Sunday, January 27, 2019

Effects of Taking Too Much Proteins ....

Effects of Taking Too Much Proteins ....

Billy Meier,
11th October 1989

Athletes stuff themselves full of protein products to build muscles, have more strength and be more enduring.

In this regard the body is often supplied with up to three and four grams of protein, whereby especially dairy products and the protein of the eggs play an important role, which is certainly cannot be healthy.

In fact the supply of this kind of protein to the body is harmful to health and can under certain circumstances even lead to death.

Too much protein removes calcium from the bones, making them brittle and fragile.

In particular, larger amounts of milk should be avoided, as latter deprives the body of particularly large amounts of calcium.

Too much protein also damages the kidney function and hence the overall health of the body.
Children of all ages are particularly susceptible with respect to health impairment of various forms caused by milk protein, which is why they should be given as little milk and milk dishes as possible.
Especially small children should not be given milk other than mother's milk and therefore no animal milk.

The daily need for protein in a human being, however, is usually 500 to 1,000 milligrammes per kilogramme of body weight, whereby the need for protein increases with major efforts and is allowed to reach a maximum value of 1,750 milligrammes.
Small children should be placed at the lower limit of the above-mentioned amount, which therefore also means that the need for protein can change according to age, which is why under certain circumstances older human beings, as well as also younger ones, may have a lower protein need.

However, if this is not taken into account, there is a danger of osteoporosis appearing; a condition in which calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase are in the reference range.

CR 230

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