Sunday, November 18, 2018

The following interview is based on TIME MARKET reader request Ptaah ... But to discuss this would be nonsensical, which is why I now, as I promised some time ago, I want to call you the predictions of my great-great-grandfather Hilak for earthly humanity and Earth, which he founded in 1446 BC Immanuel / Chr. wrote down and I have translated for you in the German language. Billy Of course, you always have to translate everything, even that of your father Sfath. Ptaah Of course, because all the records of my father and my grandfathers were written in our Plejaren language. But now listen: Prediction of great-great-grandfather Hilak, from the year 1446 BC Immanuel / Chr. The lives of the people of the world fall for millennia into the distant future of the modern age and a very long time later by delusional belief in deities and the like to a corrupted by faith miserable, unpleasant and depraved lives in false faith-slavery. The result is a serious imprisonment in a delusion that leads to millennia to strife and terrible wars and again in new ruin. Misconceptions, lies, and deceptions, mystifications, illusions, and pretensions of phantasmagoria will be part of the order of all times to come, and many thousands of times thousands of thousands of human lives will demand and again and again large parts of the world and their nature through wars, etc. destroy many lives as far as possible. And the origin of this calamity will begin in about 200 years with the emergence of the coming Ysrjr Confederation of Ptaah: the monotheistic folk tribe in Canaan, later Syria, the original source of Judaism) of the world's first delusion of wit, hatred, envy Retribution and lies and deception will be carried over thousands of years into the farthest future. This first delusion, which will be referred to in the distant future as the Creed, will bring much misery, misery, distress, suffering, delusional hatred, and destruction between all the peoples of the world for millennia. The real reason for the greatest religious delusions of the world will emerge from the delusion covenant created by the first, which is set in motion and set in motion (note ptaah: faith community, faith connection, religious association).Out of this origin, a further delusion covenant will emerge in another 700 years in the east of the world, through which bloodshed and hatred will be spread throughout the world over time. Another approximately 500 years later a proclaimer (Jmmanuel) of the ancient will emerge, but his doctrine will be falsified, abused, and a new world-wide libelous, pernicious, hate-spreading, dangerous, death-prone, and destructive new delusion faith derived , For over two millennia, this will lead to worldwide wars, atrocities, murders, hatred, persecutions and the immense destruction of innumerable human works, nature and their living beings. There will also be an immense amount of human beings who will multiply like locusts and devise and carry out machinations whose evil effects will destroy large parts of the planet and of nature, thereby destroying much of nature's life for all time. However, some 500 years after the advent of the , a new proclaimer (Note Ptaah: Muhammad) will come to life in the re-life of the same teaching to eradicate all that is wrong and objectionable, however, malicious and delusional and doctrine Misunderstanding slander made from the of the previous kinker. But even the doctrine of this new artist will be extremely viciously falsified, and over all the next millennia into wars, hatred, slander, and innumerable dead, as well as fear, horror, and grossly fatal acts of violence. (Ptaah: Tyranny , Despotism, dictatorship, reign of terror, totalitarian systems, absolutist rule and terrorism, which will bring about riots, riots, violence, riots, street fighting, riots, uprisings and assaults). Therefore, the people of the modern age have to understand their abysmal situation through clarity and reason, and to free themselves from their false beliefs, to find their way to themselves, to become themselves and consciously learn to bear their own responsibility. Therefore, it is said that the whole of humanity must leave their faith prison and their religious beliefs, because otherwise they will be led astray by their belief in God and mass tortured and murdered by millions of deceptive persecutions, when the Sun Cross (Ptaah : Sun Wheel, Swastika, Swastika) as a malignant sign announces the oncoming terrible time and the energy of the Tiny (Note Ptaah: Nuclear fission) released, abused and the devastating death messenger. And if it does, then it also announces that all the horrors will be more and more frequent in consecutive order, causing many sufferings and only a small part of the non-belief rational will be capable of knowing and understanding the truth alone, and only a few be smart enough to know their true happiness. Everything around the human being will collapse and disappear, and nothing of the achievements of civilization will endure, for the perversity of human beings will destroy everything, for it will shake the whole earth, and in the end, there will be no traces of the erroneous cults. The great mass of many billions of people will degenerate under the yoke of ignorance and godliness, and creatively become alien to real life and degenerate in every way imaginable. Even severe earthquakes as earth-mechanical natural phenomena, tremendous storms and unforeseen fires will change the face of the earthly world. But it will not hear the warnings, nor the old doctrine of the prophets, which the new proclaimer of the modern age will bring, and which will have the purpose of awakening and sensitizing the mind and reason of men to them to enable them to free themselves from their errors and the delusions of their religious faith and their follies, and from all their evil actions, deeds and crimes of all kinds. Nevertheless, they should be taught by the new announcer and understand that they alone are responsible for all their actions, actions and behaviors, as are other intelligent life forms in the universe. People should and must strive to be in harmony with the currents of nature and the universe, and thus with creation and all of its existence, and not refuse to go with the creative flow, so as not to miss the benefits of good conditions that are offered to them by the Creation commands, which can be developed higher and higher through the intelligence and power of man himself. But they must evolve the evolution of their consciousness so as not to be left behind in their minds and reason, so as not to have to wait millions of years until a foreign power gives them an ascending wave of reason and reason. FIGU TIMES, No. 106, November / 2 2018 5 The Earth and the entire solar system, as well as the universe as a whole, did not become a creature-natural, rather than a cheap and non-existent deity, but the only creation through an immense release of natural consistency Create impulses and bring them in a developing direction. These creative-natural impulses, which also work in human beings, are referred to as understanding in the human sense as love, but disregarded by innumerable people, regarded as sentimentality and, despite their great power, regarded as ridiculous. In fact, these impulses, which are called love, are, however, the greatest of all powers existing in man, alongside which money and power are nothing but worthless unworthiness, even if the people make them decisive for the course and preservation of their lives are dependent. But in the future people will have to be particularly flooded and served by love, otherwise their lives and their consciousness will be tortured and damaged by unimaginable suffering, difficulties and inhuman deeds and horrors, through which the mental order, the thoughts, the senses and costumes and their behavior become evil, criminal, criminal, outrageous, reprehensible, primitive, and proletarian. So then the terrible forms of the prophecies of the ancient prophets will be fulfilled, referring to the coming epoch, which will soon begin and be fulfilled, but continue in a vicious and frightening way from the sign of the sun-cross and move on into the future become. There will also be times of great floods over the world, and there will be water where the earth is, and there will be earth where water is. Hurricanes, giant fires, and earthquakes will prevail and sweep away everything that is unleashed by horror, wars, murders, revolutions, tyranny, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny, despotism, unrestricted violence, and crime. Horrible explosions will be heard in many places around the world as a result of explosions and terrorist attacks, which will cause fear, horror, fear and terror in many places and in many countries. And in many cases the false and mistaken belief in God will be guilty of it, and it will always be a delusion of people, but never an answer or a demand of a God invented by man. On the contrary, nature will demand vengeance for the crimes committed and perpetrated by the abundant humanity on earth and on earth. Man is advised to practice peace, to live in peace and to rule the world in peace before the time of suffering and terror comes, for it has been written from time immemorial that not a single hair of the righteous is bent becomes. Thus, just people may not be discouraged, but simply follow the path of learning to personal development of their consciousness, as taught by the ancient true prophets, and how in modern times the new preacher will teach and his doctrine will be carried out into the cosmos , People need to study their teachings and learn how the universe, and thus creation, works, because it is necessary for them to quickly understand the world and creation as nature and the universe, and in that way merge with it in knowledge. People are predestined to learn to live in a natural and creative way, just as each one of them is capable of striving and living the laws of creation.However, everyone has to form themselves like a new continent, and emerge like an island from the vast sea and spread in his love and in his knowledge to the best of his own ability. In modern times, the new proclaimer will be the founder of a new civilization (note ptaah: grouping, association), also called communion, and standing firm for the good and the right and for the ancient (note ptaah: ). It will spread the old in a new way and represent it to people all over the world. As a result, humanity will become a large family over time, eventually becoming like a large and extensive body. In the new civilization (note ptaah: grouping, community, association), love will manifest in a way that the presenter will exemplify in a simple and connecting manner. Unfortunately, the Earth will remain a planet of struggle, hardship, misery and misery, even though in modern times the teaching of the New Order is gradually being spread throughout the world by new modern possibilities and ways. The forces of evil and darkness will feel oppressed and slowly withdraw, but the earth and their humanity will never be finally liberated from them. Many of the followers of the kinner's teaching will follow a new, better and clearer path, a path of new life leading to the development of consciousness, to reason and reason, to inner peace, to inner freedom and joy of life and to true human being. But others, the unrighteous and the degenerate, will continue their life in their senseless pride and impudence, condemning everything of the creative and being unapproachable. In the end, however, they will have to understand that their old direction in their lives is completely wrong and incompatible with the new world created by the new doctrine and awakening from it a new culture and civilization. It will then be only a matter of time before the light of truth, good and justice will awaken and triumph. The religions will have to lose their power and give truth their proper place if the common basis of all belief systems of God collapses. As a result, bad people will slowly give up the intensity of their evil doctrine and turn to the peacefulness of truth and fellow human beings. But many of them will also hunt and hate the new proclaimer of modern times, and they will devise his doctrinal efforts with disapproving, hostile insults and false accusations, lies and fury evil slander viciously hurt in his honor. And shame on his call is made and sinister intrigues (Ptaah: injustices, assassinations, assaults) are perpetrated against him. Allso hateful faith supporters will also deliberately try to destroy with a lot of new tools of the modern age (note Ptaah: informational possibilities, internet, media, radio, television) his obligation and his work despicable and cunning. But all attackers will harm themselves with it, for their lives will be joyless, and they will once be hated even by fellow human beings because they will not accept the new life in terms of the ancient , hence they will already pass away in their lives become like rotten, harmful fruits. But it will also be on Earth that certain continents will perish and others will emerge, because not only people, but also the face of the world will change completely. And in the millennia to come, there will be many dangers that humanity is not yet aware of and that will bring them much suffering, hardship, misery, war, harm and destruction. Also, many people will continue to pursue for a long time to pursue dishonorable, unworthy, unreal, dangerous, and great dangers for all humanity, but they will ultimately be doomed to failure. And this will be so while the others, who respectfully learn and obey the teachings of the New Ornate of modern times, honorably deal with their lives and with all things. Thanks to the , the earth will one day become a blessed planet, but until then mankind will still be struck by much suffering, misery and distress and their consciousness will not yet be awakened. So it will take centuries and millennia for everything to be fulfilled in such a way that the becomes the true doctrine of life for all mankind. So she has to prepare for and master big and difficult exams because she can not avoid them and she has to learn to master them - whether she wants to or not, otherwise she will one day go under. Billy Gigantic. And that was predicted some 3500 years ago by your great-great-grandfather Hilak. He has looked far into the future. Ptaah He has been watching the future. Billy So no probability calculations, but futures. Ptaah Right.

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