Sunday, April 8, 2018

Q&A April 2, 2018

How do you actually evaluate the whole Merkel's refugee welcome tale of which she is 
now clearly distanced and pretending that nothing had happened from her side? 
HP Obermaier, Germany 
That's what my opinion is about, as you can see from the following official excerpt from the 683rd contact 
from 10.6.17 can: 
Billy ... while the second evil soon followed, in the form of the confused German federal 
Chancellor Angela Merkel, the autocratic, stupid and brazen the refugee welcome culture 
proclaimed. On the one hand, well over a million refugees from African and Arabian tribes poured into it 
and Near Eastern and several other states to Europe, with asocial 
Criminals, labor shyers and terrorists who have perpetrated and continue to commit acts of terror in various European countries that have claimed and continue to inflict many innocent lives 
will demand. On the other hand, since the arrival of the Merkel refugee welcome culture and the resulting refugee flows thousands of refugees have been on their escape routes 
often lost their lives in horrible ways, for which the unscrupulous and autocratic German Federal 
Chancellor Merkel alone is responsible, but for which she has not been held accountable and probably never will.And this, though the whole inflamed refugee disaster 
thousands of deaths corresponds to a provoked mass murder. And this will 
be that way, even though their entire referendum is not just a farce, it is 
a human crime because they are refugees - women, men and children of all ages - from 
War zones and from underdeveloped states has unconsciously piloted on death marches on which 
Many thousands had to fight for their lives, but lost this fight lost and miserable. 
Ptaah Of course that's right, because the whole thing is a mass murder, what this 
confused and at the same time autocratic Mrs. Angela Merkel has to bear the responsibility and for the 
Would have to be held accountable, which however, as you say, probably will not happen, because on the 
Earth such government officials wrongly enjoy immunity, which, however, any legal and 
decent order and justice contradicts. What was done by this woman, 
corresponds to a provoked several thousand times mass murder, which would have to be punished with a ban on life, or with a prison sentence on effective lifetime, because after the 
Erroneous earthly laws a banishment is no longer applied. 
Billy For effective murder or mass murder a lifelong punishment in most states of the earth does not mean lifelong, but only 25 years, whereby then the punishment with so-called  
Leadership> may still be severely curtailed during the sentence. In the US at least 
Lifelong life actually means lifetime. 
Ptaah For a murder committed deliberately by a human being, but so 
even for an order to commit a murder would be a lifelong punishment by exile 
or removal to a detention center, etc., as well as by law. This, as well as the 
Would be the case if people are driven to death by any circumstances, such as 
by the refugee welcome culture, which corresponds to a refugee terrorism that the morbid 
Smug Angela Merkel has called out thousands of refugees from various countries 
have lost their lives - children, adolescents and adults. What the woman did with it, 
corresponds no more and no less than a mass murder, for which Merkel held accountable 
But she does not have to worry about her refugee murder culture, because her reason, her reason and her sense of responsibility in her stupidity and self - glorification as well as 
Power obsession does not go so far that they could recognize their guilt. At the merkelschen 
Welcome Culture is not a philanthropic culture, but rather something 
terrorist contemptible and a crime in relation to humanity, and so too 
when the confused Federal Chancellor turns away from her refugee lover 
Has. Moreover, one human life at all, as the highest conscious life that 
this is most valuable and must be protected, because it can never be replaced if 
it dies or is killed by some circumstances or killed and murdered. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
How many IS "sleepers" and / or terrorists are there in the US? 
How much IS and / or terrorists are there in the US? 
What Florena has conveyed to me from Ptaah is this: namely, that the Plejaren am 
As of December 31, 2016, they had detailed knowledge of the number of 1407 
IS-sleepers was present, while further Plejaren data regarding potential terrorists 
other domestic and foreign groups not belonging to the , 
far more than 171,000, and these are usually terroristically indoctrinated individuals. 
perpetrators, as well as psychopathic and mentally disturbed nature. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
What Sfath referring to the Yellowstone caldera in the 1948 letter? 
Did Sfath refer to the Yellowstone Caldera in his 1948 letter? 
Yes, but he never said when the caldera would explode. He just said that the time has been long 
is exceeded and that the caldera work towards a very powerful outbreak, anytime or 
only in 100 or 1000 years could be. 

Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Did Sfath get prophecies from Petale or his own abilities, time travel, etc.? 
Did Sfath get his prophecies from the , or did he make them because of his own abilities, time travel, etc.? 
Sfath had no prophecies of the as he did not prophecies. His special 
He acquired activity in the field of future knowledge by looking to the future and traveling the future, 
which are called foresight and have nothing to do with prophecy. Prophecies exist 
from reasonable forecasts and probability calculations with respect to certain 
Factors that inevitably bring about certain effects, if already existing 
everything goes on or is done further. But if the existing framework is changed, then changed 
also the effect, consequently a prophecy does not have to be fulfilled and another effect arises, 
if the relevant authoritative career is changed. 
Prophesies are usually made only in terms of evil, negative and bad effects - and 
True, according to the causality cause and effect - that of certain evil, negative and bad 
Existing causes arise to encourage people to do everything evil, negatives and 
Poor things for the good, the good, the positive, the right and the worthy change and transform. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Can you tell more about the binary sun, and the "dark wanderer" / incoming object? 
Can you tell us more about the Binary Sun and the Dark Wanderer / incoming object? 
The Dark Wanderer was pulled through our solar system many millennia ago and in 
disappeared in the depths of the world space. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Is there an autism / vaccine connection? 
Is there a connection between autism and vaccination? 
The scientific Plejaric state of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) goes from a multi-faceted 
factor, but the sole cause is not vaccination - however 
depending on the circumstances. The Plejaren know no clear 
connection between vaccination and ASA. A common occurrence of vaccination and autistic 
Symptoms have no causal relationship, which means that a vaccine does not have the 
Cause must be, however, under given circumstances can be. Whether a human, whether a child, 
Adolescent or adult, should be vaccinated or not, so may be possible consequential damage 
as well as in the case of a failed vaccination. All suffering and illnesses can be one 
very complicated course and have very serious consequences. 

Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Are there ET artifacts, or an old Nazi base in Antartica? 
Are there ET artifacts or an old Nazi base in the Antarctic? 
In Antarctica, there are no ET artifacts, as well as no old NAZI base - apart from an old one 
and the most insignificant, small building used for Arctic research. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Did you miss the Pentagon on 9/11? 
Did the Pentagon sound like a rocket at 9/11? 
No, what was raging in the Pentagon at 9/11 was a passenger plane. It was the  
Airlines Flight 77> as a morning flight from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles 
However, the aircraft should be flown on September 11, 2001 
victimized after the start of a terrorist attack, hijacked and kidnapped, and then into the Pentagon 
was controlled, with all 64 people on board and 125 people died on the ground. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Trump from the presidency could cause the social unrest, civil wars 
etc., resulting in what you said about the fate of the USA after 2020 (superpower USA ceases to exist)? 
Is it likely that the efforts to remove Trump from the presidency will cause social unrest, 
Civil war, etc., with the result of which you have said that it is the fate of 
USA after 2020 (superpower USA no longer exists?) 
So far Ptaah and I have not talked that way, that could have given a clear answer. And if I could get an answer, it would be like that 
only in a private conversation and I should not call her. 
Question by Michael Horn, USA 
What is known about the Farmington, New Mexico crash (es)? 
What is known about the Farmington crash, New Mexico? 
This is according to Plejarische information a charlatanry story. 

Question by Michael Horn, USA 
Is there any need for special solutions for transgender issues that you would suggest? 
Is there a need for specific solutions for transgender topics that you could suggest? 
The term was originally a term for people who could not identify with their original biological gender inadequately or not at all and their biological sex as wrong. Today is actually rather of spoken. 
Transgender (Latin trans , and English gender ) is a term 
for deviations from the social gender role or gender characteristics (= gender). The term can absolutely be used as a positive self-description 
as well as positioning in social heteronormative space. People, 
who do not want or who are not able to be clear on a naturalized role as a man or woman 
Women define themselves usually as genderqueer or non-binary (with nonbinary 
Gender identity, eg Bigender). Transgender was and is an umbrella term for people, men 
and women who live in a non-genetic gender for a certain period of time, which means, for example, that a genetic man is a man or a person internally or optically for a certain period of time 
Woman is, as can be the other way around, that a genetic woman is internally for some time 
or visually a woman or a man can be. Man is born as a girl or as a boy. 
So, when a person is transsexual, they feel they are living in the wrong body. The biological sex is thus completely different than the perceived or desired sex. 
But what that means for transsexual people can be very different. The fact is 
namely, that transsexual people can not choose their destiny, because they are basically 
to be born as transsexuals. There are so-called female-to-male transsexuals who are female 
and who would rather have a male body and behave rather . 
On the other hand, there are who are male, but feel like a woman and 
also show more feminine behaviors. Especially for young people, the Trans - 
Sexuality is not an easy life because living with the feeling of being born in the wrong body 
can trigger profound psychological problems and disorders and destroy the whole zest for life. Many young people affected by transsexuality show or notice very early 
their otherness, just that with them in terms of feeling as a man or woman something completely 
is different than with her friends and girlfriends. But it takes a lot of time to understand, name and stand by this difference. On top of that, that 
Many transsexuals in many moments of their lives have to struggle with that particularity 
is not recognized by others due to lack of understanding or even completely misguided disgust. 
The need for special solutions to transgender issues is huge and wide-ranging 
To clarify transsexuality, it is important to consult experienced professionals. Tip: is a human 
sure to be transsexual, with a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist not confirming that then needs 
It is one or more other opinions of other professionals, because not every specialist is for them 
Special feature open and competent. Female or male professionals may be psychologists, sexologists, hormone therapists, or specialized psychiatrists. Experienced doctors can, for example, perform surgeries to match the sexes.When it comes to mental health issues related to transsexuality, female or male sex therapists or psychotherapists may give advice and advice 
be helpful. 

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