Wednesday, January 16, 2019

CR 710 FB 103

Another lie and slander campaign
also results from the following
Excerpt from the official 710th contact conversation on September 11, 2018
Ptaah ... Then you should exercise caution, but this is true not only in terms of ..., but also
otherwise what I mean to you in connection with the renewed controversy and the impending attacks
have explained. But I have to explain the following to you, but this should not be officially called, if
you call our conversation and write down ... ... ... ... ... But what you should do now, that requires the enlightenment
all FIGU members and the extensive FIGU readership around the world, because I think that they
be wary of these lies and slander campaign against you, the FIGU, all FIGU members and FIGU
friendly-minded, and the FIGU readership must be informed. Next I have to but now with the
new lies and slander campaign based on the lies and slander of your alumni
leads - as, unfortunately, to your younger son - who in a malignant manner
addicted and also acting with lies and untruths ... ..., to bring up the following,
that is related to the earlier worldwide controversy. What happened and arranged at that time
In addition, not everything had to be said openly, but was to be kept so vague that many things only
suggestive or veiled, as well as unrecognizable and the true facts and terms
and so on, had to be explained, expressed, and not called out properly, that had its
certain reasons. And that said different things, explained and only allowed to be pronounced so that, too
certain deliberate misunderstandings arose because of the fact that, on the one hand, because of the already
ongoing worldwide controversy against you and our contacts in the measure of the truth against the truth
not to speak of those strangers, because of them
the dark grouping and the intelligence services that co-ordinated, especially the US, did not recognize the truth. This was necessary to protect you, and there was a special need to protect even then.
These are some of the sneaking machinations with assassinations, as well as all the evil lies,
the reputations, slanderings, falsehoods and all the acts of trespassing that silenced you
should have been brought to be impoverished. Also the insidious actions against you by certain
Secret services, which included you being registered in Switzerland, among others, are in this respect too
As well as the machinations of the at that time in the UFO hysteria integrated so-called Black Men, the
had your daughter in the sights and was only spared the kidnapping because she was fortunate enough to
She ran away from these dark figures and home when she was on her way home from school, like
you know. As we found out in this regard, this dark grouping was out to kidnap your daughter,
to coercively force you to completely hold yourself back, with respect to
contacts, photos and interviews, etc. It should be extensively avoided that you continue to
to the public, as well as that you associate the dark organization with you and our
would mention ren contacts. But as you persevere, the fact of Earth 's presence continues
Strangers did not mention it in our order and we generally talked only about the Giza intelligences.
Because of that, it so happened that the dark organization became meaningful that you and we Plejaren - as we are misleading for
lying and fraudulent contact imitators of all kinds still used the wrong name Pleiades - nothing
had to do with the strangers. Because of this, the dark men were menacingly threatening and harassing
All around UFO observers and solved by evil threats fear and fear, anxiety, fears
and alarm. Nonetheless, the worldwide slanderous controversy has already been against you
which was still nourished by the simplicity, selfishness and stupidity of your former wife
was promoted, which has also led to the malicious falsification of your photos.Even at the present time it is
the case that a new intrigue and controversy against you was started, whereby they again in the
For some time now, the foreground has again been equally simple, vindictive and thoughtless in its own right
Stupidity behaves. And this is what makes them so, by lying, as ever, with lies and slander
against you and with the confused ... ... makes common cause, in his hatred and vengeance
fictitious and disseminated against you filthy lies and slander. In this way, the new intrigue runs
and controversy against you for quite some time on the Internet, as I have stated. This has changed
contemptuously your younger son is also contemptuous of his mother's intrigues, lies, and slander.
let him sink deeply and be tempted to think that he himself is also truth-defying, lying and
slandering and ignoring all morality, honesty and righteousness, all truths go into the dirt.
Consequently, it is so with him, too, that through his mother he is lying and slandering against you.
of course, together with that of nonsensical hatred against you ... ... - and you at the new
He also denigrates the intrigue, controversy and lies-slander campaign.And concerning all this
should we think ...
Billy ... if you think about it ... ..., no, I do not think so, because the man is hurting himself in his primitive
hate stupidity and hate stupidity itself, also because in Germany a group of 36 people him
publicly with name, place of work and home address, etc. wants to pillory.Although I have been able to
prevent ... because ... is psychopathically hateful and belongs in principle to a sanatorium
However, I doubt that he can be helped in such an institution, because
he is probably a lifeless case and because of his stupidity does not realize that he made himself an idiot
Has. To him, just ... ..., just want to say that he is a cheap little employee with a big mouth and revenge.
searches out of doors ... is working in Zurich in ... as ... where he, as I now learn from two persons
who have recently appeared with me and work in the same place as him, as Schleicher, arrogant
and stupid idiot is judged, and that he is a person who does not correspond to what they appear to be
pretend to be and his will. For my part, I can understand that and understand, because his intrigue, he
full of hatred against me clearly proves that his mind, reason and intelligence are very poor
he is also insane and, moreover, is effectively stupid. And his hatred and vengeance against me
he only built, because he does not want to swallow as a fan of Charles Darwin, that monkey bones
has filed to prove his thesis that humans should descend from monkeys. On the other hand, he is very happy
because he does not like us well with his hobby as a fan of Wilhelm Reich in terms of its orgone energy.
and you, Ptaah, have stated exactly that orgone is fundamentally different in nature and use from the realm
falsely claimed and taught. ... ... well, who was a delusional supporter of Reich - who was a Freud student,
who in his sex assessment delusion created his analyzes, prognoses and diagnoses etc. on sexual aspects
- in his Freudian-rich-sexist assessment with you, Ptaah, in the foot, then he walked his
first friendly behavior against you, me and the FIGU, then in hate and vengeance around and tinkers since then
Dirty and primitive machinations in the Internet and at authorities around. The man, so ... ... is obsessed
from his hatred and vengeance, for how else could he fall into revenge and completely?
illogical an intrigue full of lies, discrimination and insults against me, in the public
and on the one hand, on the one hand, with lies told by my erstwhile and my younger son, and on the other
Defamation, as on the other hand, with his own equally invented lies and defamation stories, through sleazy Rufmordallüren to humiliate me and tried to finish. Such a person is after all
Effectively not normal, but disturbed by consciousness and belongs to a patrician interned.
Ptaah As I know from your tone ... ...
Billy Of course, ... ..., but that's all I want to talk about.
True peace can only become on earth among the world's population,
if every sensible and rational man finally violates the first one
Step into it, and then in pacing, take each step further
deliberately and deliberately to the last consequence of the peace getting to do.
SSSC, September 10, 2018, 4:43 pm, Billy

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