Monday, February 4, 2019

Effects of Electro Magnetism on Birds & Animals ....

Info by Billy Meier .... on Effects of Electro Magnetism on Birds & Animals ....

However, prior to any damage becoming apparent, and due to these dangerous electro-magnetic influences, a person's magnetic sense of orientation is upset and possibly even destroyed soon after.

This magnetic sense, inherent to human beings, animals and insects, has already been largely destroyed within Man on Earth.

For decades now he has been under the steady, greatly enhanced influence of artificial electro-magnetic waves, or rather oscillations, which greatly exceed the normal, planet-related measurements and are generated by Man's own thoughtlessness.

As a consequence, he is now, and has been for some time, incapable of applying and relying on his magnetic sense.

Hence, he can no longer recognize, grasp and perceive many items and events in nature in the manner that animals are able to, although their magnetic sense is increasingly harmed also through the irresponsibility of mankind on Earth.

Birds and animals, for instance, are guided by their magnetic sense during their annual migrations or flights from one region to another when they frequently traverse many thousands of kilometers.

The longer they are exposed to this electromagnetism, the more the magnetic sense of orientation of these migratory animals and birds is upset and causes their death for many of them.

Whales, for instance, lose their orientation and become stranded somewhere on river banks or in the rivers, where they die a terrible death; a situation that is increasingly becoming more common even for other aquatic wildlife forms.

With increasing frequency, herds of many wild animals are losing their sense of orientation because their magnetic sense is upset.

This causes them to flee and plunge, panic-stricken, over cliffs and crevasses to their death, etc.

Thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, as well as other great calamities of nature's elements also produce increased magnetic waves or oscillations.

Animals and birds sense these increased electro-magnetic oscillations and behave accordingly.

They flee or seek sanctuary elsewhere.

The same also applies to Man, and will continue to, for as long as his magnetic sense is unimpaired.

Unfortunately, terrestrial Man lost the use of this capability a long time ago.

The loss can be traced back to his spinelessness, which began very early in his development and continues to advance even now, for he increasingly withdraws from a coexistence with nature and Creation's laws and directives.

As a result, he continues to unlearn many of the things he previously learned.

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