Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Excerpt from the 709th official report of 29 July 2018
Billy ..., because there are more important things to discuss, such as something called the Death Rune
is concerned, the so-called CND symbol, and a lot should be explained, because this alleged
cause terrible harm and mischief and the earthlings do not realize that this false symbol of
jump for strife, war, hate, death and ruin etc. is. This in contrast to the real peace symbol
bol, as Nokodemion designed it millions of years ago, and also created it as a spiritual teaching symbol in
introduced the spiritual teaching.
Ptaah Talking about it another time and clarifying various points would probably be necessary
QuetzalThat's what I think, too, because if I think of all the more and more negative and malignant
consider natural events and behaviors of terrestrial people, then it is imperative to
to point out the danger of the foolish false symbol with the death rune, which in no way
Way peace brings, but on the contrary by extremely negative spreading vibrations only malicious
Misery, as well as strife, hatred, insurrection, war, dissatisfaction and destruction and destruction.
Billy The death rune, as well as others, has its origin in the Germanic culture, as Odin resp.
Wotan and Thor resp. Donar. For centuries, the mysterious inscriptions have the imagination of so-called
Stimulated scientists and lay people, as well as in modern myths talk about themselves. nowadays
runes are associated with Nazis and neo-Nazis, especially in Europe, as well as in other parts of the world,
partly rightly so, because in the Third Reich dictator Adolf Hitler cultivated the runes. facts
But it is also true that today, more than 70 years after the Third World War of 1939-1945 , many of them have survived
confused imitators of the erstwhile NAZIS who stupidly and stupidly come out as young Nazis, the Death Rune and others
Runes can be used as a distinctive mark.The injurious and ominous false peace resp. Peace-
Sign, which is a false and peace-destroying an upside-down tree of life, is in the
leftist scene and in peace activists extremely popular, these inexperienced, uneducated and in relation to
However, the misguided false symbol of misguidance is unaware of, and to this day, not that she is with this
fake symbol to promote harm, strife, war, murder and manslaughter. Popular became the wrong peace sign,
Effectively a death sign, by the hippies who made it a trademark for themselves.In the rune
symbol is effectively a rune that does not mean peace, but death and destruction.Beina-
hey no one knows that the worldwide peace sign is actually a rune and the symbol of death
is. As a sign of peace, the rune would have to stylize life, following the symbol of an upward-growing
Tree, which symbolizes life effectively or the beginning of life. The reverse
Tree of Life, however, as he responds in the false peace resp. Peace symbol is represented, stands for death and that
End of life. As a symbol of the peace movement, the Death Rune first appeared in London in 1958, the very first Easter march, with stupidity and stupidity in the name of this false symbol of peace for the > Disarmament> was chosen because it was intended to show that nuclear weapons signify death - the
Death of millions of people. Effectively, this Celtic death symbol used to be a symbol of Satan
Blessing during rituals. This symbol was also used by Yasser Arafat, Richard Nixon, and Winston Churchill
Stewart Meacham, Company Chairman of the Reds New Mobilization Committee,
Prime Minister Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill stated that the sign of victory was usable. To be
thinking that Winston Churchill was one of the privy and a Mason, personally sitting down
Bleiber and school-hate, as a politician a malicious warmonger and crook, but still a Nobel Prize
was awarded, as was the case with other undeserved and unworthy Nobel Prize recipients. He
was a man who most likely knew the extremely bad meaning of this symbol and in this
thought and acted, even though he tried to make himself and his behavior
to give it. A fact like that, that he was actually the one who triggered Hitler in the last world war
had made every effort to guide the US with its army to Europe and to go to war altogether worldwide
to interfere should be enough to expose Churchill's vicious disposition. Like me from stories
from Sfath knows and can still bring together a few memorabilia, which he explained to me
Done in relation to the first years of World War I, which I know only from his explanations, such as
the fact that Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill came from the British aristocracy and
London, which was a heavily fortified city and had its center in the center
had expanded, so that it was no longer an "open city". The reason for this was because the Hitler
Luftwaffe began attacking military installations near the city, but the Hitler order was strict
The directive contained not attacking the city as such, as Sfath told me. So the Nazi
But - it was, if I remember correctly the explanation of Sfath, on the night of the 23rd to the 24th of August
1940s, German night bombers, the oil tanks near a city. However, they were from a season British
Hurricanes-Jagdmaschinen resp.Intercepted and pushed back, whereby the Nazi bombers
gated their bombs on dock facilities in East London. The docks were considered military
Facilities, but Hitler did not accept the Fehlbombardierung and left the bomber crews before a court martial
from which they were demoted and transferred to infantry. For Churchill, this bombing was just that,
what he had been waiting for, because that gave him the reason for this, in the US his war-tirade against Nazi Germany
and, in particular, to persuade then-US President Roosevelt to join the US forces
mobilize to come to Europe and intervene in the war and to participate massively.As
Churchill issued orders to launch a series of bombing raids on Berlin, and
on the one hand officially as revenge, on the other hand, in order to irritate Hitler and
to use bombing against the civilian population and the capital of England. So it happened
during the night of 25 to 26 August the first bombardment on Berlin, where over 80 bombers used
were. Around 30 crews then claimed that their bombs had hit Berlin, while around 30 others
could not find the city. Of the remaining bomber crews, some things had to be done
Returning to England, of course, dropping their bomb charges somewhere indiscriminately because they no longer
could have landed. According to Sfath's explanations, if I remember correctly, five bomber planes were
shot down by the Nazi air defense.Churchill, however, ordered even more such bombing, the
well done, but also nothing better than the first attack, which probably cost lives,
but otherwise had hardly caused any significant damage in Berlin. Through these bombings ordered by Churchill
Attacks continued to increase the casualties of crews and machines, causing him to fall into disrepair and
sought a way out, which was this - which he had already planned sneakily in the hope in
referring to his provocation with the bombing of Berlin - that the US is now going to war against
Would consider Hitler if he asked the United States and the danger of bombing London in the
Field would lead. So he asked the American ambassador, Joseph Kennedy, and asked if the
London was reason enough for the US to intervene in the war, as US President
Roosevelt had threatened this in 1939, when he had warned the belligerents in Europe. The American
Canadian ambassadors, Joseph Kennedy, saw through Churchill's intrigue and gave him one accordingly
but he wanted to know how far Churchill would go to realize his plans
to be able to.
In fact, he saw through Churchill's treacherous warfare with respect to English
Bombardment in Nazi Germany as well as the reaction of the Nazi-German attacks on London to the US
Forcing President Roosevelt and US leaders to be able to bring US America to war
would intervene in Europe. Ambassador Joseph Kennedy also knew a lot more than that, which is why he called Churchill
for good reason also distrusted. But I can not say anything about that because I forgot the effective facts
why I want to ask you, Ptaah, if you can say the necessary in this regard?
Ptaah I can, because I have dealt extensively with all these events.Churchill was
very well informed that Lord Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian, a British politician,
Journalist and diplomat and then ambassador to Washington offered Hitler a very favorable peace offer
Churchill, however, completely opposed his bellicose plans and hatred and vengefulness
against Adolf Hitler went. He was very anxious to dissuade Churchill from his war plans and
As a result, he is advised to restrain himself and give up his vicious and war-promoting plans and none
negative activities, which would make efforts for peace fail. Even US President Roosevelt was involved in this and was willing to agree with the concerns of the German dictator and
to do what is necessary to maintain peace and avoid a war involving the United States in this way
should not interfere in the NAZI policy and not in their war madness. So too was US President Roosevelt
the opinion and endeavor that the peace offer should not be frivolously refused.These
Fact and all the trimmings was however absolutely secret and should not become public, following that
English lower house was not informed as well as not the English people and also the world public
not, and therefore never became public, that the German people, with the help of the Americans, secretly
Wanted to make peace before the US became active in Europe. And the fact was, too
Churchill, because he lived in his warmongering, also had confused dreams, such as one in which he was during a war
was captured and tortured by the German invasion, causing him to feel miserable, which
let search in Spain and Sweden war allies.But when he then behaves according to the actual situation
Hitler's warfare ensured that no invasion would take place, as his war-tormenting
Speaking increasingly provocative, worse and even more fanatical, to the English lower house and the population too
convince him that Hitler is a boundless enemy of England. And in this way he ran for his warmongering
Propaganda, although, like Joseph Kennedy, he knew very well that Hitler was not at all hostile to
land had, as it did not occur to him, to attack England. When, however, Churchill learned that Adolf
Hitler wanted to speak on the anniversary of the , resp. about the failed , which took place on 8.
Took place in Munich in November 1923, at which it concerned - under the party leadership of the NSDAP, just
by Adolf Hitler and Erich Ludendorff and others involved - by an armed coup the government in
Depose Berlin and seize power in the form of a national dictatorship. That failed, however, thoroughly
because the right-wing extremists soon distanced themselves altogether from Hitler, his ideas and plans to overthrow him,
after they had allied themselves with him.This also failed his attempt to conservative circles in
of the Bavarian government and administration, which did not participate in the coup attempt.
Like the Reichswehr, they did not, as a result of which the subversive project failed, and so did the march
Feldherrnhalle> was stopped with violence by the Bavarian State Police, which claimed 20 dead. Hitler became
then imprisoned, but after his trial already released on 20 December 1924, but
In the long run, the coup attempt proved to be as significant for him as it was for Bavaria. What ever
but concern Churchill, who continued to incite war against Germany, so he ordered new attacks
against the , and this time as a result of the anniversary of the a bombing on
Munich, where he attacked with more than 50 bombers and the NAZI air defense shot down eleven British machines. The
However, the whole thing was a failure, because as in the bombing in Berlin, was also in Munich no
serious damage. And Churchill's idea of ​​killing Hitler in his speech by the bombing corresponded
only a hopeful illusion, because when the bombing took place, Adolf Hitler was not in Munich at all.
This annoyed Churchill very much, which is why he soon followed this pointless attack in Munich another,
where he misjudged that he could consolidate his ailing prestige again. So he ordered one
new bombing on Berlin, believing in his delusion that he could achieve something phenomenal with it,
if he bombed Berlin at the time, when the Russian Foreign Minister Molotov arrives in Berlin to
Hitler talks. So Churchill ordered a massive bombardment of Berlin, for what he said was stupid.
He ordered to greet , whereby he ordered more than fifty bombers, most of which shattered Berlin
but with their bombs, as in the first and earlier bombardments,
and were shot down by the NAZI air defense against 20 bombers. It was also
again this time, so that most bomber crews were unable to
to find goals. Unfortunately, however, a school and a hospital were hit, and that was the trigger
for Hitler to rage against England and trigger the series of retaliatory actions.What now
The nonsensical peace symbol that is falsely portrayed as the death rune is what we have above it
spoken earlier and stated that this symbol does not promote peace, but strife,
Misfortune, misfortune, terror, war, insurrection, death and destruction. And this has changed since the creation of the symbol.
time and again proven, and will continue to prove, because this death symbol, the nonsensical
non-understanding of the terrestrials as a false symbol of peace and therefore abusive
is used - because the users of the negative and even dangerous vibration effect of this symbol is not
are aware - and they are hoping for a positive effect, which, however, never really happens, but in
it is always negative and vicious in any case and it will remain the same. The Death Rune, the nonsensical, erroneous and
unconsidered by countless uninitiated as well as esoterically believing terrestrial people as alleged peace
denssymbol is used and worshiped, also finds use as a logo of the war and nuclear opponents, as it is
was also in use in the hippie movement, which corresponded to a contra-culture in the United States
Emerged in the mid-1960s and that values ​​of the patriarchal and capitalist bourgeois
society radically, both in the field of art and in the area of ​​individual, socio-
and political life. Even in this day and age, the death-rune symbol is a false peace resp. Peace-
Symbol is still popular, as well as a symbol in music and the fashion industry, although this symbol
since the mid-1980s, since then, most harmonic music has become completely disharmonious in many respects, and to this day it is completely non-melodic, jarring,
impure, dissonant, unclean and so cacophonically completely degenerate.And this is both so - as you once said
with regard to the yelling, howling, howling, and whining of the so - called singers and singers
Fall, as well as in terms of instrumental rattle, roaring, Radaus and deafening spectacle, if
I may again use your word usage. It really is not a symbol of peace. The emergence of the absurd
The false and irrational death-rune peace symbol is based on the two letters N and D from the Winkeal
This symbol insanity in 1958 by the British artist Gerald Holtom for nuclear war opponents and
their first big peace march was designed in London. In this regard, he acted on behalf of the British
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), for the purpose of
the first Easter march in London, to the nuclear weapons research center in Aldermaston. What Holtom, however
was a very peace-negative symbol that is still used today and is
application and the resulting negative vibrations in the consciousness of Earth humans much
Causes mischief. Holtom's explanation for his foolish and illogical symbol design was that
Symbol consisting of the two letters N and D of the Winkeralphabets, for which the resp. leare disarmament> stand. That the artist at his wrong death rune peace symbol just in one
Sign language from the war was not only strange and confusing, because the Todesrune resp. the
Death symbol was still in use a few years earlier and stood for death and destruction. Also in the Third Reich
respectively. NAZI empire became the old Germanic Yr rune by NAZIs, who had been sent to all things Aryan.
was -, so today's false symbol of peace, to one of their main symbols, because the SS resp.  fel> used this symbol for death, followed by the death rune also for death, for the date of death and as
Inscription on tombstones use found.This just instead of the usual genealogical sign, ie a religious
Cross. But the actual origin had the symbol even earlier, namely in the modern era of emerging
Christianity, in the first century as a symbol of the persecution of Christians in Rome. At that time emperor pursued
Nero killed the Christians in Rome and had them brutally executed, whereby Apostle Peter also turned his head downwards.
should have been, as falsified apostolic writings should prove. This lie, however, served to
To sanctify Peter and the allegedly reversed cross for the ruler of
to stamp out blasphemy and the persecution of Christians. In Christian circles then the ostensibly reversed resp.
upside down is called the . Truly, the Cross was not such a thing in mind
of a Christ cross, but a natural thick tree branch with a ypsilon-shaped branch fork, how many Roman
Crucifixion were. Peter, too, was crucified on such a tree-branched typeface, which was vertical
was erected, like every tree-typified or hand-made cross, on which the terrestrial people were crucified
the. And the sign for the crucifixion of Paul was shaped in the same way as the Germanic death rune, following
it did not look any different than today's insane and false death rune peace symbol. More can not be explained
Billy Thank you for your comments. The death rune as a false symbol of peace is also in the esoteric
as crow's foot, Drudenfuss or witch's foot called, but according to reality, it is still today, as from ancient times
for death, mischief, destruction, war, disharmony. A French esotericist, dr.Gérard Encausse or something similar
His name is the Death Rune in the (Traité de Science Occulte>)
most popular symbol of all centuries among occultists. What I find amazing though is the fact that
enforce such an ambiguous false symbol of peace throughout the world and cause so much mischief
because the earthlings are so stupid that they can not recognize the evil and can not understand it.
sem catastrophe symbol emerges.
Quetzal Unfortunately, that's actually how you say, because most of Earth's people are in a sick state.
Incursion through life, whereby this stubbornness is so marked by obstinacy and stubbornness,
that the Earth people both from their religious fanaticism resp. of their beliefs no longer
can not come, as well as not from their once taken wrong opinion. Their stubbornness is also based on one
Counseling resistance that prevents good advice from being given, which also results in the
Boredom in the negative sense to the hardly resolvable narrow-mindedness, deadness, dominance, doggedness
and constancy, as well as fanaticism and hardship, and ultimately, loneliness and isolation
But Billy's stubbornness is also in a positive sense, in the form of profound endurance resp.
Perseverance, which in a good and positive sense also as fruiting resp.Tenacity, intransigence,
can be defined and understood. In this way, the obscurity resp. the bungled
be interpreted and understood in a positive and acceptable way, as a consequence of which it is valid in terms of strength,
honesty, firmness, peacefulness, straightforwardness, kindness, obstinacy, helpfulness, learning, love,
Toughness and determination. With regard to a good stubbornness, all values ​​of altruistic forms should also be mentioned.
like the courtesy, the generosity and kindness, the charitable, the kind-hearted, good-natured
sincerity, kindness, kindness and compassion, as well as compassion, forbearance, meekness, selflessness and disinterestedness, being ungodly, warm-heartedness, benevolence and wellbeing.
Acting, but ultimately also the mercy-leave. I learned from Sfath that the origin of the
Griffen Boredness from drilling resp. of it comes when a hole is drilled in something, whereby the speech for men
those who were stubborn, the use of the term 'stubbornness' and 'bungling' already in the
Therefore, in a positive sense, obscurity can also mean that a
Man really decided to stick to an opinion or thing, perform it and champion it.
Quetzal Which is correct, of course.

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