Monday, September 3, 2018

CR 709

What the Plejaren have to say about sanctions
Excerpt from 709th official contact conversation of July 29, 2018
Billy ... Then the question: how do you judge Plejaren sanctions that seized against other states and
how the EU dictatorship and the US specifically against Russia practice?
Quetzal Such action and action is nonsensical and politically reprehensible.
Ptaah sanctions as a political weapon correspond to an equally insidious, despicable one
and degraded attitudes like any kind of warfare. If I may use your words,
then I want to say that political as well as other sanctions are stupid, primitive and weak.
are sensible and prove that the authors of such machinations despotic, irresponsible elements
which are very horrendous in terms of intellect, reason and intelligence and therefore of a real, healthy one
and righteous ways of governing.

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