Friday, December 14, 2018

Origin of Matter

Origin of Matter

By Billy Meier,
July 7th, 1988

If I should now explain it in an interpretive way, which goes beyond the spiritual teaching into physics and which should be understandable, then I must do this as follows:

The Creation flakes, or rather the flakes that were created by the Creation and that formed in the empty space of the Universe, were hydrogen formations, in which all the building blocks or 280 elements of life as well as all matter and gases, etc., which were already created by the Creation, were existent.

These hydrogen formations or hydrogen flakes combined themselves over the course of time into larger masses and condensed themselves to such an extent that incredibly high temperatures arose within their interior and detonated the mass.

These were, if I may say so, the first original supernovae or original supernovas of the growing Material Universe Belt.

Even today, and throughout the entire future of the existence of the Universe, the same still takes place; it’s just that the form of the flakes has changed, because today, these are huge solar structures that explode out of themselves and eject from themselves all elements in the Universe, by what means life and the entire existence of all that exists is guaranteed in a constant growth and decay as well as new emergence.

Through the enormous explosions of the solar structures, which are often many times the size and mass of our Sun, the building blocks of life, all necessary elements, are released and distributed throughout the Universe.

From this, new compounds, gases, neutrinos and so on and so forth are created, which, in turn, form into structures, into galaxies, from which ultimately suns, planets, nebulae, and comets, etc. develop again, and through this, new life also develops again on suitable structures and planets, but this happens more in the outer regions of the galaxies, like, for example, in our spiral galaxy, in which we exist with our solar system in the outer regions of a spiral arm, and to be sure, in the so-called Orion spiral arm.

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