Wednesday, January 16, 2019

CR 711 FB 203

Longer partial excerpt from the official 711th contact conversation of October 8, 2018 
Billy ... ... But now I want to talk about what's going on ... ... because he's still doing greasy work.
to vilify me through lies and slander, including through letters to authorities.
The heart of what I have to say is this: Already in our last conversation on 11 Sep-
tember I said concerning ... ...:
... quite a bit, because the man harms himself in his primitive hate stupidity and hate-dumbness, too
because, in Germany, a group of 36 people in the public with name, place of work and home address, etc.
wants to put in the pillory. Although I have been able to prevent this so far, because ... ... is psychopathic hate
and basically belongs to a mental institution for those who are disturbed in their consciousness, but I doubt that he would
can be helped in such an institution, because he is probably a lifeless case and because of his stupidity
does not realize that he made himself an idiot. To him, just ... ..., just want to say that he is a cheaper one
a small showman with a big mouth and a vile of revenge ... ... is working in Zurich in the ... as ... where
He, as I have now learned from two persons who have recently appeared with me and work in the same place.
as he is judged to be a Schleicher, arrogant know-it-all and stupid jerk, and that he is a person
which does not correspond to what she pretends to be and wants to be. For my part, I can understand that
and understand, because his intrigue, which he hatred against me, clearly proves that his mind,
his reason and intelligence are very deficient, he is also incompetent and also effectively stupid. And
His hate and vindictiveness against me he has only built because he on the one hand as a fan of Charles Darwin not
wants to swallow that this fraudulently filed monkey bones, to prove his thesis that the
Man should descend from the monkey.On the other hand, he is frustrated because, with his hobby as a fan of
Regarding its orgone energy has not arrived well with us and you, Ptaah have explained exactly the orgone
is fundamentally different in nature and use, as Reich falsely claimed and taught.... ... well, who was delusional
A supporter of Reich - who was a Freud disciple, his analyzes, prognoses, in his sex assessment delusion
and diagnoses etc. based on sexual aspects - in his Freudian-rich-sexist assessment
you, Ptaah, kicked, he turned his first friendly behavior against you, me and the FIGU in
Hatred and vengeance around and tinkers since then with dirty and primitive machinations in the Internet and at
Authorities around. The man, so ... ..., is obsessed with his hatred and vengeance, because how would it be
otherwise that he could succumb to a vindictiveness and utterly illogical an intrigue full of lies, discrimination and
Insults against me, both in public and in public offices, whereby on the one hand he
One of the beginners and my younger son told lies and defamations, as well as with himself
equally well thought-out lies and slanderous stories, to degrade me by greasy call-salling
trying to get ready. Such a person is effectively not normal, but consciously disturbed
and is interned in a pat worm. But I have a little more to say about that, which I specifically mention.
wants to, because in the center of what I have to say, the following:
In general, above all, the question must be asked, where earthly humanity actually controls,
and what it's all about. All the attention and diligence that the members of FIGU and me
has attracted the hatred of various adversaries, various religious and confused ... ... because they,
just as ... ..., the effective reality and its truth neither want to perceive nor accept.Gros
This hatred and vindictiveness now, as already explained, has been practiced for quite some time now by the psychopathic
in Zurich ... ... ... works. That's why he has built up hatred and vengeance because you, Ptaah, and I are not
willing to serve him slinkily by doing his hobby in relation to his sexbehangenen
Orgone delusion, which he has taken over from Wilhelm Reich, no consequence and also the true history of the
Darwin in relation to the re-filing of monkey bones have called. Full of hatred and revenge.
He glibs me, as well as the FIGU and FIGU members, therefore in the Internet and authorities vicious with lies and
Slander, in which he tries again and again, with sleazy lies and defamation, which he from similar
or similar lies and slander of my against me also for years vicious minded ex and
also by my younger son zusammenwurstelt. And this is also borne out by three ex-party dissatisfied
members who failed to realize their desired power claims in the FIGU despite decades of membership.
because the entire core group did not agree.
But now ... ... do not get tired, me via Internet worldwide as a sect guru, liars, cheaters, women abusers, money
greedy and exploiters, etc. to scold and me, my work and credibility pathetic and levelless in
to slander his slander. So he portrays me on the internet and at government agencies as people who
In addition to other evil and inhuman acts allegedly also shamelessly sex-abused women abuse and
thereby plunging them into misfortune and even driving them into suicide. But that means - even if it is natural
did not mention words in this regard - that his libelous and slanderous
authorities and on the internet, to give the readership the impression that I am an unscrupulous monster,
vulgar, cowardly, calloused, reprehensible, despicable, wicked, perfidious, shameless, vile and unscrupulous
etc., as can be seen from the following excerpts from his writing computer, which he stupidly stupidly
wrote primitive, intelligenceless, lying and slanderous to authorities:
Copies excerpts; Beginning:
To be called life. The originally active media interest in him has been more or less for years
lame, but the explosiveness of his claims continues unabated, ...>
more out of the search for meaning shamelessly capitalized on life.Numerous people, in particular
also sexually exploited women, were plunged into misfortune by the unscrupulousness of Meier, which even up to
Cases of suicide led. Even entire families were torn apart under his manipulative influence!
Given these facts, it is obvious that the truth about this man as far as the public
should be made known
independent sources such as is confirmed, Meier's overwhelming
Interests in lying to and deceiving one's followers and the public
as hard as the lives of those who dare to criticize his claims and machinations
to do, if not destroy. If desired, I can give you affidavits from those affected,
whose lives have been severely affected by Meier's inhuman treatment, as well as his intrigues and slander
add. What others have experienced with Meier, I can also confirm from my own experience, by using his hair
annoying comments on my (notably unnamed) person in his publications
hey, ...>
<... ... The problem now is that Eduard Meier is decidedly against my efforts to educate about his
Person puts. After I offered him, in my project his view of things with a possible counter-representation
I received on 7.2.18 an expected cancellation, in which Mr. Meier simply calls me a liar
(see Appendix 3). About a month later, on 10.3.18 , followed in one of the bulletins of the FIGU, time sign No. 89,
so to speak, a preventive strike against my project ... .... It is the extract from a so-called
Contact with Ptaah, Eduard Meier's most important extraterrestrial contact. The content of this alleged
Contact extract undoubtedly casts a striking light on the questionable character of Eduard Meier ... .... To-
I hope to be able to make credible that here, too, because of the sectarian problem a legitimate
public interest, which would additionally justify an announcement. For in-depth explanation for
I add the following explanations to a public interest in the education of the person of Eduard Meier
show that the FIGU is there on various occasions the subject of inquiries (partly by seekers themselves), the on
to point out the obvious sectarian character of the club. Again, for reasons of consumer
Thus, there is certainly a public interest in the education of the person of Eduard Meier
If you need further information on my project, I am at your disposal. Except-
I would like to know ...>
<... ... As part of my personal research to the alleged UFO contact artist 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier received
me the information, .... In addition, you might also have material to ... ..., a longtime trailer
Billy Meiers ..., ... .... I have been intensively involved in a reconnaissance project about Billy Meier, like himself, for over a year now
commonly called, and his association FIGU (Freedom Community for Border and Humanities and
Ufology studies). I think of the results of my research and analysis on my own
Publish website. In the course of my archival research, I'm in ... ... both to the person of Eduard Albert Meier
as well as to ... ... ... ... It is in Billy Meier's story to the most sensational
and the most extensively documented case of UFO research. Even after more than 40 years, since Billy Meier's gang
the public in January 1975, the case is controversial and still unclear. It prevails
all lack of independent witness and evidence. The ... ... about Eduard Albert Meier and ... ... could
contain valuable information material and thus decisively promote the clarification of the case. Moreover, it is
in the FIGU contrary to the pretense of freedom and self-thinking after own experience completely
clearly a sect-like, indoctrination, and no criticism-tolerant organization that has been manipulated by the manipulative authority.
Meiers is headed. It is obvious that Meier dogmatic with his followers by him
So-called spiritual teaching spread an independent thinking and the independent opinion formation suppressed.
In addition, based on my previous research clearly demonstrated that Meier in his guru-like
Position the credulity of his followers unscrupulously exploits and his machinations dominant of sex,
Money and power interests are directed.An example that provides an incomparable insight into the disturbed personalities
Billy Meiers is his desperate attempt to tell me about his person and mis-
to discredit the Commission ... ...> etc.
Copies excerpts, end
What is behind now hides, we have talked about that before, because there
it is about the internet with lies and slander to destroy me and the FIGU
tries, as Kal Korff tried for the same reason and now ... with Lug and
Trug tried, as ever, my vengeful and hypocritical EX plays along, as well as my younger
Son, who used to work with editor-in-chief Michael Hesemann at a UFO conference in Laughlin / USA
and in the 2000 MAGAZINE openly said the effective truth and also talked about it in the internet, what the
Accuracy and truth of my contacts, etc. was, is, and is true. He also pulls in already in high
Passive member from Winterthur in the dirt for years, namely ... ... Later then, as my younger
Son, who had distanced himself from his mother for the first time and, as a result of
rightfulness and wrongdoing out of the order of proper behavior, fundamental for many years
did not want to know anything about his mother, but was eventually recaptured by his mother than she was
Imagine that I and the FIGU members were guilty, he got along with her again
(because of financally reasons). So he changed his mind again and since then insults me in that way
not his mother, but me and the FIGU members treated him miserably in his childhood.
And that with his in collaboration with my ex and just
also working with my younger son with lies and slander hateful, that is based in that
At his request, I did not agree to work with him and give him an answer for
his plans to stand so he big as could have stood there. Also Kal Korff built
hatred for me, but that happened when he was a teenager from the USA with Wendelle
Stevens wanted to come to me, but what he had to be denied by any US law, what to hate
against me and he consequently followed viciously with suspicions, lies and slander against me everywhere
began to work. And so does this ... ... just because Ptaah and I were not willing to give it to him
to officiate in the relationship to Empire, to confirm its realm hobby as correct, just that we
A correctness of the rich orgone sex fantasy should have been correct.
Ptaah That an Earthman degenerates in this primitive way - that's what I really have to do with the term
use, as you do in such cases - I have been able to do that before and I can not
hen. Since you have recently judged the man as a psychopath, I felt compelled to ascertain whether your judgment
That's why I've tried to care for his person and realized that you are his inner psychotic
Being properly judged. For my part, I have diagnosed the following at ... ...:
... ... is undoubtedly a psychopath whose personality trait consists of various very negative character traits
properties. Being psychiatrically educated, I am absolutely predestined to be psychopathic.
correctly diagnose and assess the condition of this delusional man,
He is driven by pathological self-confidence and by a very strong selfishness and his few
good abilities in the mass exaggerates, which, however, by his fellow people very negative in terms of
an assessment of his person. So what confirms that it was through employees, as you mentioned, as
Schleicher and so on. In the delusion of his psychopathy, it is impossible for him to immerse himself in the emotional world of a fellow
to empathize with people because, in principle, his interests are unique to his own needs.
But he seeks to achieve these self-needs by using psychic violence,
namely, by his acting in relation to a false interest in the other people this
suggestively manipulated to his senses.However, if someone does not agree, contradict or tell him
Truth, then he considers this as an attack on his person or his actions, etc., on the other hand, he reacts with hatred.
greed, as well as with thoughts and behaviors in a vindictive manner, and because he has no control whatsoever
With regard to reason and reason, it is very quickly lost, which also disturbs his intelligence, which is disturbing
On the one hand, he is seriously lacking, but on the other, he understands and understands the little that he possesses in this respect.
nunftmässig can not be used. As a delusional psychopath, he can become uncontrollable from a moment
On the other hand, he is also in a different mood, which makes him extremely active in this way, and so does him
Lies and defamation are always present, which he upholds in his morbid ambition and against everyone
Resistance advocates when it comes to achieving its goals.
Billy Similarly, my assessment was not as profound as your diagnosis and assessment.
division. But I think the stupidity and all the factors of psychopathy of ... are so deep-seated that
he will not understand what is really a fact in his case.
Ptaah That will be so because there is no doubt that he is equally incapable of self-judgment,
as he also can not recognize which psychopathic symptoms he suffers.
Billy So basically a deplorable psychopathic madman, to whom I will not oppose,
because how can you help a madman if he is not even able to take on something sensible and reasonable?
and consequently unable to think about themselves about relevant facts, because
it also hapers at the intelligence. So I will behave accordingly and do nothing against him.
The man is obviously extremely fickle and not master of his own senses, as he is not a personal
Opinion, judgment and judgment ability has and therefore simply listen to other people and their opinion
talking about. And besides, he is a person who can not control his own thoughts and feelings, but these
run wild and can be whirled around, why then everything in him made confused to a tattered structure
So it is very clear that he is dependent on very short lived momentary moods that he has with the
Sex Therapy Theory has taken over by Sigmund Freud and his pupil Wilhelm Reich and constantly in itself
slaughtered itself in order to incite and misjudge its environment. He uses the rich Sexualana
Lytik in a fanatical way and judges on the one hand the fellow human beings after this from Freud and Reich inherited
Sex therapy theory. That proved to be true even then, when he came to the center and contacted us, after
he has just written various fonts and books from my pen in connection with his daily work in his
Got hands and then later, after about a year, hateful in his psychopathic
vengeance against the FIGU and its abusing me for his purposes and still does today. ber-
nadette and I first talked to him for about two hours, if at all
Entertainment, because usually he just talked and dressed everything and everything in his sex analytics,
As a result, only he was the great orator and entertainer, whose overriding topic is sexual in nature
was. But further it has to be said that he is undoubtedly disturbed, often and uncontrollably, like he
clearly has the most serious memory problems and a morally and mentally disturbed inner world,
because how else would it be that he once rises to the highest sacred heights and rejoices,
the same, however, if his wishes in relation to his hobbies and views, staggering opinions and
his fanatical behavior is not met, full of hate, revenge and vicious, lying and slandering absolutely
reacts in a counteractive manner. And that stands with the recent lie and slander campaign against me
Whole of ... ... in a very strange light of his despair, because his actions are based solely in psychopathic
Hatred and in an equally psychopathic need for revenge and behaviors that he does not
can satisfy. And that is an indisputable fact that can be proved in black and white, because
against all the sleazy lies, even invented accusations and slander, which he has been around for a while
Disseminated at offices in Switzerland and the Internet and he allegedly by oath testimony
wants to prove, because in FIGU bulletins of the man - who is really regretful of his stupidity - around
published the following appraisals regarding the FIGU and my person for three years, before the matter
happened that he was told the truth about Darwin and did not ask Ptaah for further questions
Fund of the matter with Wilhelm Reich and its sexual-orgone theory was received. That is why he is today acting
art by calling me a liar, exploiter, sexist and greedy for money, etc. and also calling me a cult guru
Wants to bring disrepute, what to him my ex and my younger son with the same lies and slander and so on
To provide assistance. So ... ... wrote the following, among other things, which was then also published and whose appraisal
mentions, etc. exactly the same as the lies, allegations and slander that he spreads today to me
to push in the ground and make me impossible to make. And he does that, although he is in front of
time completely different words used and a completely different presentation in relation to me and the FIGU presented,
as the following excerpts of his writings and articles prove by which he punishes himself liars and slanderers
and deprived of his own credibility, but what he did in his wretchedness, ridiculousness and stupidity
neither will recognize nor understand:
Letter copy beginning:
Dear Bernadette
The picture is well taken and shows Billy in his manifold humanity (Note Billy: Picture shows a likeness of Eva and me).
Thank you very much! Unfortunately, I could not greet Eva personally, but maybe that can be done later.
First of all, yesterday I enjoyed the natural and warm atmosphere of the center.What are you doing in years
have built up a long hard work and cherishes and maintains is simply phenomenal! That's why I would you
always happy to visit. But then it was especially the closer encounter with you and Billy, the me
deeply touched by your open and direct nature. Beyond the purely personal aspects, in the course of the
factually, an important distinction has now become clear: Billy has
convincingly emphasized the importance of the mass suitability of his writings and those of FIGU. It is
therefore understandable, if he does not want to disturb the integrity of the spiritual teaching by contextual foreign elements and
with academic and perhaps intellectually pompous additions . It therefore seems necessary to
to drive double-railed by the circles with their claims just drive their own track.
(Incidentally, the traditional academic world and cold intellectualism are an abomination anyway.)
But even, the should be operated with advantage, which is why I with my efforts
try to jump into the notch here.
The personal encounter with Billy has the image of his writings and his appearances in films and interviews
convey, fully confirmed. In his capacity as a he fulfills the most important
The task of a , which is exactly the opposite of .Mass psychology teaches us
over and over again, that the masses always by the appropriate, their misguided claims and
Desire to influence and direct appropriate leaders. Billy embodies in his cha-
rismatic charisma and in the thing he lives on, involuntarily a who does not respect people
but by inspiring them through the model of his life and
fourth. In this sense, he fulfills exactly those conditions that according to the kingdom in his book Christusmord den
Defining :
"The New Leader will be comforted by his conviction that truth and that which is
People is beneficial, will necessarily prevail, even if only in a million years. He will
continue to do nothing for the people, but just do his job, a good job. He will become the people himself
save yourself. He will know that no one can do that for her. He will simply live ahead of men
and let them decide whether to join him or not. He will be more counselor than leader. A mountain guide
He also only tells you how to safely reach a summit; he does not determine which mountain the hiker is going to
will be. The new leader may already lead a whole world without him knowing or without it
the world is aware of being led by this guide. Christ was such a leader. The way in which the
New leaders are alive, their ideas, their behavior and their goals can already reach far into the public consciousness.
without anyone even noticing. He may even go through for distortions of his teaching
others are accused or misdeeds that he has never advocated. He feels responsible, not for
people, but for what is going on in the world, just as every citizen of the world cares for the world events
feels responsibly. This too is a hallmark of the New Leadership: the sense of responsibility of every citizen
gers of the world for everything that happens in the world, even in their most distant parts. The nagging, condescending
de, slanderous, jokes ripping, pornographic empty sack of an irresponsible citizen of a free
Land belongs to the past, that's for sure. »(Wilhelm Reich: Olten 1978, p. 376 f.) Ir-
In any case, it is not entirely right for Billy Ptaah to make a quasi pretext. On the other hand,
It was quite interesting in this "smart-headed" approach to the earthly circles of the Plejaren
be to learn from the of purely earthly origin or to learn more. How
says I do not want to claim any extra scrutiny here, but I mean that in this
knowledgeable could benefit. Of course, the time yesterday was not enough to clarify all questions. And like that
And so, new questions arise from the old questions ... Of course, I would be glad if we could
Occasionally, conversations could continue at a reunion. And in between, yes, one time is enough
short exchange of ideas via e-mail.Unfortunately, yesterday I was no longer in the fire of the conversation with Billy.
come to have a few words with Elisabeth too. But that too can be made up for someday. I let
In any case, greet her warmly.
I'm curious about the things that will come out (hopefully) from Billy's next contact.
All the best and love Giessen also to Billy ... ..., Switzerland
Letter end
Article copy beginning:
Introductory words of the author to
The following article was written by me as ... ... ... .... Its content, however, is aimed at any potentially
interested reader. The subject gave me the opportunity to listen to some of mine at the same time
to draw attention to: Wilhelm Reich, Max Stirner and, a bit knocked off, Karl Marx.But everything was possible
quite well to process a cast. As was to be feared, the article was then submitted by the responsible
Editorial on flimsy grounds promptly rejected. The real reasons for this dissipation can be seen
Last but not least, the negative decision reflects precisely the mass character of the social consensus that exists in the
Text both openly and implicitly stands in the pillory. No wonder, then, if this thought gourmandise bad
is goutiert. It is especially thoughtful that it is precisely a library that has institutional education and training
Knowledge cache per se, closes here the free opinion. The was from the beginning
due to the unhealthy lack of appetite of its targeted readers predestined to be a pipecutter. (Nevertheless
It was worth the try, especially as the FIGU then jumped into the gap, so to speak.) The whole affair confirmed in
The little ones, which on a larger scale are becoming more and more fatal: the totalitarian tendency of a dictatorship of opinion. Always more
Let us approach conditions that recall - in the broadest sense - or times and both
paradoxically as well as sensibly under the pretext of a decided defense of the same are sought. A
new form of fascist thinking, an equal leveling under a pseudo-liberal banner, threatens the
Individual people to level sometimes moderately adjusted unit people. The main perpetrators of an indifferent mass, who get along with the ancestral perpetration of an ideologically driven pseudoelite
As a result of scary developments of this kind, as always, the tip of the coin
ge. Opinion dictatorship and the associated pseudo-liberal tendencies form only the tip of the iceberg -
underneath, in the deeper biological layers, lies what I have said in the text according to Wilhelm Reich with It all boils down to the fact that humans have their biological - "creative-natural" - reality
When I sent the article to the FIGU for review before submitting it to ... ... ... ..., it was
greeted not only with appreciative wordsdespite the critical undertone, but also as a possible enrichment
for one proposed in the future edition of the FIGU Special Bulletin. I am therefore all the more
delighted when my controversial thought-seed still finds a worthy audience. Thank you
very much to the entire FIGU, but especially to Bernadette Brand and Billy. - ... ... / Switzerland
Article copy End
Article copy Start:
Things to come
The distant future is written in the Zurich Oberland
Love, work and knowledge are the sources of our lives. You should also determine it.
Wilhelm Reich
Andrea (February 17, 2017) and Billy with Squirrel
Text: Oct. 2018, Billy
In ... ... ... ... "slumbers" the (almost) complete literature of the Free Interest Community for Border and Spirit -
Sciences and Ufology Studies (FIGU), which is based in Schmidrüti (more exactly Hinterschmidrüti), a hamlet of Turbenthal,
and humbly, apparently inconspicuously, seeks to spread the 'silent revolution of truth'.
The outward appearances are deceptively deceptive: although the programmatic tenor of the association revolves around the relevant
conceptual world of frontier sciences and esotericism, an unbiased examination quickly reveals
that the spontaneous sect suspicion is wrong, because behind the FIGU is a lot more than supposedly
esoteric Kokolores.
The purpose of the association is the dissemination of the more than 9.6 billion years old, supposedly first written written
spiritual doctrine, the Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM), the specially selected for this mission Age>, via physical and telepathic contacts with the extraterrestrial Plejaren and so-called Reingeistebenen
mediated respectively has been transmitted and supplemented by his own additions.
But before you risk a heart attack in a fit of laughter, or hand-shaking and shaking your head
throws a closer, genuinely skeptical view of the case could well be worthwhile. For example,
the volume Photo-Inventarium (3) provides a wealth of very thought-provoking empirical evidence and circumstantial evidence that
can not be denied with the best will. For example, the documentary Contact (1982) (4) is a
sensational one in this respect. Once one is familiar with the objective state of affairs
, the innumerable attempts circulated in to accuse Billy of fraud, forgery and charlatanry can be overshadowed
. However, many concerns are based purely on facts, can not be verified,
In other words, they draw their empirical testimony and, deductively deduced from the available empirical data
, are not able to provide certainty, but are nevertheless relatively convincing. According to this state of knowledge, there
remains a certain residual doubt, but this does not rule out that the phenomenon is most
likely to correspond to the truth. Interestingly, it always happens to me that, in spite of this
critically restrictive conclusion, I ignore this residual doubt as a matter of course, because the whole building of this
phenomenon is intuitively and spontaneously built on a firm foundation, built solidly from a single source, quite plausibly.
seems. My objections are therefore rather of a philosophical and psychological nature and apply to the spiritual doctrine,
whose ideological or religious problem I can only touch on this occasion.
At its core, spiritual teaching describes how one
aligns one's thoughts, feelings and actions with 'creatively- natural laws and commandments'. The more consistently this happens, the more accelerated is the evolutionary process of the spirit-form, which animates the body over innumerable incarnations, and represents a tiny
part of the spirit of creation. As soon as the spirit form has perfected itself into a pure-minded form, it gives its own
Incarnation, evolves and finally merges into its goal of creation.
Obviously, the cosmic yearning of the Unification Mystic is fulfilled here, whereby this
sympathetically does not take place with a purely anthropomorphic creator god, but with the anonymous,
sexless and yet involuntarily feminine connotated creation. (5)
The abstract-philosophical description of the cosmic longing stands in no comparison to its artistic
representation. What defines art is that it brings us into contact with our core of life. (It shows
how little real art there is.) If art at its deepest moments
can contact our inner life with the utmost of emotional violence, then it has also
fulfilled its special, cathartic purpose.
Perhaps the most important emotion after lust, longing, is
exemplified by Gustav Mahler's Eighth Symphony , thanks to the high emotional impact of music, for example. (6) Or one
Example from the emotionally equally powerful suggestive world of film: I am not aware of a second film that
communicates the fulfillment of cosmic longing in such a touching way as in the
end of the movie The Elephant Man (USA 1980, David Lynch ) (Signature: DVD Vid 1064) is the case.
In general, this film is a cinematic stroke of luck, because here it is possible
to tell a dramatically particularly gratefulPassion story rarely insistently and sensitively cinematic adequately. Great art!
What makes spiritual teaching special fascination is its physical-energetic - spiritual basis
and the propagation of a life secundum naturam. However, the meaning of is
dubious in this context insofar as it moves within the escapist limits of those creative-natural laws and
precepts that defined a feared extraterrestrial humanity from time immemorial.
Then as now, humans of the conditio humana and of mortality, in particular, try to deal with the metaphysical
need and their own irrational (religious) search for meaning. The both
spiritual and rejoining reli- gious spiritual doctrine jumps here into a gap beyond the tradi-
institutional and institutional religion as well as the private religious special way. He who
lives in trusting, self- reliant devotion to the creative-natural laws and commandments is
sure of the salvation of love, peace, freedom and harmony. Everything that craves the cosmic longing is ultimately fulfilled in the maternal womb of
creation. You could not wish for a better promise of salvation. Christian soteriology,
on the other hand, looks paltry.
In many cases, the literature of FIGU presents itself as a panopticon of the paranormal. Practically the whole catalog of
the finds its way into it - and often also a plausible explanation that one can not find anywhere else
examined. In particular, the Pleiadian-Pleiard contact reports (signature: GGN10750 : 1-13) are sometimes
pakkender, almost cinematic drama and sometimes seduce to an incomparable expedition into the world
of the unknown in our star system of the Plejaren native people of the same name (7) which technically
leads us by around 12,000 years and, consciously or by evolution, by an amazing 20 to 30
million years ahead.
Highly interesting would be a critical assessment of spiritual teaching against the background of Wilhelm Reich's orgonomy
and Max Stirner's philosophical egoism. (8) These two (para) philosophical nerds are due to
of their radically emancipatory thinking as the philosophical non-person of their respective century, because they had the
Enlightenment their mechano-mystical direction correct the (largely ignored) perfection fed.
At this point I would also like to break a lance for a "third party in the league": Karl Marx. Both historical
and dialectical materialism, and the still most profound analysis of capitalism, the most
complicated, sophisticated, and perfidious ideology of all time, have
been ignominiously trapped in the wake of the failed socialism experiments of the twentieth century. The lesson of the Red Holocaust, the largest
social catastrophe of the known history, but should
stand in the way of a Marx-Renaissance,which is urgently needed today and which is oriented towards the Egners of the Fénerz and the working-democratic model of Wilhelm Reich . (9)
With the philosophical pariahs Stirner and Reich and the Marx (Engels inkl.) I
managed to smuggle a touch of healthy subversion into this reading appetizer. Joy prevails!
If the silent-revolutionary mission of Billy and the FIGU should prove to be true (and nothing speaks
against it seriously ), one could, without exaggeration casually expressed
, speak of the greatest sensation of all time - the historical non plus ultra. Even the talk of a "second Copernican revolution" would still be undermined
, because this is the turn of events that is supposed to take hold in less than 800 years
should. (10) The rejection, the hypocrisy and indifference to this turnaround is
practically universal only because the habitual world view or simply the comfortable life of a
humanity sitting on the spot would be almost completely thrown off track. To-day, objectively critical
, Billy's and FIGU's mission stands on the foundation of credibility, and it seems that
in the long run, no one can seriously ignore the fact of this burgeoning and one-time flourishing revolution
One could wish for
nothing but better our inexorably shattered time, whose people are alienated from their biological reality - the grace and goodness of the core of life (the "creation" in man) - in contactlessness
, as a turning point that treads the "natural" path. Nonetheless, a dystopian
delusion is mixed into this utopia : in view of the unprecedented scientific and intellectual achievements of the naturalist
Wilhelm Reich, it is in my opinion justifiable to recognize in him the greatest visionary of the (at least earthly) history of ideas
. especially since he always leads the way with the radically biological primacy of his teaching and his inheritance
For that very reason, paradoxically (or more meaningfully) never will bear the fruit offered, because the future of the
version seems to belong to this doctrine.
Still, given this sad perspective, all I can hope for is that humanity will take on the spiritual education
before its massively overpopulated and dying planet - this pulsing, originally
paradisiacal jewel of life in the cold Universe - under the weight their destructive act
finally collapses. The history of this catastrophe, this slaughterhouse planet (11), and the
responsible seemingly insurmountable neurotic mass structure of a therapy-resistant humanity
meanwhile, a deep anthropological pessimism the word and let hopeless hope shrink.
Like Stirner in his infamous hostile killer, I dismiss the present thought-seed with an
appeal to self- thinking : "Do what you want and can with it, that's your business and I do not care."
Article copy Ende ... ..., Switzerland
Ptaah This all really shows what you have said to me recently about this man with the words, namely, in what
subdued mind, what inferior reason and what lack of intelligence this man is ... ....
But what you should do again is that of a further and continuing enlightenment towards all
FIGU members, the FIGU and you friendly-minded and the extensive worldwide high numeric
FIGU readership. To all the recent lies and slander of this ... ... who is crazy and confused,
I must say, it has become inevitable that all
the machinations against you in this lie and slander campaign will be stupid
To make known psychopathically ill people worldwide, so that all FIGU members and all the FIGU friendly and the
other world-wide FIGU readership are informed.
Billy If you think that's right, good and necessary, then I'll do it and I'll put something together,
but I really do not like to do it, because such an erroneous and confused person with a sense of ill health can
not be helped if his idiocy is called open, because he is too stupid and stupid
to recognize his own personal inferiority.But if I think about it for a minute, then ..., yes, I
could perhaps put it into words and say something, for example, if I choose the following title and write a few things, and then
attach the necessary information

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