuit, as you know, because in the area of the high north with the Eskimos, different day and night conditions prevail than what are given in the rest of the world.

If the person changes (apart from the accustomed change with the Inuit) his daily rhythm and, with this, also his life rhythm, such as through irregular working hours, which you call shift-work, then health problems and even serious health damages can appear, which can result, on the one hand, through the irregularity of the lifestyle and, on the other hand, through the changed lighting conditions and, thus, through unsuitable, artificial light.

Stomach and intestinal troubles as well as serious stomach and intestinal diseases can be the result, as well as bad depressions and aggressiveness and also dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, and a general functional impairment of the immune system.

If a person – and this is also true for animals – is lacking the absolutely essential light, then very negative disturbances and changes also occur in the hormonal balance, by what means, in turn, the immune system is strongly impaired in its strength and function.

Lack of light also leads very quickly to thought interferences, emotional disturbances, and concentration problems, by what means, in a short time, also disturbances of the psyche appear, which in turn cause psycho-somatic effects in the body and organs.

At the same time, this concerns suffering with pain symptoms, etc. that can’t be diagnosed by the earthly doctors because often, they are not yet advanced far enough in the area of medicine.

CR 216

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