Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Bermuda Triangle Mystery & The Dimension - Gates .....

The Disappearances of Ships & Planes in Bermuda Triangle are due to 3 Reasons ....
1. Pirates
2. Methane Gas
3. Dimension Gates

There are three different locations on Earth, where fully natural dimensions-gates arise periodically.

This natural dimension gate is the originator of many happenings, which affect the normal - time of Earth, but just at those places where they appear.

The events inside the Bermuda-triangle are likewise not mysterious.

Everything is explainable and the events are really not associated with extraterrestrial intelligences, who are over there allegedly occupying themselves with kidnapping .

How the dimensions-gates are formed naturally :

As already said, it is a cosmic phenomenon.

Such a dimensions-gate represents a natural-cosmic phenomenon, a barrier between your normal-time and a dimension unknown to you.

In the given case, this other dimension has a parallel world to Earth, which is however in some points subject to greater scenic fluctuations.

The dimensions-barrier or the dimensions-gate gets caused by a cosmic elimination-transformation-radiation, which is wavering and occurring periodically.

Its point of origin are various giant suns in a galaxy unknown to you within a universe of other dimensions, which are sending out their radiations and are meeting in the other space-time-structure in 7.2 light years distance beyond the Earth.

Over there they begin to flow into one another and to bundle up.

The Earth is the exact endpoint in the space-time-structure of the DERN-universe ( Our Universe ), where this radiation is hitting highly concentrated and producing the effect of a dimension-barrier.

As the Earth moves like all structures in the universe, this radiation - divided into a three-arm - is only hitting the planet at three locations, when the Earth is moving exactly in the focus of the wandering radiation, causing the two dimensions to be able to touch each other by the radiation.

The radiation itself produces the effect of an elimination of the normal-time, in a manner of evoking a transformation.

That means that the structure of the earthly normal-time is at the radiation-flashpoints transformed into the timeless, in which way the normal-time gets eliminated.

This transformation layer is still located far outside of the actual centre, which is already located in the other dimension.

It is a similar process as the one known to you with cyclones.

In the actual centre of the storm there is calm, while the vortex contains the actual storm.

The outer rings and whirls are the transition layer from storm-less to the storm.

Matters are similar with the dimensions-gate.

The outer layers represent the transformation layer from the earthly normal-time to the other dimension.

The vortex’s radiation contains the actual transition in it, while the centre constitutes already the other dimension, a different universe resp. a different dimension within a different time-layer.

Concerning the dimension-gate the forces are purely cosmic energies, radiations of a very special kind.

The effect of the vortex or the spiral does anyhow remain the same, even if the appearance is different.

The transition belt, the storm belt and the centre are here also present, just in a different form than for a galaxy or for a storm of nature’s elements on a planet or a star resp. on a sun.

The transition zone or the transition layer is to be compared with a transition time between two world eras.

The old and traditional normal-time is still available, but it is already allowing a view into the other time level, into the other dimension and other world.

So when a flying object enters this zone, with life-forms sitting in it, well then they are still in the normal-time, but are already looking into the other time layer, into the other world.

Because them during their flight looking forwards, they see a world totally foreign to them and a foreign landscape, as long as they had never been there before.

By the powers of the vortex life-forms are – as long as they are not familiar with these happenings and are not possessing the required devices and apparatuses – losing control over their aircraft and are that way driven into the actual passage-whirl, into the actual dimensions-gate.

Over there they are then already solely seeing the other world in the other dimension, while their normal-time is already behind them.

Then they are driven into the centre of the spiral whirl and are therefore in the other time layer, thus in another world resp. in a dimension totally foreign to them.

Should they lack the required apparatuses and other devices, they become prisoners of the foreign dimension for all times, and a return into their normal-time won’t be there anymore for them.

In and of itself this happens rather frequently in the Bermuda-triangle, and earthly aircrafts are over there repeatedly disappearing, unable to ever return again.

Many of these events are in particular related to the use of earthly aircrafts for hunting the beam ships of the life-forms that are living there in underwater stations.

The aircrafts are unexpectedly getting into the radiation of the dimensions-barrier that suddenly gets active, and are carried off course into the other time-layer, from where no return is possible for them.

It still remains to explain that not only flying objects are getting into these transformation-spirals, but also ships and individual life-forms, because the radiation field and the power of the elimination-transformation of the whirls are sometimes reaching till the surface of the sea.

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