Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Important - urgently needed
The new revised weapons legislation that comes to a vote does not create greater
security, but more crime, crime and insecurity,
contrary to all the contrary assertions of the naïve private advocates
and all political parties, as well as the Council of States and National Council, because they all
do not recognize the true background, which are given by the mendacious EU dictatorship
. From the 718th discussion report from April 21, 2019
A Wise Man
A wise person can be
recognized by first
considering all things and
then by word or deed that
Necessary explains or does.
SSSC, 6 February 2012, 00:06 h, Billy
Billy ... ... ... But then I want to bring the speech back to something else, namely that you have
recently said that the EU dictatorship is taking a fresh start to the
To force a Swiss population into a new gun law, for which you have said something that should actually
be mentioned in a public conversation. By that I mean your explanation of the
background of the EU dictatorship regarding the renewed attempt to restrict the personal
possession of weapons and the purchase of arms.
Ptaah Then I want to come back to it and uncover the real facts that lurk in everything.
First of all, the leadership of the EU dictatorship - which I call the leadership - was
manifested in its origins and evolves more and more in that way
. Already, the EU dictatorship evidently evolves in a way that was
inherent in the NAZI realm, but which obviously can not discern any of those EUhappy-go-luckys who are mind-less
, unconscious, and inferior in their intelligence and therefore stupid
and also naive. Therefore, the advocates are also unable to see
through the ambiguity of the EU dictators, the steadily new laws and regulations, etc. more and more
Restricting the rights of states and their populations, as should be done with the new weapons law
. This is to be treacherously only another step for later and renewed
demands that are increasingly designed to
ultimately completely disarm the entire peoples of Europe sneaky in their private sector completely, and this is
clearly clear - this on the one hand due to cowardly fear of dictatorial EU leadership that peoples could
get up and armed against some of them, but on the other hand, to
ensure that no people, groups, organizations, etc., are armed
against dictatorship of the EU itself. In this regard, there are already secret
but unprecedented plans of the EU dictatorship, such as similar plans to build an EU
dictatorship army, while the peoples could offer armed resistance if it were to become reality
. However, such resistance should already be stifled by the fact that the
new laws
of arms law
should prohibit the populations of all states belonging to the EU dictatorship over time from ever more restrictive laws and measures . This for fear that if privately owned weapons remain, be feared
would have to act as lone fighters or as groups or organizations emerging EU hostile from
the EU dictatorship citizenships against this EU army. The
demands in the new weapons law alsocorrespond to long-term oriented and insidious
underhandedness, which should be realized over time in favor of the EU dictatorship, as well as
the so-called framework agreement with Switzerland. But that the leaders of the states, which
have to determine these interests, are absolutely incapable of
comprehensively grasping the effectual facts, proves themselves by all their erroneous conclusions and misjudgments, by the
more and more liberal restrictions on the populations of all states are evoked.
The suggestion that weapons should be banned in the possession of private individuals, therefore, on the one hand has the
said background, but on the other hand is also alleged by lies and lied that
a ban on weapons crime and crime should be brought to a standstill. Such a prohibition of arms, as
demanded by the non-EU Switzerland, but also by the EU dictatorship and put to the vote in this way, can not be supported in any
way. Only the Swiss population itself could by a choice determination
to create a good and expedient regulation for their own country, and only in such a way that,
on the one hand, each person voluntarily accepts the renunciation of any weapon, if none
is needed. A justification for possession of a weapon as a collector's value, or as a reminder for
any understandable reasons, should be set by law and allowed to persons of integrity
, while also a purchase of weapons
should be allowed only absolutely honest persons , if these are demonstrably neither criminal, criminal, nor psychopathic moral,
emotional or otherwise unpredictable.The following should therefore be in relation to the private
Wanted a consistent solution and not generally prohibited possession of firearms, but it
should be imposed with certain justified conditions of security. This
is not at all in the way of the EU dictatorship, which
wants to demand a general prohibition of arms for the peoples , in order
to secure an absolute dominion over theiraffiliated peoples by a later provided own arms , if this, if they into the criminal arms prohibition Require the
EU dictatorship to
lose all independent rights of possession of weapons, including with respect to their own state. This will also threaten Switzerland, if the stupid of the
responsible rulers, as well as the stupidities of the Swiss people, remembering
the EU dictatorship and living in the illusion that Switzerland's membership of the EU
would be an advantage , but that would ultimately lead to great terror. And that Switzerland,
as a free and neutral state, has at allcommitted itself to binding contractual obligations with the EU
dictatorship, is not only incomprehensible and criminally stupid and naive, but also
dangerous for the continued existence of Switzerland in terms of its independence, freedom, the inner
and outer peace, the right of one's own decisions and one's own work.
Another inescapable factor in a private arms ban would inevitably be that it would increasingly seek and buy arms illegally
from righteous individuals, and especially from criminals and violent criminals
, inevitably
resulting in uncontrollable and flourishing criminal black market trade and mischief
. This, together with other unpleasantnesses, would cause such a prohibition of arms, as
such is
demanded by stupid, in reason, reason and intelligence very much inferior persons in Switzerland, because they are in their naivety, in their ignorance, in their inability to
personally persuasive prudence, far-sightedness are as utterly incompetent as well as a
clear deliberation as well as logical thinking and judgment of an important thing are incapable - even
if they are active in the government, but unfortunately are incapable of foresight.
Billy Exactly, that's what you said in our conversation tough, even if all the stupid
and Naive feel insulted with it, just because they are stupid and naive and therefore
do not want to accept the truth of your explanations and these will be abused as unfair and unfair ,
because their intelligence and their minds and their reason not to be enough to reality and
to grasp the truth.

Ptaah That will undoubtedly be so.

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