Wednesday, August 21, 2019

CR 675 .... FB 124

FIGU information is provided by an excerpt from the 675th FIGU.
official contact meeting on Wednesday, 8 March 2017


The poison glyphosate is once again a widespread topic of conversation, because it is irresponsibly called
is declared harmless and harmless to humans. It might be good if you could still-
I'm sure you'd like to say a few words, because that would be important.
Against all the denials of the manufacturer Monsanto, its 'expert judges' and the governments and governments
health authorities that consider the herbicide or total herbicide glyphosate to be harmless.
and not harmful to human health, the exact opposite is the case. As a result
of your interest, we have been able to prove in large-scale research that glyphosate itself
is life-threatening for humans as well as for all living beings of the fauna in smallest quantities. Alone
in humans, cancer and many other diseases and ailments are caused by glyphosate, which is a
but also all mammals and other forms of life in many ways health damages
even the tiniest amounts of glyphosate, which is extremely toxic. Also
The diversity of plant species is impaired by this and over time is even brought to extinction. To
the smallest amounts of poison glyphosate are also deposited in the plants, which are used as food for the
humans and mammals, etc. when they are treated with the weedkiller.
that one. So even the tiniest amounts of toxic glyphosate residues can be found in the natural
food and also in industrially produced food, as well as in fodder plants and
Waters that serve as food and drinking water for wildlife and small organisms.
Enrichments as toxic residues can also be found in all kinds of animal feeds, in particular
in products used in agriculture for the feeding of horses, cattle, pigs and poultry.
will be used. Toxic glyphosate residues, however, are also contained in feed for food forms,
who are kept by earthlings as companions, like dogs, cats, birds, mice, rats
and hamsters etc. Due to the low levels of glyphosate residues in the natural food plants, the
in different ways into the food of human beings and all living beings, and this is
which also contaminates the dietary meat of slaughter animals consumed by humans.

This in turn leads to malformations in newborns, miscarriages, kidney damage, such as
also various cancers. According to our research, glyphosate damages the environment and human health.
The health of humans, fauna and flora in a way that is not even excessively characteristic of all other known herbicides. And when it rains, the glyphosate applied is removed by the herbicides
sprayed plants and paths etc. into the nearest sewage ditches, into the sewers, into brooks,
ponds and rivers, but also seeps into the ground and poisons the groundwater,
because glyphosate is highly toxic to water. Depending on the dose, glyphosate destroys almost everything in water,
what lives and grows in it - whether fish, insects, newts, frogs, dragonfly larvae, algae or water-
but also many land creatures perish from it and at least fall ill and sick.
if they drink the water contaminated with glyphosate. And what kills the fauna and flora, goes
makes him sick and afflicted, he follows by glyphosate -
is suffering from cancer, allergies, epidemics and diseases and is dying miserably. And in this
Wisely it goes over years, in which Glyphosat peu à peu cancer, diseases, sufferings and epidemics
created. This includes autism, which is usually already present in food contaminated with glyphosate.
of the mother in the womb and is then also absorbed by the newborn through the mother's milk, which is also contaminated. However, glyphosate does not only affect farmers, whom I would like to thank for the
It also applies to all gardeners and hobby gardeners, railway workers and chicory, etc., who work directly with glyphosate and absorb glyphosate residues via skin pores and possibly also via the mouth, which also settle in all basic foodstuffs. Thus glyphosate gets into barley, oats, rice, rye and wheat and through these into
many flour products, such as dough and bakery products, but also in cereal flakes of all kinds, as well as in
Corn, soya and sugar, etc. However, vegetables and berries are also affected, as is drinking water, because, as has already been mentioned, toxic substances seep into the groundwater, which can then be used earlier or more efficiently.
used later by humans for food preparation and also by all imaginable possible living conditions.
of the essence is drunk. And if the glyphosate is consumed by man through food and drink even in only
is ingested in small quantities, it will sooner or later have toxic effects, including
in the case of mothers, in relation to breast milk, by which foetuses in the womb are already present in one or other of the
The same applies to malformations and miscarriages. Also
Respiratory complaints and skin diseases are caused by glyphosate, as well as a
increasing and increasing loss of biodiversity, such as the rapid decline of the
Bee mortality. Glyphosate also triggers chronic botulism in cattle, a poisoning disease that can affect both humans and all mammals. Already in small
Glyphosate and other glyphosate-containing substances damage human embryonic and placenta cells as well as the DNA of humans, amphibians, animals, geta animals, reptiles, birds, fish, other
Aquatic creatures and all sorts of other life forms. In the human body, glyphosate can already be found within
in only 24 hours. Glyphosate also paves the way for Alzheimer's disease
and diabetes and, as already mentioned, also cancer and all sorts of diseases and body diseases, such as
but also depression, heart attacks and infertility in both sexes. Glyphosate has
also very high negative effects on soil fertility and the entire soil organisms.

Certain pathogenic parasitic moulds are also promoted, such as Fusaria (Am. Wikipedia: = Fusarium is a genus of the tube fungi. Their teleomorphic genus is Gibberella. Their
Representatives usually grow in plant tissue, for example in food or cereals. Many
Species are parasitic, killing their host. The disease is called fusariosis. that kill their host. Micronutrients can no longer be absorbed by microorganisms and fungi and the disease defence of plants can no longer be guaranteed, which also means that earthworms, which are indispensable for the aeration of soils, are no longer able to survive.
Avoid soils contaminated with glyphosate. Glyphosate occurs in the urine of humans and humans.
and other living creatures of various species, even if they are not
directly when spraying plants and soils with toxic water residues, etc., or almost with
glyphosate have come into contact with. There is a classic or acute botulism and a chronic or visceral botulism, both forms being caused by toxins of the bacterium 'Clostridium botulinum', whereby the nerve toxin 'BoNT' or neurotoxin in particular is of enormous importance and the strongest toxin of all. From a purely theoretical point of view, a quantity of only 40 grams of
are enough to destroy the entire earthly human race. If the symptoms of botulism are not
cattle, then emaciation or a life-threatening disease can occur in a conspicuous way.
Weight loss, as well as a drop in performance in appearance, e.g. in consumption or tuberculosis
and cancer. Further symptoms are a duck run, which is also called a watschell run, as well as an
high drawn up belly, staggering and limited reflexes, whereby also a disturbed drinking behavior and
and non-healing skin wounds, as well as rumen paralysis or paralysis of the largest of the three preomasions, which is known as the large fermentation chamber.
serves. Botulism bacteria primarily multiply in meat and plants when they fall into decay. If cattle ingest such bacteria through food that is interspersed with the nerve poison BoNT, a case of classical botulism arises. Chronic Botulism
is initially caused solely by the spores of the botulism bacteria when they are ingested with food and only begin to act and germinate in the intestinal tract. The chronic botulism
cattle suffering from chronic glyphosate poisoning become permanent excretors of spores from the
Botulism bacteria. This results in an increased and permanent risk of infection, even for uninfected animals, which also infects farmers, other people and other living creatures.
can. In humans, an infection can lead to eyelid heaviness, muscle weakness, swallowing
like a dumpling in the throat, frequent urge to urinate with residual urinary retention. Due to
Glyphosate kills all health-promoting bacteria in the stomach and intestines of humans, cattle and all forms of life, resulting in severe damage to the intestinal flora in the body.
appearance, whereby bacteria of all kinds, especially the botulism bacterium, no longer occur.
can be sufficiently repelled.
However, the policy does nothing to prevent the prospects of an effective hazard classification with regard to
glyphosate and therefore a corresponding ban on the dangerous active substance would not be considered at all.
in a traditional costume. It is disillusioning that Monsanto and the majority of health researchers, politicians and governments have known for about 20 years that glyphosate contains life-threatening substances.
for all living beings. However, this is irresponsibly trivialised or fundamentally denied,
many people continue to die of cancer and other diseases and sufferings, and
die, as do many birth defects caused by glyphosate. All in all
politically hardly anything or nothing at all to ban the glyphosate in principle, it can only be assumed whether there will ever be a ban at all.

The fact is
namely that many of the politicians, commissioners and high-ranking employees who have been informed about such
have to decide how genetically modified feed and food are closely linked to the agro-industry and are paid horrendously for their advocacy of the production and sale of glyphosate etc.. Will the view be on these politicians, Commissioners and
high-ranking employees responsible for the glyphosate and other toxic pesticides and
If the residues are correct, it becomes clear that some of these proponents are or have been closely associated with toxin producers, such as BASF,
Bayer, Monsanto and Syngenta, etc. And these are corporations that are massively opposed to a ban on the
The company's product range also includes glyphosate-containing pesticides. It should be noted that only Monsanto, with its glyphosate-containing product 'Roundup', is able to offer a complete range of products.
If the market value of the active ingredient is as high as USD 2 billion, then it should be absolutely clear that all other agrochemical groups and their group representatives also earn large fortunes and are therefore trying to prevent a ban on this active ingredient. Your findings alone make it absolutely clear that the plant destroyer glyphosate is highly hostile to life and even deadly for humans, the fauna and flora, and that it is a very dangerous and dangerous substance.
and Flora and therefore for the whole world. However, the fact that so far, from a political point of view, not enough has been done to ban glyphosate in its production, sale and use can effectively be seen as political failure. It is simply incomprehensible that despite all negative signs, glyphosate-containing products continue to be produced, sold and distributed on a massive scale.
The only correct measure that can be considered is an immediate halt to production, sales and use.

The fact is that our research clearly proves that glyphosate has a positive effect on health and other health effects.
damage and even the death of humans and the fauna and flora.
The interests of agriculture and large nurseries should no longer be given economic priority.
but it would have to be traded immediately wherever glyphosate has been used for a long time.
has caused major damage to fauna and flora and is still causing increasing damage today,
especially with regard to people's health. An immediate stop to production, production and consumption
The purchase and use of glyphosate is of the utmost urgency, because treated foods
and feed bring death, extinction of fauna and flora and destruction. Last but not least
the entire political system is called into question, which does not assume its responsibility, and it
allows Monsanto and the entire poison economy to put pressure on farmers and nurseries
so that it can always produce higher yields, just like Monsanto and other poison corporations do.
to make a profit - regardless of people, nature, their fauna and flora, the water supply and the environment.
and the entire community and environment.

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