Monday, September 3, 2018

CR 709

The Quest For Answers .... To Everything ....

Monday, September 3, 2018

The following excerpt from the 709th official contact conversation on July 29, 2018
Billy ... For the time being I would like to ask a question regarding the following newspaper articles, because in
Germany again the "Reich Citizens Movement" problem becomes active again. After an incident in the middle
Franconian town of Georgensgmünd in Germany on 19 October 2016, you have from far more than 14 000 citizens> (exact number was 14 791), which existed in Germany. Now the number of
dramatically increased, as the Constitutional Protection announces. 
Ptaah The number of 14 791 has been within a short time since our last count 
as a result of various sensational statements by the media, such as television, newspapers and journals, regarding the
Happened in the town of Georgensgmünd on 19 October 2016 increased to 27 622.The rapidly increasing number of
In Germany newly created on the one hand were therefore by the Sensationsmedienberichte 
animated, but on the other hand, but also by the wrong unsustainable, free and volkswillenfeindliche
Politics and governance. In addition to the number of 27,622 citizens of the Reich, many of whom are
fear governmental repression and therefore secretly lean towards their
according to our clarifications, still sympathizes with a number of more than 83,000 women and men in
Germany, which feel a sense of belonging to a affiliation and whose 
Favor ideology. But what remains is the fact that the number of and 
whose supporters continue to increase, in particular the dissatisfaction of the German citizenship
the most important factor is, namely the dissatisfaction with the Federal Government, whereby mainly
the Chancellor is in the sights of aversion and hatred, which is also responsible for the culture> is responsible.
Billy Thanks, then it can only get worse, both with the dissatisfaction
as well as with the hatred against the German Federal Government and thus especially with regard to the Federal Chancellery
Angela Merkel.
Ptaah That will indeed be the case.
Billy The and neo-Nazis in Germany and Switzerland, etc., as well as various others 
Groupings in the form of autonomy groups and self-administrators etc. in many other countries
In my opinion, nothing but right-wing terrorists, their terror in their state hatred and nonsense
morbidly stupid and stupid equate with and and etc. The machinations 
the neo-Nazis had been in the late 1970s, and then at the beginning of the 1980s by a group of the citizen> also effects on us resp. the FIGU, which you Plejaren probably remembers you as well
certainly also Bernadette and I, and that's because, because of the delusion, neo-Nazis and have fallen for the delusion 
reported to us and thanked us that the FIGU would catch up with them. On this crazy
They came up with the idea of ​​the association name because they were of the confused opinion 
that the term "free" is to be understood as an "autonomy" separated from the state, hence the "free" one
Community of interests> is an autonomy group. Of course, we distance ourselves from this vehemently and for what
I have a particularly important word to say:
Our association FIGU resp. the corresponds to a constitutional association, 
who, like all FIGU club members, Switzerland as a state, as well as its federal constitution and the
Recognizes and obeys laws. Also, the association recognize FIGU and its members consistently and um-
catch the historical facts. So the existence of Switzerland as a state is in no way denied, this one
not denigrated or denied, as well as the legitimacy of the basic laws is not called into question, because
In general, the decisions of authorities and courts are accepted by FIGU and its members.
This includes the necessary unavoidable state taxes, such as taxes, etc. So founded the
FIGU on any autonomous grouping, its own autonomous state or something else hostile to the state and is not willing to deviate from it. And this is and remains so, 
because the association FIGU preserves the FREEDOM and FREEDOM in every righteous and legal state -
legally compliant and permitted way, which is what its members do in a purely private capacity so
which is state law absolutely right. So the association FIGU is classified in the state of Switzerland, like
also the association members are inserted into the entire state order of Switzerland. The association FIGU
also does not produce phantasy ID papers, etc., but only ID cards, etc., which justifiably only
FIGU-vereinsbezogen are, as in any relationship, even the state-made money as a means of payment g -
and thus honestly the justified taxes are paid, which in every imaginable way -
made and necessary to contribute to the preservation of Switzerland.
But what now concerns crazy autonomy groups, such as Reich citizens or individual autonomous resp. Singles -
autonomous persons or other anti-state and anti-governmental elements, groupings and self-governing
obsession, etc., there are such not only in the form of etc. in Germany, but also 
in Switzerland, whereby these and etc. do not abide by laws and the 
Denounce the rule of law as a joke. In Switzerland, too, a movement is growing in this respect,
which resembles the Reich citizens from Germany. "Switzerland is only a club" is proclaimed
In addition, the Swiss-Reichsbürger sympathizers keep in touch with each other in the Internet, while they on
Face book to give instructions on how willing Reichsbürgerverrückte from the state and will> be able. In a YouTube video, a certain Heino Fankhauser even gives instructions how to use
to have "returned" his person to the state in an affidavit, and since then only as a "human being."
Heino> want to be addressed. Since then he puts under documents only his thumbprint and
in lowercase his name. Swiss also use all kinds of self-produced ID cards and 
fictional car number plates and drive around in Switzerland, even the authorities and
Courts require that they only judge people, not people. This will be
well said, that may only be directed at persons who belong to the state of Switzerland, but not
about because only these are and should be named as such. Also will 
proclaimed by these that police right is not about human rights to negotiate. 
Well, even in Austria the is active, whereby the Austrian statesmen deny themselves or are known as followers of the (OPPT), who claim that they are 
could operate the state, but to which it must be said that there are also OPPT followers in Switzerland.
Austria also has to deal with an organization which is the International Common Law Court of Justice
Vienna> (ICCJV), which also relocated its center to Switzerland and with the human, natural and
Wants to establish a "general jurisprudence" that should go beyond the Federal Constitution.
A so-called is also part of the ICCJV, which is an association in the Swiss Commercial Register. 
worn, these are supposed to carry , resulting in Judicial orders>, as it can be read on the ICCJV website. In this way, the weapons -
laws of Switzerland have no validity. So the ICCJV is also active in Switzerland, being among the founders
The Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Model also belongs, as the manufacturer of packaging an annual turnover
of around 600 million francs. He also founded his own state in 2006, which he
Named and for what he built a massive stone building - the Modelhof, where among other lectures 
and called for of the state monopoly on the use of force and law 
becomes. are thus not only a national phenomenon, but also a broad international phenomenon, 
and this is also available in many other countries, eg in Australia, as well as in Denmark eg , like 
but also in France, England, Canada, the USA, Russia, as well as in various other countries.
For the term there is actually no common definition, as in this direction 
no uniform or ideology exists. Effectively, individual groups are partially 
divided because their anti-state ideologies diverge. Their pathologically confused
Thought-building consists of diverse and in itself illogical right-wing extremist, racist,
religious-sectarian and anti-Semitic or secular-erroneous ideologies, conspiracy theories or esoteric
terischen nonsense. One thing, however, is that all female and male followers of such weaknesses
ideologies, namely that they do not recognize the regular and constitutionally created states.
Because they all claim that the effective constitutional state is not the law and that the
Peoples would only be exploited by these "pseudo-states", with the of all kinds being the historic ones 
Consistently ignore and deny facts. In addition, they demarcate their homes, houses and their land, with extreme elements not shying away from their delusion, using force of arms to their  
Defend and thereby accept the death of others.
Well, I think, if the existence of the constitutionally friendly home state of elements 
denied, it also denies the legitimacy of basic laws, as well as
and courts are not accepted, no taxes or other government taxes paid any
State obligations are met. Everybody form their own governments, monarchies and set 
Kings, imperial officials or imperial military. They also print their own money and spend it as well
eg the "angel money" in Saxony-Anhalt, as well as fantasy papers, such as passports, driving licenses and personnel -
cards, etc., and try to legitimize themselves in the regular constitutional state.
In this way, there are quite strange flowers, such as a self-proclaimed land>, whose real name is Peter Fitzek and with its own and with its own
Currency is crazy.
But what about the intelligence and irresponsibility of Chancellor Merkel in
to refer to the evoked that is still in place today and also in 
a future that has hit virtually all EU dictatorship states, as well as Switzerland,
so the whole thing is not maintained solely by criminal smugglers. As you already have privately
In other words, irresponsible rulers from the countries of refuge work together with the smugglers and
also cash in from the refugees who have to pay for their smugglers. So enrich yourself
not only the smugglers of the refugees, but also the irresponsible rulers involved with the
Smugglers work together. The governing states in question have the > Merkel very opportunely, as you said, because all the refugees who made their way to Europe
looking, with many finding death, no longer burden their homeland with unemployment, poverty, crime,
Crime and various other problems. Of course, the irresponsible govern-
that of the flight-states, because on the one hand they do not annoy oneself or much less with these problems
on the other hand, however, are still paid by the hired haulers and thus benefit horrendously.
This, however, in that the irresponsible rulers of the escape states secretly hired smugglers and
In addition, to promote the escape of the refugees, especially young people from their homeland
flee because they are told that they are very welcome in Europe and in joys and glories
could live. With false promises they are animated to flee to Europe, which is secretly and
government-wide funding in the refugee states, of which the grossmäuligen, of stupidity,
Megalomania, power greed and self-glaring infuriated rulers and all the false humanitarian refugees
Lingsretter have no idea and knowledge.Therefore, they also do everything in their ignorance, the
Refugee flows to further promote and the smugglers and their irresponsible backers in
to make the governments of the countries of escape richer and richer while, on the other hand, many refugees, the
Pay horrendous amounts to the smugglers, find the arduous ways to die to Europe.
Ptaah I've talked about this many times before, but this was actually only private,
why it is good that you mention these facts once in an official conversation, so do I.
could have done, but never was, because there were always other facts to talk about. ...

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