Saturday, December 1, 2018

712th contact conversation on October 30, 2018
Conversation after Ptaah had read the above article
Ptaah Very interesting, but the draft of this UN migration pact has long been known to me, as well as the
unlawful and the Swiss state and the Swiss population damage-causing machinations
of the Swiss UN ambassador who is in this -Article is called. If in Marrakech this
United Nations Migration Treaty actually came into being and was recognized, accepted and approved by the Swiss delegation.
Significantly adopted and agreed by signing, then the Swiss state in one thing
in the last consequence - because in the future there are still a number of other compelling
Migration pact will follow - the freedom of the Swiss state and its entire population more and more
is cropped. And as far as the negative possibilities mentioned in this article are concerned, these are not
It is illusory, because if Switzerland agrees to this treaty, it means the beginning and the end of it
Admission to a United Nations Bailiwick, as is already the case with regard to the contractual arrangements with the EU
Dictatorship, in which representatives of the country are compulsorily compelled by their impartiality, incompetence and in their decision-making
and irresponsible to the detriment of Switzerland and its people irresponsible.
Billy We do not want to politicize and we do not want to interfere directly with politics, nor politically het
but I think that according to the free expression of opinion we can just say our opinion
and allowed, where I think we may say what the given facts are and what is more reasonable
Contemplation, reflection and probable foresight can result from anything. So I'm according to
This article thought and also created probability calculations that result in quite big evils
to have. The exhortations listed in the article actually have a hand and foot and have produced results that
pointed out that in all likelihood everything will develop and surrender over time, as well as
this on the one hand the Warnings, but on the other hand my calculations are also
that, in the longer term, Switzerland and its entire population are ultimately
mandate of the UN and the EU dictatorship. This would make the state of Switzerland and the entire
Swiss people ultimately lose all freedom of action and self-decision as well as every freedom to one
own federal constitution, legislation, criminal code and, and, and, and ... The army would eventually
no longer under Swiss law, but under the direct command of the UN and also in
Connection with the EU dictatorship.Eventually, my probability calculations showed, Switzerland would
then, as a result of prevailing international law, stand under its death-flag. And Todesfuchtel is effec-
tively serious, because in my calculations it has also emerged that in some cases this UNO migration pact
In international law, the death penalty can be reintroduced worldwide, as is the case with the EU dictatorship
was. In fact, she has re-established the death penalty with and through the EU Constitution - for all EU dictatorship states.
which can be reapplied at any time, but which has left the populations of the EU dictatorship countries
will be silent. As a whole, the principle applies - as in my high-value probabilities.
calculation of possible international law of the world - that the international
right, all national law breaks and overrides. And that's how it will come sooner or later, if that
UNO migration pact comes about, whereby in the future everything will also apply to Switzerland and its population
when the responsible leaders should irresponsibly sign the UN Pact.

If that were to happen, then Switzerland and the Swiss people would immediately be under the UN Migration Compact.
Right, as by the governmental irrationality and self-importance of those responsible in Switzerland
This was already the case, which forced various Swiss treaties under EU dictatorship law. The UN
Migration Pact Law will break all national laws, including those of Switzerland, if the stupidity and
The lack of responsibility of those responsible may win. In the end, this would mean that in Switzerland the federal
constitution and thus undermined every fundamental right and the death penalty at the discretion of the international law constitution
performed again. And that would happen, just by the guilt and the will of pro and hurray
screaming politicians and their stupid-stupid supporters from the people, then they would have to also responsible for this
that peace, freedom and justice in Switzerland are also null and void.
would do. In any case, the whole of the UN Migration Pact violates the Swiss Federal Constitution.
as well as in the existing form as well as when the new international law also
in Switzerland the death penalty would be reintroduced and enforced. Ergo: Only idiots, pathological
Stupid-stupid, masochists, schizophrenics and suicides, etc. blindly trust those indiscriminate politicians
core and country representatives who in their power behavior feeble-minded, autocratic and morbidly stupid their states
and plunge peoples into misfortune. But many of the populations themselves are stupider than bean straw and believe
those misbehaving politicians and take their lies, frauds and false machinations as bare
Coin, reality and truth, which can not be trusted and whose reason and reason and judgment
fortune and conscience is nothing more than a rotten waste product of their defective intelligence. And that
Of course, exactly this kind of politicians and their followers from the peoples do not want to recognize themselves as affected,
but in this respect all righteous politicians, people's representatives, rulers, citizens of the
To blame peoples, that's clear, because the guilty people never want to be guilty, as it is with the God-fearing
the believer is the case. And it is precisely in this respect that the majority of the devout believers in politics
crouch and verbally with the manmade lies, slander and the scams regardingWord> toss around, which are the worst.And in this regard, countless rulers around the world are
God-believers often God, the Writings andlead to the political and political field
To gain power-advocates from the populations, being stupid and simple-minded
then in a religious-hearing manner the seducers are believed. And therefore it is not surprising that around the
World just made many rulers, politicians and country representatives etc. in governments and public office power
exercise their false and contemptible religious roles to their peoples. And besides, they can do that
although they lack reason, reason, and the necessary intelligence for their ministry, and therefore are incapable of leading
of a state and its population. The result is that they are no more and no less
are only selfish, egotistical and autocratic sad figures who are not peaceful, liberal,
fair politics and governance are capable of doing so, as well as not so, for the good of their states and peoples
work and do the best for them. But the fact is that many of these elements are always religious
Piety and its God to the fore, because they are the delusion of have expired - whether
really, allegedly or advantageally advanced, that is an open question - and they live in delusion, divine
To receive instructions and to hear heavenly messages. And that it is precisely these devout believers
power, peace, freedom, justice and humanity, as well as healthy and necessary ones
Measures for the saving planning and action in relation to the healthy preservation and preservation and regeneration
nature, their fauna and flora, the oceans and fresh waters, the climate, the environment and the environment
Earth itself and its humanity have neither an interest nor a responsibility.
certificate of accomplishment But this also applies to the most urgent and humane
reduction of overpopulation through a worldwide birth-stop and an inescapable world-wide
send birth control. But the misguided part of that has to do with the governmental rulers and in politics
cooperating sedentary big-mouthed neither an interest nor understanding, as well as the cheering them from the
Populations that are all - just the fallible part of the politicians and rulers, the equally responsible
It is like the part of the like-minded people and they are the most exalted of the peoples - only their personal ones
Wishes, ideas, pleasures, their wealth, individual well-being and their degenerate pleasures.
But that they all, the whole of the fallible selfish, selfish and power-obsessed politicians and
Rulers, etc., as well as the majority of their peoples, continue to do everything degenerate and evil in each one
Maintaining relationship, steadily increasing it, pushing on and the whole earth humanity as well as the nature, fauna and
Flora, the entire environment and the planet Earth itself into a tremendous and never-to-be-made catastrophic
It does not matter to you all. So they work thoughtlessly and irresponsibly idiotic.
continue to promote and foster fear and strife across the world and among all nations and peoples.
freedom, terror and wars. The consequences are - of that part of the politicians and rulers as well as of
Fearless inhuman peoples, who in cowardly fear the alleged other states minded theirs
Pants shit - steadily the military andExpenditures increased more and more, the weapons
potential increased with the latest state-of-the-art lethal weapon systems and hatred and enmity are becoming ever more vehement
grown up. But that is not enough, because those idiots among the politicians and rulers who are in
Fearful of foreign states, allegedly enemies, shutting their trousers, hounding their peoples
In addition, they call for the further development of their armies, or where there are not yet any such, that such life should be called into being and built up.And that, as a result, everything remains the result of evil, terror and terror.
This fact is probably even the most uneducated, most obtuse and weak-minded
People in the backwoods clear, but obviously not the fallible of politics and governments, like
also not to the large masses of the populations, who think themselves better than the inexhaustible ones in the bush and the
populist acting powerful and their false religion sayings faithfully follow. And that you
all of them also ridicule and creep into those politicians and leaders in their asses,
They do not realize that as well as politically and governmentally, they do not realize that
they live in delusion, even highly educated, shod, clever, knowledgeable, very substantial, well-founded, learned, trained,
informed, knowledgeable, secure, secure, unassailable, infallible, well informed and reliable, however
truly have nothing of all of this, but on the contrary are absolutely more than just dumb and beanstool stupid.
Ptaah I can judge your statements only in passing, by advocating them. But I want to say
on top of that, that the majority of all earthly politicians and rulers do not really belong to their states and peoples
Well, security, peace and freedom to lead, but only for their personal power and interests
sake and to abuse their high positions. In addition, the same majority of anxiety is afflicted with regard to
other states and peoples, who are expected to be attacked by war, are followed by the angst afflicted
Government officials are constantly pushing for armament of all kinds and for great military power, which
difficult finances that are otherwise used for the benefit of peace, useful progress and effective
the good of the peoples could be used.And further is to say - without me being overbearing or
humiliating allusions or thoughts have - that the majority of the world politically and governmentally
As well as the majority of populations, even though they are considered adults and physically adults, they do
our view and consciousness, reason, intelligence, our knowledge and our sense of responsibility.
All in all, we have an overall behavior that is only apparent in the case of uneducated adolescents
occurs. A real adulthood can not just be given according to age and physical growth,
as this is wrongly understood by the earthly people, but only according to reason, reason, intelligence.
responsibility, and all other necessary factors that are correct, peaceful, liberal
and ensure justice-oriented lifestyle as well as the ability to think, decide and act.
And these are the high values ​​that most of the earthly politicians, rulers and populations lack, which is why
they are incapable of making the right choices and actions in relation to peace, freedom and justice, without
devise bad decisions in the future and accordingly act equally and in the process
imagine that they would do good and good in a well thought-out way, but truthfully misery and misery, strife,
create freedom and injustice. And they do that because they get lost because of misunderstandings, hatred and fear etc.
Compared to other states and people only enmity and violent concepts of violence
create. From this they then raise their voices and carry senseless, fear-filled speeches through which always
and again and again a suggestive and evil enmity-generating talk emerges, whereby the fear of
driven up and ultimately provoked by guns, terror and wars.

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